コード例 #1
def buildsection(name, begin, end):
    '''from FlightDataAnalyzer tests
       A little routine to make building Sections for testing easier.
       Example: land = buildsection('Landing', 100, 120)
    result = Section(name, slice(begin, end, None), begin, end)
    return SectionNode(name, items=[result])
コード例 #2
def buildsections(name, *args):
    Like buildsection, this is used to build SectionNodes for test purposes.

    lands = buildsections('name',[from1,to1],[from2,to2])

    Example of use:
    approach = buildsections('Approach', [80,90], [100,110])None
    return SectionNode(name, items=[builditem(name, *a) for a in args])
コード例 #3
def buildsection(name, *args):
    A little routine to make building Sections for testing easier.

    :param name: name for a test Section
    :returns: a SectionNode populated correctly.

    Example: land = buildsection('Landing', 100, 120)
    return SectionNode(name, items=[builditem(name, *args)])
コード例 #4
def buildsections(*args):
    '''from FlightDataAnalyzer tests
       Example: approach = buildsections('Approach', [80,90], [100,110])
    built_list = []
    name = args[0]
    for a in args[1:]:
        begin, end = a[0], a[1]
        new_section = Section(name, slice(begin, end, None), begin, end)
    return SectionNode(name, items=built_list)
コード例 #5
def derive_parameters_mitre(hdf, node_mgr, process_order, precomputed_parameters={}):
    Derives the parameter values and if limits are available, applies
    parameter validation upon each param before storing the resulting masked
    array back into the hdf file.
    :param hdf: Data file accessor used to get and save parameter data and attributes
    :type hdf: hdf_file
    :param node_mgr: Used to determine the type of node in the process_order
    :type node_mgr: NodeManager
    :param process_order: Parameter / Node class names in the required order to be processed
    :type process_order: list of strings
    params    = precomputed_parameters   # dictionary of derived params that aren't masked arrays

    approach_list = ApproachNode(restrict_names=False)
    kpv_list = KeyPointValueNode(restrict_names=False) # duplicate storage, but maintaining types
    kti_list = KeyTimeInstanceNode(restrict_names=False)
    section_list = SectionNode()  # 'Node Name' : node()  pass in node.get_accessor()
    flight_attrs = []
    duration = hdf.duration
    for param_name in process_order:
        if param_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:
            logger.debug('  derive_: hdf '+param_name)            
        elif node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name) is not None:
            logger.debug('  derive_: get_attribute '+param_name)
        elif param_name in params:  # already calculated KPV/KTI/Phase ***********************NEW
            logger.debug('  derive_parameters: re-using '+param_name)

        logger.debug('  derive_: computing '+param_name)        
        node_class = node_mgr.derived_nodes[param_name]  #NB raises KeyError if Node is "unknown"
        # build ordered dependencies
        deps = []
        node_deps = node_class.get_dependency_names()
        for dep_name in node_deps:
            if dep_name in params:  # already calculated KPV/KTI/Phase
            elif node_mgr.get_attribute(dep_name) is not None:
            elif dep_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:  
                # LFL/Derived parameter
                # all parameters (LFL or other) need get_aligned which is
                # available on DerivedParameterNode
                    dp = derived_param_from_hdf(hdf.get_param(dep_name,
                except KeyError:
                    # Parameter is invalid.
                    dp = None
            else:  # dependency not available
        if all([d is None for d in deps]):
            raise RuntimeError("No dependencies available - Nodes cannot "
                               "operate without ANY dependencies available! "
                               "Node: %s" % node_class.__name__)

