def populate_sso_provider_url(options, properties): if not options.sso_provider_url: provider_url = get_value_from_dictionary(properties, SSO_PROVIDER_URL, SSO_PROVIDER_URL_DEFAULT) provider_url = get_validated_string_input( "Provider URL ({0}): ".format(provider_url), provider_url, REGEX_URL, "Invalid provider URL", False) else: provider_url = options.sso_provider_url properties[SSO_PROVIDER_URL] = provider_url
def populate_jwt_cookie_name(options, properties): if not options.sso_jwt_cookie_name and (not options.sso_provider_url or not options.sso_public_cert_file): cookie_name = get_value_from_dictionary(properties, JWT_COOKIE_NAME, JWT_COOKIE_NAME_DEFAULT) cookie_name = get_validated_string_input( "JWT Cookie name ({0}): ".format(cookie_name), cookie_name, REGEX_ANYTHING, "Invalid cookie name", False) else: cookie_name = options.sso_jwt_cookie_name if options.sso_jwt_cookie_name else JWT_COOKIE_NAME_DEFAULT properties[JWT_COOKIE_NAME] = cookie_name
def populate_tproxy_configuration_property(properties, tproxy_user_name, property_name, question_text_qualifier): resolved_property_name = property_name.format(tproxy_user_name) resolved_property_value = get_value_from_dictionary( properties, resolved_property_name, WILDCARD_FOR_ALL) resolved_property_value = get_validated_string_input( "Allowed {0} for {1} ({2})? ".format(question_text_qualifier, tproxy_user_name, resolved_property_value), resolved_property_value, REGEX_ANYTHING, "Invalid input", False) properties[resolved_property_name] = resolved_property_value
def populate_jwt_audiences(options, properties): if options.sso_jwt_audience_list is None and ( not options.sso_provider_url or not options.sso_public_cert_file): audiences = get_value_from_dictionary(properties, JWT_AUDIENCES, JWT_AUDIENCES_DEFAULT) audiences = get_validated_string_input( "JWT audiences list (comma-separated), empty for any ({0}): ". format(audiences), audiences, REGEX_ANYTHING, "Invalid value", False) else: audiences = options.sso_jwt_audience_list if options.sso_jwt_audience_list else JWT_AUDIENCES_DEFAULT properties[JWT_AUDIENCES] = audiences
def populate_sso_public_cert(options, properties): if not options.sso_public_cert_file: cert = get_value_from_dictionary(properties, SSO_CERTIFICATE) get_cert = True if not cert else get_YN_input( "The SSO provider's public certificate has already set. Do you want to change it [y/n] (n)? ", False) if get_cert: cert_string = get_multi_line_input("Public Certificate PEM") properties[SSO_CERTIFICATE] = ensure_complete_cert( cert_string) if cert_string else "" else: cert_path = options.sso_public_cert_file with open(cert_path) as cert_file: cert_string = properties[SSO_CERTIFICATE] = ensure_complete_cert( cert_string) if cert_string else ""
def setup_sso(options): print_info_msg("Setup SSO.") server_status, pid = is_server_runing() if not server_status: err = 'Ambari Server is not running.' raise FatalException(1, err) if not get_silent(): validate_options(options) ambari_properties = get_ambari_properties() admin_login, admin_password = get_ambari_admin_username_password_pair( options) properties = get_sso_properties(ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password) if not options.sso_enabled: ambari_auth_enabled = get_value_from_dictionary( properties, AMBARI_SSO_AUTH_ENABLED) manage_services = get_value_from_dictionary( properties, SSO_MANAGE_SERVICES) if ambari_auth_enabled or manage_services: if (ambari_auth_enabled and 'true' == ambari_auth_enabled) or \ (manage_services and 'true' == manage_services): sso_status = "enabled" else: sso_status = "disabled" else: sso_status = "not configured" sys.stdout.write("\nSSO is currently %s\n" % sso_status) if sso_status == "enabled": enable_sso = not get_YN_input( "Do you want to disable SSO authentication [y/n] (n)? ", False) elif get_YN_input( "Do you want to configure SSO authentication [y/n] (y)? ", True): enable_sso = True else: return False else: enable_sso = options.sso_enabled == 'true' if enable_sso: populate_sso_provider_url(options, properties) populate_sso_public_cert(options, properties) populate_ambari_requires_sso(options, properties) populate_service_management(options, properties, ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password) populate_jwt_cookie_name(options, properties) populate_jwt_audiences(options, properties) update_sso_conf(ambari_properties, properties, admin_login, admin_password) else: remove_sso_conf(ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password) else: warning = "setup-sso is not enabled in silent mode." raise NonFatalException(warning) pass
