コード例 #1
def lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate, cardCount):
    """Look ahead number of days user has entered for deck and log any future
    dates where no cards are due as studied. currDate should be a
    datetime.datetime object."""
    # Extract number of days from the collection dictionary
    numDays = int(mw.col.conf['num_days_show_anki_actbil'])
    # Find the due forecast for this deck, returned as array of integers
    future = Scheduler.dueForecast(self, numDays)
    # Since we're marking future days as studied where apropriate, studyPercent
    # should be 100
    studyPercent = 100
    deckName = formatDeckNameForDatabase(deckName)

    # Iterate through this list, excluding today (first entry)
    # daysAhead starts at 1 since we construct the loop in such a way as to
    # skip over the current date anyway
    daysAhead = 1
    for x in future[1:]:
        if (x == 0):
            # Log the study for this future date
            futureDate = currDate + timedelta(days=daysAhead)

            # Check if we have already made a log of this day's session
            # and whether it was 100%
            checkStudyCurrDate(cur, deckName, futureDate)
            row = cur.fetchone()

            # We found a blank study day!
            if (row is None):
                logStudyToDatabase(cur, None, deckName, futureDate,
                                   studyPercent, cardCount)

        daysAhead += 1
コード例 #2
def myFinishedMsg(self):
    """ New finished message method that will log a complete study session for us
         Store this in prefs.db within the user's
         ~/Documents/Anki/User 1/collection.media directory
         Store date in YYYY-MM-DD format so SQL commands can help us eliminate
         old dates """

    # Get the due forecast for the next 7 days (0th day is today)
    future = Scheduler.dueForecast(self, 7)

    studyPercent = 100

    # Grab the current date, split out the parts we want
    currDate = dt.datetime.now()

    # Get the deck ID - this will let us look up other information
    deckId = mw.col.decks.selected()

    # Get the parents array
    parents = mw.col.decks.parents(deckId)

    # Check the database version, update if necessary

    con = sqlite.connect(DATABASE_NAME)
    cur = con.cursor()
    # Running this guarantees that we have a valid database to query and
    # prevents crashes

    # If len(parents) is 0, we have the parent deck. Get children as
    # (name, deckId) and record studying complete for parent and child decks
    if (len(parents) == 0):
        deckName = mw.col.decks.name(deckId)
        parentDeckName = formatDeckNameForDatabase(deckName)

        # Set the studyPercent variable up for use in the routine
        studyPercent = 100

        children = mw.col.decks.children(deckId)
        # As we iterate through child decks, increment parentCardCount so
        # we can store total card count for the parent deck
        parentCardCount = 0
        for child, childDeckId in children:
            fullChildName = mw.col.decks.name(childDeckId)
            # Split the text by :: since that's how Anki separates
            # parent::child, then only display the child name
            # (childName[1])
            childName = fullChildName.split("::")

            deckName = childName[1]
            deckName = formatDeckNameForDatabase(deckName)
            cardCount = mw.col.db.scalar("select count() from cards where did \
                                            is %s" % childDeckId)
            parentCardCount = parentCardCount + cardCount
            # Store the current date into the database and 100% complete
            studyPercent = 100

            # Check if this deck has been seen before. If not, log it so that
            # 'No Data' displays in the stats image
            checkIfNewDeck(cur, deckName, cardCount)

            # Check if we have already made a log of today's session
            # and whether it was 100%
            checkStudyCurrDate(cur, deckName, currDate)
            row = cur.fetchone()

            # We found a blank study day!
            if (row is None):
                logStudyToDatabase(cur, None, deckName, currDate,
                                   studyPercent, cardCount)
                # lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate, cardCount)
                # Not a blank study day--check if study_complete is 100%
                if (row[3] != 100):
                    rowId = row[0]
                    logStudyToDatabase(cur, rowId, deckName, currDate,
                                       studyPercent, cardCount)
                    # lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate, cardCount)

        # Log the parent study along with the acculumated card count
        # after checking whether we should be doing an insert or update.
        # An update could be needed if a student studied for the day but
        # later remembered to add a required deck for the day.
        checkStudyCurrDate(cur, parentDeckName, currDate)
        row = cur.fetchone()

        # This is needed to ensure we have correct card count. If a deck has no
        # children we must get its card count from the database.
        if (parentCardCount == 0):
            parentCardCount = mw.col.db.scalar("select count() from cards where\
                                                did is %s" % deckId)
        # Check if this deck has been seen before. If not, log it so that
        # 'No Data' displays in the stats image
        checkIfNewDeck(cur, parentDeckName, parentCardCount)

        # If there's no row, pass None for rowId to do an INSERT
        # Otherwise, pass the rowId so that an UPDATE is performed
        if (row is None):
            logStudyToDatabase(cur, None, parentDeckName, currDate,
                               studyPercent, parentCardCount)
            # lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate, parentCardCount)
            logStudyToDatabase(cur, row[0], parentDeckName, currDate,
                               studyPercent, parentCardCount)
            # lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate, parentCardCount)


    # If len(parents) is NOT 0, then we have a child deck. Check the status of
    # the parent deck. If studying is NOT complete for the parent, do nothing.
    # If studying IS complete for the parent, log the studying of this child
    # deck as complete as well.
    if (len(parents) != 0):
        parents = mw.col.decks.parents(deckId)
        deckName = mw.col.decks.name(deckId)
        deckName = formatDeckNameForDatabase(deckName)
        cardCount = mw.col.db.scalar("select count() from cards where did \
                                            is %s" % deckId)

        # Check if this deck has been seen before. If not, log it so that
        # 'No Data' displays in the stats image
        checkIfNewDeck(cur, deckName, cardCount)

        # We use a for loop here so that the logic holds for decks that have
        # a parent and a grandparent
        for parent in parents:
            parentDeckName = formatDeckNameForDatabase(parent['name'])
            checkStudyCurrDate(cur, parentDeckName, currDate)
            row = cur.fetchone()

            # Check if parent deck studying is complete, if so, log child study
            if (row is not None and row[3] == 100):
                checkStudyCurrDate(cur, deckName, currDate)
                row = cur.fetchone()

                # We found a blank study day!
                if (row is None):
                    logStudyToDatabase(cur, None, deckName, currDate,
                                       studyPercent, cardCount)
                    # lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate, cardCount)
                    # Not a blank study day--check if study_complete is 100%
                    if (row[3] != 100):
                        rowId = row[0]
                        logStudyToDatabase(cur, rowId, deckName, currDate,
                                           studyPercent, cardCount)
                        # lookAheadAndLog(self, cur, deckName, currDate,
                        #                 cardCount)
                # Display a message letting the user know to study the parent
                # deck or remove the deck and study separately
                # customPrettyMessage
                studyMsg = "Anki Accountability Message: Because this is a " +\
                    "nested deck, your study has not been logged as " +\
                    "complete. To have your study logged as " +\
                    "complete, either study the main deck to " +\
                    "completion, or remove this deck from the main deck " +\
                    "and click 'study now' again."

    # Close the DB connection