コード例 #1
    def _purge_attribs(self, intf):
        """ The command generator for purging attributes
        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to purge attributes
        commands = []
        have_copy = deepcopy(intf)
        members = have_copy.pop('members', [])

        to_delete = dict_delete(have_copy,
                                remove_empties({'name': have_copy['name']}))
        if to_delete:
            for key, value in iteritems(flatten_dict(
                    self._compute_commands(key=key, value=value, remove=True))

        if commands:
            pad_commands(commands, intf['name'])

        if members:
            members = param_list_to_dict(deepcopy(members),
            for key in members:
                member_cmd = ['no bundle id']
                pad_commands(member_cmd, key)

        return commands
コード例 #2
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lldp_global
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        objs = dict()
        if not data:
            data = connection.get('show running-config | section ^lldp')
        # operate on a collection of resource x
        config = data.split('\n')
        for conf in config:
            if conf:
                obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, conf)
                if obj:
        facts = {}

        if objs:
            params = utils.validate_config(
                self.argument_spec, {'config': utils.remove_empties(objs)})
            facts['lldp_global'] = utils.remove_empties(params['config'])

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #3
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param data: previously collected configuration as lxml ElementTree root instance
                     or valid xml sting
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not HAS_LXML:
            self._module.fail_json(msg='lxml is not installed.')

        if not data:
            config_filter = """
            data = get_resource_config(connection, config_filter=config_filter)

        if isinstance(data, string_types):
            data = etree.fromstring(
                to_bytes(data, errors='surrogate_then_replace'))

        facts = {}
        config = deepcopy(self.generated_spec)
        resources = data.xpath(
        if resources:

            lacp_root = resources[0]
            config['system_priority'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
                lacp_root, 'system-priority')

            if utils.get_xml_conf_arg(lacp_root,
                config['link_protection'] = "non-revertive"

            elif utils.get_xml_conf_arg(lacp_root, 'link-protection'):
                config['link_protection'] = "revertive"

        params = utils.validate_config(
            self.argument_spec, {'config': utils.remove_empties(config)})
        facts['lacp'] = {}


        return ansible_facts
コード例 #4
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lag_interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        objs = []
        if not data:
            data = connection.get(
                'show running-config | include channel-group')
        config = re.split('(\n  |)channel-group ', data)
        config = list(dict.fromkeys(config))
        for conf in config:
            if conf:
                obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, conf, connection)
                if obj and len(obj.keys()) > 1:

        ansible_facts['ansible_network_resources'].pop('lag_interfaces', None)
        facts = {}
        if objs:
            facts['lag_interfaces'] = []
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec,
                                           {'config': objs})
            for cfg in params['config']:

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #5
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
        intf = match.group(1)
        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}

        config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)
        port_priority = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'lacp port-priority')
        max_bundle = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'lacp max-bundle')
        if port_priority:
            config['port_priority'] = int(port_priority)
        if 'lacp fast-switchover' in conf:
            config['fast_switchover'] = True
        if max_bundle:
            config['max_bundle'] = int(max_bundle)

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #6
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)(:)', conf)
        intf = ''
        if match:
            intf = match.group(1)

        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        if intf.lower().startswith('gi'):
            config['name'] = normalize_interface(intf)
            receive = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'Rx:')
            transmit = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'Tx:')

            if receive == 'enabled':
                config['receive'] = True
            elif receive == 'disabled':
                config['receive'] = False
            if transmit == 'enabled':
                config['transmit'] = True
            elif transmit == 'disabled':
                config['transmit'] = False

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #7
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        config['name'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'interface')

        matches = re.findall(r'.*ip address (.+)$', conf, re.MULTILINE)
        if matches:
            config["ipv4"] = []
            for match in matches:
                address, dummy, remainder = match.partition(" ")
                ipv4 = {"address": address}
                if remainder == "secondary":
                    ipv4["secondary"] = True

        matches = re.findall(r'.*ipv6 address (.+)$', conf, re.MULTILINE)
        if matches:
            config["ipv6"] = []
            for match in matches:
                address, dummy, remainder = match.partition(" ")
                ipv6 = {"address": address}

