def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.jolts = [0] + self.input.get_lines(as_type=int) self.jolts.append(max(self.jolts) + 3) self.jolts.sort() self.cnt = 0 self.permutation_counts = {}
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) line_groups = self.input.get_lines(group=True) rule_lines = line_groups[0] self.rules = Rules(rule_lines) self.my_ticket = Ticket(line_groups[1][1]) self.nearby_tickets = [Ticket(l) for l in line_groups[2][1:]] self.valid_tickets = []
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines(strip_whitespace=False) # Do common input processing here self.get_passports() self.required_keys = ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid'] self.complete_passports = [] self.get_complete_passports() self.valid_passports = [] self.get_valid_passports()
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.rules = self.get_rules() # print(self.rules) self.flattened_rules = self.flatten_rules() print(self.flattened_rules) self.contains_colors_dict = self.get_contains_colors_dict( self.flattened_rules)
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.earliest_time = int(self.lines[0]) self.bus_schedules = [] for bus_id in self.lines[1].split(','): if bus_id.strip() == 'x': self.bus_schedules.append(None) else: self.bus_schedules.append(BusSchedule(int(bus_id.strip())))
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.passwords = [ list(line.split(':')) for line in self.input.get_lines() ] self.valid_passwords = [ x[1] for x in self.passwords if self.is_pw_valid(*x) ] self.valid_passwords_part2 = [ x for x in self.passwords if self.is_pw_valid_part2(*x) ] self.invalid_passwords_part2 = [ x for x in self.passwords if not self.is_pw_valid_part2(*x) ]
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines(as_type=int) # Do common input processing here def is_valid_number_at(self, idx): if idx < 25: return True val = self.lines[idx] is_valid = False for i in range(25): is_valid |= (val - self.lines[idx - i]) in self.lines[idx - 25:idx] return is_valid def get_part1_result(self): for i in range(len(self.lines)): if not self.is_valid_number_at(i): return self.lines[i] def get_part2_result(self): magic_number = self.get_part1_result() for i in range(len(self.lines)): total = 0 j = i numbers = [] while total < magic_number: total += self.lines[j] numbers.append(self.lines[j]) j += 1 if total == magic_number: return min(numbers) + max(numbers)
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.jolts = [0] + self.input.get_lines(as_type=int) self.jolts.append(max(self.jolts) + 3) self.jolts.sort() self.cnt = 0 self.permutation_counts = {} # Do common input processing here def get_part1_result(self): jolts_array = np.array(self.jolts) diff = list(jolts_array[1:] - jolts_array[0:-1]) print(max(diff)) return diff.count(1) * diff.count(3) def count_permutations(self, idx): if idx in self.permutation_counts: return self.permutation_counts[idx] cnt = 0 if idx == len(self.jolts) - 1: cnt = 1 else: i = idx + 1 while i < len( self.jolts) and (self.jolts[i] - self.jolts[idx]) < 4: cnt += self.count_permutations(i) i += 1 self.permutation_counts[idx] = cnt return cnt def get_part2_result(self): return self.count_permutations(0) pass
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here initial_plane = [] for line in self.lines: line_vals = [] for ch in line: if ch == GridCell.EMPTY: line_vals.append(0) elif ch == GridCell.OCCUPIED: line_vals.append(1) else: raise RuntimeError("Bad input") initial_plane.append(line_vals) self.cube_grid = CubeGrid(np.array(initial_plane))
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) line_groups = self.input.get_lines(group=True) rule_lines = line_groups[0] self.rules = Rules(rule_lines) self.my_ticket = Ticket(line_groups[1][1]) self.nearby_tickets = [Ticket(l) for l in line_groups[2][1:]] self.valid_tickets = [] def get_part1_result(self): invalid_fields_sum = 0 for ticket in self.nearby_tickets: invalid_fields = self.rules.get_invalid_fields(ticket) if len(invalid_fields) == 0: self.valid_tickets.append(ticket) else: invalid_fields_sum += sum(invalid_fields) return invalid_fields_sum def get_part2_result(self): self.valid_tickets.append(self.my_ticket) self.rules.test_rules(self.valid_tickets) departure_product = 1 for idx in range(len(self.rules.solved_rules)): if self.rules.solved_rules[idx].name.startswith('departure'): departure_product *= self.my_ticket[idx] return departure_product
class PasswordManager: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.passwords = [ list(line.split(':')) for line in self.input.get_lines() ] self.valid_passwords = [ x[1] for x in self.passwords if self.is_pw_valid(*x) ] self.valid_passwords_part2 = [ x for x in self.passwords if self.is_pw_valid_part2(*x) ] self.invalid_passwords_part2 = [ x for x in self.passwords if not self.is_pw_valid_part2(*x) ] def is_pw_valid(self, rule, pw): range_str, char = rule.split() lower, upper = range_str.split('-') if int(lower) <= pw.count(char) <= int(upper): return True def is_pw_valid_part2(self, rule, pw): pw = pw.strip() range_str, char = rule.split() lower, upper = range_str.split('-') return (pw[int(lower) - 1] == char) ^ (pw[int(upper) - 1] == char) def get_final_result(self): return len(self.valid_passwords_part2)
