コード例 #1
def computeExpectedCodonProbForSeqs(seqDict,
    #compute probability of codon w for a set of nucleotide sequences
    totalfreq = {}
    totalfreqSyn = {}
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        totalfreq[codon] = 0.0
        totalfreqSyn[codon] = 0.0
    p_hyp = {}
    totCDS = 0
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        p_hyp[codon] = 0.0
    for ids, seq in seqDict.iteritems():
        print ids
        peptides = {}
        if (constraintfile):
            constraint = parseConstraintFile(constraintfile, len(seq))
            constraint = None
        #---------------generate peptides for the given rf ------------
        #translate sequences
        for r in rf:
            if r[0] == '+':
                peptides[r] = translateMRNA(seq[int(r):])
            elif r[0] == '-':
                peptides[r] = translateMRNA(seq[::-1][int(r) + 2:])
        n = len(peptides[r])

        #if the length of the peptides in all reading frames are not identical make them equal
        N = []
        for pep in peptides.values():
            if len(pep) != n:
        n = min(N)
        if len(N) != 1:
            for k in peptides.keys():
                peptides[k] = peptides[k][:n]

        #add the 'O' peptides in reading frames that are not defined in the input
        for i in ['+0', '+1', '+2', '-0', '-1', '-2']:
            if i not in peptides.keys():
                peptides[i] = 'O' * n
        if DEBUG: print peptides
        print peptides
        print constraint
        #--------------compute pf and frequency dictionary-------------
        if gcDiff == -1:  #no gc-content defined
            ZF = computeZF(peptides, constraint, filename, threshold)
            ZB = computeZB(peptides, constraint, filename, threshold)
            ZFval = 0.0
            for ch3 in NUCL:
                for ch4 in NUCL:
                    ZFval += ZF[(n, ch3, ch4)]
            print ZFval
            totCDS += ZFval
            gclow = -1
            gcup = -1
        else:  #gc-content defined
            ZF = computeZF_GC(peptides, constraint, filename, threshold)
            ZB = computeZB_GC(peptides, constraint, filename, threshold)
            cnt = round((gcDiff / 100.0) * len(seq))
            gc = GCcont(seq)
            gclow = gc - cnt
            gcup = gc + cnt
            if (gclow < 0): gclow = 0
            if (gcup > 3 * n + 2): gcup = 3 * n + 2
            #~ print len(seq),gc,gclow,gcup
            #~ ZBval_gc  = 0.0
            #~ for ch1 in NUCL:
            #~ for ch2 in NUCL:
            #~ for x in range(3*n+3):
            #~ ZBval_gc += ZF[(n,x,ch1,ch2)]
            #~ #print "gc,len",gc,len(seq)
            #~ print "total:",ZBval_gc
            #~ ZBval  = 0.0
            #~ for ch1 in NUCL:
            #~ for ch2 in NUCL:
            #~ for x in range(3*n+3):
            #~ ZBval += ZB[(0,x,ch1,ch2)]
            #~ print "totalZB:",ZBval
            ZFval = 0.0
            for ch3 in NUCL:
                for ch4 in NUCL:
                    for x in range(int(gclow), int(gcup + 1)):
                        ZFval += ZF[(n, x, ch3, ch4)]
            #print ZFval
            totCDS += ZFval
        freq, freq_syn = computeExpectedCodonFreqForPeptide(
            rf, peptides, ZF, ZB, gclow, gcup, filename, threshold)
        for codon in genCode.keys():
            totalfreq[codon] += freq[codon]
            totalfreqSyn[codon] += freq_syn[codon]
    print "#total number of sequences that code exactly the same peptides as the given fasta file: ", totCDS
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        if totalfreqSyn[codon] != 0:
            p_hyp[codon] = totalfreq[codon] / totalfreqSyn[codon]
    return p_hyp, totalfreq, totalfreqSyn
コード例 #2
def checkCodonUsage(seqList, rf, gcDiff, constraint=None):
    #codon usage computed directly from the sequences must be identical to the codon usage computed from partition functions
    l = 0
    RNA0 = []
    for seq in seqList:
        if (constraintfile):
            constraint = parseConstraintFile(constraintfile, len(seq))
            constraint = None
        p1 = {}
        for codon in genCode.keys():
            p1[codon] = 0.0
        peptides = {}
        #translate sequences
        for r in rf:
            if r[0] == '+':
                peptides[r] = translateMRNA(seq[int(r):])
            elif r[0] == '-':
                peptides[r] = translateMRNA(seq[::-1][int(r) + 2:])

        n = len(peptides[r])
        #if the length of the peptides in all reading frames are not identical make them equal
        N = []
        for pep in peptides.values():
            if len(pep) != n:
        n = min(N)
        if len(N) != 1:
            for k in peptides.keys():
                peptides[k] = peptides[k][:n]

