コード例 #1
def main(argv=None):
    """Main processing script for all maps """

    elog.elog_notify("Start of script")

    verbose, debug, year, month, maptype, deploytype, size = process_command_line(argv)
    if debug:
        elog.elog_notify("*** DEBUGGING ON ***")
        elog.elog_notify("*** No grd or grad files - just single color for speed ***")

    common_pf = 'common.pf'
    stations_pf = 'stations.pf'

    elog.elog_notify(" - Creating **%s** maps" % deploytype)
    if verbose:
        elog.elog_notify(" - Parse configuration parameter file (%s)" % common_pf)
        elog.elog_notify(" - Parse stations parameter file (%s)" % stations_pf)

    wet_rgb = '202/255/255'


    dbmaster = pfget(common_pf, 'USARRAY_DBMASTER')
    networks = pfget_arr(stations_pf, 'network')
    infrasound = pfget_arr(stations_pf, 'infrasound')
    colors = pfget_arr(stations_pf, 'colors')
    # Force the tmp dir environmental variable
    tmp = pfget(common_pf, 'TMP')
    os.environ['TMPDIR'] = os.environ['TEMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] = tmp
    gmtbindir = pfget(common_pf, 'GMT_BIN')
    usa_coords = pfget_arr(common_pf, 'USACOORDS')
    ak_coords = pfget_arr(common_pf, 'AKCOORDS')
    web_output_dir = pfget(common_pf, 'CACHE_MONTHLY_DEPLOYMENT')
    web_output_dir_infra = pfget(common_pf, 'CACHE_MONTHLY_DEPLOYMENT_INFRA')
    infrasound_mapping = pfget(common_pf, 'INFRASOUND_MAPPING')
    output_dir = '/var/tmp' # FOR TESTING
    if size == 'wario':
        paper_orientation = 'landscape'
        paper_media = 'b0'
        symsize = '0.3'
        paper_orientation = 'portrait'
        paper_media = 'a1'
        symsize = '0.15'

    # Make sure execution occurs in the right directory
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    path_parts = cwd.split('/')
    if path_parts[-1] == 'deployment_history' and path_parts[-2] == 'bin':
        if verbose or debug:
            elog.elog_notify(' - Already in the correct current working directory %s' % cwd)
        cwd = os.getcwd() + '/bin/deployment_history'
        if verbose or debug:
            elog.elog_notify (' - Changed current working directory to %s' % cwd)
    # Make sure we set some GMT parameters for just this script
    # GMTSET
        set_gmt_params(paper_orientation, paper_media)
    except Exception, e:
        elog.elog_complain("An error occurred setting GMT params %s")
コード例 #2

    for m in maptype:
        if size == 'wario':
            ps = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ps', prefix='deployment_history_map_%s_%d_%02d_%s_WARIO_' % (deploytype, year, month, m))
            png = 'PNG not created for tiled display wario. Create by hand in Photoshop'
            ps = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ps', prefix='deployment_history_map_%s_%d_%02d_%s_' % (deploytype, year, month, m))
            if deploytype == 'inframet':
                finalfile = 'deploymap_%s_%d_%02d.%s.png' % (deploytype, year, month, m)
                finalfile = 'deploymap_%d_%02d.%s.png' % (year, month, m)
            png = '%s/%s' % (output_dir, finalfile)

        if verbose or debug or size:
            elog.elog_notify (' - Working on maptype: %s' % m)
            elog.elog_notify (' - Temp postscript file: %s' % ps[1])
            elog.elog_notify (' - Output target: %s' % png)

        # Determine region of interest and center of plot
        # The lat and lon padding ensures we get full topo and bathy.
        minlon = int(usa_coords['MINLON'])
        maxlon = int(usa_coords['MAXLON'])
        minlat = int(usa_coords['MINLAT'])
        maxlat = int(usa_coords['MAXLAT'])
        region = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat) + 'r'
        centerlat = (maxlat - minlat)/2 + minlat
        centerlon = (maxlon - minlon)/2 + minlon

        ak_minlon = int(ak_coords['MINLON'])
        ak_maxlon = int(ak_coords['MAXLON'])