コード例 #1
def perform_classification(service_id, settings, SUT, options):
	max_levels = settings["max_levels"]  
	level_steps = settings["level_steps"]
	PCA = [None for x in range(0, max_levels)]

	#session table, for known and unknown
	known_flow_table = Flow_table(max_levels)
	unknown_flow_table = Flow_table(max_levels)

	#the packet filter, used for feature extraction on a packet.
	pkt_filter = Pkt_len_filter()
	ts = time.time()
	print 'start time :%f' % ts

	print "====================Processing PCAP=============================="		
	#PCAP file processing....
	for pcap_file_key in settings["apps"]:
		#if we don't need to learn the parameters read only the unknown PCAp
		if (pcap_file_key != "unknown" and options.learn == False):
			print "already have parameters for service %s, not reading PCAp"\
						" file"  % (pcap_file_key)
		if (pcap_file_key == "unknown"):
			pkt_flow_table = unknown_flow_table
			pkt_flow_table = known_flow_table
		#create the PCAp object
		for idx in range(0,len(settings["apps"][pcap_file_key])):
			pcap_file = open(settings["apps"][pcap_file_key][idx], "r")
			print "Processing PCAP file for service %s:%s" % (pcap_file_key, settings["apps"][pcap_file_key][idx])
			for tx, pkt in dpkt.pcap.Reader(pcap_file):
				#process the packet, generate coeffecients and update the flow 
					pkt_filter=pkt_filter, service=pcap_file_key,\
					sample_idx=idx, max_levels=max_levels)
	print "====================Processing PCAP done=============================="		

	print "====================Creating PCA objects (Supervised)=============================="		
	#initialize the PCA object
	if (options.learn == True):
		print "we need to learn/re-learn the theta parameters"
		for detail_coeff in level_steps:
			PCA[detail_coeff] = Flow_pca(known_flow_table, service_id, SUT, str(detail_coeff))
	print "====================PCA object creation done (Supervised)=============================="		

	#generate SVM parameters for each of the different services
	rewrite_param_json = False
	svm_data=[None]* len(level_steps)
	svm_classifier =[None]* len(level_steps)
	if (options.learn == True):
		print "====================Creating SVM objects=============================="		
		for detail_coeff in level_steps:
			svm_data[detail_coeff] = VectorDataSet(PCA[detail_coeff].X, L = PCA[detail_coeff].L)
			print svm_data[detail_coeff]
			print "Number of features:%d" % (svm_data[detail_coeff].numFeatures)
			#use a guassian kernel on this data
			svm_data[detail_coeff].attachKernel('gaussian', gamma = 4)
			svm_classifier[detail_coeff] = SVM(C=1000)
			#lets look at the cross validations of the data
			print "==========performing cross validation========"
			svm_result = svm_classifier[detail_coeff].cv(svm_data[detail_coeff])
			print"Success Rate:%f"% (svm_result.getSuccessRate(0)) 

		print "====================SVM objects created=============================="		
		print "skipping writing of the service parameters into the json file"

	#create the PCA object for the unknown samples
	print "====================Creating PCA objects (unknown)=============================="		
	PCA_unknown = [None for x in range(0,max_levels)]
	for detail_coeff in level_steps:
		PCA_unknown[detail_coeff] = Flow_pca(unknown_flow_table, service_id, SUT, coeffs_idx=str(detail_coeff))
		print "normalizing unknown matrix for level %d, number of unknown matrices %d" % (detail_coeff, len(PCA_unknown))

		#make sure the number of features in the PCA_unknown matches the number of 
		#features PCA. to make this possible, we get the number of features in each
		#of the logisitic regression objects and get the number of features in these
		PCA_features = PCA[detail_coeff].features

		print "before shape:",PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape," features:", PCA_features
		if (PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[1] > (PCA_features)):
				PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X = PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X[:,:PCA_features]
		elif(PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[1] < PCA_features):
			#add more columns
			ext_array = numpy.zeros([PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[0],\
				PCA_features-PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[1]], numpy.float)
			print "shape of extension array:",ext_array.shape
			PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X = numpy.append(PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X, ext_array, axis = 1) 
		print "after shape:",PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape

	print "====================PCA objects created (unknown)=============================="		

	print "====================Performing SVM on unknown flows ======================="
	#use the obj_LogReg to run a hypothesis test on each of the flow entry
	svm_unknown_data = [None]*(len(level_steps))
	predicted_labels = [None]*(len(level_steps))
	for detail_coeff in level_steps:
		svm_unknown_data[detail_coeff] = VectorDataSet(PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X)
		svm_result = svm_classifier[detail_coeff].test(svm_unknown_data[detail_coeff])
		predicted_labels[detail_coeff] = svm_result.getPredictedLabels()
		print predicted_labels[detail_coeff]
	print "====================SVM performed (unknown)=============================="		

	print "===================Analyzing results ==================================="
	out_file = open('success_rate.log','a')	
	for detail_coeff in level_steps:
		predicted = 0.0
		unpredicted = 0.0
		out_str = "level:"+str(detail_coeff)+"\n"
		for i in range(0, len(predicted_labels[detail_coeff])):
			print "%s: %s" % (predicted_labels[detail_coeff][i], PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].Keys[i])
			if (predicted_labels[detail_coeff][i] == SUT):
		print "Success rate:%f, predicted:%f, unpredicted:%f" % (predicted/(predicted+unpredicted), predicted, unpredicted)	
		out_str = settings["apps"]["unknown"][0]+":"+str(predicted/(predicted+unpredicted))+"\n"


	te = time.time()

	print 'Total time taken = %f sec' % (te-ts)
コード例 #2
	print "====================Creating PCA objects (unknown)=============================="		
	PCA_unknown = [None for x in range(0,max_levels)]
	for detail_coeff in level_steps:
		PCA_unknown[detail_coeff] = Flow_pca(unknown_flow_table, service_id, SUT, coeffs_idx=str(detail_coeff))
		print "normalizing unknown matrix for level %d, number of unknown matrices %d" % (detail_coeff, len(PCA_unknown))

		#make sure the number of features in the PCA_unknown matches the number of 
		#features PCA. to make this possible, we get the number of features in each
		#of the logisitic regression objects and get the number of features in these
		PCA_features = PCA[detail_coeff].features

		print "before shape:",PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape," features:", PCA_features
		if (PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[1] > (PCA_features)):
				PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X = PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X[:,:PCA_features]
		elif(PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[1] < PCA_features):
			#add more columns
			ext_array = numpy.zeros([PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[0],\
				PCA_features-PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape[1]], numpy.float)
			print "shape of extension array:",ext_array.shape
			PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X = numpy.append(PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X, ext_array, axis = 1) 
		print "after shape:",PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape

		#reduce the unknown matrix
		PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X = PCA[detail_coeff].reduceVector(PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X)
		print "reduced shape of unknown matrix is", PCA_unknown[detail_coeff].X.shape

	print "====================PCA objects created (unknown)=============================="