        #add the 'O' peptides in reading frames that are not defined in the input
        for i in ['+0', '+1', '+2', '-0', '-1', '-2']:
            if i not in peptides.keys():
                peptides[i] = 'O' * n
        if DEBUG: print peptides
        #print peptides
        RNA = bfs(peptides, filename, threshold, constraint)
        if gcDiff == -1:
            for rna in RNA:
        #~ for rna in RNA:
        #~ print rna,GCcont(rna)
        else:  #gc-content defined
            cnt = round((gcDiff / 100.0) * len(seq))
            gc = GCcont(seq)
            gclow = gc - cnt
            gcup = gc + cnt
            if (gclow < 0): gclow = 0
            if (gcup > 3 * n + 2): gcup = 3 * n + 2
            print gc, gclow, gcup
            seqLen = len(seqList[0])
            for rna in RNA:
                if int(gclow <= GCcont(rna) <= gcup):
                    print rna, GCcont(rna)
    l = len(RNA0)
    p1, f1, f2 = computeCodonProbFromGenesOverlap(RNA0, rf)
    print '#number of seq from bruteforce: %d' % l
    p2, f3, f4 = computeExpectedCodonProbForSeqs(seqList, rf, gcDiff)
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        print codon, p1[codon], p2[codon]
    assert (p1 == p2)
コード例 #3
def computeCodonProbFromGenesOverlap(seqList, rf):
    #compute probability of codon w in the input sequence list 'seqList' for the overlapping reading frames given in rf. For each reading frame of rf
    #compute the freq(w)/freq(syn(w)) in the corresponding reading frame.
    #Output is dictionary p_gene where keys are codons and values are sum of the probabilities over all reading frames.
    #-------------------initialize the codon frequency dictionary
    freq = {}
    for cod in genCode.keys():
        freq[cod] = 0.0
    #------------------check the length of the sequences to be 3k+2-----------------------------------
    #~ m = n%3
    #~ l = []
    #~ if m!=2:
    #~ for seq in seqList:
    #~ l.append(seq[:n-m-1])
    #~ print "WARNING: the last %d nucleotides ignored in computing codon usage from genes!" % (m+1)
    #~ seqList = l
    #~ if l==[]:
    #~ print 'error: sequences are to short!'
    #~ sys.exit(1)
    #~ n = len(seqList[0])
    #------------------calculate frequency of codons in all reading frames --------------------------------
    for i in rf:
        for seq in seqList:
            n = len(seq)
            if i[0] == '+':  #positive strands
                r = int(i)
                for idx in range(
                        r, n - 2 + r, 3
                ):  #seq[0:n-2], seq[1:n-1], seq[2,n] code in reading frames +0, +1 and +2 respectively
                    codon = seq[idx:idx + 3]
                    if len(codon) == 3:
                        freq[codon] += 1
            elif i[0] == '-':  #negative strands
                r = abs(int(i))
                for idx in range(
                    (n - 2 + r), r, -3
                ):  #seq[0:n-2], seq[1:n-1], seq[2,n] code in reading frames +0, +1 and +2 respectively
                    codon = seq[idx - 3:idx][::-1]
                    if len(codon) == 3:
                        freq[codon] += 1
    if DEBUG:
        print "codon freq in the fasta file:"
        for k in sorted(freq.keys()):
            if freq[k] != 0:
                print k, freq[k]
    #----------------calculate frequency of synonymous codons in all reading frames-------------------------------
    freq_syn = {}
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        freq_syn[codon] = 0.0
    for codon in freq.keys():
        for syncod in aa2codon[aaCode[genCode[codon].upper()]]:
            freq_syn[codon] += freq[syncod]
    if DEBUG:
        print "total synonymous codon freq in the fasta file: "
        for k in sorted(freq_syn.keys()):
            if freq_syn[k] != 0:
                print k, aa2codon[aaCode[
                    genCode[k].upper()]], freq[k], freq_syn[k]
    #---------------calculate the codon usage index-----------------------------------------------------------------
    p = {}
    for codon in genCode:
        p[codon] = 0.0
    for codon in freq.keys():
        if freq_syn[codon] != 0:
            p[codon] = freq[codon] / freq_syn[codon]
    return p, freq, freq_syn
コード例 #4
def computeExpectedCodonFreqForPeptide(rf,
    #compute probability of codon w in the set of all sequences that translate 'peptides' in the corresponding reading frames
    n = len(peptides['+0'])
    seqLen = 3 * n + 2
    #----------Initialize freq ---------------
    freq = {}
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        freq[codon] = 0.0
    #-----------calculate frequency of codons in all reading frames of interest -------------------
    ZFval = 0.0
    if gclow != -1:  #if gc-content is defined
        for ch3 in NUCL:
