コード例 #1
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        enabled = True
        if 'GigabitEthernet' in conf or 'GE' in conf:
            match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
            intf = ''
            if match:
                intf = match.group(1)
            match = re.search(r'(undo lldp enable)', conf)
            if match:
                enabled = False

            if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
                return {}

            config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)
            if enabled:
                config['enabled'] = True
            elif not enabled:
                config['enabled'] = False

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #2
    def _clear_config(self, want, have):
        # Delete the interface config based on the want and have config
        commands = []
        change_flag = False

        if want.get('name'):
            interface_type = get_interface_type(want['name'])
            interface = 'interface ' + want['name']
            interface_type = get_interface_type(have['name'])
            interface = 'interface ' + have['name']

        if have.get('description'
                    ) and want.get('description') != have.get('description'):
            remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'description', commands)
            change_flag = True
        if not have.get(
                'enabled') and want.get('enabled') != have.get('enabled'):
            # if enable is False set enable as True which is the default behavior
            remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'shutdown', commands)
            change_flag = True
        if have.get('mtu') and want.get('mtu') != have.get('mtu'):
            remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'jumboframe enable',
            change_flag = True

        if interface_type.lower() == 'gigabitethernet':
            if have.get('speed') and want.get('speed') != have.get(
                    'speed') and not have.get('negotiation'):
                remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'speed', commands)
                change_flag = True
            if have.get('duplex') and want.get('duplex') != have.get(
                    'duplex') and not have.get('negotiation'):
                remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'duplex', commands)
                change_flag = True
            if not have.get('negotiation') and want.get(
                    'negotiation') != have.get('negotiation'):
                remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'speed', commands)
                remove_command_from_config_list(interface, 'duplex', commands)
                add_command_to_config_list(interface, 'negotiation auto',
                change_flag = True
        if change_flag:
            add_command_to_config_list(interface, 'quit', commands)

        return commands
コード例 #3
    def _set_config(self, want, have):
        # Set the interface config based on the want and have config
        commands = []
        interface = 'interface ' + want['name']
        interface_type = get_interface_type(want['name'])

        # Get the diff b/w want and have
        want_dict = dict_to_set(want)
        have_dict = dict_to_set(have)
        diff = want_dict - have_dict

        if diff:
            diff = dict(diff)
            if diff.get('description'):
                cmd = 'description {0}'.format(want.get('description'))
                add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
            if diff.get('mtu'):
                cmd = 'jumboframe enable {0}'.format(want.get('mtu'))
                add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
            if diff.get('enabled'):
                add_command_to_config_list(interface, 'undo shutdown',
            elif diff.get('enabled') is False:
                add_command_to_config_list(interface, 'shutdown', commands)
            if diff.get('negotiation'):
                add_command_to_config_list(interface, 'negotiation auto',
            if interface_type.lower(
            ) == 'gigabitethernet' and not diff.get('negotiation'):
                for item in diff.keys():
                    if item in ['speed', 'duplex']:
                        cmd = 'undo negotiation auto'
                        add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
                if diff.get('speed') == '1000' and have.get(
                        'duplex') == 'half':
                    cmd = 'duplex full'
                    add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
                    cmd = 'speed {0}'.format(want.get('speed'))
                    add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
                elif diff.get('speed'):
                    cmd = 'speed {0}'.format(want.get('speed'))
                    add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
                if diff.get('duplex'):
                    cmd = 'duplex {0}'.format(want.get('duplex'))
                    add_command_to_config_list(interface, cmd, commands)
            add_command_to_config_list(interface, 'quit', commands)

        return commands
コード例 #4
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
        intf = match.group(1)

        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        # populate the facts from the configuration
        config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)

        ipv4 = []
        ipv4_all = re.findall(r"ip [Aa]ddress (\S+.*)", conf)
        for each in ipv4_all:
            each_ipv4 = dict()
            if 'sub' not in each and 'dhcp' not in each:
                each_ipv4['address'] = each
            elif 'sub' in each:
                each_ipv4['address'] = each.split(' sub')[0]
                each_ipv4['secondary'] = True
            elif 'dhcp-alloc' in each:
                each_ipv4['address'] = 'dhcp'
        config['ipv4'] = ipv4

