def __init__(self): GObject.Object.__init__(self) RB.BrowserSource.__init__(self, name=_('ampache-fm')) self.ampache = ampache.API() self.ampache.set_format('json') self.plugin_info = 'ampache-fm' self.conf = configparser.RawConfigParser() self.configfile = RB.find_user_data_file(PLUGIN_PATH + CONFIGFILE) self.ui_file = RB.find_user_data_file(PLUGIN_PATH + UIFILE) = None self.rbdb = None self.db = None self.player = None self.source = None self.queue = None = None self.elapsed_changed_id = None self.spinner = None # fields for current track self.nowtime = None self.nowtitle = None self.nowartist = None self.nowalbum = None self.nowMBtitle = None self.nowMBartist = None self.nowMBalbum = None # Fields for the last saved track to check against self.lasttime = None # ampache details self.ampache_url = None self.ampache_user = None self.ampache_apikey = None self.ampache_password = None self.ampache_session = False
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import ampache # user variables ampache_url = '' ampache_api = 'demodemo' ampache_user = '******' # xml or json supported formats api_format = 'json' ampacheConnection = ampache.API() ampacheConnection.set_format(api_format) """ encrypt_string """ encrypted_key = ampacheConnection.encrypt_string(ampache_api, ampache_user) """ handshake """ print('Connecting to:\n ', ampache_url) src_api = ampache_api ampache_api = ampacheConnection.handshake(ampache_url, encrypted_key, False, False, '420000') print('\nThe ampache handshake for:\n ', src_api, '\n\nReturned the following session key:\n ', ampache_api) if not ampache_api:
def __init__(self): """ start amPYche """ print("\n##################\n" "# amPYche v" + VERSION + " #\n" "##################\n") check_config() self.conf = configparser.RawConfigParser() self.ampache_url = self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_url') self.ampache_user = self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_user') self.ampache_apikey = self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_apikey') self.ampache_session = self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_session') self.api_format = self.conf.get('conf', 'api_format') self.ampacheConnection = ampache.API() self.ampacheConnection.set_format(self.api_format) # ping the last session to see if active my_ping =, self.ampache_session) if not my_ping: self.handshake() if not my_ping: print('CONNECTION ERROR') return # workaround for bugs if not self.ampacheConnection.AMPACHE_URL: self.ampacheConnection.AMPACHE_URL = self.ampache_url if not self.ampacheConnection.AMPACHE_SESSION: self.ampacheConnection.AMPACHE_SESSION = self.ampache_session # get your lists self.list_songs = list() if int(OID) > 0: if TYPE == 'playlist': self.playlist_songs(OID) if TYPE == 'song': song = if self.api_format == 'xml': for child in song: if child.tag == 'song': self.list_songs.append(child.attrib['id']) else: for child in song: self.list_songs.append(child['id']) # run your action if ACTION == 'ping': print("\nSESSION: " + self.ampache_url, self.ampache_session)) elif ACTION == 'configure': self.saveconf() elif ACTION == 'logout': self.quit() elif ACTION == 'showconfig': print("\nURL: " + self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_url')) print("USER: "******"API_KEY: " + self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_apikey')) print("SESSION: " + self.conf.get('conf', 'ampache_session')) print("FORMAT: " + self.conf.get('conf', 'api_format') + "\n") elif ACTION == 'playlists': self.playlists() elif ACTION == 'localplay': for song_id in self.list_songs: if song_id: self.localplay('add', song_id, 'song', 0) if COMMAND != 'add': result = self.localplay(COMMAND) if result: for lines in result: if self.api_format == 'xml': print(lines[0] + ": " + lines[1]) else: print(str(lines) + ": " + str(result[lines])) elif ACTION == 'download': if not os.path.isdir(DESTIN): os.makedirs(DESTIN) for song_id in self.list_songs: if song_id and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(DESTIN)):, DESTIN, TRANSCODE) elif ACTION == 'stream': for song_id in self.list_songs: if song_id:, TRANSCODE) return
def cache_playlist(ampache_url, ampache_api, ampache_user, api_format, smartlist, destination, transcode, limit): ampacheConnection = ampache.API() ampacheConnection.set_format(api_format) """ encrypt_string def encrypt_string(ampache_api, user): """ encrypted_key = ampacheConnection.encrypt_string(ampache_api, ampache_user) """ handshake def handshake(ampache_url, ampache_api, user = False, timestamp = False, version = '420000'): # processed details """ ampache_session = ampacheConnection.handshake(ampache_url, encrypted_key, False, False, '420000') if not ampache_session: print() sys.exit('ERROR: Failed to connect to ' + ampache_url) """ ping def ping(ampache_url, ampache_api): # did all this work? """ my_ping =, ampache_session) if not my_ping: print() sys.exit('ERROR: Failed to ping ' + ampache_url) """ set_debug def set_debug(mybool): """ ampacheConnection.set_debug(False) """ advanced_search def advanced_search(ampache_url, ampache_api, rules, operator = 'and', type = 'song', offset = 0, limit = 0, random = 0): """ list_songs = list() search_rules = [['smartplaylist', 0, smartlist]] search_song = ampacheConnection.advanced_search(search_rules, 'or', 'song', 0, limit, 1) if api_format == 'xml': for child in search_song: if child.tag == 'song': list_songs.append([ child.attrib['id'], os.path.basename(child.find('filename').text) ]) else: for child in search_song['song']: print('list') print(child) list_songs.append( [child['id'], os.path.basename(child['filename'])]) print(list_songs) """ download def download(ampache_url, ampache_api, object_id, object_type, destination, file_format='raw'): """ for object_id in list_songs: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(destination, object_id[1])):[0], 'song', os.path.join(destination, object_id[1]), transcode) else: print('File exists') """ goodbye def goodbye(ampache_url, ampache_api): Close your session when you're done """ ampacheConnection.goodbye()