コード例 #1
def fftvec(vec):
    performs a fft on a vector with 3 components in the first index position
    This is really just a wrapper for fft, fftn and their inverses
        from anfft import fft, fftn
        fft_type = 1
#        print "Could not import anfft, importing scipy instead."
#Update 9/18/2013 -- numpy with mkl is way faster than scipy
        import mkl
        from numpy.fft import fft, fftn
        fft_type = 0
    if force_gpu:
        fft_type = 2 #set gpu fft's manually -- not sure what a automatic way would look like
    from numpy import complex64, shape, array, empty
    if vec.ndim > 2:
        if vec.shape[0] == 3:
            # "Vector": first index has size 3 so fft the other columns
            if fft_type==1:
                return array([fftn(i,measure=True) for i in vec]).astype(complex64)
#                result = empty(vec.shape, dtype=complex64)
#                result[0] = fftn(vec[0], measure=True).astype(complex64)
#                result[1] = fftn(vec[1], measure=True).astype(complex64)
#                result[2] = fftn(vec[2], measure=True).astype(complex64)
#                return result
            elif fft_type==0:
                return fftn(vec, axes=range(1,vec.ndim)).astype(complex64)
            elif fft_type==2:
#                return array([gpu_fft(i) for i in vec.astype(complex64)])
                result = empty(vec.shape, dtype=complex64)
                result[0] = gpu_fft(vec[0].copy())
                result[1] = gpu_fft(vec[1].copy())
                result[2] = gpu_fft(vec[2].copy())
                return result
        else: # "Scalar", fft the whole thing
            if fft_type==1:
                return fftn(vec,measure=True).astype(complex64)
            elif fft_type==0:
                return fftn(vec).astype(complex64)
            elif fft_type==2:
                return gpu_fft(vec.copy())
    elif vec.ndim == 1: #Not a vector, so use fft
        if fft_type==1:
            return fft(vec,measure = True).astype(complex64)
        elif fft_type==0:
            return fft(vec).astype(complex64)
        elif fft_type==2:
            return gpu_fft(vec.astype(complex64))
        #0th index is 3, so its a vector
        #return fft(vec, axis=1).astype(complex64)
        return array([fft(i) for i in vec])
コード例 #2
def fft_fftn(*args, **kwargs):
    """Call the core fft library function fftn.

    If the anfft library is used, enable 'measure' optimization.

    if using_fft_library == "anfft":
        return fft.fftn(*args, measure=True, **kwargs)
        return fft.fftn(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #3
 def do_fft(self, signal_matrix):
     Maybe zero-padding is necessary, it could be done with:
     fftn(signal_matrix, [next pow of 2, next pow of 2, next pow of 2])
     if self.fft_module == 'anfft':
         return anfft.fftn(signal_matrix)
         return np.fft.fftn(signal_matrix)
def digthis(region_coeff):

#	for i in range(0,len(ra_sam)):
#               image[x_sam[i].round(),y_sam[i].round()]=flux_sam[i]+(10**region_coeff[0])# adding background level to the pixels	
	#print region_coeff
#		if (np.any(region_coeff)>3 or np.any(region_coeff<-10)):
	if (np.any(abs(region_coeff-desired)>1.5)):
		return -np.inf
#	if (np.any(abs(region_coeff[faint]-desired[faint])>1)):
#		return -np.inf

#        for qq in index_photo_z:
                #image[x_cat_photo_z[qq].round(),y_cat_photo_z[qq].round()]=(10**region_coeff[pp]) # because the zero's index is used for background.

