def get_filtered_accel_data_json(site_column, start_date, end_date, node_id, version): return_data = pd.DataFrame() accel_id = [1] if version in [2, 3, 4, 5]: accel_id.append(2) for a_id in accel_id: raw_data = query.get_raw_accel_data(tsm_name=site_column, from_time=start_date, to_time=end_date, node_id=node_id, accel_number=a_id, batt=True) filtered_data = fd.apply_filters(raw_data) combined_data = pd.DataFrame({ "data": [raw_data, filtered_data], "type": ["raw", "filtered"] }) if len(accel_id) == 1: return_data["v1"] = [combined_data] else: return_data[a_id] = [combined_data] return return_data.to_json(orient="records", date_format="iso") \ .replace("T", " ").replace("Z", "") \ .replace(".000", "")
def filter_counter(tsm_id = '', days_interval = 3): time_now = pd.to_datetime( from_time = time_now-td(days = days_interval) memc = memcache.Client([''], debug=1) accelerometers=memc.get('DF_ACCELEROMETERS') accel = accelerometers[accelerometers.tsm_id ==tsm_id] df = qdb.get_raw_accel_data(tsm_id=tsm_id, from_time=from_time, batt =1) if not df.empty: count_raw = df['ts'].groupby(df.accel_id).size().rename('raw') dfv = fsd.volt_filter(df) count_volt = dfv['ts'].groupby(dfv.accel_id).size().rename('voltf') dfr = fsd.range_filter_accel(df) count_range = dfr['ts'].groupby(dfr.accel_id).size().rename('rangef') dfo = fsd.orthogonal_filter(dfr) count_ortho = dfo['ts'].groupby(dfo.accel_id).size().rename('orthof') dfor = outlierf(dfo) count_outlier = dfor['ts'].groupby(dfor.accel_id).size().rename('outlierf') dfa=pd.concat([count_raw,count_volt, count_range, count_ortho, count_outlier],axis=1) # dfa[np.isnan(dfa)]=0 dfa = dfa.reset_index() else: dfa = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['accel_id','raw','voltf','rangef','orthof','outlierf']) dfa = dfa.astype(float) dfa = pd.merge(accel[['accel_id']], dfa, how = 'outer', on = 'accel_id') dfa[(np.isnan(dfa))]=0 dfa['ts'] = time_now dfa['percent_raw'] = dfa.raw / (48 * days_interval) * 100 dfa['percent_voltf'] = dfa.voltf / dfa.raw * 100 dfa['percent_rangef'] = dfa.rangef / dfa.raw * 100 dfa['percent_orthof'] = dfa.orthof / dfa.raw * 100 dfa['percent_outlierf'] = dfa.outlierf / dfa.raw *100 dfa.ts = dfa.ts.dt.round('H') dfa = dfa.round(2) return dfa[['accel_id','ts','percent_raw','percent_voltf','percent_rangef','percent_orthof','percent_outlierf']]
def proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc, realtime=False, comp_vel=True, analysis=True): monitoring = qdb.get_raw_accel_data(tsm_name=tsm_props.tsm_name, from_time=window.offsetstart, to_time=window.end, analysis=analysis) monitoring = monitoring.loc[monitoring.node_id <= tsm_props.nos] monitoring = filt.apply_filters(monitoring) #identify the node ids with no data at start of monitoring window no_init_val = no_initial_data(monitoring, tsm_props.nos, window.offsetstart) #get last good data prior to the monitoring window (LGDPM) if len(no_init_val) != 0: lgdpm = qdb.get_single_lgdpm(tsm_props.tsm_name, no_init_val, window.offsetstart, analysis=analysis) lgdpm = filt.apply_filters(lgdpm) lgdpm = lgdpm.sort_index(ascending=False).drop_duplicates('node_id') monitoring = monitoring.append(lgdpm, sort=False) invalid_nodes = qdb.get_node_status(tsm_props.tsm_id, ts=window.offsetstart) monitoring = monitoring.loc[~monitoring.node_id.isin(invalid_nodes)] lgd = get_last_good_data(monitoring) #assigns timestamps from LGD to be timestamp of offsetstart monitoring.loc[(monitoring.ts < window.offsetstart) | (pd.isnull(monitoring.ts)), ['ts']] = window.offsetstart monitoring = accel_to_lin_xz_xy(monitoring, tsm_props.seglen) monitoring = monitoring.drop_duplicates(['ts', 'node_id']) monitoring = monitoring.set_index('ts') monitoring = monitoring[['tsm_name', 'node_id', 'xz', 'xy']] nodes_noval = no_data(monitoring, tsm_props.nos) nodes_nodata = pd.DataFrame({ 'tsm_name': [tsm_props.tsm_name] * len(nodes_noval), 'node_id': nodes_noval, 'xy': [np.nan] * len(nodes_noval), 'xz': [np.nan] * len(nodes_noval), 'ts': [window.offsetstart] * len(nodes_noval) }) nodes_nodata = nodes_nodata.set_index('ts') monitoring = monitoring.append(nodes_nodata, sort=False) max_min_df, max_min_cml = err.cml_noise_profiling(monitoring, sc, tsm_props.nos) #resamples xz and xy values per node using forward fill monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( resample_node, window=window).reset_index(drop=True).set_index('ts') if not realtime: to_smooth = int(sc['subsurface']['to_smooth']) to_fill = int(sc['subsurface']['to_fill']) else: to_smooth = int(sc['subsurface']['rt_to_smooth']) to_fill = int(sc['subsurface']['rt_to_fill']) tilt = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( fill_smooth, offsetstart=window.offsetstart, end=window.end, roll_window_numpts=window.numpts, to_smooth=to_smooth, to_fill=to_fill).reset_index(level='ts').set_index('ts') if comp_vel == True: tilt.loc[:, 'td'] = tilt.index.values - \ monitoring.index.values[0] tilt.loc[:, 'td'] = tilt['td'].apply(lambda x: x / \ np.timedelta64(1,'D')) nodal_filled_smoothened = tilt.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) tilt = nodal_filled_smoothened.apply(node_inst_vel, roll_window_numpts=window.numpts, start=window.start) tilt = tilt.drop(['td'], axis=1) tilt = tilt.sort_values('node_id', ascending=True) tilt = tilt.reset_index(level='ts').set_index('ts') return ProcData(invalid_nodes, tilt.sort_index(), lgd, max_min_df, max_min_cml)
def proc_subsurface(tsm_props, window, sc): monitoring = qdb.get_raw_accel_data(tsm_name=tsm_props.tsm_name, from_time=window.offsetstart, to_time=window.end) monitoring = monitoring.loc[monitoring.node_id <= tsm_props.nos] monitoring = filt.apply_filters(monitoring) monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( magnitude, tsm_props.seglen) monitoring = theta_yz(monitoring) #identify the node ids with no data at start of monitoring window no_init_val = no_initial_data(monitoring, tsm_props.nos, window.offsetstart) #get last good data prior to the monitoring window (LGDPM) if len(no_init_val) != 0: lgdpm = qdb.get_single_lgdpm(tsm_props.tsm_name, no_init_val, window.offsetstart) lgdpm = filt.apply_filters(lgdpm) lgdpm = lgdpm.sort_index(ascending=False).drop_duplicates('node_id') monitoring = monitoring.append(lgdpm, sort=False) invalid_nodes = qdb.get_node_status(tsm_props.tsm_id, ts=window.offsetstart) monitoring = monitoring.loc[~monitoring.node_id.isin(invalid_nodes)] lgd = get_last_good_data(monitoring) #assigns timestamps from LGD to be timestamp of offsetstart monitoring.loc[(monitoring.ts < window.offsetstart) | (pd.isnull(monitoring.ts)), ['ts']] = window.offsetstart monitoring = monitoring.drop_duplicates(['ts', 'node_id']) monitoring = monitoring.set_index('ts') #monitoring = monitoring.loc[monitoring['node_id'].isin(range(1,8,1))] select nodes monitoring = monitoring[[ 'tsm_name', 'node_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'magnitude', 'theta_yz' ]] nodes_noval = no_data(monitoring, tsm_props.nos) nodes_nodata = pd.DataFrame({ 'tsm_name': [tsm_props.tsm_name] * len(nodes_noval), 'node_id': nodes_noval, 'magnitude': [np.nan] * len(nodes_noval), 'theta_yz': [np.nan] * len(nodes_noval), 'ts': [window.offsetstart] * len(nodes_noval) }) nodes_nodata = nodes_nodata.set_index('ts') monitoring = monitoring.append(nodes_nodata, sort=False) # print ('\n\n\n####### monitoring #######\n\n\n', monitoring) max_min_df, max_min_cml = err.cml_noise_profiling(monitoring, sc, tsm_props.nos) monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( proc.resample_node, window=window).reset_index(drop=True).set_index('ts') to_smooth = int(sc['subsurface']['to_smooth']) to_fill = int(sc['subsurface']['to_fill']) monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( fill_smooth, offsetstart=window.offsetstart, end=window.end, roll_window_numpts=window.numpts, to_smooth=to_smooth, to_fill=to_fill).reset_index(level='ts').set_index('ts') monitoring.loc[:, 'td'] = monitoring.index.values - monitoring.index.values[0] monitoring.loc[:, 'td'] = monitoring['td'].apply(lambda