def populate_service_management(options, properties, ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password): if not options.sso_enabled_services: if not options.sso_manage_services: manage_services = get_boolean_from_dictionary( properties, SSO_MANAGE_SERVICES, False) manage_services = get_YN_input( "Manage SSO configurations for eligible services [y/n] ({0})? " .format('y' if manage_services else 'n'), manage_services) else: manage_services = 'true' == options.sso_manage_services if not options.sso_provider_url: stored_manage_services = get_boolean_from_dictionary( properties, SSO_MANAGE_SERVICES, False) print( "Manage SSO configurations for eligible services [y/n] ({0})? {1}" .format('y' if stored_manage_services else 'n', 'y' if manage_services else 'n')) if manage_services: enabled_services = get_value_from_dictionary( properties, SSO_ENABLED_SERVICES, "").upper().split(',') all = "*" in enabled_services configure_for_all_services = get_YN_input( " Use SSO for all services [y/n] ({0})? ".format( 'y' if all else 'n'), all) if configure_for_all_services: services = WILDCARD_FOR_ALL_SERVICES else: cluster_name = get_cluster_name(ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password) if cluster_name: eligible_services = get_eligible_services( ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password, cluster_name) if eligible_services and len(eligible_services) > 0: service_list = [] for service in eligible_services: enabled = service.upper() in enabled_services question = " Use SSO for {0} [y/n] ({1})? ".format( service, 'y' if enabled else 'n') if get_YN_input(question, enabled): service_list.append(service) services = ','.join(service_list) else: print(" There are no eligible services installed.") services = "" else: services = "" else: services = "" else: if options.sso_manage_services: manage_services = 'true' == options.sso_manage_services else: manage_services = True services = options.sso_enabled_services.upper( ) if options.sso_enabled_services else "" properties[SSO_MANAGE_SERVICES] = 'true' if manage_services else "false" properties[SSO_ENABLED_SERVICES] = services
def setup_trusted_proxy(options): print_info_msg("Setup Trusted Proxy") server_status, pid = is_server_runing() if not server_status: err = 'Ambari Server is not running.' raise FatalException(1, err) if not get_silent(): validate_options(options) ambari_properties = get_ambari_properties() admin_login, admin_password = get_ambari_admin_username_password_pair( options) properties = get_trusted_proxy_properties(ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password) if not options.tproxy_enabled: tproxy_support_enabled = get_value_from_dictionary( properties, TPROXY_SUPPORT_ENABLED) if tproxy_support_enabled: if 'true' == tproxy_support_enabled: tproxy_status = "enabled" else: tproxy_status = "disabled" else: tproxy_status = "not configured" print_info_msg("\nTrusted Proxy support is currently %s\n" % tproxy_status) if tproxy_status == "enabled": enable_tproxy = not get_YN_input( "Do you want to disable Trusted Proxy support [y/n] (n)? ", False) elif get_YN_input( "Do you want to configure Trusted Proxy Support [y/n] (y)? ", True): enable_tproxy = True else: return False else: enable_tproxy = options.tproxy_enabled == 'true' if enable_tproxy: properties[TPROXY_SUPPORT_ENABLED] = "true" if not options.tproxy_configuration_file_path: add_new_trusted_proxy = add_new_trusted_proxy_config( properties) while add_new_trusted_proxy: add_new_trusted_proxy = add_new_trusted_proxy_config( properties) else: parse_trusted_configuration_file( options.tproxy_configuration_file_path, properties) update_tproxy_conf(ambari_properties, properties, admin_login, admin_password) else: remove_tproxy_conf(ambari_properties, admin_login, admin_password) else: warning = "setup-trusted-proxy is not enabled in silent mode." raise NonFatalException(warning) pass