def send(self, msg, bindata=None): id = msg.get("id") if msg.get("type") in [ "CALL", "CALL_WITH_APP", "GET_TASK_STATE", "LAUNCH_REPL", "REPL_COMMAND", "TERMINATE_REPL" ]: # It's a new request! Start the timeout #print ("Setting timeout and routing for new request ID %s" % id) workers_by_id[id] = self if msg.get("enable-profiling"): self.enable_profiling[id] = True self.start_time[id] = time.time() self.req_ids.add(id) if msg["type"] != "REPL_COMMAND": self.set_timeout(id) elif msg.get("type") == "REPL_KEEPALIVE": self.clear_timeout(msg["repl"]) self.set_timeout(msg["repl"]) send_with_header({"id": id, "response": None}) return self.to_worker.send(msg, bindata) def outbound_done(): self.outbound_ids.pop(id, None) workers_by_id.pop(id, None) maybe_quit_if_draining_and_done() if "response" in msg or "error" in msg: self.on_media_complete(msg, outbound_done)
def _hard_kill_background_task(self): try: self.req_ids.discard('pre-kill-task-state') send_with_header({ 'type': 'NOTIFY_TASK_KILLED', 'id': list(self.req_ids)[0] }) finally: self.hard_timeout()
def _hard_kill_background_task(self): print("TIMEOUT KILLING BACKGROUND TASK %s" % self.req_ids) try: self.req_ids.discard('pre-kill-task-state') send_with_header({ 'type': 'NOTIFY_TASK_KILLED', 'id': list(self.req_ids)[0] }) finally: self.hard_timeout()
def _hard_kill_background_task(self): print("HARD KILL BACKGROUND TASK %s" % self.initial_req_id) try: self.req_ids.discard('pre-kill-task-state') send_with_header({ 'type': 'NOTIFY_TASK_KILLED', 'id': self.initial_req_id }) finally: self.hard_timeout()
def launch(data): type = data["type"] if 'type' in data else None id = data["id"] if 'id' in data else None print("Calling function '%s' for app '%s' (ID %s)" % (data.get( "command", "<LiveObjectCall>"), data.get("app-id", "<unknown>"), id)) persist_key = data.get("persist-key") start_time = time.time() is_background_task = (type == "LAUNCH_BACKGROUND_WITH_APP") cache_key = None worker = None version = None supplied_version = data.get("app-version") if CAN_PERSIST and not is_background_task and persist_key is not None and "app-id" in data and supplied_version is not None: cache_key = repr((data["app-id"], persist_key)) #print("Attempt persistence: %s" % cache_key) version, worker = cached_workers.get(cache_key, (None, None)) #print("Version %s:\n%s\nvs\n%s" % (("MATCH" if version==supplied_version else "MISMATCH"), version, supplied_version)) if data['command'] == "anvil.private.pdf.get_component" and not is_background_task: wid = data['args'][0][0] worker = workers_by_id.get(wid) if worker is None: send_with_header({ 'id': id, 'error': { 'message': "No component worker found for print call '%s'" % wid } }) return elif worker is None or version != supplied_version: worker = Worker(id, data.get("enable-profiling", False), data.get("app-id", "<unknown>"), cache_key=cache_key, app_version=supplied_version, set_timeout=not is_background_task) worker.start_time[id] = start_time worker.send(data)
def send(self, msg, bin=False): if not bin: id = msg.get("id") if msg.get("type") in [ "CALL", "CALL_WITH_APP", "GET_TASK_STATE", "LAUNCH_REPL", "REPL_COMMAND", "TERMINATE_REPL" ]: # It's a new request! Start the timeout #print ("Setting timeout and routing for new request ID %s" % id) workers_by_id[id] = self if msg.get("enable-profiling"): self.enable_profiling[id] = True self.start_time[id] = time.time() self.req_ids.add(id) if msg["type"] != "REPL_COMMAND": self.set_timeout(id) elif msg.get("type") == "REPL_KEEPALIVE": self.clear_timeout(msg["repl"]) self.set_timeout(msg["repl"]) send_with_header({"id": id, "response": None}) return # A horrid hack - a one-char "activation" that's not marshalled, because marshal holds the GIL and Windows doesn't support select() on pipes and urrrggghhh d = b"X" + marshal.dumps(msg) else: d = marshal.dumps(msg) self.proc.stdin.write(d) self.proc.stdin.flush() if not bin: def outbound_done(): self.outbound_ids.pop(id, None) workers_by_id.pop(id, None) maybe_quit_if_draining_and_done() if "response" in msg or "error" in msg: self.on_media_complete(msg, outbound_done)
def launch(data): type = data.get("type") id = data.get("id") persist_key = data.get("persist-key") start_time = time.time() is_background_task = (type in [ "LAUNCH_BACKGROUND", "LAUNCH_BACKGROUND_WITH_APP" ]) is_repl_launch = type == "LAUNCH_REPL" cache_key = None worker = None version = None supplied_version = data.get("app-version") print("%s '%s' for app '%s' (ID %s)" % ("Launching REPL" if is_repl_launch else "Launching BG task" if is_background_task else "Calling function", data.get("command", "<no func>"), data.get("app-id", "<unknown>"), id)) if CAN_PERSIST and not is_background_task and persist_key is not None and "app-id" in data and supplied_version is not None: cache_key = repr((data["app-id"], persist_key)) #print("Attempt persistence: %s" % cache_key) version, worker = cached_workers.get(cache_key, (None, None)) #print("Version %s:\n%s\nvs\n%s" % (("MATCH" if version==supplied_version else "MISMATCH"), version, supplied_version)) if data.get( 'command' ) == "anvil.private.pdf.get_component" and not is_background_task: wid = data['args'][0][0] worker = workers_by_id.get(wid) if worker is None: send_with_header({ 'id': id, 'error': { 'message': "No component worker found for print call '%s'" % wid } }) return elif worker is None or version != supplied_version: worker = Worker( id, data.get("enable-profiling", False), data.get("app-id", "<unknown>"), cache_key=cache_key, app_version=supplied_version, set_timeout=not is_background_task and not is_repl_launch, task_info={ "app_id": data["app-id"], "type": "repl" if is_repl_launch else "background_task" if is_background_task else "persistent_worker" if cache_key else "server_call", "task": data.get("command"), "persist": { "key": persist_key, "version": supplied_version } if cache_key else None, }) worker.send(data)
def read_loop(self): try: while True: # marshal.load() takes the GIL, so only do it once we know there's something there to load. dummy_char = if len(dummy_char) == 0: break msg = marshal.load(self.proc.stdout) type = msg.get("type") id = msg.get("id") or msg.get("requestId") if type == "CALL" or type == "GET_APP": self.outbound_ids[msg["id"]] = msg.get('originating-call') workers_by_id[msg["id"]] = self else: if id is None: if "output" in msg: # Output from unknown thread? Broadcast it. print( "Broadcasting output from unknown thread: %s" % msg) for i in self.req_ids: msg["id"] = i send_with_header(msg) else: print("Discarding invalid message with no ID: %s" % repr(msg)) continue if id not in self.req_ids and id not in self.outbound_ids: print("Discarding invalid message with bogus ID: %s" % repr(msg)) if type == "CHUNK_HEADER": print("Discarding binary data chunk") marshal.load(self.proc.stdout) continue try: if type == "CHUNK_HEADER": x = marshal.load(self.proc.stdout) send_with_header(msg, x) if msg.get("lastChunk"): self.transmitted_media(msg['requestId'], msg['mediaId']) else: if "response" in msg and self.enable_profiling.get(id): p = msg.get("profile", None) msg["profile"] = { "origin": "Server (Python)", "description": "Downlink dispatch", "start-time": float(self.start_time.get(id, 0) * 1000), "end-time": float(time.time() * 1000) } if p is not None: msg["profile"]["children"] = [p] for o in msg.get("objects", []): if o["path"][0] == "profile": o["path"].insert(1, "children") o["path"].insert(2, 0) if "response" in msg and msg[ 'id'] == 'pre-kill-task-state': # Special case handling for a "clean" kill (where we manage to recover the state) objects = msg.get('objects', []) for o in objects: if 'path' in o and o['path'][0] == 'response': o['path'][0] = 'taskState' if 'DataMedia' in o['type']: msg['objects'] = [] msg['response'] = None break self.req_ids.discard('pre-kill-task-state') send_with_header({ 'type': 'NOTIFY_TASK_KILLED', 'id': list(self.req_ids)[0], 'taskState': msg['response'], 'objects': objects }) self.proc.terminate() else: send_with_header(msg) if "response" in msg or "error" in msg: #if statsd and (id in self.start_time): # statsd.timing('Downlink.WorkerLifetime', (time.time()*1000) - self.start_time.get(id, 0)*1000) self.on_media_complete(msg, lambda: self.responded(id)) except UnicodeError: send_with_header({ "id": id, "error": { "type": "UnicodeError", "message": "This function returned a binary string (not text). If you want to return binary data, use a BlobMedia object instead." } }) self.responded(id) except EOFError: print( "EOFError while reading worker stdout. This should not have happened." ) pass finally: for i in self.req_ids: workers_by_id.pop(i, None) for i in self.outbound_ids.keys(): workers_by_id.pop(i, None) rt = self.proc.poll() if rt is None: self.proc.terminate() for _, t in self.timeouts.items(): t.cancel() if self.cache_key is not None and cached_workers.get( self.cache_key, (None, None))[1] is self: cached_workers.pop(self.cache_key, None) error_id = "".join( [random.choice('0123456789abcdef') for x in range(10)]) for i in self.req_ids: if self.timed_out: message = 'Server code took too long' type = "anvil.server.TimeoutError" elif rt == -9: message = 'Server code execution process was killed. It may have run out of memory: %s' % ( error_id) type = "anvil.server.ExecutionTerminatedError" sys.stderr.write(message + " (IDs %s)\n" % i) sys.stderr.flush() else: message = 'Server code exited unexpectedly: %s' % ( error_id) type = "anvil.server.ExecutionTerminatedError" sys.stderr.write(message + " (IDs %s)\n" % i) sys.stderr.flush() send_with_header({ 'id': i, 'error': { 'type': type, 'message': message } }) print("Worker terminated for IDs %s (return code %s)" % (self.req_ids, rt)) maybe_quit_if_draining_and_done()