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #8
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for l3_interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not data:
            data = connection.get('show running-config | section ^interface')

        # split the config into instances of the resource
        resource_delim = 'interface'
        find_pattern = r'(?:^|\n)%s.*?(?=(?:^|\n)%s|$)' % (resource_delim, resource_delim)
        resources = [p.strip() for p in re.findall(find_pattern, data, re.DOTALL)]

        objs = []
        for resource in resources:
            if resource:
                obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, resource)
                if obj:
        facts = {}
        if objs:
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': objs})
            facts['l3_interfaces'] = [utils.remove_empties(cfg) for cfg in params['config']]
        return ansible_facts
コード例 #9
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
        intf = match.group(1)
        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}

        config['name'] = intf
        config['ip_forward'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'ip forward')
        config['access']['vlan'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(
            conf, 'switchport access vlan')
        config['trunk']['allowed_vlans'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(
            conf, 'switchport trunk allowed vlan')
        config['trunk']['native_vlan'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(
            conf, 'switchport trunk native vlan')

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #10
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
        intf = match.group(1)
        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        config['name'] = intf
        # 'bfd'/'bfd echo' do not nvgen when enabled thus set to 'enable' when None.
        # 'bfd' is not supported on some platforms
        config['bfd'] = utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'bfd', 'enable',
                                                 'disable') or 'enable'
        config['echo'] = utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'bfd echo', 'enable',
                                                  'disable') or 'enable'

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #11
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lacp
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not data:
            data = connection.get_config(flags='lacp')

        obj = {}
        if data:
            lacp_obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, data)
            if lacp_obj:
                obj = lacp_obj

        ansible_facts['ansible_network_resources'].pop('lacp', None)
        facts = {}

        params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': obj})
        facts['lacp'] = utils.remove_empties(params['config'])

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #12
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The ElementTree instance of configuration object
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        config['name'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'name')
        config['period'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'aggregated-ether-options/lacp/periodic')
        config['sync_reset'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'aggregated-ether-options/lacp/sync-reset')
        force_up = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'ether-options/ieee-802.3ad/lacp/force-up', data='tag')
        if force_up:
            config['force_up'] = True
        config['port_priority'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'ether-options/ieee-802.3ad/lacp/port-priority')
        config['system']['priority'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'aggregated-ether-options/lacp/system-priority')
        address = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'aggregated-ether-options/lacp/system-id')
        if address:
            config['system'].update({'mac': {'address': address}})

        lacp_intf_cfg = utils.remove_empties(config)
        # if lacp config is not present for interface return empty dict
        if len(lacp_intf_cfg) == 1:
            return {}
            return lacp_intf_cfg
コード例 #13
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        p_match = re.search(r'lacp system-priority (\d+)', conf, re.M)
        if p_match:
            config['system']['priority'] = p_match.group(1)

        a_match = re.search(r'lacp system-mac (\S+)', conf, re.M)
        if a_match:
            address = a_match.group(1)
            config['system']['mac']['address'] = address
            r_match = re.search(r'lacp system-mac {0} role (\S+)'.format(address), conf, re.M)
            if r_match:
                config['system']['mac']['role'] = r_match.group(1)

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #14
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lldp_global
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not data:
            data = connection.get_config()

        objs = {}
        lldp_output = findall(r'^set service lldp (\S+)', data, M)
        if lldp_output:
            for item in set(lldp_output):
                lldp_regex = r' %s .+$' % item
                cfg = findall(lldp_regex, data, M)
                obj = self.render_config(cfg)
                if obj:
        lldp_service = findall(r"^set service (lldp)?('lldp')", data, M)
        if lldp_service or lldp_output:
            lldp_obj = {}
            lldp_obj['enable'] = True

        facts = {}
        params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': objs})
        facts['lldp_global'] = utils.remove_empties(params['config'])


        return ansible_facts
コード例 #15
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        match = re.search(
            conf, re.M)
        if match:
            config['name'] = match.group(1) + match.group(2)

            for key in ['receive', 'transmit']:
                config[key] = False if (
                    '{0} disable'.format(key)) in conf else None

            for x in ['ieee-nearest-bridge', 'ieee-nearest-non-tmpr-bridge']:
                if x in conf:
                    config['destination']['mac_address'] = x

