def __init__(self, symbols): self.ts = TimeSeries(key="84WDI082Z0HOREL6", output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') sns.set() self.MEAN_ERROR = 0.1 self.symbols = symbols self.stocks_data = None self.retrieve_stock_values() self.low_risk_range = (0, 10) self.medium_risk_range = (10, 20) self.high_risk_range = (20, 999)
def __init__(self, api_key): self.ts = TimeSeries(key=api_key, output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') = CryptoCurrencies(key=api_key, output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') self.nasdaq_stockfile = f'{self.stock_filename}-{datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y%m%d")}.csv' self.stocks = [] os.makedirs("stock_estimations", exist_ok=True) self._download_nasdaq_stocks() with open(self.nasdaq_stockfile, "r") as file: csv_content = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(csv_content, None) for row in csv_content: row = list(filter(None, row)) self.stocks.append(Stock.from_nasdaq(row))
class StockDatabase(object): """Download all the available values of known stock""" nasdaq_url = "" stock_filename = "stock_estimations/companylist" def __init__(self, api_key): self.ts = TimeSeries(key=api_key, output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') = CryptoCurrencies(key=api_key, output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') self.nasdaq_stockfile = f'{self.stock_filename}-{datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y%m%d")}.csv' self.stocks = [] os.makedirs("stock_estimations", exist_ok=True) self._download_nasdaq_stocks() with open(self.nasdaq_stockfile, "r") as file: csv_content = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') next(csv_content, None) for row in csv_content: row = list(filter(None, row)) self.stocks.append(Stock.from_nasdaq(row)) def generate_stock_history(self, stock, time_series="day", output_size="full", interval=None, is_crypto=False): if time_series == "intraday": data, _ = self.ts.get_intraday(symbol=stock.symbol, outputsize=output_size, interval=interval) if not is_crypto else, output_size=output_size) if time_series == "day": data, _ = self.ts.get_daily(symbol=stock.symbol, outputsize=output_size) if not is_crypto else, market="USD") if time_series == "week": data, _ = self.ts.get_weekly(symbol=stock.symbol) if not is_crypto else, market="USD") if time_series == "month": data, _ = self.ts.get_monthly(symbol=stock.symbol) if not is_crypto else, market="USD") directory = f'stock_estimations/{stock.symbol}/{"%d-%m-%Y")}' filename = f'{directory}/{stock.symbol}-prices.csv' Path(directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(filename, 'w+') as out: for index, row in data.iterrows(): out.write(f'{index.replace("-", "")},{row.iloc[0]}\n') return filename def _download_nasdaq_stocks(self): yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) yesterday_file = f'{self.stock_filename}-{yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.csv' if os.path.exists(yesterday_file): os.remove(yesterday_file) if os.path.exists(self.nasdaq_stockfile): return else: urllib.request.urlretrieve(self.nasdaq_url, self.nasdaq_stockfile)
class SuggestionEngine(object): """ Basic suggestion using stock volatility and mean returns """ def __init__(self, symbols): self.ts = TimeSeries(key="84WDI082Z0HOREL6", output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') sns.set() self.MEAN_ERROR = 0.1 self.symbols = symbols self.stocks_data = None self.retrieve_stock_values() self.low_risk_range = (0, 10) self.medium_risk_range = (10, 20) self.high_risk_range = (20, 999) def suggest(self): """ Suggest a stock :return: """ if self.stocks_data.empty: self.retrieve_stock_values() returns = self.stocks_data.pct_change() mean_daily_returns = returns.mean() # volatilities = returns.std() # combine = pd.DataFrame({'retour': mean_daily_returns * 252, 'volatilite du stock': volatilities * 252}) ret = { "buy": { "low": [], "medium": [], "high": [] }, "sell": [], "result": None } x = combine["volatilite du stock"].values[:, np.newaxis] y = combine["retour"].values model = LinearRegression(), y) linear_reg = model.predict(x) # y = ax + b combine["Distance"] = y - linear_reg # g = sns.jointplot("volatilite du stock", "retour", data=combine, kind="reg", height=7) for i in range(combine.shape[0]): # Under linear regression if combine.iloc[i, 2] - self.MEAN_ERROR > 0: ret["sell"].append(self.symbols[i]) else: # Check risk threshold risk = combine.iloc[i, 1] if self.low_risk_range[0] <= risk <= self.low_risk_range[1]: ret["buy"]["low"].append(self.symbols[i]) elif self.medium_risk_range[0] <= risk <= self.medium_risk_range[1]: