コード例 #1
ファイル: optimise.py プロジェクト: simonm3/analysis
class Optuner():
    """ wrapper for optunity """
    def __init__(self, folder="optimise"):
        self.intparams = []
        self.logparams = []
        self.fixedparams = dict()
        self.count = 1
        self.runs = Runs(folder, "w")
    def cleanparams(self, params):
        """ recursively convert search_space to optunity format
                bools to int
                list of strings to sub-keys
                single values to fixed parameters
                single keys to fixed parameters
            create for later processing
                self.fixedparams=list of fixed parameters 
                self.logparams=list of logspace params (10**value)
                self.intparams=list of keys to be constrained to int
            remove logparams (special key listing logspace params)
        # logspace params e.g. -3, 3 => 10**-3, 10**3
        if not self.logparams:
            self.logparams = params.pop("logparams", [])
        for k in list(params.keys()):
            v = params[k]
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                if len(v.keys()) == 1:
                    k2, v2 = list(v.items())[0]
                    if not isinstance(v2, list):
                        self.fixedparams[k] = k2
                if v and not isinstance(v, list):
                    v = [v]
                # fixed param
                if len(set(v)) == 1:
                    v = v[0]
                    if v in self.logparams:
                        self.fixedparams[k] = 10**v
                        self.fixedparams[k] = v
                    del params[k]
                # convert list of strings to sub-entries
                elif isinstance(v[0], str):
                    params[k] = {v: None for v in v}
                # convert bool to int
                elif all([isinstance(v, bool) for v in v]):
                    params[k] = sorted([x*1 for x in v])
                # compile list of integer parameters
                elif all([isinstance(v, int) for v in v]):
            except (TypeError, KeyError):
    def make_target(self, func, **constants):
        """ make target
                func has signature score=func(**params)
                constants fixed for all iterations e.g. x and y
        def target(**params):
            """ target function for each optunity iteration
                    enables fixed params in search space
                    removes nulls
                    converts intparams to integer
                    converts logparams to logspace
                    updates params with constants
                    logs params, scores

                params provided by optimiser for each iteration
            starttime = time()
            # enable fixed parameters that are always the same value
            # remove k=None (bug in optunity) and v=None (na for this run) 
            params = {k:v for k,v in params.items() if k and v}
            # convert intparams to integer
            for k in set(params) & set(self.intparams):
                params[k] = int(round(params[k]))
            # convert logparams to logspace i.e. -3, 3 searches .001 to 1000
            for k in set(params) & set(self.logparams):
                params[k] = 10**params[k]

            # add in constants such as x, y

            # report params
            if self.verbose >= 20:
                paramsout = ', '.join("{!s}={!r}".format(k,v) 
                                    for (k,v) in params.items())
                log.info("[%s] %s"%(self.count, paramsout))
            score = func(**params)
            # log results
            for fixed in self.fixedparams:
                del params[fixed]
            # report score
            if self.verbose >= 20:
                log.info("****** %s"%score)
            self.count += 1
            return score
        return target

    def maximise(self, target, num_evals, search=None, verbose=20,
            maximise target within defined search space
            target has signature score=target(**params)
            constants are fixed for every iteration e.g. x and y
            verbose=20 report every iteration
        self.verbose = verbose
        if search is None:
            with open("search.yaml") as f:
                search = yaml.load(f)

        # note ignore return values as using runs instead
        # runs has functions such as plot, report and correlations
        optunity.maximize_structured(self.make_target(target, **constants), 