コード例 #1
    def check_hostpost(self, k):
        for node in self.model.get_hosts(types.NODE):
            # Check past readings
            readings = node.get_readings()
            # Calculate percentile on the data
            slc = readings[-k:]
            forecast = smoother.single_exponential_smoother(slc)[0]
            forecast = node.forecast()
            forecast = smoother.ar_forecast(slc)
            forecast = np.mean(slc)
            forecast = smoother.double_exponential_smoother(slc)[0]
#            percentile = np.percentile(slc, THR_PERCENTILE)
#            percentile_ = np.percentile(slc, 1 - THR_PERCENTILE)
#            overload = (percentile > THRESHOLD_OVERLOAD)
#            underload = (percentile_ < THRESHOLD_UNDERLOAD)

            k = K_VALUE
            overload = 0
            underload = 0
            for reading in readings[-k:]:
                if reading > THRESHOLD_OVERLOAD: overload += 1
                if reading < THRESHOLD_UNDERLOAD: underload += 1
            m = M_VALUE
            overload = (overload >= m)
            underload = (underload >= m)
            overload = (overload and forecast > THRESHOLD_OVERLOAD)
            underload = (underload and forecast < THRESHOLD_UNDERLOAD)
            if overload:
                print 'Overload in %s - %s' % (node.name, slc)  
            # Update overload                                
            node.overloaded = overload
            node.underloaded = underload
コード例 #2
ファイル: convolution.py プロジェクト: strategist922/sonar
def extract_profile(name, time, signal, sampling_frequency, cycle_time=hour(24), plot=False):
    tv = np.vectorize(to_weekday)
    time = tv(time)
    indices = np.where(time < 5)

    time = np.take(time, indices)
    signal = np.ravel(np.take(signal, indices))

    elements_per_cycle = cycle_time / sampling_frequency
    cycle_count = len(signal) / elements_per_cycle

    # TODO: Filter extreme values > the 95th percentile

    # Remove the remainder elements
    signal = np.resize(signal, cycle_count * elements_per_cycle)

    # Reshape the signal (each cycle in its on row)
    signal = np.reshape(signal, (-1, elements_per_cycle))

    # Get Buckets
    bucket_time = hour(1)
    bucket_count = cycle_time / bucket_time
    elements_per_bucket = elements_per_cycle / bucket_count

    # Split the signal
    buckets = np.hsplit(signal, bucket_count)

    # Reduce buckets
    #    bucket_array = np.empty((signal.shape[0], 0), np.float32)
    bucket_array = np.empty(bucket_count, np.float32)
    i = 0
    for bucket in buckets:
        #        bucket = np.apply_along_axis(average_bucket, 1, bucket)
        #        bucket = np.reshape(bucket, (signal.shape[0], 1))
        #        bucket_array = np.hstack((bucket_array, bucket))
        np.reshape(bucket, (signal.shape[0] * elements_per_bucket, 1))

        value = np.mean(bucket)
        # value = np.percentile(bucket, 90)

        bucket_array[i] = value
        i += 1

    # Get averaged bucket
    #    raw_profile = np.apply_along_axis(average_bucket, 0, bucket_array)
    raw_profile = bucket_array

    # Variance
    # TODO: Consider only values between the 5th and 95th percentile
    variance_array = np.empty(len(buckets), np.float32)
    for i in range(0, len(buckets)):
        bucket = buckets[i]
        bucket = np.ravel(bucket)
        var = np.std(bucket)
        variance_array[i] = var / 40
    variance_array = np.ravel(variance_array)

    #    # Variance calculation two
    #    variance_array_2 = np.empty(len(buckets), np.float32) # per bucket averaged variance
    #    for i in range(0, len(buckets)):
    #        bucket = buckets[i]
    #        variance = np.apply_along_axis(np.std, 1, bucket)
    #        variance = np.median(np.ravel(variance))
    #        variance_array_2[i] = variance /  4 #2
    #    variance_array_2 = np.ravel(variance_array)

    # Increase signal resolution
    target_bucket_count = cycle_time / minu(5)
    resolution_factor = target_bucket_count / bucket_count
    noise_profile = np.ravel(np.array(zip(*[raw_profile for _ in xrange(resolution_factor)])))

    # Smooth
    # smooth_profile = simple_moving_average(noise_profile, 7)
    # Smoothing contains the forecasted value - so remove the last value
    _, smooth_profile, _ = forecasting.single_exponential_smoother(noise_profile, 0.2)
    smooth_profile = smooth_profile[:-1]

    # Create noise
    noise_array = np.array(0, np.float32)

    for i in xrange(0, len(noise_profile), resolution_factor):
        j = i / resolution_factor
        variance = variance_array[j]
        if variance > 0:
            noise = np.random.normal(0, variance, resolution_factor)
            noise_array = np.hstack((noise_array, noise))
            noise = np.zeros(resolution_factor, np.float32)
            noise_array = np.hstack((noise_array, noise))

    # Apply noise
    smooth_profile = smooth_profile + noise_array[: len(smooth_profile)]

    # Normalize
    tv = np.vectorize(to_positive)
    x = 100 / np.percentile(signal, 99)  # np.max(smooth_profile)
    smooth_profile *= x
    smooth_profile[smooth_profile > 100] = 100

    # Frequency of result signal
    frequency = cycle_time / len(smooth_profile)

    # Plotting
    # if plot: _plot(name, smooth_profile, org_signal, variance_array_2)

    return smooth_profile, frequency