def fit_linewidth(folder=None, threshold=0.01, delta=0.03, **kw): print folder show_plots = kw.pop( 'show_plots', True ) #if the keyword show_plots exists, set to the given value, otherwise default is True a = cga.cavity_analysis(folder) print a.f a.get_x_pts() #the x points of the laser of voltage scan a.get_data() #x_datas contains nr_repetitions copies of a.x_pts x_datas = np.full((a.nr_scans, len(a.x_pts)), a.x_pts) single_scan_lw = np.zeros(a.nr_scans) u_single_scan_lw = np.zeros(a.nr_scans) #new_delays = np.zeros(len(a.sweep_pts)*len(a.nr_scans)) name = '' #reps_0_1_10_11_20_21_30_31_40_41' print a.nr_scans print x_datas print for i in np.arange(a.nr_scans): single_scan_lw[i], u_single_scan_lw[i] = cf.fit_piezo_plots( folder, x_datas[i],[i], show_plots=True, threshold=threshold, averaging=False) return single_scan_lw, u_single_scan_lw #SvD: you want to return not the index i, but the whole array
def lengthscan_analysis(folder, **kw): do_get_peaks = kw.pop('do_get_peaks', False) a = cga.cavity_analysis(folder) x, y = a.get_lengthscan_data() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title(folder) ax.set_xlabel('length tuning voltage (V)') ax.set_ylabel('PD signal (V)') plt.plot(x, y) if do_get_peaks: minimum_peak_height = kw.pop('minimum_peak_height', 0.4 * max(a.y_data)) minimum_peak_distance = kw.pop('minimum_peak_distance', 60) a.peak_xs = np.array([]) a.peak_ys = np.array([]) indices = peakdetect.detect_peaks(a.y_data, mph=minimum_peak_height, mpd=minimum_peak_distance) for ii in indices: a.peak_xs = np.append(a.peak_xs, a.x_data[ii]) a.peak_ys = np.append(a.peak_ys, a.y_data[ii]) ax.plot(a.peak_xs, a.peak_ys, '+', mfc=None, mec='r', mew=2, ms=8) fig.savefig(a.folder + '/PDsignal_vs_length_tuning_voltage.png') a.finish() if do_get_peaks: return a.peak_xs
def fit_3_lorentzians(indexmax, date, g_a1, g_A1, g_x01, g_gamma1, g_dx, g_A2, folder=None, fixed=[], threshold=0.01, delta=0.03, **kw): print folder show_plots = kw.pop( 'show_plots', True ) #if the keyword show_plots exists, set to the given value, otherwise default is True a = cga.cavity_analysis(folder) print a.f a.get_x_pts() #the x points of the laser of voltage scan a.get_data() #x_datas contains nr_repetitions copies of a.x_pts #x_datas = np.full((a.nr_scans,len(a.x_pts)),a.x_pts) single_scan_lw = np.zeros(a.nr_scans) u_single_scan_lw = np.zeros(a.nr_scans) #new_delays = np.zeros(len(a.sweep_pts)*len(a.nr_scans)) name = '' #reps_0_1_10_11_20_21_30_31_40_41' #Now we check to see that we have the correct voltage and amplitude points. # print a.x_pts # print #We want to analyze only one of the peaks that pops up for the linewidth. So we select a portion of the data and do the analysis on this #First we have to find the length of the data print('Length of Data') print len(a.x_pts) #The entire range of the data x = a.x_pts y =[0] print len(x) print len(y) #Plot the entire range of the data fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8)) ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_xlabel("Voltage (V)]", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)", fontsize=14) ax.set_title('Raw' + filename + date) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, filename + '_' + date + '.png')) #Selecting one peak of the data for the proper fit #indexmax=y.argmax(axis=0) #print indexmax #indexmax=30 dataleft = indexmax - (0.05 * len(x)) dataright = indexmax + (0.05 * len(x)) x = x[dataleft:dataright] y = y[dataleft:dataright] print len(x) print len(y) #x = 1.e3*np.a.x_pts[0]#[3000:] # multiplied by factor 1.e3 to get ms #y = np.a#[3000:] #Plot just one of the peaks fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_xlabel("Voltage (V)]", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)", fontsize=14) #ax.set_xlim(x[0],x[-1]) #X_min_freq = g_x01-ax.get_xlim()[0] #X_max_freq = g_x01+ax.get_xlim()[-1] #xticklabels = np.linspace(X_min_freq,X_max_freq,n_xticks) #ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_title('Select Data' + filename + date) plt.savefig( os.path.join(folder, filename + 'Select Data' + '_' + date + '.png')) print 'fitting data to 3 lorentzians' p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_3lorentz_symmetric( g_a1, g_A1, g_x01, g_gamma1, g_dx, g_A2) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=True, ret=True, fixed=fixed) # # x01 = fit_result['params_dict']['x01'] dx = fit_result['params_dict']['dx'] gamma1 = fit_result['params_dict']['gamma1'] # # gamma2 = fit_result['params_dict']['gamma2'] u_gamma1 = fit_result['error_dict']['gamma1'] # # u_gamma2 = fit_result['error_dict']['gamma2'] scaling = EOM_freq / dx #scale the known EOM freq with the separation here. linewidth = gamma1 * scaling #scale the linewidth to get linewidht in frequency u_linewidth = u_gamma1 * scaling linewidth_string = 'gamma = ' + str(round(linewidth, 2)) + '+-' + str( round(u_linewidth, 3)) + 'GHz' print linewidth_string #Plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x)), ax=ax, label='Fit', show_guess=True, plot_data=True, color='red', data_linestyle='-', print_info=False) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency [GHz]", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)", fontsize=14) ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1]) print ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1]) xticks = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[-1], n_xticks) #rescaling for x-axis in GHz X_min_freq = ax.get_xlim()[0] * scaling X_max_freq = ax.get_xlim()[-1] * scaling print g_x01 * scaling print X_min_freq print X_max_freq print scaling xticklabels = np.linspace(X_min_freq, X_max_freq, n_xticks) xticklabels_round = [] for j in xticklabels: round_ = round(j, 3) xticklabels_round = np.append(xticklabels_round, round_) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels_round) ax.set_title('Fitted' + filename + date + '\n' + linewidth_string) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, filename + '_' + date + '_fit.png'))
def fit_sweep_msync_delays(folder = tb.latest_data('141702'),threshold=0.01,delta=0.05): a = cga.cavity_analysis(folder) print a.f a.get_x_pts() #the x points of the laser of voltage scan a.get_sweep_pts() #the sweep points (here: delays) a.get_sweep_data() #x_datas contains nr_repetitions copies of a.x_pts x_datas = np.full((a.nr_repetitions,len(a.x_pts)),a.x_pts) selected_reps = np.arange(a.nr_repetitions)#np.array([0,5,10,15])#np.arange(a.nr_repetitions)#np.array([0,1,10,11,20,21,30,31,40,41]) # avg_lws = np.zeros(len(a.sweep_pts)) u_avg_lws = np.zeros(len(a.sweep_pts)) peak_range=np.zeros([len(a.sweep_pts),len(selected_reps)]) nr_peaks=np.zeros([len(a.sweep_pts),len(selected_reps)]) #new_delays = np.zeros(len(a.sweep_pts)*len(a.nr_scans)) name = ''#reps_0_1_10_11_20_21_30_31_40_41' for i,pt in enumerate(a.sweep_pts): for j,rep in enumerate(selected_reps): peak_range[i,j],nr_peaks[i,j]=cf.determine_peak_range(folder,a.sweep_data[i,j],a.x_pts,delta,tag=str(pt)+'_'+str(rep),show_plot=False) avg_peak_range = np.average(peak_range,axis=1) u_avg_peak_range = np.std(peak_range,axis=1) avg_nr_peaks = np.average(nr_peaks,axis=1) u_avg_nr_peaks = np.std(nr_peaks,axis=1) print avg_peak_range print u_avg_peak_range print avg_nr_peaks print u_avg_nr_peaks #plot and save peak range vs sync delay fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4.7)) ax.errorbar(a.sweep_pts, avg_peak_range, fmt='o', yerr=u_avg_peak_range) # ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('sync delay (ms)',fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('average peak range (V)',fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major',labelsize = 14) ax.set_xlim(a.sweep_pts[0],a.sweep_pts[-1]) ax.set_ylim(0,max(avg_peak_range)+max(u_avg_peak_range)) ax.set_title(folder +'\n'+'peakrange_vs_delays'+name ) fig.savefig(folder +'/'+'peakrange_vs_delays'+name+'.png') plt.close() #plot and save nr peaks vs sync delay fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4.7)) ax.errorbar(a.sweep_pts, avg_nr_peaks, fmt='o', yerr=u_avg_nr_peaks) # ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('sync delay (ms)',fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('average nr peaks',fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major',labelsize = 14) ax.set_xlim(a.sweep_pts[0],a.sweep_pts[-1]) ax.set_ylim(0,max(avg_nr_peaks)+max(u_avg_nr_peaks)) ax.set_title(folder +'\n'+'nrpeaks_vs_delays'+name) fig.savefig(folder +'/'+'nrpeaks_vs_delays'+name+'.png') plt.close() #closed the file a.finish() return avg_peak_range, u_avg_peak_range, avg_nr_peaks, u_avg_nr_peaks