コード例 #1
 def _parse_spec(self, spec):
     # auto convert spec string
     if type(spec) is str:
             spec = Spec.parse(spec)
         except ValueError as e:
             log_path.error("error parsing spec: %r -> %s", spec, e)
             return None
     # check spec
     append = spec.get_append()
     name = spec.get_name()
     cfg = spec.get_cfg()
     elements = spec.get_src_list()
     if len(elements) == 0:
         log_path.error("no elements in assign: %r", spec)
         return None
     # append?
     if append:
         assign = self.get_assign(name)
         if assign:
                 "appending to existing assign: name='%s': %r", name, elements
             return assign
         log_path.warning("can't append to non-existing assign: '%s'", name)
         # fall through
     log_path.info("create new assign: name='%s': %r", name, elements)
     return Assign(name, elements, cfg)
コード例 #2
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: Zalewa/amitools
    def sys_to_ami_path(self, sys_path):
        """try to map an absolute system path back to an amiga path

       if multiple volumes overlap then take the shortest amiga path

       return ami_path or None if sys_path can't be mapped
        if not os.path.isabs(sys_path):
            log_path.error("vol: sys_to_ami_path: no abs path: '%s'", sys_path)
            return None
        res_len = None
        result = None
        for vol_sys_path in self.sys2volume:
            cp = os.path.commonprefix([vol_sys_path, sys_path])
            if cp == vol_sys_path:
                remainder = sys_path[len(vol_sys_path):]
                n = len(remainder)
                if n > 0 and remainder[0] == '/':
                    remainder = remainder[1:]
                    n -= 1
                # get volume name and build amiga path
                vol_name = self.sys2volume[vol_sys_path]
                vol_name = self.orig_names[vol_name]
                ami_path = vol_name + ":" + remainder
                log_path.debug("vol: sys_to_ami_path: sys='%s' -> ami='%s'",
                               sys_path, ami_path)
                if result is None or n < res_len:
                    result = ami_path
                    res_len = n
        # return best result
        log_path.info("vol: sys_to_ami_path: sys='%s' -> ami=%s", sys_path,
        return result
コード例 #3
ファイル: mgr.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _add_auto_volumes(self):
   vm = self.get_vol_mgr()
   am = self.get_assign_mgr()
   # require a default 'system' volume if none is given
   if vm.get_num_volumes() == 0:
     log_path.info("no volume exists: auto adding default 'system:' volume")
     if not vm.add_volume('system:?create'):
       return False
   # run through auto volumes
   for av in self.auto_volumes:
     av = av.lower()
     if not am.is_assign(av) and not vm.is_volume(av):
       if av == 'root':
         spec = "root:/"
       elif av == 'ram':
         spec = "ram:?temp"
         log_path.error("invalid auto volume: '%s'", av)
         return False
       # add auto volume
       log_path.info("auto adding volume: %s", spec)
       if not vm.add_volume(spec):
         return False
   # done
   return True
コード例 #4
 def _parse_spec(self, spec):
     # auto parse string spec
     if type(spec) is str:
             spec = Spec.parse(spec)
         except ValueError as e:
             log_path.error("error parsing spec: %r -> %s", spec, e)
             return None
     # check spec
     name = spec.get_name()
     src_list = spec.get_src_list()
     cfg = spec.get_cfg()
     n = len(src_list)
     if n == 0:
         # local path
         path = self._get_local_vol_path(name)
         log_path.debug("local path='%s'", path)
         if path is None:
             return None
     elif n == 1:
         path = resolve_sys_path(src_list[0])
         log_path.debug("resolved path='%s'", path)
     if n > 1:
         log_path.error("only one source in volume spec allowed!")
         return None
     log_path.debug("name='%s', path='%s'", name, path)
     # create volume
     return Volume(name, path, cfg)
コード例 #5
ファイル: mgr.py プロジェクト: jukeks/amitools
 def _add_auto_volumes(self):
     vm = self.get_vol_mgr()
     am = self.get_assign_mgr()
     # require a default 'system' volume if none is given
     if vm.get_num_volumes() == 0:
             "no volume exists: auto adding default 'system:' volume")
         if not vm.add_volume('system:?create'):
             return False
     # run through auto volumes
     for av in self.auto_volumes:
         av = av.lower()
         if not am.is_assign(av) and not vm.is_volume(av):
             if av == 'root':
                 spec = "root:/"
             elif av == 'ram':
                 spec = "ram:?temp"
                 log_path.error("invalid auto volume: '%s'", av)
                 return False
             # add auto volume
             log_path.info("auto adding volume: %s", spec)
             if not vm.add_volume(spec):
                 return False
     # done
     return True
コード例 #6
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _parse_spec(self, spec):
   # auto convert spec string
   if type(spec) is str:
       spec = Spec.parse(spec)
     except ValueError as e:
       log_path.error("error parsing spec: %r -> %s", spec, e)
       return None
   # check spec
   append = spec.get_append()
   name = spec.get_name()
   cfg = spec.get_cfg()
   elements = spec.get_src_list()
   if len(elements) == 0:
     log_path.error("no elements in assign: %r", spec)
     return None
   # append?
   if append:
     assign = self.get_assign(name)
     if assign:
       log_path.info("appending to existing assign: name='%s': %r",
                     name, elements)
       return assign
     log_path.warn("can't append to non-existing assign: '%s'", name)
     # fall through
   log_path.info("create new assign: name='%s': %r",
                 name, elements)
   return Assign(name, elements, cfg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _parse_spec(self, spec):
   # auto parse string spec
   if type(spec) is str:
       spec = Spec.parse(spec)
     except ValueError as e:
       log_path.error("error parsing spec: %r -> %s", spec, e)
       return None
   # check spec
   name = spec.get_name()