ret["buy"]["medium"].append(self.symbols[i]) else: ret["buy"]["high"].append(self.symbols[i]) plt.annotate(self.symbols[i], (combine.iloc[i, 1], combine.iloc[i, 0])) filename = f'{next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())}-plot.png' plt.savefig(filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as image_file: ret["result"] = base64.b64encode('utf-8') print(ret) os.remove(filename) return ret def retrieve_stock_values(self): """ Retrieve stocks values using AlphaVantage wrapper Limit to MAX_STOCKS stocks name at a time :return: """ filenames = [] for symbol in self.symbols: data, _ = self.ts.get_daily(symbol=symbol, outputsize="full") filename = f'{next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())}.csv' filenames.append(filename) data.to_csv(path_or_buf=filename) dfs = [pd.read_csv(file)[['date', '4. close']] for file in filenames] self.stocks_data = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on='date'), dfs).iloc[:, 1:] [os.remove(f) for f in filenames] return True
def testTradingReloadSavedSimulateSmallInventory(self): """ Test trading by loading data from a user for multiple days User have a small inventory """ symbol = "AAPL" user = User(None) start_capital = 1500 model = None # Create a fake user email = f"{''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=10))}" password = ''.join( random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=10)) user.create_user("Test", "Test", email, password) user.login(email, password) self.assertIsNotNone(user.bearer, "Couldn't connect as fake user on API") print(f"[*] Testing for user '{email}' with password '{password}'") # User has 1500 invested and 1500 available self.assertTrue(user.update_balance(start_capital)) self.assertTrue(user.update_invested_balance(start_capital)) self.assertEqual(0, user.balance, "User balance wasn't updated properly") self.assertEqual(start_capital, user.invested_balance, "User invested balance wasn't updated properly") # Load model save_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "trade_model.pkl") with open(save_file, "rb") as model_file: model = pickle.load(model_file) self.assertIsNotNone(model, "Couldn't load sklearn model") print("[+] Model loaded !") ts = TimeSeries(API_KEY, output_format="pandas") data, _ = ts.get_daily(symbol=symbol, outputsize="full") self.assertIsNotNone(data, "Couldn't retrieve data from AlphaVantage") parameters = [data['4. close'].tolist(), data['5. volume'].tolist()] minmax = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(100, 200)).fit(np.array(parameters).T) trend = data['4. close'].tolist() scaled_parameters = minmax.transform(np.array(parameters).T).T.tolist() agent = TradingAgent(model, timeseries=scaled_parameters, real_trend=trend, minmax=minmax, symbol=symbol) # User has a small inventory on said stock stock_price = data.iloc[0:-120].tail(1)["4. close"].tolist()[0] print(f"Stock {symbol} worth {stock_price}/ea") user.update_balance(start_capital + (stock_price * 2)) user.update_invested_balance(start_capital + (stock_price * 2)) user.update_inventory(symbol, 2, stock_price, "buy") # Load user inventory and balance -120 agent.load_user_info(user) print("[+] User info loaded !") # Feed 20 days from 100 days ago (so D-120 to D-100) agent.load_window(data.iloc[0:-120]) # Run actions from 100 days to today data = data.tail(100) buys = [] sells = [] for i in range(100): print( f"Day n°{i} : Invested : {user.invested_balance} | Inventory : {user.inventory}" ) last_data = data.iloc[i] self.assertIsNotNone(last_data) action =[ last_data["4. close"].tolist(), last_data["5. volume"].tolist() ]) if action is not None: if action['action'] == 'buy': buys.append(i) else: sells.append(i) # Create figure to have multiple plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.plot(data['4. close'], color='r', lw=2.0, label=f'Valeur du stock {symbol}') plt.plot(data['4. close'], '^', markersize=8, color='m', label="Signal d'achat", markevery=buys) plt.plot(data['4. close'], 'v', markersize=8, color='k', label='Signal de vente', markevery=sells) print( f"Started at {start_capital}, now sitting at total {user.balance + user.invested_balance}" ) invest = (((user.balance + user.invested_balance) - start_capital) / start_capital) * 100 plt.title( f'{symbol} - Simulation pour user sur 100 jours (Gain total : {round(invest)}%)' ) plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{DEST_PLOT_DIR}/{symbol}-user-simulated-trade') plt.close(fig)
