コード例 #1
ファイル: fgets.py プロジェクト: freemanZYQ/angr-analysis
    def run(self, dst, size, file_ptr):
        self.argument_types = {
            2: SimTypeFd(),
            0: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), size)),
            1: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
        self.return_type = self.argument_types[0]

        # let's get the memory back for the file we're interested in and find the newline
        fd_offset = io_file_data_for_arch(self.state.arch)['fd']
        fd = self.state.mem[file_ptr + fd_offset:].int.resolved
        simfd = self.state.posix.get_fd(fd)
        if simfd is None:
            return -1

        data, real_size = simfd.read_data(size - 1)

        for i, byte in enumerate(data.chop(8)):
                    i + 1 != real_size,
                    byte != '\n',  # if not last byte returned, not newline
                    Or(  # otherwise one of the following must be true
                        i + 2 == size,  # we ran out of space, or
                        byte == '\n'  # it is a newline

        self.state.memory.store(dst, data, size=real_size)
        self.state.memory.store(dst + real_size, '\0')

        return real_size
コード例 #2
ファイル: calloc.py プロジェクト: xjump/taint_angr
    def run(self, sim_nmemb, sim_size):
        self.argument_types = {
            0: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch),
            1: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
        plugin = self.state.get_plugin('libc')

        self.return_type = self.ty_ptr(
            SimTypeArray(SimTypeTop(sim_size), sim_nmemb))

        if self.state.solver.symbolic(sim_nmemb):
            # TODO: find a better way
            nmemb = self.state.solver.max_int(sim_nmemb)
            nmemb = self.state.solver.eval(sim_nmemb)

        if self.state.solver.symbolic(sim_size):
            # TODO: find a better way
            size = self.state.solver.max_int(sim_size)
            size = self.state.solver.eval(sim_size)

        final_size = size * nmemb
        if final_size > plugin.max_variable_size:
            final_size = plugin.max_variable_size

        addr = plugin.heap_location
        plugin.heap_location += final_size
        v = self.state.solver.BVV(0, final_size * 8)
        self.state.memory.store(addr, v)

        return addr
コード例 #3
 def run(self, sim_nmemb, sim_size):
     self.argument_types = {
         0: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch),
         1: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
     self.return_type = self.ty_ptr(
         SimTypeArray(SimTypeTop(sim_size), sim_nmemb))
     return self.state.heap._calloc(sim_nmemb, sim_size)
コード例 #4
    def run(self, fd, dst, length):
        self.argument_types = {0: SimTypeFd(),
                               1: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), length)),
                               2: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)}
        self.return_type = SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)

        simfd = self.state.posix.get_fd(fd)
        if simfd is None:
            return -1

        return simfd.read(dst, length)
コード例 #5
    def run(self, fd, dst, length):
        self.argument_types = {
            0: SimTypeFd(),
            1: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), length)),
            2: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
        self.return_type = SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)

        # TODO handle errors
        length = self.state.posix.read(fd, dst, length)

        return length
コード例 #6
    def run(self, fd, dst, length):
        self.argument_types = {
            0: SimTypeFd(),
            1: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), length)),
            2: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
        self.return_type = SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)

            simfd = self.state.posix.get_fd(fd)
            if simfd is None:
                return -1

            return simfd.read(dst, length)
        except angr.SimUnsatError:
            return self.state.se.Unconstrained('read', 32, uninitialized=False)
コード例 #7
ファイル: read.py プロジェクト: CAFA1/angrop
    def run(self, fd, dst, length):
        self.argument_types = {
            0: SimTypeFd(),
            1: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), length)),
            2: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
        self.return_type = SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)

        # TODO handle errors
        length = self.state.posix.read(fd, dst, length)
        filename = self.state.posix.get_file(fd)
        #filter read passwd file
        if (filename.name.find('passwd') != -1 or 1):
            print filename.name + ' !!!'
            #print "test!!!!"
            fff = open('/data/find_read.flag', 'w')
            write_file('read file name: ' + filename.name + '\n')

        return length
コード例 #8
ファイル: 1363_fgets.py プロジェクト: CAFA1/angrop
    def run(self, dst, size, file_ptr):
        self.argument_types = {
            2: SimTypeFd(),
            0: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), size)),
            1: SimTypeLength(self.state.arch)
        self.return_type = self.argument_types[0]

        # some sensible limits for the new line search
        max_symbolic_bytes = self.state.libc.buf_symbolic_bytes
        max_str_len = self.state.libc.max_str_len

        # let's get the memory back for the file we're interested in and find the newline
        fd_offset = io_file_data_for_arch(self.state.arch)['fd']
        fd = self.state.mem[file_ptr + fd_offset:].int.resolved
        fp = self.state.posix.get_file(fd)
        pos = fp.pos
        mem = fp.content
        # if there exists a limit on the file size, let's respect that, the limit cannot be symbolic
        limit = max_str_len if fp.size is None else self.state.se.max_int(
            fp.size - pos)

        # limit will always be concrete, if it's zero we EOF'd
        if limit != 0:
            # XXX max_str_len is small, might not be suitable for tracing!
            # measure up to the newline of size - 1
            r, c, i = mem.find(pos,
            r = 0
            c = []

        # XXX: this is a HACK to determine if r is 0 because there is a newline at the first index or
        # if r is 0 because there cannot be any newline
        errored = False
        if not self.state.se.satisfiable(extra_constraints=(r > 0, )):
            errored = True
            if self.state.se.solution(mem.load(0, 1), self.state.se.BVV('\n')):
                errored = False

        # make sure we only read up to size - 1
        read_size = self.state.se.If(size == 0, 0, size - 1)
        # if file can EOF (ie not completely symbolic)
        if fp.size is not None:
            read_size = self.state.se.If(limit < read_size, limit, read_size)

        # now if find errored then there cannot exist a newline in the file, otherwise this logic checks out
        if not errored:
            newline_d = self.state.se.If(r == 0, r, r - pos + 1)
            distance = self.state.se.If(read_size < newline_d, read_size,
            distance = read_size

        # read in up to the newline
        ret = self.inline_call(angr.SIM_PROCEDURES['posix']['read'], fd, dst,

        # in case there's no newline
        c = self.state.se.Or(ret == read_size, *c)

        # otherwise we take care of the newline case
        # now write the terminating null byte, should be placed after the newline which is also stored
        self.state.memory.store(dst + distance, self.state.se.BVV(0, 8))

        inner_case = self.state.se.If(self.state.se.And(fp.pos == 0, ret == 0),
                                      0, dst)
        return self.state.se.If(size == 0, 0, inner_case)