   src_list = spec.get_src_list()
   cfg = spec.get_cfg()
   n = len(src_list)
   if n == 0:
     # local path
     path = self._get_local_vol_path(name)
     log_path.debug("local path='%s'", path)
     if path is None:
       return None
   elif n == 1:
     path = resolve_sys_path(src_list[0])
     log_path.debug("resolved path='%s'", path)
   if n > 1:
     log_path.error("only one source in volume spec allowed!")
     return None
   log_path.debug("name='%s', path='%s'", name, path)
   # create volume
   return Volume(name, path, cfg)
コード例 #8
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: john-terrell/amitools
 def create_rel_sys_path(self, rel_path):
     if type(rel_path) in (list, tuple):
         rel_path = os.path.join(*rel_path)
     dir_path = os.path.join(self.path, rel_path)
     if os.path.isdir(dir_path):
             "rel sys path in volume already exists '%s' + %s -> %s",
         return dir_path
             "creating rel sys path in volume '%s' + %s -> %s",
         return dir_path
     except OSError as e:
             "error creating rel sys path in volume '%s' + %s -> %s",
         return None
コード例 #9
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _create_path(self, path):
   # try to create path
     log_path.info("creating volume dir: %s", path)
     return path
   except OSError as e:
     log_path.error("error creating volume dir: %s -> %s", path, e)
     return None
コード例 #10
ファイル: vamos.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def ami_volume_of_path(self, path):
   ami_path = AmiPath(path)
   p = ami_path.prefix()
   if p is None:
     log_path.error("ami_volume_of_path: expect absolute path: '%s'", path)
     return None
     log_path.info("ami_volume_of_path: path='%s' -> volume='%s'", path, p)
     return p
コード例 #11
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def setup(self):
   log_path.debug("setting up assigns")
   for a in self.assigns:
     if not a.setup(self):
       log_path.error("error setting up assign: %s", a)
       return False
     a.is_setup = True
   self.is_setup = True
   return True
コード例 #12
 def setup(self):
     log_path.debug("setting up assigns")
     for a in self.assigns:
         if not a.setup(self):
             log_path.error("error setting up assign: %s", a)
             return False
         a.is_setup = True
     self.is_setup = True
     return True
コード例 #13
 def ami_volume_of_path(self, path):
   ami_path = AmiPath(path)
   p = ami_path.prefix()
   if p is None:
     log_path.error("ami_volume_of_path: expect absolute path: '%s'", path)
     return None
     log_path.info("ami_volume_of_path: path='%s' -> volume='%s'", path, p)
     return p
コード例 #14
 def _create_path(self, path):
     # try to create path
         log_path.info("creating volume dir: %s", path)
         return path
     except OSError as e:
         log_path.error("error creating volume dir: %s -> %s", path, e)
         return None
コード例 #15
 def setup(self):
     # setup all defined volumes
     log_path.debug("setting up volumes")
     for volume in self.volumes:
         if not volume.setup():
             log_path.error("Error settign up volume: %s", volume)
             return False
         volume.is_setup = True
     self.is_setup = True
     return True
コード例 #16
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def setup(self):
   # setup all defined volumes
   log_path.debug("setting up volumes")
   for volume in self.volumes:
     if not volume.setup():
       log_path.error("Error settign up volume: %s", volume)
       return False
     volume.is_setup = True
   self.is_setup = True
   return True
コード例 #17
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _create_dir(self, volume, rel_dir):
   log_path.debug("%s: create assign dir: rel_dir='%s'", self.name, rel_dir)
   path = volume.create_rel_sys_path(rel_dir)
   if not path:
     log_path.error("assign '%s': can't create relative dir: %s",
                    self.name, rel_dir)
     return False
     log_path.debug("created sys path: %s", path)
     return True
コード例 #18
ファイル: mgr.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def validate_assigns(self):
   assigns = self.assign_mgr.get_all_names()
   for a in assigns:
       paths = self.assign_mgr.get_assign(a).get_assigns()
       for path in paths:
         self.volpaths(path, strict=True)
     except AmiPathError as e:
       log_path.error("invalid assign: '%s': %s", a, e)
       return False
   return True
コード例 #19
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: Zalewa/amitools
 def del_assign(self, name):
     lo_name = name.lower()
     if self.assigns.has_key(lo_name):
         alist = self.assigns[lo_name]
         log_path.info("del assign: name='%s' -> paths=%s", name, alist)
         del self.assigns[lo_name]
         del self.orig_names[lo_name]
         return True
         log_path.error("assign not found: %s", name)
         return False
コード例 #20
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: Zalewa/amitools
 def _ensure_volume_or_assign(self, path_name):
     if len(path_name) == 0:
         log_path.error("invalid empty assign: %s", path_name)
         return False
     # make sure it maps to a volume or another assign
     split = self._split_volume_remainder(path_name)
     if split is None:
         log_path.error("assign has to map to volume or another assign: %s",
         return False
     return True
コード例 #21
ファイル: mgr.py プロジェクト: jukeks/amitools
 def validate_assigns(self):
     assigns = self.assign_mgr.get_all_names()
     for a in assigns:
             paths = self.assign_mgr.get_assign(a).get_assigns()
             for path in paths:
                 self.volpaths(path, strict=True)
         except AmiPathError as e:
             log_path.error("invalid assign: '%s': %s", a, e)
             return False
     return True
コード例 #22
 def _create_dir(self, volume, rel_dir):
     log_path.debug("%s: create assign dir: rel_dir='%s'", self.name, rel_dir)
     path = volume.create_rel_sys_path(rel_dir)
     if not path:
             "assign '%s': can't create relative dir: %s", self.name, rel_dir
         return False
         log_path.debug("created sys path: %s", path)
         return True
コード例 #23
    def ami_to_sys_path(self, ami_path, fast=False):
        """Map an Amiga path to a system path.

