def process_handshake_header(self, headers): """ Read the upgrade handshake's response headers and validate them against :rfc:`6455`. """ protocols = [] extensions = [] headers = headers.strip() for header_line in headers.split(b'\r\n'): header, value = header_line.split(b':', 1) header = header.strip().lower() value = value.strip().lower() if header == b'upgrade' and value != b'websocket': raise HandshakeError("Invalid Upgrade header: %s" % value) elif header == b'connection' and value != b'upgrade': raise HandshakeError("Invalid Connection header: %s" % value) elif header == b'sec-websocket-accept': match = b64encode(sha1(self.key + WS_KEY).digest()) if value != match.lower(): raise HandshakeError("Invalid challenge response: %s" % value) elif header == b'sec-websocket-protocol': protocols = ','.join(value) elif header == b'sec-websocket-extensions': extensions = ','.join(value) return protocols, extensions
def process_response_line(self, response_line): """ Ensure that we received a HTTP `101` status code in response to our request and if not raises :exc:`HandshakeError`. """ protocol, code, status = response_line.split(b' ', 2) if code != b'101': raise HandshakeError("Invalid response status: %s %s" % (code, status))
def connect(self): """ Connects this websocket and starts the upgrade handshake with the remote endpoint. """ if self.scheme == "wss": # default port is now 443; upgrade self.sender to send ssl self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, **self.ssl_options) self._is_secure = True self.sock.settimeout(10.0) self.sock.connect(self.bind_addr) self._write(self.handshake_request) response = b'' doubleCLRF = b'\r\n\r\n' while True: bytes = self.sock.recv(128) if not bytes: break response += bytes if doubleCLRF in response: break if not response: self.close_connection() raise HandshakeError("Invalid response") headers, _, body = response.partition(doubleCLRF) response_line, _, headers = headers.partition(b'\r\n') try: self.process_response_line(response_line) self.protocols, self.extensions = self.process_handshake_header( headers) except HandshakeError: self.close_connection() raise self.handshake_ok() if body: self.process(body)
def upgrade(self, protocols=None, extensions=None, version=WS_VERSION, handler_cls=WebSocket, heartbeat_freq=None): """ Performs the upgrade of the connection to the WebSocket protocol. The provided protocols may be a list of WebSocket protocols supported by the instance of the tool. When no list is provided and no protocol is either during the upgrade, then the protocol parameter is not taken into account. On the other hand, if the protocol from the handshake isn't part of the provided list, the upgrade fails immediatly. """ request = cherrypy.serving.request request.process_request_body = False ws_protocols = None ws_location = None ws_version = version ws_key = None ws_extensions = [] if request.method != 'GET': raise HandshakeError('HTTP method must be a GET') for key, expected_value in [('Upgrade', 'websocket'), ('Connection', 'upgrade')]: actual_value = request.headers.get(key, '').lower() if not actual_value: raise HandshakeError('Header %s is not defined' % key) if expected_value not in actual_value: raise HandshakeError('Illegal value for header %s: %s' % (key, actual_value)) version = request.headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Version') supported_versions = ', '.join([str(v) for v in ws_version]) version_is_valid = False if version: try: version = int(version) except: pass else: version_is_valid = version in ws_version if not version_is_valid: cherrypy.response.headers[ 'Sec-WebSocket-Version'] = supported_versions raise HandshakeError('Unhandled or missing WebSocket version') key = request.headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Key') if key: ws_key = base64.b64decode(key.encode('utf-8')) if len(ws_key) != 16: raise HandshakeError("WebSocket key's length is invalid") protocols = protocols or [] subprotocols = request.headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol') if subprotocols: ws_protocols = [] for s in subprotocols.split(','): s = s.strip() if s in protocols: ws_protocols.append(s) exts = extensions or [] extensions = request.headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Extensions') if extensions: for ext in extensions.split(','): ext = ext.strip() if ext in exts: ws_extensions.append(ext) location = [] include_port = False if request.scheme == "https": location.append("wss://") include_port = request.local.port != 443 else: location.append("ws://") include_port = request.local.port != 80 location.append('localhost') if include_port: location.append(":%d" % request.local.port) location.append(request.path_info) if request.query_string != "": location.append("?%s" % request.query_string) ws_location = ''.join(location) response = cherrypy.serving.response = True response.status = '101 Switching Protocols' response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' response.headers['Upgrade'] = 'websocket' response.headers['Connection'] = 'Upgrade' response.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Version'] = str(version) response.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Accept'] = base64.b64encode( sha1(key.encode('utf-8') + WS_KEY).digest()) if ws_protocols: response.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'] = ', '.join( ws_protocols) if ws_extensions: response.headers['Sec-WebSocket-Extensions'] = ','.join( ws_extensions) addr = (request.remote.ip, request.remote.port) rfile = request.rfile.rfile if isinstance(rfile, KnownLengthRFile): rfile = rfile.rfile ws_conn = get_connection(rfile) request.ws_handler = handler_cls(ws_conn, ws_protocols, ws_extensions, request.wsgi_environ.copy(), heartbeat_freq=heartbeat_freq)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): if environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') != 'GET': raise HandshakeError('HTTP method must be a GET') for key, expected_value in [('HTTP_UPGRADE', 'websocket'), ('HTTP_CONNECTION', 'upgrade')]: actual_value = environ.get(key, '').lower() if not actual_value: raise HandshakeError('Header %s is not defined' % key) if expected_value not in actual_value: raise HandshakeError('Illegal value for header %s: %s' % (key, actual_value)) key = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY') if key: ws_key = base64.b64decode(key.encode('utf-8')) if len(ws_key) != 16: raise HandshakeError("WebSocket key's length is invalid") version = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION') supported_versions = b', '.join([unicode(v).encode('utf-8') for v in WS_VERSION]) version_is_valid = False if version: try: version = int(version) except: pass else: version_is_valid = version in WS_VERSION if not version_is_valid: environ['websocket.version'] = unicode(version).encode('utf-8') raise HandshakeError('Unhandled or missing WebSocket version') ws_protocols = [] protocols = self.protocols or [] subprotocols = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL') if subprotocols: for s in subprotocols.split(','): s = s.strip() if s in protocols: ws_protocols.append(s) ws_extensions = [] exts = self.extensions or [] extensions = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS') if extensions: for ext in extensions.split(','): ext = ext.strip() if ext in exts: ws_extensions.append(ext) accept_value = base64.b64encode(sha1(key.encode('utf-8') + WS_KEY).digest()) if py3k: accept_value = accept_value.decode('utf-8') upgrade_headers = [ ('Upgrade', 'websocket'), ('Connection', 'Upgrade'), ('Sec-WebSocket-Version', '%s' % version), ('Sec-WebSocket-Accept', accept_value), ] if ws_protocols: upgrade_headers.append(('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol', ', '.join(ws_protocols))) if ws_extensions: upgrade_headers.append(('Sec-WebSocket-Extensions', ','.join(ws_extensions))) start_response("101 Switching Protocols", upgrade_headers) self.make_websocket(environ['ws4py.socket'], ws_protocols, ws_extensions, environ) return []