        # Get the configured IPV6 details
        ipv6 = []
        ipv6_all = re.findall(r"ipv6 address (\S+)", conf)
        for each in ipv6_all:
            each_ipv6 = dict()
            if 'auto' in each:
                each_ipv6['autoconfig'] = True
            if 'dhcp' in each:
                each_ipv6['dhcp'] = True
            each_ipv6['address'] = each.lower()
        config['ipv6'] = ipv6

        if not config['ipv4'] and not config['ipv6']:
            return {}

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #5
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        intf = conf.split()[0]

        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        # populate the facts from the configuration
        config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)

        if conf.split()[1] == 'access':
            access = dict()
            access['vlan'] = int(conf.split()[2])
            config['access'] = access

        if conf.split()[1] == 'trunk':
            trunk = dict()
            trunk["native_vlan"] = int(conf.split()[2])
            trunk["allowed_vlans"] = self.parse_vlan_to_list(conf.split()[3:])
            config['trunk'] = trunk

        if conf.split()[1] == 'hybrid':
            hybrid = dict()
            hybrid["native_vlan"] = int(conf.split()[2])
            hybrid["allowed_vlans"] = self.parse_vlan_to_list(conf.split()[3:])
            config['hybrid'] = hybrid

        if conf.split()[1] == 'auto':
            auto = dict()
            auto["native_vlan"] = int(conf.split()[2])
            auto["allowed_vlans"] = self.parse_vlan_to_list(conf.split()[3:])
            config['auto'] = auto

        if conf.split()[1] == 'desirable':
            desirable = dict()
            desirable["native_vlan"] = int(conf.split()[2])
            desirable["allowed_vlans"] = self.parse_vlan_to_list(
            config['desirable'] = desirable

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #6
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        intf = ''
        match = re.search(r'^([Ee]th-[Tt]runk\d+)', conf)
        if match:
            intf = match.group(1)

        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        member_config = {}

        config['name'] = intf
        config['members'] = []

        match = re.search(r'WorkingMode:\s*(\S+)', conf)
        if match:
            mode = match.group(1)
            if mode.lower() == 'normal':
                member_config.update({'mode': 'on'})
            if mode.lower() == 'lacp':
                member_config.update({'mode': 'active'})

        match = re.findall(
        if match:
            for i in match:
                memb_config = {}
                member_config['member'] = i

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #7
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        port_priority = ''
        max_bundle = ''
        intf = ''
        match = re.search(r'^([Ee]th-[Tt]runk\d+)', conf)
        if match:
            intf = match.group(1)
        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}

        config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)

        match = re.search(r'System Priority:\s+(\d+)',conf)
        if match:
            port_priority = match.group(1)

        match = re.search(r'Max Active-linknumber:\s+(\d+)', conf)
        if match:
            max_bundle = match.group(1)

        if port_priority:
            config['port_priority'] = int(port_priority)
        if max_bundle:
            config['max_bundle'] = int(max_bundle)

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #8
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
        if match:
            intf = match.group(1)
            if get_interface_type(intf) == 'Vlanif':
                return {}
            if get_interface_type(intf) == 'Eth-Trunk':
                return {}
            if get_interface_type(intf) == 'LoopBack':
                return {}
            if get_interface_type(intf) == 'Nve':
                return {}
            if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
                return {}
        # populate the facts from the configuration
        config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)

        match = re.search(r'Description\s*:\s*(.*)\nS', conf)
        if match:
            config['description'] = match.group(1)
        #config['description'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'description')
        match = re.search(r'Speed\s*:\s*(\d+)', conf)
        if match:
            config['speed'] = match.group(1)
        #config['speed'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'speed')
        match = re.search(r'The\s+Maximum\s+Frame\s+Length\s+is\s+(\d+)', conf)
        if match:
            config['mtu'] = match.group(1)
        #if utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'jumboframe enable'):
        #    config['mtu'] = int(utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'jumboframe enable'))
        match = re.search(r'Duplex\s*:\s*(FULL|HALF)', conf)
        if match:
            config['duplex'] = match.group(1).lower()
        #config['duplex'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'duplex')
        match = re.search(r'Negotiation\s*:\s*(DISABLE|ENABLE)', conf)
        if match:
            if match.group(1).lower() == 'enable':
                config['negotiation'] = True
                config['negotiation'] = False
        match = re.search(r'\S+\s+current\s+state\s*:\s*(DOWN|UP|Administratively DOWN)', conf)
        if match:
            if match.group(1) == 'Administratively DOWN':
                config['enabled'] = False
                config['enabled'] = True
        #enabled = utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'shutdown', False)
        #config['enabled'] = enabled if enabled is not None else True

        return utils.remove_empties(config)