x: x / \ np.timedelta64(1,'D')) monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( slope_intercept, roll_window_numpts=window.numpts, start=window.start).reset_index(level='ts').set_index('ts') monitoring = displacement(monitoring) monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply( node_inst_vel, roll_window_numpts=window.numpts, start=window.start).reset_index(level='ts').set_index('ts') # monitoring = monitoring.groupby('node_id', as_index=False).apply(accel, # roll_window_numpts=window.numpts, # start=window.start).reset_index(level='ts').set_index('ts') tilt = alert_generator(monitoring, 0.05, 0.032) return ProcData(invalid_nodes, tilt, lgd, max_min_df, max_min_cml)
def xyzplot(tsm_id, nid, time, OutputFP=''): memc = memcache.Client([''], debug=1) tsm_sensors = memc.get('DF_TSM_SENSORS') accelerometers = memc.get('DF_ACCELEROMETERS') accel = accelerometers[(accelerometers.tsm_id == tsm_id) & (accelerometers.in_use == 1)] tsm_name = tsm_sensors.tsm_name[tsm_sensors.tsm_id == tsm_id].values[0] nid_up = nid - 1 nid_down = nid + 1 time = pd.to_datetime(time) from_time = time - td(days=6) to_time = time #dataframe df_node = qdb.get_raw_accel_data(tsm_id=tsm_id, from_time=time - td(weeks=1), to_time=time, analysis=True, batt=True) dff = fsd.apply_filters(df_node) #raw and filter counter raw_count = float(df_node.ts[(df_node.node_id == nid) & (df_node.ts >= time - td(days=3))].count()) filter_count = dff.ts[(dff.node_id == nid) & (dff.ts >= time - td(days=3))].count() try: percent = filter_count / raw_count * 100.0 except ZeroDivisionError: percent = 0 #valid invalid query_na = ("SELECT COUNT(IF(na_status=1,1, NULL))/count(ts)*100.0 as " "'percent_valid' FROM senslopedb.node_alerts " "where tsm_id = {} and node_id = {} and na_status is not NULL " "group by tsm_id, node_id".format(tsm_id, nid)) df_na = qdb.get_db_dataframe(query_na) if df_na.empty: validity = np.nan else: validity = df_na.percent_valid.values[0] fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("{}{} ({})".format(tsm_name, str(nid), time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), fontsize=11) #accelerometer status query = '''SELECT status,remarks FROM senslopedb.accelerometer_status as astat inner join (select * from accelerometers where tsm_id={} and node_id={} and in_use=1) as a on a.accel_id=astat.accel_id order by stat_id desc limit 1'''.format(tsm_id, nid) dfs = qdb.get_db_dataframe(query) if not dfs.empty: stat_id = dfs.status[0] if stat_id == 1: stat = 'Ok' elif stat_id == 2: stat = 'Use with Caution' elif stat_id == 3: stat = 'Special Case' elif stat_id == 4: stat = 'Not Ok' com = dfs.remarks[0] else: stat = 'Ok' com = '' fig.text(0.125, 0.95, 'Status: {}\nComment: {}'.format(stat, com), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=8, color='blue') # end of accelerometer status #filter/raw fig.text(0.900, 0.95, '%%filter/raw = %.2f%%\n%%validity = %.2f%%' % (percent, validity), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=8, color='blue') df0 = dff[(dff.node_id == nid_up) & (dff.ts >= from_time) & (dff.ts <= to_time)] dfr0 = df_node[(df_node.node_id == nid_up) & (df_node.ts >= from_time) & (df_node.ts <= to_time)] if not df0.empty: df0 = df0.set_index('ts') dfr0 = dfr0.set_index('ts') ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 1) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df0['x'].plot(color='green') ax1.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.ylabel(tsm_name + str(nid_up), color='green', fontsize=14) plt.title('x-axis', color='green', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 2, sharex=ax1) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df0['y'].plot(color='green') ax2.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.title('y-axis', color='green', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 3, sharex=ax1) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df0['z'].plot(color='green') ax3.