        # initialise node
        node = node_class()
        logger.info("Processing parameter %s", param_name)
        # Derive the resulting value

        result = node.get_derived(deps)

        if node.node_type is KeyPointValueNode:
            #Q: track node instead of result here??
            params[param_name] = result
            for one_hz in result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KPV '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
        elif node.node_type is KeyTimeInstanceNode:
            params[param_name] = result
            for one_hz in result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KTI '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
        elif node.node_type is FlightAttributeNode:
            params[param_name] = result
                flight_attrs.append(Attribute(result.name, result.value)) # only has one Attribute result
                logger.warning("Flight Attribute Node '%s' returned empty "
                               "handed.", param_name)
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, SectionNode):
            aligned_section = result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for index, one_hz in enumerate(aligned_section):
                # SectionNodes allow slice starts and stops being None which
                # signifies the beginning and end of the data. To avoid TypeErrors
                # in subsequent derive methods which perform arithmetic on section
                # slice start and stops, replace with 0 or hdf.duration.
                fallback = lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y

                duration = fallback(duration, 0)

                start = fallback(one_hz.slice.start, 0)
                stop = fallback(one_hz.slice.stop, duration)
                start_edge = fallback(one_hz.start_edge, 0)
                stop_edge = fallback(one_hz.stop_edge, duration)

                slice_ = slice(start, stop)
                one_hz = Section(one_hz.name, slice_, start_edge, stop_edge)
                aligned_section[index] = one_hz
                if not (0 <= start <= duration and 0 <= stop <= duration + 1):
                    msg = "Section '%s' (%.2f, %.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, start, stop, duration))
                if not 0 <= start_edge <= duration:
                    msg = "Section '%s' start_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, start_edge, duration))
                if not 0 <= stop_edge <= duration + 1:
                    msg = "Section '%s' stop_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, stop_edge, duration))
            params[param_name] = aligned_section
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, DerivedParameterNode):
            if duration:
                # check that the right number of results were returned
                # Allow a small tolerance. For example if duration in seconds
                # is 2822, then there will be an array length of  1411 at 0.5Hz and 706
                # at 0.25Hz (rounded upwards). If we combine two 0.25Hz
                # parameters then we will have an array length of 1412.
                expected_length = duration * result.frequency
                if result.array is None:
                    logger.warning("No array set; creating a fully masked array for %s", param_name)
                    array_length = expected_length
                    # Where a parameter is wholly masked, we fill the HDF
                    # file with masked zeros to maintain structure.
                    result.array = \
                    array_length = len(result.array)
                length_diff = array_length - expected_length
                if length_diff == 0:
                elif 0 < length_diff < 5:
                    logger.warning("Cutting excess data for parameter '%s'. "
                                   "Expected length was '%s' while resulting "
                                   "array length was '%s'.", param_name,
                                   expected_length, len(result.array))
                    result.array = result.array[:expected_length]
                    raise ValueError("Array length mismatch for parameter "
                                     "'%s'. Expected '%s', resulting array "
                                     "length '%s'." % (param_name,
            # Keep hdf_keys up to date.
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, ApproachNode):
            aligned_approach = result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for approach in aligned_approach:
                # Does not allow slice start or stops to be None.
                valid_turnoff = (not approach.turnoff or
                                 (0 <= approach.turnoff <= duration))
                valid_slice = ((0 <= approach.slice.start <= duration) and
                               (0 <= approach.slice.stop <= duration))
                valid_gs_est = (not approach.gs_est or
                                ((0 <= approach.gs_est.start <= duration) and
                                 (0 <= approach.gs_est.stop <= duration)))
                valid_loc_est = (not approach.loc_est or
                                 ((0 <= approach.loc_est.start <= duration) and
                                  (0 <= approach.loc_est.stop <= duration)))
                if not all([valid_turnoff, valid_slice, valid_gs_est,
                    raise ValueError('ApproachItem contains index outside of '
                                     'flight data: %s' % approach)
            params[param_name] = aligned_approach
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Type %s" % node.__class__)
    return kti_list, kpv_list, section_list, approach_list, flight_attrs, params
コード例 #6
def derive_parameters_series(flight, node_mgr, process_order, precomputed={}):
    Non HDF5 version. Suitable for FFD and Notebook profile development.
    Derives the parameter values and if limits are available, applies
    parameter validation upon each param before storing the resulting masked
    array back into the hdf file.
    :param series: Data file accessor used to get and save parameter data and attributes
    :type series: dictionary of ParameterNode objects
    :param node_mgr: Used to determine the type of node in the process_order
    :type node_mgr: NodeManager
    :param process_order: Parameter / Node class names in the required order to be processed
    :type process_order: list of strings
    duration = flight.duration
    params = precomputed  #{}   # dictionary of derived params that aren't masked arrays
    pre_aligned = {}  #key = (name, frequency, offset)
    res = {
        'series': {},
        'approach': ApproachNode(restrict_names=False),
        'kpv': KeyPointValueNode(restrict_names=False),
        'kti': KeyTimeInstanceNode(restrict_names=False),
        'phase': SectionNode(),
        'attr': []
    }  #results by node type