	for qq in izip(sam_corresponding_index[desired_index],cat_corresponding_index[desired_index]):
		xn,yn = ZOOM*(xo-xc_orig)+xc_expanded,ZOOM*(yo-yc_orig)+yc_expanded

	for qq in izip(sam_corresponding_index[desired_index],cat_corresponding_index[desired_index]): 
                xn,yn = ZOOM*(xo-xc_orig)+xc_expanded,ZOOM*(yo-yc_orig)+yc_expanded
#		chi2[pp]=np.log(np.interp(region_coeff[pp+1],np.log10(bins),pdffile[qq,:]/pdffile[qq,:].max()) ) # this is -chi2/2 in fact that we retrun.
#		return len((chi2==-np.inf).nonzero()[0]*(-1e6)

	image_p = hconvolve.padzero2d_i(pacs160_image, r, c)
	fftimage = anfft.fftn(image_p)*fftkernel# * anfft.fftn(kernel_p)
	test_k_temp = anfft.ifftn(fftimage)[:r1,:c1].real
	test_k = interpolation.zoom(test_k_temp,1./ZOOM)/normfactor
        for i in range(x_min,x_max):
                for j in range(y_min,y_max):
	print >>chi2file,  -1*(test_chi2/2)
	print  -1*(test_chi2/2)
	return -1*(test_chi2/2)#+chi2.sum()
コード例 #5
def explorefluxes(region_coeff):
    #weak prior of 3 dex wide on each source is imposed to limit the exploration of walkers with that plausible range.
    if (np.any(abs(region_coeff - desired) > 1.5)):
        return -np.inf
    #at each step the pixels that contain the sources of interest is set to zero.
    for qq in izip(sam_corresponding_index[desired_index],
        yo, xo = wcs_pacs160.wcs_sky2pix(cat.ra[qq[1]], cat.dec[qq[1]], 0)
        xn, yn = ZOOM * (xo - xc_orig) + xc_expanded, ZOOM * (
            yo - yc_orig) + yc_expanded
        pacs160_image[xn[0], yn[0]] = 0

    # Pixel values are set to the sources fluxes guesses by the walkers at each step
    pp = 0
    for qq in izip(sam_corresponding_index[desired_index],
        yo, xo = wcs_pacs160.wcs_sky2pix(cat.ra[qq[1]], cat.dec[qq[1]], 0)
        xn, yn = ZOOM * (xo - xc_orig) + xc_expanded, ZOOM * (
            yo - yc_orig) + yc_expanded
        pacs160_image[xn[0], yn[0]] += (10**region_coeff[pp])
        pp += 1

    #convolution is performed after sources are put in their relevent pixel
    image_p = hconvolve.padzero2d_i(pacs160_image, r,
                                    c)  # taking the FFT of the image
    fftimage = anfft.fftn(image_p) * fftkernel  #  mutiply by FFT of Kernel
    test_k_temp = anfft.ifftn(
    )[:r1, :c1].real  # Inverse FFT the result and take the real part
    test_k = interpolation.zoom(
        1. / ZOOM) / normfactor  # zoom out by the factor PSF was zoomed in

    #compute the chi2 at each step
    test_chi2 = 0
    for i in range(x_min, x_max):
        for j in range(y_min, y_max):
            test_chi2 += (test_k[i, j] -
                          herschel[i, j])**2 / (RMS_pacs160[i, j]**2)
    print -1 * (test_chi2 / 2)
    return -1 * (test_chi2 / 2)
コード例 #6
def diffusion_omega(dt, omega, args):
        d(omega)/dt = nu*((omega)_xx + (omega)_yy) - mu*omega
        => d(omega)Hat/(omega)Hat = -nu*(k_x^2 + k_y^2)*dt - mu*dt
        => (omega)Hat = e^(-nu*|k|^2 - mu)dt*(omega)Hat_0

        Dynamic viscosity nu = 0.01 for now
    omegaHat = anfft.fftn(omega,2, measure=True);
    [xVal,yVal] = shape(omegaHat);
    omegaHat[xVal/6:5*xVal/6,yVal/6:5*yVal/6] = 0;

    k = array(range(N), dtype=complex128) - N/2;
    k = ifftshift(k);
    [KX, KY] = meshgrid(k,k);
    mu = 0.0001;
    mask = zeros(N);
    for i in arange(N/100):
        mask[i] = 1;
        mask[N-i-1] = 1;

    [dragx,dragy] = meshgrid(mask,mask);

