def sales(noteno, chargedate=None): # ltrim(h.noteno) 自编号的单据号可能被人为在前加入空格,noteno已经去掉前后空格,导致查询为空 sql = u''' SELECT h.notedate, RTRIM(h.noteno) as noteno, SUBSTRING(h.houseno,1,2) as department, h.custno as partnerno, case when h.houseno in ('FX010101','FX01010103','FX01010104') then 'FX010101' else h.houseno end as houseno,e.Name as saleman, m.wareno, m.amount, m.price, m.curr FROM WAREOUTM m, WAREOUTH h, EMPLOYE e WHERE rtrim(ltrim(h.noteno))='%s' AND m.noteno=h.noteno and h.saleman=e.code ''' sql = sql % noteno _cur.execute(sql) rows = _cur.fetchall() docs = [] try: for r in rows: doc = note() doc.notedate = r[0] doc.noteno = r[1].strip() doc.department_id = r[2] doc.partner_id = r[3].strip() doc.warehouse_id = r[4].strip() doc.sales = r[5] and r[5].strip() doc.product_id = r[6] and r[6].strip() doc.quantity = r[7] doc.price = r[8] doc.amount = r[9] doc.notetype = 'XS' doc.chargedate = chargedate or doc.notedate warehouse.wareout_check(doc) docs.append(doc) for doc in docs: warehouse.wareout(doc) except Exception, e: raise Exception(u'记帐失败:%s;%s' % (noteno, e.message))
def stockMove(noteno, chargedate=None, check=False): sql = ''' select h.noteno, h.notedate, h.oldhouseno, h.newhouseno, m.wareno, m.amount, substring(h.oldhouseno,1,2) as olddept, substring(h.newhouseno,1,2) as newdept, from warealloth h, wareallotm m where h.noteno=m.noteno and h.noteno='%s' ''' % noteno _cur.execute(sql) rows = _cur.fetchall() if _cur.rowcount==0:raise Exception for row in rows: # 移库单明细有可能数量为零,跳过 if row[5] == 0: continue old = row[2].strip() new = row[3].strip() if old in ('FX010101','FX01010103','FX01010104') and\ new in ('FX010101','FX01010103','FX01010104'): continue if old in ('FX01010103','FX01010104'): old = 'FX010101' if new in ('FX01010103','FX01010104'): new = 'FX010101' doc_yc = note() doc_yc.noteno = row[0] doc_yc.notedate = row[1] doc_yc.department_id = row[6].strip() doc_yc.warehouse_id = old doc_yc.product_id = row[4].strip() doc_yc.quantity = row[5] doc_yc.notetype = 'YC' doc_yc.chargedate = chargedate or doc_yc.notedate s = warehouse.getStock(doc_yc.key) if not s: raise Exception(u'没有库存。%s,%s,%s' % (doc_yc.noteno, doc_yc.product_id,doc_yc.warehouse_id)) doc_yc.price = s.price doc_yc.amount = doc_yc.quantity * doc_yc.price warehouse.wareout_check(doc_yc) doc_yr = note() doc_yr.noteno = row[0] doc_yr.notedate = row[1] doc_yr.department_id = row[7].strip() doc_yr.warehouse_id = new doc_yr.product_id = row[4].strip() doc_yr.quantity = row[5] doc_yr.notetype = 'YR' doc_yr.chargedate = chargedate or doc_yr.notedate doc_yr.price = s.price doc_yr.amount = doc_yr.quantity * doc_yr.price warehouse.warein_check(doc_yr) if not check: warehouse.wareout(doc_yc) warehouse.warein(doc_yr)