       An absolute Amiga path with volume prefix is expected.
       Any other path returns None.

       If volume does not exist also return None.

       It replaces the volume with the sys_path prefix.
       Furthermore, the remaining Amiga path is mapped to
       the system file system and case corrected if a
       corresponding entry is found.

       If 'fast' mode is enabled then the original case
       of the path elements is kept if the underlying FS
       is case insensitive.

       Return None on error or system path
        # find volume
        pos = ami_path.find(':')
        if pos <= 0:
            log_path.debug("vol: ami_to_sys_path: empty volume: %s", ami_path)
            return None
        vol_name = ami_path[:pos].lower()
        # check volume name
        if vol_name in self.vols_by_name:
            volume = self.vols_by_name[vol_name]
            vol_sys_path = volume.get_path()
            remainder = ami_path[pos + 1:]

            # only volume name given
            if len(remainder) == 0:
                log_path.info("vol: direct volume: ami='%s' -> sys='%s'",
                              ami_path, vol_sys_path)
                return vol_sys_path

            # invalid volume:/... path
            if remainder[0] == '/':
                log_path.error("vol: ami_to_sys_path: invalid :/ path: %s",
                return None

            # follow ami path along in sys world
            dirs = remainder.split('/')
            sys_path = self._follow_path_no_case(vol_sys_path, dirs, fast)
            log_path.info("vol: ami_to_sys_path: ami='%s' -> sys='%s'",
                          ami_path, sys_path)
            return sys_path
            log_path.error("vol: ami_to_sys_path: volume='%s' not found: %s",
                           vol_name, ami_path)
            return None
コード例 #24
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _create_temp(self, path):
   if os.path.exists(path):
     log_path.error("temp volume volume path already exists: '%s'", path)
     return False
   # create temp dir
     log_path.debug("creating temp dir: %s", path)
     return True
   except OSError:
     log_path.error("error creating temp dir: '%s'", path)
     return False
コード例 #25
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
  def ami_to_sys_path(self, ami_path, fast=False):
    """Map an Amiga path to a system path.

