def system(self): r"""Initialise the GProp_GProps depending on the topological type Notes ----- geom_type could be abstracted with TopoDS... instead of using _topo_type Returns ------- OCC.GProp.GProp_GProps """ self._system = GProp_GProps() if self._topo_type in GlobalProperties.surfacic_types: brepgprop_SurfaceProperties(self.shape, self._system) elif self._topo_type in GlobalProperties.linear_types: brepgprop_LinearProperties(self.shape, self._system) elif self._topo_type in GlobalProperties.volumic_types: brepgprop_VolumeProperties(self.shape, self._system) else: msg = "ShapeType is not linear, surfacic or volumic" logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) return self._system
def point_in_solid(shape, pnt, tolerance=OCCUTILS_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE): r"""Is pnt inside solid? Parameters ---------- shape : TopoDS_* pnt : tolerance : float Returns ------- bool True if pnt lies in solid, False otherwise """ if topo_lut[shape.ShapeType()] not in [ "compound", "compsolid", "solid", "shell" ]: msg = "Cannot evaluate in/out position of a point in a 2D or less shape" logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) _in_solid = BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier(shape, pnt, tolerance)'State : %s' % str(_in_solid.State())) if _in_solid.State() == TopAbs_ON: return None if _in_solid.State() == TopAbs_OUT: return False if _in_solid.State() == TopAbs_IN: return True
def __init__(self, topods_solid): if not isinstance(topods_solid, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Solid): msg = 'need a TopoDS_Solid, got a %s' % topods_solid.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) assert not topods_solid.IsNull() BaseObject.__init__(self, topods_solid, 'solid')
def length(self): r"""length of a wire or edge""" if self.topo_type not in GlobalProperties.linear_types: msg = "length is only defined for linear topological types" logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) return self.system.Mass()
def __init__(self, topods_wire): if not isinstance(topods_wire, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Wire): msg = 'Wire.__init__() needs a TopoDS_Wire, got a %s' % topods_wire.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) assert not topods_wire.IsNull() BaseObject.__init__(self, topods_wire, name='topods_wire')
def __init__(self, wire): # assert isinstance(wire, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Wire), 'not a TopoDS_Wire' if not isinstance(wire, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Wire): msg = 'Need a TopoDS_Wire, got a %s' % wire.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) self.wire = wire self.wire_explorer = OCC.BRepTools.BRepTools_WireExplorer(self.wire) self.done = False
def __init__(self, topods_shell): if not isinstance(topods_shell, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Shell): msg = 'need a TopoDS_Shell, got a %s' % topods_shell.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) assert not topods_shell.IsNull() BaseObject.__init__(self, topods_shell, 'shell') Shell._n += 1
def volume(self): r"""Volume""" if self.topo_type not in GlobalProperties.volumic_types: if self.topo_type != "compound": msg = "volume is only defined for linear volumic types" logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) else: import aocutils.topology solids = aocutils.topology.Topo(self.shape).solids return sum([GlobalProperties(solid).volume for solid in solids]) return self._mass()
def area(self): r"""Area of the surface""" if self.topo_type not in GlobalProperties.surfacic_types: if self.topo_type != "compound": msg = "area is only defined for linear surfacic types" logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) else: import aocutils.topology faces = aocutils.topology.Topo(self.shape).faces return sum([GlobalProperties(face).area for face in faces]) return self._mass()
def __init__(self, topods_edge): if not isinstance(topods_edge, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Edge): msg = 'Need a OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Edge, got a %s' % topods_edge.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) if topods_edge.IsNull(): raise ValueError("topods_edge should no be Null") BaseObject.__init__(self, topods_edge, name='edge') self._adaptor = None self._brep_local_props = None
def __init__(self, topods_face): if not isinstance(topods_face, OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Face): msg = 'need a TopoDS_Face, got a %s' % topods_face.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) if topods_face.IsNull(): raise ValueError("topods_face should not be Null") BaseObject.__init__(self, topods_face, 'face') self._surface_handle = None self._adaptor = None self._adaptor_handle = None self._classify_uv = None