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #16
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lldp_global
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not data:
            data = connection.get('show running-config | section lldp')

        obj = {}
        if data:
            obj.update(self.render_config(self.generated_spec, data))

        ansible_facts['ansible_network_resources'].pop('lldp_global', None)
        facts = {}
        if obj:
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': obj})
            facts['lldp_global'] = utils.remove_empties(params['config'])
            facts['lldp_global'] = {}

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #17
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lacp_interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        objs = []

        if not data:
            data = connection.get('show running-config | section ^interface')

        resources = data.split('interface ')
        for resource in resources:
            if resource and re.search(r'lacp', resource):
                obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, resource)
                if obj and len(obj.keys()) > 1:

        ansible_facts['ansible_network_resources'].pop('lacp_interfaces', None)
        facts = {}
        if objs:
            facts['lacp_interfaces'] = []
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': objs})
            for cfg in params['config']:

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #18
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The ElementTree instance of configuration object
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        config['name'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'name')
        config['description'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'description')
        mtu = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'mtu')
        config['mtu'] = int(mtu) if mtu else None
        config['speed'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'speed')
        config['duplex'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'link-mode')
        config['hold_time']['down'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
            conf, 'hold-time/down')
        config['hold_time']['up'] = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
            conf, 'hold-time/up')
        disable = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'disable', data='tag')
        if disable:
            config['enabled'] = False
            config['enabled'] = True
        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #19
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        objs = []

        if not data:
            data = connection.get('show running-config | section ^interface')
        # operate on a collection of resource x
        config = data.split('interface ')
        for conf in config:
            if conf:
                obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, conf)
                if obj:

        facts = {}
        if objs:
            facts['l2_interfaces'] = []
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': objs})
            for cfg in params['config']:

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #20
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lacp_interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts

        if not data:
            data = connection.get_config(flags='interface')
            interfaces = data.split('interface ')

        objs = []
        for interface in interfaces:
            obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, interface)
            if obj:

        ansible_facts['ansible_network_resources'].pop('lacp_interfaces', None)
        facts = {}
        if objs:
            facts['lacp_interfaces'] = []
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec,
                                           {'config': objs})
            for cfg in params['config']:

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #21
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        match = re.search(
            conf, re.M)
        if match:
            config['name'] = match.group(1) + match.group(2)

            temp = {
                'churn_logging': 'lacp churn logging',
                'switchover_suppress_flaps': 'lacp switchover suppress-flaps',
                'collector_max_delay': 'lacp collector-max-delay',
                'period': 'lacp period'

            for key, value in iteritems(temp):
                config[key] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, value)

            for key in config['system'].keys():
                config['system'][key] = utils.parse_conf_arg(
                    conf, 'lacp system {0}'.format(key))

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #22
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for lacp
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not data:
            data = self.get_device_data(connection)

        # split the config into instances of the resource
        resource_delim = 'lacp'
        find_pattern = r'(?:^|\n)%s.*?(?=(?:^|\n)%s|$)' % (resource_delim,
        resources = [p.strip() for p in re.findall(find_pattern, data, re.DOTALL)]

        objs = {}
        for resource in resources:
            if resource:
                obj = self.render_config(self.generated_spec, resource)
                if obj:

        ansible_facts['ansible_network_resources'].pop('lacp', None)
        facts = {'lacp': {}}
        if objs:
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': objs})
            facts['lacp'] = utils.remove_empties(params['config'])

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #23
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values

        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)