            for ch4 in NUCL:
                for x in range(int(gclow), int(gcup + 1)):
                    ZFval += ZF[(n, x, ch3, ch4)]
        for k in range(n):
            hexa = [
                peptides['+0'][k], peptides['+1'][k], peptides['+2'][k],
                peptides['-0'][n - k - 1], peptides['-1'][n - k - 1],
                peptides['-2'][n - k - 1]
            L = createListOfCompatible5mers(hexa, filename, threshold)
            for s in L:
                for x1 in range(0, 3 * k + 3):
                    for x2 in range(0, 3 * (n - k) + 3):
                        #print s,k,x1,x2,ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
                        if (gclow <= x1 + x2 + GCcont(s[2]) <= gcup):
                            #print '*',k,s,GCcont(s[2]),x1,x2, ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
                            if '+0' in rf:
                                freq[s[0:3]] += (ZF[(k, x1, s[0], s[1])] /
                                                 ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, x2, s[3],
                            if '+1' in rf:
                                freq[s[1:4]] += (ZF[(k, x1, s[0], s[1])] /
                                                 ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, x2, s[3],
                            if '+2' in rf:
                                freq[s[2:5]] += (ZF[(k, x1, s[0], s[1])] /
                                                 ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, x2, s[3],
                            if '-0' in rf:
                                freq[s[0:3][::-1]] += (
                                    ZF[(k, x1, s[0], s[1])] /
                                    ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, x2, s[3], s[4])]
                            if '-1' in rf:
                                freq[s[1:4][::-1]] += (
                                    ZF[(k, x1, s[0], s[1])] /
                                    ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, x2, s[3], s[4])]
                            if '-2' in rf:
                                freq[s[2:5][::-1]] += (
                                    ZF[(k, x1, s[0], s[1])] /
                                    ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, x2, s[3], s[4])]
                            #~ if ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])] * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]!= 0:
                            #~ print 's:%s\tgc2:%d\tk:%d\tx1:%d\tx2:%d\tZF[k,x1,s[0],s[1]]:%f\tZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]:%d\tfreq:%d'%(s,GCcont(s[2]),k,x1,x2, ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])],ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]*ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])])
    else:  #if gc-content is not defined
        for ch3 in NUCL:
            for ch4 in NUCL:
                ZFval += ZF[(n, ch3, ch4)]
        for k in range(n):
            hexa = [
                peptides['+0'][k], peptides['+1'][k], peptides['+2'][k],
                peptides['-0'][n - k - 1], peptides['-1'][n - k - 1],
                peptides['-2'][n - k - 1]
            L = createListOfCompatible5mers(hexa, filename, threshold)
            for s in L:
                if '+0' in rf:
                    freq[s[0:3]] += (ZF[(k, s[0], s[1])] /
                                     ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, s[3], s[4])]
                if '+1' in rf:
                    freq[s[1:4]] += (ZF[(k, s[0], s[1])] /
                                     ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, s[3], s[4])]
                if '+2' in rf:
                    freq[s[2:5]] += (ZF[(k, s[0], s[1])] /
                                     ZFval) * ZB[(k + 1, s[3], s[4])]
                if '-0' in rf:
                    freq[s[0:3][::-1]] += (ZF[(k, s[0], s[1] / ZFval)]) * ZB[
                        (k + 1, s[3], s[4])]
                if '-1' in rf:
                    freq[s[1:4][::-1]] += (ZF[(k, s[0], s[1] / ZFval)]) * ZB[
                        (k + 1, s[3], s[4])]
                if '-2' in rf:
                    freq[s[2:5][::-1]] += (ZF[(k, s[0], s[1] / ZFval)]) * ZB[
                        (k + 1, s[3], s[4])]

    #~ ###
    #~ if gclow != -1: #if gc-content is defined
    #~ for k in range(n):
    #~ hexa = [peptides['+0'][k], peptides['+1'][k], peptides['+2'][k], peptides['-0'][n-k-1],peptides['-1'][n-k-1],peptides['-2'][n-k-1]]
    #~ L = createListOfCompatible5mers(hexa,filename,threshold)
    #~ for s in L:
    #~ for x1 in range(0,3*k+3):
    #~ for x2 in range(0,3*(n-k)+3):
    #~ #print s,k,x1,x2,ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if( gclow <= x1 + x2 + GCcont(s[2]) <= gcup) :