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here def get_part1_result(self): pass def get_part2_result(self): pass
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.code_runner = CodeRunner(self.lines) def get_part1_result(self): return self.code_runner.run_code()[1] def get_part2_result(self): return self.code_runner.run_modified_code()
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) def find_2020_part2(self): numbers = np.array(self.input.get_lines(as_type=int)).reshape(-1, 1, 1) numbers_vert = numbers.reshape(1, -1, 1) numbers_3 = numbers.reshape(1, 1, -1) sums = numbers + numbers_vert + numbers_3 print(sums) for i, mat in enumerate(sums): for j, row in enumerate(mat): for k, val in enumerate(row): if val == 2020: return (numbers[i], numbers[j], numbers[k]) def find_2020(self): numbers = np.array(self.input.get_lines(as_type=int)) numbers_vert = numbers.reshape(-1, 1) sums = numbers + numbers_vert for i, row in enumerate(sums): for j, val in enumerate(row): if val == 2020: return (numbers[i], numbers[j]) def find_2020_product_fast(self): numbers = np.array(self.input.get_lines(as_type=int)) for i in numbers: for j in numbers: for k in numbers: if (i + j + k) == 2020: return i * j * k def get_final_result(self): # num1, num2, num3 = self.find_2020_part2() # print(num1, num2, num3) # return num1*num2*num3 return self.find_2020_product_fast()
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.program = BitMaskProgram(self.lines) def get_part1_result(self): self.program.execute_code() return self.program.get_memory_sum() def get_part2_result(self): self.program.reset() self.program.execute_code_part2() return self.program.get_memory_sum()
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here def get_part1_result(self): result_sum = 0 for line in self.lines: res = eval_all_expressions(line) result_sum += res return result_sum def get_part2_result(self): pass
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() self.seating_area = SeatingArea(self.lines) # print(self.seating_area) def get_part1_result(self): while not self.seating_area.is_stable(): self.seating_area.iterate_area() # print(self.seating_area) return np.count_nonzero(self.seating_area.seats == SeatType.OCCUPIED) def get_part2_result(self): pass
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.earliest_time = int(self.lines[0]) self.bus_schedules = [] for bus_id in self.lines[1].split(','): if bus_id.strip() == 'x': self.bus_schedules.append(None) else: self.bus_schedules.append(BusSchedule(int(bus_id.strip()))) def get_part1_result(self): min_delta_t = np.inf min_id = None for bus in self.bus_schedules: if bus is None: continue delta_t = bus.get_delta_t_after(self.earliest_time) if delta_t < min_delta_t: min_delta_t = delta_t min_id = bus.interval return min_delta_t * min_id def get_part2_result(self): soln_found = False k = 0 last_known_match_idx = 0 increment = 1 while not soln_found: k += increment soln_found = True for i, bus in enumerate(self.bus_schedules): if bus is None or i <= last_known_match_idx: continue delta_t = bus.get_delta_t_after( k * self.bus_schedules[0].interval, i) soln_found &= (i == delta_t) if soln_found: last_known_match_idx = i increment *= bus.interval else: break return k * self.bus_schedules[0].interval
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.ship_location = ShipLocation() def get_part1_result(self): for command in self.lines: self.ship_location.move(command) return self.ship_location.get_manhattan_distance() def get_part2_result(self): # Reset ship location self.ship_location = ShipLocation() for command in self.lines: self.ship_location.move_to_wp(command) return self.ship_location.get_manhattan_distance()
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.boarding_passes = [] self.get_boarding_passes() def get_boarding_passes(self): for l in self.lines: row_str = self.convert_to_binary(l[0:7]) col_str = self.convert_to_binary(l[7:10]) row = int(row_str, 2) col = int(col_str, 2) seat_id = row * 8 + col self.boarding_passes.append({ 'row': row, 'col': col, 'id': seat_id }) def convert_to_binary(self, s): return s.replace('F', '0').replace('B', '1').replace('L', '0').replace('R', '1') def get_part1_result(self): max_id = 0 for bp in self.boarding_passes: max_id = max(bp['id'], max_id) return max_id def get_part2_result(self): valid_ids = set(range(0, 128 * 8)) for bp in self.boarding_passes: valid_ids.remove(bp['id']) for x in valid_ids: if not ((x + 1) in valid_ids or (x - 1) in valid_ids): return x
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines(strip_whitespace=False) # Do common input processing here self.groups = [] self.get_groups() # print(self.groups) def get_groups(self): self.current_group = [] for l in self.lines: if l == '\n': self.groups.append(self.current_group) self.current_group = [] else: self.current_group.append(l.strip()) self.groups.append(self.current_group) def get_part1_result(self): total_count = 0 for group in self.groups: unique_answers = set() for line in group: for char in line: unique_answers.add(char) total_count += len(unique_answers) return total_count def get_part2_result(self): total_count = 0 for group in self.groups: group_answers = [set(c for c in line) for line in group] common_answers = group_answers[0] for answers in group_answers: common_answers.intersection_update(answers) total_count += len(common_answers) return total_count