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.title('z-axis', color='green', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') try: axb1 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 4, sharex=ax1) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) dfr0['batt'].plot(color='green') axb1.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) axb1.axhline(accel.voltage_max[accel.node_id == nid_up].values[0], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) axb1.axhline(accel.voltage_min[accel.node_id == nid_up].values[0], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) plt.title('batt', color='green', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') except: print("v1") plt.xlim([from_time, to_time]) # for t in time: # ax1.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # ax2.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # ax3.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) df = dff[(dff.node_id == nid) & (dff.ts >= from_time) & (dff.ts <= to_time)] dfr = df_node[(df_node.node_id == nid) & (df_node.ts >= from_time) & (df_node.ts <= to_time)] if not df.empty: df = df.set_index('ts') dfr = dfr.set_index('ts') ax4 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 5) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df['x'].plot(color='blue') ax4.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.ylabel(tsm_name + str(nid), color='blue', fontsize=14) plt.title('x-axis', color='blue', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') ax5 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 6, sharex=ax4) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df['y'].plot(color='blue') ax5.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.title('y-axis', color='blue', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') ax6 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 7, sharex=ax4) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df['z'].plot(color='blue') ax6.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.title('z-axis', color='blue', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') try: axb2 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 8, sharex=ax4) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) dfr['batt'].plot(color='blue') axb2.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) axb2.axhline(accel.voltage_max[accel.node_id == nid].values[0], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) axb2.axhline(accel.voltage_min[accel.node_id == nid].values[0], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) plt.title('batt', color='blue', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') except: print("v1") plt.xlim([from_time, to_time]) # for t in time: # ax4.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # ax5.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # ax6.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) df1 = dff[(dff.node_id == nid_down) & (dff.ts >= from_time) & (dff.ts <= to_time)] dfr1 = df_node[(df_node.node_id == nid_down) & (df_node.ts >= from_time) & (df_node.ts <= to_time)] if not df1.empty: df1 = df1.set_index('ts') dfr1 = dfr1.set_index('ts') ax7 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 9) df1['x'].plot(color='red') ax7.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) plt.ylabel(tsm_name + str(nid_down), color='red', fontsize=14) plt.title('x-axis', color='red', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') ax8 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 10, sharex=ax7) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df1['y'].plot(color='red') ax8.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.title('y-axis', color='red', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') ax9 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 11, sharex=ax7) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) df1['z'].plot(color='red') ax9.