        # populate the facts from the configuration
        config['name'] = re.match(r'(\S+)', conf).group(1).replace('"', '')

        has_access = re.search(r"switchport access vlan (\d+)", conf)
        if has_access:
            config["access"] = {"vlan": int(has_access.group(1))}

        has_trunk = re.findall(r"switchport trunk (.+)", conf)
        if has_trunk:
            trunk = {}
            for match in has_trunk:
                has_native = re.match(r"native vlan (\d+)", match)
                if has_native:
                    trunk["native_vlan"] = int(has_native.group(1))

                has_allowed = re.match(r"allowed vlan (\S+)", match)
                if has_allowed:
                    # TODO: listify?
                    trunk["trunk_allowed_vlans"] = has_allowed.group(1)
            config['trunk'] = trunk

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #24
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config

        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)

        intf = match.group(1)
        if match.group(1).lower() == "preconfigure":
            match = re.search(r'^(\S+) (.*)', conf)
            if match:
                intf = match.group(2)

        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        # populate the facts from the configuration
        config['name'] = intf
        config['description'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'description')
        if utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'speed'):
            config['speed'] = int(utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'speed'))
        if utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'mtu'):
            config['mtu'] = int(utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'mtu'))
        config['duplex'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'duplex')
        enabled = utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'shutdown', False)
        config['enabled'] = enabled if enabled is not None else True

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #25
    def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None):
        """ Populate the facts for interfaces
        :param connection: the device connection
        :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary
        :param data: previously collected conf
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: facts
        if not data:
            data = connection.get_config(flags=['| grep interfaces'])

        objs = []
        interface_names = findall(r'^set interfaces (?:ethernet|bonding|vti|loopback|vxlan) (?:\'*)(\S+)(?:\'*)',
                                  data, M)
        if interface_names:
            for interface in set(interface_names):
                intf_regex = r' %s .+$' % interface.strip("'")
                cfg = findall(intf_regex, data, M)
                obj = self.render_config(cfg)
                obj['name'] = interface.strip("'")
                if obj:
        facts = {}
        if objs:
            facts['interfaces'] = []
            params = utils.validate_config(self.argument_spec, {'config': objs})
            for cfg in params['config']:

        return ansible_facts
コード例 #26
    def render_config(self, spec, vlan):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param vlan: structured data vlan settings (dict) and raw cfg from device
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        Sample inputs: test/units/modules/network/nxos/fixtures/nxos_vlans/show_vlan
        obj = deepcopy(spec)

        obj['vlan_id'] = vlan['vlan_id']

        # name: 'VLAN000x' (default name) or custom name
        name = vlan['vlanshowbr-vlanname']
        if name and re.match("VLAN%04d" % int(vlan['vlan_id']), name):
            name = None
        obj['name'] = name

        # mode: 'ce-vlan' or 'fabricpath-vlan'
        obj['mode'] = vlan['vlanshowinfo-vlanmode'].replace('-vlan', '')

        # enabled: shutdown, noshutdown
        obj['enabled'] = True if 'noshutdown' in vlan[
            'vlanshowbr-shutstate'] else False

        # state: active, suspend
        obj['state'] = vlan['vlanshowbr-vlanstate']

        # non-structured data
        obj['mapped_vni'] = parse_conf_arg(vlan['run_cfg'], 'vn-segment')

        return utils.remove_empties(obj)
コード例 #27
 def parse_attribs(self, attribs, conf):
     config = {}
     for item in attribs:
         value = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, item)
         if value:
             config[item] = value.strip("'")
             config[item] = None
     return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #28
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The ElementTree instance of configuration object
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        intf_name = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(conf, 'name')
        if intf_name.startswith('ae'):
            config['name'] = intf_name
            config['members'] = []
            for interface_obj in self._resources:
                lag_interface_member = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
                    "ether-options/ieee-802.3ad[bundle='%s']/../../name" %
                if lag_interface_member:
                    member_config = {}
                    member_config['member'] = lag_interface_member
                    if utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
                        member_config['link_type'] = "primary"
                    elif utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
                        member_config['link_type'] = "backup"

