def speech(req): global client goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = str("please take the cube") goal.rawtext.lang_id = "EN" goal.wait_before_speaking = float(0) client.send_goal(goal, feedback_cb="") client.wait_for_result() return ser_messageResponse(True)
def moveToGoal_room(xGoal, yGoal, euler_z): global d #define a client for to send goal requests to the move_base server through a SimpleActionClient ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) #wait for the action server to come up while (not ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration.from_sec(5.0))): rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the move_base action server to come up") '''while(not ac_gaz.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration.from_sec(5.0))): rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the move_base_simple action server to come up")''' goal = MoveBaseGoal() #set up the frame parameters goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "/map" goal.target_pose.header.stamp = # moving towards the goal*/ qaut = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, euler_z) goal.target_pose.pose.position = Point(xGoal, yGoal, 0) goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = qaut[0] goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = qaut[1] goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = qaut[2] goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = qaut[3] rospy.loginfo("Sending goal location ...") ac.send_goal(goal) ac.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(60)) stat = MoveBaseActionResult() stat.status.status = 0 stat_pub.publish(stat) print d, "d_before" if (ac.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED and d == 1): rospy.loginfo("You have reached the destination") return ser_messageResponse(True) else: rospy.loginfo("The robot failed to reach the destination") d = 1 print d, "d_aftr" return ser_messageResponse(False)
def give_human(req): p.publish("start give") data = rospy.wait_for_message("/arm_controller/state", JointTrajectoryControllerState, 5) positions_arm = data.actual.positions global client goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = str("please take the cup") goal.rawtext.lang_id = "EN" goal.wait_before_speaking = float(0) moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() group_name = "arm" group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) waypoints = [] wpose = group.get_current_pose().pose scaley = -0.2 - wpose.position.y # wpose.position.z -= scale * 0.1 # First move up (z) wpose.position.y += scaley * 1.0 # and sideways (y) waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(wpose)) scalex = 0.7 - wpose.position.x print(wpose.position.x) wpose.position.x += scalex * 1.0 # Second move forward/backwards in (x) waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(wpose)) scalez = 1.0 - wpose.position.z wpose.position.z += scalez * 1.0 # Second move forward/backwards in (x) waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(wpose)) # We want the Cartesian path to be interpolated at a resolution of 1 cm # which is why we will specify 0.01 as the eef_step in Cartesian # translation. We will disable the jump threshold by setting it to 0.0 disabling: (plan, fraction) = group.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, # waypoints to follow 0.005, # eef_step 0.0) # jump_threshold display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory() display_trajectory.trajectory_start = robot.get_current_state() display_trajectory.trajectory.append(plan) # Publish display_trajectory_publisher.publish(display_trajectory) group.execute(plan, wait=True) # group.execute(plan, wait=True) # group.execute(plan, wait=True) client.send_goal(goal, feedback_cb="") client.wait_for_result() p.publish("finish give") return ser_messageResponse(True)