       An absolute Amiga path with volume prefix is expected.
       Any other path returns None.

       If volume does not exist also return None.

       It replaces the volume with the sys_path prefix.
       Furthermore, the remaining Amiga path is mapped to
       the system file system and case corrected if a
       corresponding entry is found.

       If 'fast' mode is enabled then the original case
       of the path elements is kept if the underlying FS
       is case insensitive.

       Return None on error or system path
    # find volume
    pos = ami_path.find(':')
    if pos <= 0:
      log_path.debug("vol: ami_to_sys_path: empty volume: %s", ami_path)
      return None
    vol_name = ami_path[:pos].lower()
    # check volume name
    if vol_name in self.vols_by_name:
      volume = self.vols_by_name[vol_name]
      vol_sys_path = volume.get_path()
      remainder = ami_path[pos+1:]

      # only volume name given
      if len(remainder) == 0:
        log_path.info("vol: direct volume: ami='%s' -> sys='%s'",
                      ami_path, vol_sys_path)
        return vol_sys_path

      # invalid volume:/... path
      if remainder[0] == '/':
        log_path.error("vol: ami_to_sys_path: invalid :/ path: %s", ami_path)
        return None

      # follow ami path along in sys world
      dirs = remainder.split('/')
      sys_path = self._follow_path_no_case(vol_sys_path, dirs, fast)
      log_path.info("vol: ami_to_sys_path: ami='%s' -> sys='%s'",
                    ami_path, sys_path)
      return sys_path
      log_path.error("vol: ami_to_sys_path: volume='%s' not found: %s",
                     vol_name, ami_path)
      return None
コード例 #26
 def setup(self):
     path = self.path
     # temp dir?
     if 'temp' in self.cfg:
         if not self._create_temp(path):
             return False
     # does path exist?
     elif not os.path.isdir(path):
         if 'create' in self.cfg:
             if not self._create_path(path):
                 return False
             log_path.error("volume path does not exist: '%s'", path)
             return False
     return True
コード例 #27
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def setup(self):
   path = self.path
   # temp dir?
   if 'temp' in self.cfg:
     if not self._create_temp(path):
       return False
   # does path exist?
   elif not os.path.isdir(path):
     if 'create' in self.cfg:
       if not self._create_path(path):
         return False
       log_path.error("volume path does not exist: '%s'", path)
       return False
   return True
コード例 #28
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def create_rel_sys_path(self, rel_path):
   if type(rel_path) in (list, tuple):
     rel_path = os.path.join(*rel_path)
   dir_path = os.path.join(self.path, rel_path)
   if os.path.isdir(dir_path):
     log_path.debug("rel sys path in volume already exists '%s' + %s -> %s",
                    self.name, rel_path, dir_path)
     return dir_path
     log_path.debug("creating rel sys path in volume '%s' + %s -> %s",
                    self.name, rel_path, dir_path)
     return dir_path
   except OSError as e:
     log_path.error("error creating rel sys path in volume '%s' + %s -> %s",
                    self.name, rel_path, dir_path)
     return None
コード例 #29
 def _setup_base_dir(self):
     # ensure that vols_base_dir exists
     base_dir = self.vols_base_dir
     if not base_dir:
         raise ValueError("volume manager: no base dir given!")
     base_dir = resolve_sys_path(base_dir)
     if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
             log_path.info("creating volume base dir: %s", base_dir)
         except OSError as e:
             log_path.error("error creating volume base dir: %s -> %s",
                            base_dir, e)
             return None
         log_path.debug("found base dir: %s", base_dir)
     return base_dir
コード例 #30
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _setup_base_dir(self):
   # ensure that vols_base_dir exists
   base_dir = self.vols_base_dir
   if not base_dir:
     raise ValueError("volume manager: no base dir given!")
   base_dir = resolve_sys_path(base_dir)
   if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
       log_path.info("creating volume base dir: %s", base_dir)
     except OSError as e:
       log_path.error("error creating volume base dir: %s -> %s",
                      base_dir, e)
       return None
     log_path.debug("found base dir: %s", base_dir)
   return base_dir
コード例 #31
ファイル: env.py プロジェクト: Zalewa/amitools
 def parse_config(self, cfg):
     if cfg is None:
         return True
     path = cfg.path
     if path is None:
         return True
     if path.cwd:
     if path.command:
     # enforce validation
         log_path.debug("env: parse_config: %s", cfg)
         log_path.debug("env: done: %s", self)
     except AmiPathError as e:
         log_path.error("env: parse config error: %s", e)
         return False
     return True
コード例 #32
    def add_assign(self, spec):
        assign = self._parse_spec(spec)
        if assign is None:
            return None