def testTradingManually(self): """ Test trading stocks analysis and manually verify results """ ts = TimeSeries(API_KEY, output_format="pandas") # Containing old historical data (picked from training_stocks = [ "AMD", "FSV", "ROKU", "TMUS", "FTNT", "KHC", "TRIP", "TXN", "LYFT", "FSV", "SINA", "BIIB" ] # Interesting stocks to tests onto up_trends = ["MSFT", "AAPL", "FB", "ADBE", "CTXS"] down_trends = ["ALGN", "MYL", "AAL"] test_stocks = up_trends + down_trends skip = 1 layer_size = 500 # 1500 dollars should always be enough initial_money = 1500 output_size = 3 model = Model(79, layer_size, output_size) model_initialized = False agent = None # We need to train our model first for stock in training_stocks: print(f"Training on {stock} with {initial_money}$") data, _ = ts.get_daily(symbol=stock, outputsize="full") self.assertIsNotNone(data, "Couldn't retrieve data from Alphavantage") # Take a full year of trading data = data.tail(253) print(data) trend = data['4. close'].tolist() parameters = [ data['4. close'].tolist(), data['5. volume'].tolist() ] minmax = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(100, 200)).fit( np.array(parameters).T) scaled_parameters = minmax.transform( np.array(parameters).T).T.tolist() if not model_initialized: agent = TradingAgent(model, scaled_parameters, skip, initial_money, trend, minmax) # Enable debug mode for test purpose = True model_initialized = True else: # Feed new training data to model without recreating one agent.change_data(scaled_parameters, skip, initial_money, trend, minmax) # Use 100 epoch for best result # Model is trained, now test on non-trained stocks for stock in test_stocks: data, _ = ts.get_daily(symbol=stock, outputsize="full") self.assertIsNotNone(data, "Couldn't retrieve data from Alphavantage") # Take a full year of trading data = data.tail(253) data['5. volume'] = data['5. volume'].astype(int) trend = data['4. close'].tolist() parameters = [ data['4. close'].tolist(), data['5. volume'].tolist() ] minmax = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(100, 200)).fit( np.array(parameters).T) scaled_parameters = minmax.transform( np.array(parameters).T).T.tolist() agent.change_data(scaled_parameters, skip, initial_money, trend, minmax) buys, sells, total_gain, invest = agent.test_trade() # Create figure to have multiple plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.plot(data['4. close'], color='r', lw=2.0, label=f'Valeur du stock {stock}') plt.plot(data['4. close'], '^', markersize=8, color='m', label="Signal d'achat", markevery=buys) plt.plot(data['4. close'], 'v', markersize=8, color='k', label='Signal de vente', markevery=sells) plt.title(f'{stock} - Gain total : {invest}%') plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{DEST_PLOT_DIR}/{stock}') plt.close(fig) agent.save_model()
def trade(bearer): """ Trade for a user """ ts = TimeSeries("84WDI082Z0HOREL6", output_format="pandas") # Load user user = User(bearer) suggest_engine = SuggestionEngine(symbols=["MSFT", "AAPL", "AMD", "CSCO"]) suggestion = suggest_engine.suggest() # Load model model = None save_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "trade_model.pkl") ret = { "suggested": { "buy": [], "sell": [], }, "checked_symbols": [], "actions": [] } with open(save_file, "rb") as model_file: model = pickle.load(model_file) # Append suggested buy trade to list of checks print(f"User has risk {user.get_risk()}") symbols_to_check = [] if len(suggestion["buy"][user.get_risk()]): symbols_to_check.extend(suggestion["buy"][user.get_risk()]) ret["suggested"]["buy"] = suggestion["buy"][user.get_risk()] if len(suggestion["sell"]): symbols_to_check.extend(suggestion["sell"]) ret["suggested"]["sell"] = suggestion["sell"] if len(user.inventory): symbols_to_check.extend( [item["stock"]["symbol"] for item in user.inventory]) # Run a check on all the user inventory + suggested trade offers (both sell and buy) ret["checked_symbols"] = symbols_to_check time.sleep(60) for symbol in symbols_to_check: print(f"TradingAgent: Checking {symbol}...") data, _ = ts.get_daily(symbol=symbol, outputsize="compact") parameters = [data['4. close'].tolist(), data['5. volume'].tolist()] minmax = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(100, 200)).fit(np.array(parameters).T) trend = data['4. close'].tolist() scaled_parameters = minmax.transform(np.array(parameters).T).T.tolist() agent = TradingAgent(model, timeseries=scaled_parameters, real_trend=trend, minmax=minmax, symbol=symbol) # Load user inventory agent.load_user_info(user) # Feed 20 days agent.load_window(data.iloc[0:-20]) last_data = data.tail(1) print(f"Data loaded for {symbol}, taking decision...") action =[ last_data["4. close"].tolist()[0], last_data["5. volume"].tolist()[0] ]) if action is not None: ret["actions"].append(action) print(f"Action for {symbol} : {action}") return ret