def __init__(self, shape, tol=OCCUTILS_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE): if isinstance(shape, TopoDS_Shape) or issubclass(shape.__class__, TopoDS_Shape): self._shape = shape else: msg = "Expecting a TopoDS_Shape (or a subclass), " \ "got a %s" % str(shape.__class__) logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) # self._shape = shape self._tol = tol self._bbox = Bnd_Box() self._bbox.SetGap(tol) brepbndlib_Add(self._shape, self._bbox) self._x_min, self._y_min, self._z_min, self._x_max, self._y_max, self._z_max = self._bbox.Get()
def __init__(self, shape, tol=0.01): if isinstance(shape, TopoDS_Shape) or issubclass(shape.__class__, TopoDS_Shape): self._shape = shape else: msg = "Expecting a TopoDS_Shape (or a subclass), " \ "got a %s" % str(shape.__class__) logger.error(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) # self._shape = shape bb = BoundingBox(self._shape) self._x_min = real_bb_position("X", "MIN", bb.x_min, self._shape, increment=tol) self._x_max = real_bb_position("X", "MAX", bb.x_max, self._shape, increment=tol) self._y_min = real_bb_position("Y", "MIN", bb.y_min, self._shape, increment=tol) self._y_max = real_bb_position("Y", "MAX", bb.y_max, self._shape, increment=tol) self._z_min = real_bb_position("Z", "MIN", bb.z_min, self._shape, increment=tol) self._z_max = real_bb_position("Z", "MAX", bb.z_max, self._shape, increment=tol)
def __init__(self, curve): if not issubclass(curve.__class__, OCC.Geom.Geom_Curve): msg = 'Curve.__init__() needs a Geom_Curve or a subclass, got a %s' % curve.__class__ logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) self._curve = curve
def _loop_topo(self, topology_type, topological_entity=None, topology_type_to_avoid=None): """Iterating over shape topology Notes ----- this could be a faces generator for a python TopoShape class that way you can just do: for face in srf.faces: processFace(face) Parameters ---------- topology_type topological_entity topology_type_to_avoid Returns ------- list of TopoDS_* Depending on the topology_type input """ # topo_types = {OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_VERTEX: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Vertex, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Edge, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_FACE: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Face, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Wire, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_SHELL: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Shell, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_SOLID: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Solid, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound, # OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPSOLID: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_CompSolid # } # assert topology_type in topo_types.keys(), # '%s not one of %s' % (topology_type, topo_types.keys()) if topology_type not in topo_type_class.keys(): msg = '%s not one of %s' % (topology_type, topo_type_class.keys()) logger.critical(msg) raise WrongTopologicalType(msg) self.topexp_explorer = OCC.TopExp.TopExp_Explorer() # use self._my_shape if nothing is specified if topological_entity is None and topology_type_to_avoid is None: self.topexp_explorer.Init(self._my_shape, topology_type) elif topological_entity is None and topology_type_to_avoid is not None: self.topexp_explorer.Init(self._my_shape, topology_type, topology_type_to_avoid) elif topology_type_to_avoid is None: self.topexp_explorer.Init(topological_entity, topology_type) elif topology_type_to_avoid: self.topexp_explorer.Init(topological_entity, topology_type, topology_type_to_avoid) seq = list() hashes = list() # list that stores hashes to avoid redundancy occ_seq = OCC.TopTools.TopTools_ListOfShape() while self.topexp_explorer.More(): current_item = self.topexp_explorer.Current() current_item_hash = current_item.__hash__() if current_item_hash not in hashes: hashes.append(current_item_hash) occ_seq.Append(current_item) self.topexp_explorer.Next() # Convert occ_seq to python list occ_iterator = OCC.TopTools.TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape(occ_seq) while occ_iterator.More(): topo_to_add = topo_factory[topology_type](occ_iterator.Value()) seq.append(topo_to_add) occ_iterator.Next() if self._ignore_orientation: # filter out those entities that share the same TShape # but do *not* share the same orientation filter_orientation_seq = list() for i in seq: _present = False for j in filter_orientation_seq: if i.IsSame(j): _present = True break if _present is False: filter_orientation_seq.append(i) return filter_orientation_seq else: if self._return_iter: return iter(seq) # iterator else: return seq # list