#   delsq = -(KX*KX + KY*KY)
    delsq = -(pow(KX,6) + pow(KY,6))
    omegasq = sqrt(sum(omega*omega)/(N*N));

    if (args == 0):
        nu = omegasq/pow(N,4);
        nu = args;
#    print 'viscosity=',nu;
    delsq = (nu*delsq - mu*(dragy + dragx))*dt;
    multiplier = exp(delsq);
    omegaHat = omegaHat*multiplier;
    return (real(anfft.ifftn(omegaHat,2)), nu);
                xn,yn = ZOOM*(xo-xc_orig)+xc_expanded,ZOOM*(yo-yc_orig)+yc_expanded
r1, c1 = pacs160_image.shape
r2, c2 = kernel_pacs160_zoom2.shape
if r2 % 2 == 0:
	r = r1 + r2/2
	r = r1 + (r2 + 1) / 2
if c2 % 2 == 0:
	c = c1 + c2/2 + 1
	c = c1 + (c2 + 1) / 2

kernel_p = hconvolve.padzero2d_k(kernel_pacs160_zoom2, r, c)
#chi2file_gt_4=open('./chi2file_gt_4_38_sources_correct.txt', 'w+')
#chi2file_gt_4=open('./chi2file_testing.txt', 'w+')
def digthis(region_coeff):

#	for i in range(0,len(ra_sam)):
#               image[x_sam[i].round(),y_sam[i].round()]=flux_sam[i]+(10**region_coeff[0])# adding background level to the pixels	
	#print region_coeff
#		if (np.any(region_coeff)>3 or np.any(region_coeff<-10)):
	if (np.any(abs(region_coeff-desired)>1.5)):
		return -np.inf
#	if (np.any(abs(region_coeff[faint]-desired[faint])>1)):
コード例 #8
ファイル: dft.py プロジェクト: FacundoGFlores/golsoft
def get_dft(array, ndim=None):
    array = array.astype(TYPE)
    result = anfft.fftn(array, ndim, measure=True)
    return result
コード例 #9
	def fftn(A,shape=None):
		if shape != None:
			A = _checkffttype(A)
			A = procrustes(A,target=shape,side='after',padval=0)
		return _anfft.fftn(A,measure=True)
コード例 #10
        xn, yn = ZOOM * (xo - xc_orig) + xc_expanded, ZOOM * (
            yo - yc_orig) + yc_expanded
        pacs160_image[xn[0], yn[0]] = pacs160_sam[i[0]]

r1, c1 = pacs160_image.shape
r2, c2 = kernel_pacs160_zoom2.shape
if r2 % 2 == 0:
    r = r1 + r2 / 2
    r = r1 + (r2 + 1) / 2
if c2 % 2 == 0:
    c = c1 + c2 / 2 + 1
    c = c1 + (c2 + 1) / 2

kernel_p = hconvolve.padzero2d_k(kernel_pacs160_zoom2, r, c)
fftkernel = anfft.fftn(kernel_p)
image_p = hconvolve.padzero2d_i(pacs160_image, r, c)
fftimage = anfft.fftn(image_p) * fftkernel  # * anfft.fftn(kernel_p)
image_conv = anfft.ifftn(fftimage)[:r1, :c1].real

image_blk = interpolation.zoom(image_conv, 1. / ZOOM) / normfactor

final = image_blk + noise_pacs160

    final, header_pacs160)
コード例 #11
ファイル: dft.py プロジェクト: FacundoGFlores/golsoft
def get_dft(array, ndim=None):
    array = array.astype(TYPE)
    result = anfft.fftn(array, ndim, measure=True)
    return result
コード例 #12
ファイル: fft.py プロジェクト: BabakHejrani/passive-seismic
 def fftn(A, shape=None):
     if shape != None:
         A = _checkffttype(A)
         A = procrustes(A, target=shape, side='after', padval=0)
     return _anfft.fftn(A, measure=True)
コード例 #13
 def fft2(A):
     return _anfft.fftn(_checkffttype(A), measure=True)