                    if member_config:

                for m in ['active', 'passive']:
                    if utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
                            "aggregated-ether-options/lacp/%s" % m,
                        config['mode'] = m

                link_protection = utils.get_xml_conf_arg(
                if link_protection:
                    config['link_protection'] = True

        lag_intf_cfg = utils.remove_empties(config)
        # if lag interfaces config is not present return empty dict
        if len(lag_intf_cfg) == 1:
            return {}
            return lag_intf_cfg
コード例 #29
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys
          from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)
        intf = match.group(1)
        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}
        config['name'] = intf
        config['dot1q'] = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'encapsulation dot1[qQ]')
        config['redirects'] = utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'no ip redirects', False, True)
        config['unreachables'] = utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'ip unreachables', True, False)
        ipv4_match = re.compile(r'\n  ip address (.*)')
        matches = ipv4_match.findall(conf)
        if matches:
            if matches[0]:
                config['ipv4'] = []
                for m in matches:
                    ipv4_conf = m.split()
                    addr = ipv4_conf[0]
                    if addr:
                        config_dict = {'address': addr}
                        if len(ipv4_conf) > 1:
                            d = ipv4_conf[1]
                            if d == 'secondary':
                                config_dict.update({'secondary': True})
                                if len(ipv4_conf) == 4:
                                    if ipv4_conf[2] == 'tag':
                                        config_dict.update({'tag': int(ipv4_conf[-1])})
                            elif d == 'tag':
                                config_dict.update({'tag': int(ipv4_conf[-1])})

        ipv6_match = re.compile(r'\n  ipv6 address (.*)')
        matches = ipv6_match.findall(conf)
        if matches:
            if matches[0]:
                config['ipv6'] = []
                for m in matches:
                    ipv6_conf = m.split()
                    addr = ipv6_conf[0]
                    if addr:
                        config_dict = {'address': addr}
                        if len(ipv6_conf) > 1:
                            d = ipv6_conf[1]
                            if d == 'tag':
                                config_dict.update({'tag': int(ipv6_conf[-1])})

        return utils.remove_empties(config)
コード例 #30
    def render_config(self, spec, conf):
        Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values
        :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec
        :param conf: The configuration
        :rtype: dictionary
        :returns: The generated config
        config = deepcopy(spec)
        match = re.search(r'^(\S+)', conf)

        intf = match.group(1)

        if match.group(1).lower() == "preconfigure":
            match = re.search(r'^(\S+) (.*)', conf)
            if match:
                intf = match.group(2)

        if get_interface_type(intf) == 'unknown':
            return {}

        if intf.lower().startswith('gi'):
            config['name'] = intf

            # populate the facts from the configuration
            native_vlan = re.search(r"dot1q native vlan (\d+)", conf)
            if native_vlan:
                config["native_vlan"] = int(native_vlan.group(1))

            dot1q = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'encapsulation dot1q')
            config['q_vlan'] = []
            if dot1q:
                config['q_vlan'].append(int(dot1q.split(' ')[0]))
                if len(dot1q.split(' ')) > 1:
                    config['q_vlan'].append(int(dot1q.split(' ')[2]))

            if utils.parse_conf_cmd_arg(conf, 'l2transport', True):
                config['l2transport'] = True
            if utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'propagate'):
                config['propagate'] = True
            config['l2protocol'] = []

            cdp = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'l2protocol cdp')
            pvst = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'l2protocol pvst')
            stp = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'l2protocol stp')
            vtp = utils.parse_conf_arg(conf, 'l2protocol vtp')
            if cdp:
                config['l2protocol'].append({'cdp': cdp})
            if pvst:
                config['l2protocol'].append({'pvst': pvst})
            if stp:
                config['l2protocol'].append({'stp': stp})
            if vtp:
                config['l2protocol'].append({'vtp': vtp})

            return utils.remove_empties(config)