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) plt.title('z-axis', color='red', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') try: axb3 = plt.subplot(3, 4, 12, sharex=ax7) plt.axvspan(time - td(days=3), time, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) dfr1['batt'].plot(color='red') axb3.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', labelsize=7) axb3.axhline( accel.voltage_max[accel.node_id == nid_down].values[0], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) axb3.axhline( accel.voltage_min[accel.node_id == nid_down].values[0], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) plt.title('batt', color='red', fontsize=8, verticalalignment='top') except: print("v1") plt.xlim([from_time, to_time]) # for t in time: # ax7.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # ax8.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # ax9.axvline(time, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.7) # plt.savefig(OutputFP + tsm_name + str(nid) + '(' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H%M") + ')', dpi=400)
def drift_detection(acc_id="", f_time=pd.to_datetime( - td(weeks=12))): accelerometers = memory.get('DF_ACCELEROMETERS') acc_det = accelerometers[accelerometers.accel_id == acc_id].iloc[0] try: df = q.get_raw_accel_data(tsm_id=acc_det.tsm_id, node_id=acc_det.node_id, accel_number=acc_det.accel_number, from_time=f_time) #lagpas yung node_id except ValueError: return 0 #walang table ng tilt_***** sa db except AttributeError: return 0 #walang laman yung df if df.empty: return 0 #Resample 30min df = df.set_index('ts').resample('30min').first() #Integer index N = len(df.index) df['i'] = range(1, N + 1, 1) # Compute accelerometer raw value df.x[df.x < -2048] = df.x[df.x < -2048] + 4096 df.y[df.y < -2048] = df.y[df.y < -2048] + 4096 df.z[df.z < -2048] = df.z[df.z < -2048] + 4096 # Compute accelerometer magnitude df['mag'] = ((df.x / 1024) * (df.x / 1024) + (df.y / 1024) * (df.y / 1024) + (df.z / 1024) * (df.z / 1024)).apply(np.sqrt) #count number of data dfw = pd.DataFrame() dfw['count'] = df.mag.resample('1W').count() # Filter data with very big/small magnitude df[df.mag > 3.0] = np.nan df[df.mag < 0.5] = np.nan # Compute mean and standard deviation in time frame df['ave'] = df.mag.rolling(window=12, center=True).mean() df['stdev'] = df.mag.rolling(window=12, center=True).std() # Filter data with outlier values in time frame df[(df.mag > df.ave + 3 * df.stdev) & (df.stdev != 0)] = np.nan df[(df.mag < df.ave - 3 * df.stdev) & (df.stdev != 0)] = np.nan #interpolate missing data df = df.interpolate() # Resample every six hours df = df.resample('6H').mean() # Recompute standard deviation after resampling df.stdev = df.mag.rolling(window=2, center=False).std() df.stdev = df.stdev.shift(-1) df.stdev = df.stdev.rolling(window=2, center=False).mean() # Filter data with large standard deviation df[df.stdev > 0.05] = np.nan # Compute velocity and acceleration of magnitude df['vel'] = df.mag - df.mag.shift(1) df['acc'] = df.vel - df.vel.shift(1) #Resample 1week dfw['vel_week'] = df.vel.resample('1W').mean() dfw['acc_week'] = df.acc.resample('1W').mean() dfw['corr'] = df.resample('1W').mag.corr(df.i) dfw['corr'] = dfw['corr']**2 # Get the data that exceeds the threshold value dfw = dfw[(abs(dfw['acc_week']) > 0.000003) & (dfw['corr'] > 0.7) & (dfw['count'] >= 84)] #Compute the difference for each threshold data if len(dfw) > 0: dfw = dfw.reset_index() dfw['diff_TS'] = dfw.ts - dfw.ts.shift(1) dfw['sign'] = dfw.vel_week * dfw.vel_week.shift(1) #Check if there are 4 weeks consecutive threshold data week = 1 days = td(days=0) while days < td(days=28) and week < len(dfw.index): if ((dfw.loc[week]['diff_TS'] <= td(days=14)) & (dfw.loc[week]['sign'] > 0)): days = days + dfw.loc[week]['diff_TS'] else: days = td(days=0) week = week + 1 if days >= td(days=28): print(acc_id, dfw.ts[week - 1]) # df['mag'].plot() # plt.savefig(OutputFP+col+nids+a+"-mag") # plt.close() dft = pd.DataFrame(columns=['accel_id', 'ts_identified']) dft.loc[0] = [acc_id, dfw.ts[week - 1]] #save to db db.df_write(smsclass.DataTable("drift_detection", dft)) print("very nice!")