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here initial_plane = [] for line in self.lines: line_vals = [] for ch in line: if ch == GridCell.EMPTY: line_vals.append(0) elif ch == GridCell.OCCUPIED: line_vals.append(1) else: raise RuntimeError("Bad input") initial_plane.append(line_vals) self.cube_grid = CubeGrid(np.array(initial_plane)) def get_part1_result(self): self.cube_grid.simulate(6) return self.cube_grid.count_occupied() def get_part2_result(self): pass
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines(as_type=int)
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.ship_location = ShipLocation()
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines(strip_whitespace=False) # Do common input processing here self.get_passports() self.required_keys = ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid'] self.complete_passports = [] self.get_complete_passports() self.valid_passports = [] self.get_valid_passports() # self.required_keys = ['byr','iyr','eyr','hgt','hcl','ecl','pid','cid',] def get_passports(self): self.passports = [] current_pp = {} for l in self.lines: # print("line = '", l, "'") if l == '\n': self.passports.append(current_pp.copy()) current_pp = {} else: for pair in l.split(): k, v = pair.split(':') current_pp[k.strip()] = v.strip() if len(current_pp) > 0: self.passports.append(current_pp) # print(self.passports) def get_complete_passports(self): complete_pp_cnt = 0 for p in self.passports: is_valid = True for k in self.required_keys: if k not in p.keys(): is_valid = False break if is_valid: complete_pp_cnt += 1 self.complete_passports.append(p) def get_valid_passports(self): for p in self.complete_passports: is_valid = True for k, v in p.items(): if not self.is_valid(k, v): is_valid = False break if is_valid: self.valid_passports.append(p) def is_valid(self, key, value): is_pair_valid = True if key == 'byr': is_pair_valid = len(value) == 4 and (1920 <= int(value) <= 2002) elif key == 'iyr': is_pair_valid = len(value) == 4 and (2010 <= int(value) <= 2020) elif key == 'eyr': is_pair_valid = len(value) == 4 and (2020 <= int(value) <= 2030) elif key == 'hgt': if len(value) < 4: is_pair_valid = False else: ending = value[-2:] num = int(value[:-2]) is_pair_valid = (ending == 'in' and (59 <= num <= 76)) or (ending == 'cm' and (150 <= num <= 193)) elif key == 'hcl': re_str = '#[0-9a-f]{6}' is_pair_valid =, value) is not None and len(value) == 7 elif key == 'ecl': is_pair_valid = value in [ 'amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth' ] elif key == 'pid': re_str = '[0-9]{9}' is_pair_valid =, value) is not None and len(value) == 9 elif key == 'cid': is_pair_valid = True return is_pair_valid def get_part1_result(self): return len(self.complete_passports) def get_part2_result(self): return len(self.valid_passports)
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() self.seating_area = SeatingArea(self.lines)
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file)
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.boarding_passes = [] self.get_boarding_passes()
def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.program = BitMaskProgram(self.lines)
class MyClass: def __init__(self, input_file): self.input = InputManager(input_file) self.lines = self.input.get_lines() # Do common input processing here self.rules = self.get_rules() # print(self.rules) self.flattened_rules = self.flatten_rules() print(self.flattened_rules) self.contains_colors_dict = self.get_contains_colors_dict( self.flattened_rules) def get_rules(self): # rule = {color: [(cnt0, contains_color0), (cnt1, contains_color1), ...], ...} # Example: light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags. # -> {'light red': [(1, 'bright white'), (2, 'muted yellow')], ...} rules = {} for l in self.lines: words = l.split() color = ' '.join(words[0:2]) contains_strs = l.split('contain')[1].strip().strip('.').split(',') contains_list = [] for c_str in contains_strs: if c_str == "no other bags": break words = c_str.split() cnt = int(words[0]) contains_color = ' '.join(words[1:3]) contains_list.append((cnt, contains_color)) rules[color] = contains_list return rules def flatten_rules(self): return { color: self.get_bags_list(color) for color in self.rules.keys() } def get_bags_list(self, color, multiplier=1): bags_list = [] contains_list = self.rules[color] if len(contains_list) == 0: return bags_list for cnt, contains_color in contains_list: bags_list.append((multiplier * cnt, contains_color)) bags_list.extend( self.get_bags_list(contains_color, multiplier * cnt)) return bags_list def get_contains_colors_dict(self, rules): contains_colors_dict = defaultdict(set) for color, contains_colors in rules.items(): for cnt, contains_color in contains_colors: contains_colors_dict[color].add(contains_color) return contains_colors_dict def get_part1_result(self): shiny_gold_cnt = 0 for color, contains_colors in self.contains_colors_dict.items(): if 'shiny gold' in contains_colors: shiny_gold_cnt += 1 return shiny_gold_cnt def get_part2_result(self): total_contained_bags = 0 for cnt, contains_color in self.flattened_rules['shiny gold']: total_contained_bags += cnt return total_contained_bags