コード例 #1
def runJplagForFile(lang, kind, file, args):
    print(ansi.green(f'Running jplag for file {file}'))
        shell.pjoin(resultDir, kind, file), '-l', lang, '-p', file, '.'
    ], args, file)
コード例 #2
def submit_changes(
    clock: util.Clock,
    server: GerritServer,
    changes: List[Change],
    num_retries: int = 0
) -> None:
  # Strip out merged changes.
  changes = [cl for cl in changes if cl.status != ChangeStatus.MERGED]

  # For any CL that doesn't have a CQ+1, run it now to speed things up.
  # As long as the CL isn't changed in the mean-time, it won't be tested
  # again when we finally get around to +2'ing it.
  # We ignore the first one, because we are just about to +2 it anyway.
  for cl in changes[1:]:
    if cl.cq_votes() == 0:
      print("Setting CQ state of CL %d to dry-run." % cl.id)
      server.set_cq_state(cl.change_id, 1)

  # Submit the changes in order.
  for cl in changes:
    backoff = util.ExponentialBackoff(clock)
    max_attempts = num_retries + 1
    num_attempts = 0
    print("Submitting CL %d: %s" % (cl.id, cl.subject))

    while True:
      # Fetch the latest information about the CL.
      current_cl = server.fetch_change(cl.change_id)

      # Check it still exists.
      if current_cl is None:
        raise SubmitError("CL %s could not be found." % cl.id)

      # If it is merged, we are done.
      if current_cl.status == ChangeStatus.MERGED:

      # If it is not in CQ, add it to CQ.
      if current_cl.cq_votes() < 2:
        if num_attempts == 0:
          print(ansi.gray("  Adding to CQ."))
        elif num_attempts < max_attempts:
          print(ansi.yellow("  CL failed in CQ. Retrying..."))
          print(ansi.red("  CL failed in CQ. Aborting."))
        num_attempts += 1
        server.set_cq_state(cl.change_id, 2)

      # wait.
      print(ansi.gray('  Polling...'))

    # Did we fail?
    print(ansi.green("  Submitted!"))
コード例 #3
def runJplagMerged(lang, kind, ext, args):
    print(ansi.green(f'Running jplag for all assignments of kind {kind}'))
        ['-r', shell.pjoin(resultDir, kind), '-l', lang, '-p', ext, '.'], args,
        '*' + ext)