    #print 'Process Order'
    #for p in process_order:
    #    print '  ',p

    for param_name in process_order:
        #if param_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:
        #   logger.info('_derive_: hdf '+param_name)
        #   continue

        if node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name) is not None:
            logger.info('_derive_: get_attribute ' + param_name)
        elif param_name in params.keys():  # already calculated
            logger.info('_derive_: re-using precomputed' + param_name)
        elif not node_mgr.derived_nodes.has_key(param_name):
            logger.info('_derive_: in process_order but not derived_nodes: ' +
        elif param_name in res['series'].keys():
            print 'derive_parameters: in series but not params:', param_name
            #logger.info('_derive_: series'+param_name)

        logger.info('_derive_: computing ' + param_name)
        node_class = node_mgr.derived_nodes[
            param_name]  #NB raises KeyError if Node is "unknown"

            deps, pre_aligned, node = get_deps_series(node_class, params,
                                                      node_mgr, pre_aligned)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.exception('ERROR ' + param_name + ' get_deps')

            node.derive(*deps)  #node.get_derived(deps)
            result = node
        except Exception, e:
            logger.exception('ERROR ' + param_name + ' get_derived')
コード例 #7
def derive_parameters(hdf, node_mgr, process_order):
    Derives parameters in process_order. Dependencies are sourced via the

    :param hdf: Data file accessor used to get and save parameter data and
    :type hdf: hdf_file
    :param node_mgr: Used to determine the type of node in the process_order
    :type node_mgr: NodeManager
    :param process_order: Parameter / Node class names in the required order to
        be processed
    :type process_order: list of strings
    # store all derived params that aren't masked arrays
    params = {}
    approach_list = ApproachNode(restrict_names=False)
    # duplicate storage, but maintaining types
    kpv_list = KeyPointValueNode(restrict_names=False)
    kti_list = KeyTimeInstanceNode(restrict_names=False)
    # 'Node Name' : node()  pass in node.get_accessor()
    section_list = SectionNode()
    flight_attrs = []
    duration = hdf.duration

    for param_name in process_order:
        if param_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:

        elif node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name) is not None:
            # add attribute to dictionary of available params
            ###params[param_name] = node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name)
            #TODO: optimise with only one call to get_attribute

        #NB raises KeyError if Node is "unknown"
        node_class = node_mgr.derived_nodes[param_name]

        # build ordered dependencies
        deps = []
        node_deps = node_class.get_dependency_names()
        for dep_name in node_deps:
            if dep_name in params:  # already calculated KPV/KTI/Phase
            elif node_mgr.get_attribute(dep_name) is not None:
            elif dep_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:
                # LFL/Derived parameter
                # all parameters (LFL or other) need get_aligned which is
                # available on DerivedParameterNode
                    dp = derived_param_from_hdf(
                        hdf.get_param(dep_name, valid_only=True))
                except KeyError:
                    # Parameter is invalid.
                    dp = None
            else:  # dependency not available
        if all([d is None for d in deps]):
            raise RuntimeError("No dependencies available - Nodes cannot "
                               "operate without ANY dependencies available! "
                               "Node: %s" % node_class.__name__)