    #~ #print '*',k,s,GCcont(s[2]),x1,x2, ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '+0' in rf : freq[s[0:3]]+= (ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '+1' in rf : freq[s[1:4]]+= (ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '+2' in rf : freq[s[2:5]] += (ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '-0' in rf : freq[s[0:3][::-1]]+= (ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '-1' in rf : freq[s[1:4][::-1]]+= (ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '-2' in rf : freq[s[2:5][::-1]] += (ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]
    #if ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])] * ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]!= 0:
    #print 's:%s\tgc2:%d\tk:%d\tx1:%d\tx2:%d\tZF[k,x1,s[0],s[1]]:%f\tZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])]:%d\tfreq:%d'%(s,GCcont(s[2]),k,x1,x2, ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])],ZF[(k,x1,s[0],s[1])]*ZB[(k+1,x2,s[3],s[4])])
    #~ else: #if gc-content is not defined
    #~ for k in range(n):
    #~ hexa = [peptides['+0'][k], peptides['+1'][k], peptides['+2'][k], peptides['-0'][n-k-1],peptides['-1'][n-k-1],peptides['-2'][n-k-1]]
    #~ L = createListOfCompatible5mers(hexa,filename,threshold)
    #~ for s in L:
    #~ if '+0' in rf : freq[s[0:3]]+= (ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '+1' in rf : freq[s[1:4]]+= (ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '+2' in rf : freq[s[2:5]] += (ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '-0' in rf : freq[s[0:3][::-1]]+= (ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '-1' in rf : freq[s[1:4][::-1]]+= (ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if '-2' in rf : freq[s[2:5][::-1]] += (ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])]) * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]
    #~ if ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])] * ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])]!= 0:
    #~ print k,s,ZF[(k,s[0],s[1])],ZB[(k+1,s[3],s[4])],freq[s[0:3]]
    #----------check frequency matrix (only works without blosum)--------------------------------------------------------
    sum0 = 0.0
    ZFval = 0.0
    for k in freq.keys():
        sum0 += freq[k]
    if gclow != -1:
        for ch3 in NUCL:
            for ch4 in NUCL:
                for x in range(int(gclow), int(gcup) + 1):
                    ZFval += ZF[(n, x, ch3, ch4)]
        print "####", ZFval
        for ch1 in NUCL:
            for ch2 in NUCL:
                ZFval += ZF[(n, ch1, ch2)]
    print(sum0, ZFval * len(rf) * n)
    #assert(sum0 == ZFval*len(rf)*n)
    #~ #print (sum0 , ZFval*len(rf)*n)
    #----------calculate frequency of synonymous codons-----------------------------------------
    freq_syn = {}
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        freq_syn[codon] = 0.0
    for codon in freq.keys():
        for syncod in aa2codon[aaCode[genCode[codon].upper()]]:
            freq_syn[codon] += freq[syncod]
    if DEBUG:
        print 'expected codon freq for peptides:', peptides
        for k in sorted(freq_syn.keys()):
            if freq_syn[k] != 0:
                #print k,aa2codon[aaCode[genCode[k].upper()]],freq[k],freq_syn[k]
                print k, freq[k], freq_syn[k]
    #---------------calculate the codon usage index-----------------------------------------------------------------
    #~ p = {}
    #~ for codon in genCode.keys():
    #~ p[codon]=0.0
    #~ for codon in freq.keys():
    #~ if freq_syn[codon]!=0:
    #~ assert((freq[codon]/freq_syn[codon])<=1)
    return freq, freq_syn
コード例 #5
    #GC content with -gc flag
    for i in range(len(args)):
        if args[i] == '-gc':
            gcDiff = int(args[i + 1])
            del [args[i + 1]]
            del [args[i]]
    #verbose output, with -v flag
    for i in range(len(args)):
        if args[i] == '-v':
            VERBOSE = 1
            del [args[i]]
    if rf == []:  #the above check does not work when only -f is defined
        print "coding reading frames must be specified!\n"
    seqDict = parseFasta(fastafile)
    p_gene, f_gene, fsyn_gene = computeCodonProbFromGenesOverlap(
        seqDict.values(), rf)
    p_hyp, f_hyp, fsyn_hyp = computeExpectedCodonProbForSeqs(
        seqDict, rf, gcDiff, constraintfile, filename, threshold)
    for codon in genCode.keys():
        if p_hyp[codon] != 0:
            print codon, f_gene[codon], fsyn_gene[codon], f_hyp[
                codon], fsyn_hyp[codon], p_gene[codon], p_hyp[
                    codon], p_gene[codon] / p_hyp[codon]
            print codon, f_gene[codon], fsyn_gene[codon], f_hyp[
                codon], fsyn_hyp[codon], p_gene[codon], p_hyp[codon], 'NA'