class LuaAnimate(object): def __init__(self, times, values): # Workaround to convert lua tables to lists self._a = Animate(list(times.values()), list(values.values())) @classmethod def new(cls, times, values): return LuaAnimate(times, values) def __call__(self): return self._a() def has_ended(self): return self._a.has_ended()
class _Expression(object): def __init__(self): self._emotion = 0 + 0j self._anim = None self.servos = [] self.dofs = {} self.dof_values = {} self.lock = threading.Lock() self.empty_config() self.load_config() self.isEmotion = False def get_emotion_complex(self): """ Returns current emotion as a complex number """ return self._emotion def set_emotion(self, valence=None, arousal=None, r=None, phi=None, degrees=False, anim_time=0): self.isEmotion = True # TODO: Phi in deg or radians? Internally probably radians e = 0 + 0j if valence is not None and arousal is not None: e = valence + arousal*1j elif r is not None and phi is not None: if degrees: phi = phi * math.pi/180.0 e = cmath.rect(r, phi) else: raise RuntimeError("Bad combination of parameters. Either valence and arousal or r and phi need to be provided.") # Make sure emotion is restricted to within unity circle. if abs(e) > 1.0: e = cmath.rect(1.0, cmath.phase(e)) if anim_time > 0: self._anim = Animate([0, anim_time], [self._emotion, e]) else: self._emotion = e def set_emotion_val_ar(self, valence, arousal, anim_time=0): self.set_emotion(valence=valence, arousal=arousal, anim_time=anim_time) def set_emotion_r_phi(self, r, phi, degrees=False, anim_time=0): self.set_emotion(r=r, phi=phi, degrees=degrees, anim_time=anim_time) def set_dof_values(self, dof_position_values): self.isEmotion = False for dof in dof_position_values: dof_position_values[dof] = constrain(dof_position_values[dof], -1.0, 1.0) self.dof_values = dof_position_values def update(self): if self._anim is not None: self._emotion = self._anim() if self._anim.has_ended(): self._anim = None phi = cmath.phase(self._emotion) r = abs(self._emotion) # Create a list of dummy values. # None indicates that the servo at that index will not be updated. servo_pos_us = [None for i in range(16)] # Buffer to store all DOF values #self.dof_values = {} # (1) Calculate DOF positions using phi/r # (2) This step also applies overlay functions to the DOFs if self.isEmotion: for dofname, dof in self.dofs.iteritems(): self.dof_values[dofname] = dof.calc(phi, r) # (3) Update all servos for servo in self.servos: if < 0 or > 15: continue # Skip invalid pins if servo.dofname in self.dof_values: servo_pos_us[] = servo.dof_to_us(self.dof_values[servo.dofname]) # TODO: send values to hardware with Hardware.lock: Hardware.servo_set_all(servo_pos_us) def empty_config(self): self.servos = [] self.dofs = {} def load_config(self): def open_yaml(filename): """Helper function to load YAML files into a dict.""" try: yaml_dict = None with open(filename) as f: yaml_dict = yaml.load(f, Loader=Loader) return yaml_dict except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Could not open YAML file: %s" % filename) def default(x, e, y): """ Helper function that attempts to read a key from a dict. If the specified exception occurs, a default value is returned. """ try: return x() except e: return y pinmap_yaml = open_yaml(_configs["pinmap"]) limits_yaml = open_yaml(_configs["limits"]) functions_yaml = open_yaml(_configs["functions"]) self.empty_config() # Create all Servo objects # Starts from pinmap, as a servo needs to have a pin associated with it. # If DOF not found in limits, default values are assigned. for pin, dofname in pinmap_yaml.iteritems(): dofname = str(dofname) # Force into str s = {} s["pin"] = pin s["dofname"] = dofname s["min_range"] = default(lambda: limits_yaml[dofname]["min"], KeyError, None) s["mid_pos"] = default(lambda: limits_yaml[dofname]["mid"], KeyError, None) s["max_range"] = default(lambda: limits_yaml[dofname]["max"], KeyError, None) # Remove all empty values s = {k: v for k, v in s.items() if v is not None} # Create new servo object from dict self.servos.append(Servo(**s)) # Create all DOF objects # Starts from functions YAML # If DOF not found in limits, default values are assigned. for dofname, params in functions_yaml.iteritems(): d = {} d["name"] = dofname d["neutral"] = default(lambda: params.pop("neutral"), KeyError, None) d["poly"] = default(lambda: params.pop("poly"), KeyError, None) # Remove all empty values d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None} # Create new DOF object from dict, store extra values from YAML dof = DOF(**d) = params self.dofs[dofname] = dof print_info("Loaded %d DOFs, %d servos" % (len(self.servos), len(self.dofs)) )