        # initialise node
        node = node_class()
        # shhh, secret accessors for developing nodes in debug mode
        node._p = params
        node._h = hdf
        node._n = node_mgr
        logger.info("Processing %s `%s`", get_node_type(node), param_name)
        # Derive the resulting value

        result = node.get_derived(deps)
        del node._p
        del node._h
        del node._n

        if node.node_type is KeyPointValueNode:
            #Q: track node instead of result here??
            params[param_name] = result
            for one_hz in result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration + 4):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KPV '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
        elif node.node_type is KeyTimeInstanceNode:
            params[param_name] = result
            for one_hz in result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration + 4):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KTI '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
        elif node.node_type is FlightAttributeNode:
            params[param_name] = result
                # only has one Attribute result
                flight_attrs.append(Attribute(result.name, result.value))
                    "Flight Attribute Node '%s' returned empty "
                    "handed.", param_name)
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, SectionNode):
            aligned_section = result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for index, one_hz in enumerate(aligned_section):
                # SectionNodes allow slice starts and stops being None which
                # signifies the beginning and end of the data. To avoid
                # TypeErrors in subsequent derive methods which perform
                # arithmetic on section slice start and stops, replace with 0
                # or hdf.duration.
                fallback = lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y

                duration = fallback(duration, 0)

                start = fallback(one_hz.slice.start, 0)
                stop = fallback(one_hz.slice.stop, duration)
                start_edge = fallback(one_hz.start_edge, 0)
                stop_edge = fallback(one_hz.stop_edge, duration)

                slice_ = slice(start, stop)
                one_hz = Section(one_hz.name, slice_, start_edge, stop_edge)
                aligned_section[index] = one_hz

                if not (0 <= start <= duration and 0 <= stop <= duration + 4):
                    msg = "Section '%s' (%.2f, %.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg %
                                     (one_hz.name, start, stop, duration))
                if not 0 <= start_edge <= duration:
                    msg = "Section '%s' start_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, start_edge, duration))
                if not 0 <= stop_edge <= duration + 4:
                    msg = "Section '%s' stop_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, stop_edge, duration))
            params[param_name] = aligned_section
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, DerivedParameterNode):
            if duration:
                # check that the right number of results were returned Allow a
                # small tolerance. For example if duration in seconds is 2822,
                # then there will be an array length of  1411 at 0.5Hz and 706
                # at 0.25Hz (rounded upwards). If we combine two 0.25Hz
                # parameters then we will have an array length of 1412.
                expected_length = duration * result.frequency
                if result.array is None:
                        "No array set; creating a fully masked "
                        "array for %s", param_name)
                    array_length = expected_length
                    # Where a parameter is wholly masked, we fill the HDF
                    # file with masked zeros to maintain structure.
                    result.array = \
                    array_length = len(result.array)
                length_diff = array_length - expected_length
                if length_diff == 0:
                elif 0 < length_diff < 5:
                        "Cutting excess data for parameter '%s'. "
                        "Expected length was '%s' while resulting "
                        "array length was '%s'.", param_name, expected_length,
                    result.array = result.array[:expected_length]
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Array length mismatch for parameter "
                        "'%s'. Expected '%s', resulting array "
                        "length '%s'." %
                        (param_name, expected_length, array_length))

            # Keep hdf_keys up to date.
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, ApproachNode):
            aligned_approach = result.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for approach in aligned_approach:
                # Does not allow slice start or stops to be None.
                valid_turnoff = (not approach.turnoff
                                 or (0 <= approach.turnoff <= duration))
                valid_slice = ((0 <= approach.slice.start <= duration)
                               and (0 <= approach.slice.stop <= duration))
                valid_gs_est = (not approach.gs_est or
                                ((0 <= approach.gs_est.start <= duration) and
                                 (0 <= approach.gs_est.stop <= duration)))
                valid_loc_est = (not approach.loc_est or
                                 ((0 <= approach.loc_est.start <= duration) and
                                  (0 <= approach.loc_est.stop <= duration)))
                if not all(
                    [valid_turnoff, valid_slice, valid_gs_est, valid_loc_est]):
                    raise ValueError('ApproachItem contains index outside of '
                                     'flight data: %s' % approach)
            params[param_name] = aligned_approach
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Type %s" % node.__class__)
    return kti_list, kpv_list, section_list, approach_list, flight_attrs