        # check name: is volume?
        lo_name = assign.get_lo_name()
        if self.vol_mgr.is_volume(lo_name):
            log_path.error("assign with a volume name is not allowed: %s", lo_name)
            return None
        # check name: duplicate assign
        elif lo_name in self.assigns_by_name:
            # after setup do not allow duplicate volumes
            if self.is_setup:
                log_path.error("duplicate assign: %s", lo_name)
                return None
            # before setup simply overwrite existing assign
                old_assign = self.assigns_by_name[lo_name]
                log_path.info("overwriting assign: %s", old_assign)
                del self.assigns_by_name[lo_name]

        # after global setup try to setup assign immediately
        if self.is_setup:
            if not assign.setup(self):
                log_path.error("error setting up assign: %s", assign)
                return None
            assign.is_setup = True

        # finally add assign
        log_path.info("adding assign: %s", assign)
        self.assigns_by_name[lo_name] = assign
        return assign
コード例 #33
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
  def add_assign(self, spec):
    assign = self._parse_spec(spec)
    if assign is None:
      return None

    # check name: is volume?
    lo_name = assign.get_lo_name()
    if self.vol_mgr.is_volume(lo_name):
      log_path.error("assign with a volume name is not allowed: %s", lo_name)
      return None
    # check name: duplicate assign
    elif lo_name in self.assigns_by_name:
      # after setup do not allow duplicate volumes
      if self.is_setup:
        log_path.error("duplicate assign: %s", lo_name)
        return None
      # before setup simply overwrite existing assign
        old_assign = self.assigns_by_name[lo_name]
        log_path.info("overwriting assign: %s", old_assign)
        del self.assigns_by_name[lo_name]

    # after global setup try to setup assign immediately
    if self.is_setup:
      if not assign.setup(self):
        log_path.error("error setting up assign: %s", assign)
        return None
      assign.is_setup = True

    # finally add assign
    log_path.info("adding assign: %s", assign)
    self.assigns_by_name[lo_name] = assign
    return assign
コード例 #34
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
  def add_volume(self, spec):
    # get volume for spec
    volume = self._parse_spec(spec)
    if volume is None:
      log_path.error("invalid volume spec: '%s'", spec)
      return None

    # check if volume name already exists?
    lo_name = volume.get_lo_name()
    if lo_name in self.vols_by_name:
      # after setup do not allow duplicate volumes
      if self.is_setup:
        log_path.error("duplicate volume name: '%s'", volume.get_name())
        return None
      # before setup simply overwrite existing volume
        old_volume = self.vols_by_name[lo_name]
        log_path.info("overwriting volume: %s", old_volume)
        del self.vols_by_name[lo_name]

    # after global setup try to setup volume immediately
    if self.is_setup:
      if not volume.setup():
        log_path.error("error setting up volume: %s", volume)
        return None
      volume.is_setup = True

    # finally add volume
    log_path.info("adding volume: %s", volume)
    self.vols_by_name[lo_name] = volume
    return volume
コード例 #35
    def add_volume(self, spec):
        # get volume for spec
        volume = self._parse_spec(spec)
        if volume is None:
            log_path.error("invalid volume spec: '%s'", spec)
            return None

        # check if volume name already exists?
        lo_name = volume.get_lo_name()
        if lo_name in self.vols_by_name:
            # after setup do not allow duplicate volumes
            if self.is_setup:
                log_path.error("duplicate volume name: '%s'",
                return None
            # before setup simply overwrite existing volume
                old_volume = self.vols_by_name[lo_name]
                log_path.info("overwriting volume: %s", old_volume)
                del self.vols_by_name[lo_name]

