コード例 #1
    def exitPlusOp(self, ctx: FoxySheepParser.PlusOpContext):

        We have to treat PlusOp special, because we have to keep the
        operators intact, and only  plus and minus (not PlusMinus or
        MinusPlus) are flat. The situation is complicated by the fact
        that Mathematica parses "a-b" as "Plus[a, Times[-1, b]]". We
        Rewrite the parse tree, inserting the Times context and
        changing BINARYMINUS to BINARYPLUS."""

        # If the op isn't Plus or Minus, nothing to do.
        if ctx.BINARYMINUS() is None and ctx.BINARYPLUS() is None:

        # Since ANTLR4 parses this operator as left associative, we only
        # need to check the left hand side expr.
        rhs = ctx.getChild(2)

        # If the operator of the PlusOp is BINARYMINUS, we rewrite the tree as
        # "Plus[lhs, Times[-1, rhs]]". Note that if rhs is TIMES, we have to
        # keep that TIMES flat.
        if ctx.BINARYMINUS() is not None:
            # Construct Times, or obtain it from the rhs.
            times = None
            if isinstance(rhs, FoxySheepParser.TimesContext):
                times = rhs
                # If rhs is already a times, keep it flat.
                times = FoxySheepParser.TimesContext(
                    None, FoxySheepParser.ExprContext(None))
                adopt(ctx, times)
                adopt(times, rhs)
            # Add "-1" as the first child of Times.
            addChild(times, makeNumber(times, -1), 0)

            # Finally, we have to change operator to BINARYPLUS.
            plustoken = CommonToken(type=FoxySheepParser.BINARYPLUS)
            plustoken.text = '+'
            plus = TerminalNodeImpl(plustoken)
            # Replace minus token with plus.
            ctx.children[1] = plus
            plus.parentCtx = ctx

        # Flatten
コード例 #2
 def addTokenNode(self, token: Token):
     node = TerminalNodeImpl(token)
     node.parentCtx = self
     return node
コード例 #3
 def addTokenNode(self, token):
     node = TerminalNodeImpl(token)
     node.parentCtx = self
     return node