コード例 #1
def sync():
	cs = CollectionStats(mw.col)
	cs.wholeCollection = True
	lims = []
	num = 365
	chunk = 1
	if num is not None:
		lims.append("id > %d" % (
	lim = cs._revlogLimit()
	if lim:
	if lims:
		lim = "where " + " and ".join(lims)
		lim = ""
	if cs.type == 0:
		tf = 60.0 # minutes
		tf = 3600.0 # hours
	revlog = cs.col.db.all("""
	(cast((id/1000.0 - :cut) / 86400.0 as int))/:chunk as day,
	sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), -- lrn count
	sum(case when type = 1 and lastIvl < 21 then 1 else 0 end), -- yng count
	sum(case when type = 1 and lastIvl >= 21 then 1 else 0 end), -- mtr count
	sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), -- lapse count
	sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end), -- cram count
	sum(case when type = 0 then time/1000.0 else 0 end)/:tf, -- lrn time
	-- yng + mtr time
	sum(case when type = 1 and lastIvl < 21 then time/1000.0 else 0 end)/:tf,
	sum(case when type = 1 and lastIvl >= 21 then time/1000.0 else 0 end)/:tf,
	sum(case when type = 2 then time/1000.0 else 0 end)/:tf, -- lapse time
	sum(case when type = 3 then time/1000.0 else 0 end)/:tf -- cram time
	from revlog %s
	group by day order by day""" % lim,

	values = {'data': revlog, 'email': mw.pm.profile.get('syncUser')} 
	html = http_post(values)
コード例 #2
ファイル: warrior_mode.py プロジェクト: lovac42/WarriorMode
    def _update(self):
        if not self.dock or not self.dock.isVisible(): return
        if freezeMode and self.type>10: return

        card = mw.reviewer.card
        txt = _("No Current Card")

        if self.type<-10:
            txt = _("No Last Card")
            card = mw.reviewer.lastCard()

        cs = CollectionStats(mw.col)
        cs.wholeCollection=True if self.type<0 else False

        if self.type==0: #review count
            txt = "<center>%s</center>" % mw.reviewer._remaining() if mw.state=="review" else '? + ? + ?'
        elif abs(self.type)==1: #todayStats
            txt = "<center>%s</center>" % cs.todayStats()
        elif abs(self.type)==2: #forecast chart
            #no filtered decks
            if dyn['dyn'] and self.type>0:
                txt="No data for filtered decks"

            elif ANKI21:
                txt = """
<script src="http://localhost:%d/_anki/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://localhost:%d/_anki/plot.js"></script>
""" % (p,p,self.dueGraph(cs))

                txt = "<script>%s\n</script><center>%s</center>" % (
                    anki.js.jquery+anki.js.plot, self.dueGraph(cs))

        elif abs(self.type)>=90:
            txt = self.customViews(card)

        elif mw.state!='review' and self.type>10:
            txt = _("No Review Card")

        elif card: #left or right col
            cs = CardStats(mw.col, card)
            if abs(self.type)==12: #card rev log
                txt = self._revlogData(card, cs)
            else: #card stats
                txt = self.deckOptionsInfo(card)
                txt += _("<h3>Card Stats:</h3>")
                txt += self.mini_card_stats(card)
                txt +=  cs.report()

                did = card.odid if card.odid else card.did
                fdid = card.did if card.odid else 0
                deckName = mw.col.decks.get(did)['name'] #in case of filtered decks
                sis=[i for i in mw.col.db.list("select id from cards where nid=?", card.nid)]

                txt += """<table width="100%%"><tr>
<td><b>Deck ID:</b></td> <td>%d</td></tr><tr>
<td><b>Fil DID:</b></td> <td>%d</td></tr><tr>
<td><b>oDeck:</b></td> <td>%s</td></tr><tr>
<td><b>SiblingCnt:</b></td> <td>%d</td></tr><tr>
<td><b>Siblings:</b></td> <td>%s</td></tr><tr>
<td><b>Tags:</b></td> <td>%s</td>
</tr></table>""" % (did, fdid, deckName, len(sis), str(sis), tags)

        style = self._style()
<!doctype html><html><head><style>%s</style></head>
<body class="night_mode">%s</body></html>""" % (style, txt))