        # after global setup try to setup volume immediately
        if self.is_setup:
            if not volume.setup():
                log_path.error("error setting up volume: %s", volume)
                return None
            volume.is_setup = True

        # finally add volume
        log_path.info("adding volume: %s", volume)
        self.vols_by_name[lo_name] = volume
        return volume
コード例 #36
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def setup(self, mgr):
   vmgr = mgr.get_volume_mgr()
   for a in self.assigns:
     log_path.info("assign '%s': checking: %s", self.name, a)
     # check assign
     volpaths = mgr.resolve_assigns(a, as_list=True)
     for volpath in volpaths:
       res = mgr._split_volume_remainder(volpath)
       if res is None:
         log_path.error("assign '%s': no absolute path: %s",
                        self.name, volpath)
         return False
       # resolve volume
       volname, rel_dir = res
       volume = vmgr.get_volume(volname)
       if not volume:
         log_path.error("assign '%s': volume not found: %s", self.name, a)
         return False
       # create assign dir?
       if 'create' in self.cfg:
         if not self._create_dir(volume, rel_dir):
           return False
   return True
コード例 #37
 def setup(self, mgr):
     vmgr = mgr.get_volume_mgr()
     for a in self.assigns:
         log_path.info("assign '%s': checking: %s", self.name, a)
         # check assign
         volpaths = mgr.resolve_assigns(a, as_list=True)
         for volpath in volpaths:
             res = mgr._split_volume_remainder(volpath)
             if res is None:
                     "assign '%s': no absolute path: %s", self.name, volpath
                 return False
             # resolve volume
             volname, rel_dir = res
             volume = vmgr.get_volume(volname)
             if not volume:
                 log_path.error("assign '%s': volume not found: %s", self.name, a)
                 return False
             # create assign dir?
             if "create" in self.cfg:
                 if not self._create_dir(volume, rel_dir):
                     return False
     return True
コード例 #38
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: Zalewa/amitools
 def add_volume(self, name, sys_path):
     # ensure volume name is lower case
     lo_name = name.lower()
     # check path and name
     sys_path = self.resolve_sys_path(sys_path)
     if not os.path.isdir(sys_path):
         log_path.error("invalid volume path: '%s' -> %s" %
                        (name, sys_path))
         return False
     elif sys_path in self.sys2volume:
         log_path.error("duplicate volume mapping: '%s' -> %s" %
                        (name, sys_path))
         return False
     elif lo_name in self.volume2sys:
         log_path.error("duplicate volume name: '%s'", name)
         return False
         log_path.info("add volume: '%s:' -> %s", name, sys_path)
         self.volume2sys[lo_name] = sys_path
         self.sys2volume[sys_path] = lo_name
         self.orig_names[lo_name] = name
         return True
コード例 #39
ファイル: assign.py プロジェクト: Zalewa/amitools
    def add_assign(self, name, path_list, append=False):
        # also allow path string instead of list
        if type(path_list) is str:
            path_list = [path_list]

        # check name: empty?
        if len(name) == 0:
            log_path.error("empty assign added!")
            return False
        # check name: is volume?
        lo_name = name.lower()
        if self.vol_mgr.is_volume(lo_name):
            log_path.error("assign with a volume name: %s", name)
            return False
        # check name: duplicate assign
        elif lo_name in self.assigns:
            log_path.error("duplicate assign: %s", name)
            return False

        # check path_list
        alist = []
        for path_name in path_list:
            if not self._ensure_volume_or_assign(path_name):
                return False

        # setup assign list
        if append and self.assigns.has_key(lo_name):
            self.assigns[lo_name] += alist
            self.assigns[lo_name] = alist
        # save exact cased name
        self.orig_names[lo_name] = name

        log_path.info("add assign: name='%s' -> paths=%s", name, alist)
        return True
コード例 #40
 def _delete_temp(self, path):
         log_path.debug("removing temp dir: %s", path)
         log_path.error("error removing temp dir: '%s'", path)
コード例 #41
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: simontoens/amitools
 def _delete_temp(self, path):
     log_path.debug("removing temp dir: %s", path)
     log_path.error("error removing temp dir: '%s'", path)