コード例 #1
def test_rename_grid_attrs_skip_scalar_dim(ds_with_time_bounds):
    phalf_dim = 'phalf'
    assert phalf_dim not in ds_with_time_bounds
    assert phalf_dim in GRID_ATTRS[PHALF_STR]
    ds_copy = ds_with_time_bounds.copy()
    ds_copy[phalf_dim] = 4
    ds_copy = ds_copy.set_coords(phalf_dim)
    result = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_copy)
    xr.testing.assert_identical(result[phalf_dim], ds_copy[phalf_dim])
コード例 #2
def test_rename_grid_attrs_skip_scalar_dim(ds):
    phalf_dim = 'phalf'
    assert phalf_dim not in ds
    assert phalf_dim in GRID_ATTRS[PHALF_STR]
    ds_copy = ds.copy()
    ds_copy[phalf_dim] = 4
    ds_copy = ds_copy.set_coords(phalf_dim)
    result = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_copy)
    xr.testing.assert_identical(result[phalf_dim], ds_copy[phalf_dim])
コード例 #3
 def test_rename_grid_attrs_skip_scalar_dim(self):
     phalf_dim = 'phalf'
     assert phalf_dim not in self.ds
     assert phalf_dim in GRID_ATTRS[PHALF_STR]
     ds = self.ds.copy()
     ds[phalf_dim] = 4
     ds = ds.set_coords(phalf_dim)
     result = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds)
     xr.testing.assert_identical(result[phalf_dim], ds[phalf_dim])
コード例 #4
def test_set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds_with_time_bounds, var_name):
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_with_time_bounds)
    sfc_area = ds[var_name].isel(**{TIME_STR: 0}).drop_vars(TIME_STR)
    ds[SFC_AREA_STR] = sfc_area

    assert SFC_AREA_STR not in ds.coords

    ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds)
    assert SFC_AREA_STR in ds.coords
    assert TIME_BOUNDS_STR in ds.coords
コード例 #5
    def test_set_grid_attrs_as_coords_no_times(self):
        ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(self.ds)
        sfc_area = ds[self.var_name].isel(**{TIME_STR: 0}).drop(TIME_STR)
        ds[SFC_AREA_STR] = sfc_area

        assert SFC_AREA_STR not in ds.coords

        ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds, set_time_vars=False)
        assert SFC_AREA_STR in ds.coords
        assert TIME_BOUNDS_STR not in ds.coords
コード例 #6
def test_set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds, var_name):
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds)
    sfc_area = ds[var_name].isel(**{TIME_STR: 0}).drop(TIME_STR)
    ds[SFC_AREA_STR] = sfc_area

    assert SFC_AREA_STR not in ds.coords

    ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds)
    assert SFC_AREA_STR in ds.coords
    assert TIME_BOUNDS_STR in ds.coords
コード例 #7
def test_rename_grid_attrs_dim_no_coord(ds_with_time_bounds, var_name):
    bounds_dim = 'nv'
    assert bounds_dim not in ds_with_time_bounds
    assert bounds_dim in GRID_ATTRS[BOUNDS_STR]
    # Create DataArray with all dims lacking coords.
    arr = xr.DataArray(ds_with_time_bounds[var_name].values, name='dummy')
    # Insert name to be replaced (its physical meaning doesn't matter here)
    ds = arr.rename({'dim_0': bounds_dim}).to_dataset()
    assert not ds[bounds_dim].coords
    result = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds)
    assert not result[BOUNDS_STR].coords
コード例 #8
def test_rename_grid_attrs_dim_no_coord(ds, var_name):
    bounds_dim = 'nv'
    assert bounds_dim not in ds
    assert bounds_dim in GRID_ATTRS[BOUNDS_STR]
    # Create DataArray with all dims lacking coords
    values = ds[var_name].values
    arr = xr.DataArray(values, name='dummy')
    # Insert name to be replaced (its physical meaning doesn't matter here)
    ds = arr.rename({'dim_0': bounds_dim}).to_dataset()
    assert not ds[bounds_dim].coords
    result = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds)
    assert not result[BOUNDS_STR].coords
コード例 #9
def test_rename_grid_attrs_ds(ds, alt_lat_str):
    assert LAT_STR not in ds
    assert alt_lat_str in ds
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds)
    assert LAT_STR in ds
コード例 #10
def test_rename_grid_attrs_custom_error(ds_with_time_bounds, alt_lat_str):
    assert LAT_STR not in ds_with_time_bounds
    ds = ds_with_time_bounds.rename({alt_lat_str: 'custom_lat_name'})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds, {alt_lat_str: 'custom_lat_name'})
コード例 #11
def test_rename_grid_attrs_custom(ds_with_time_bounds, alt_lat_str):
    assert LAT_STR not in ds_with_time_bounds
    ds = ds_with_time_bounds.rename({alt_lat_str: 'custom_lat_name'})
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds, {LAT_STR: 'custom_lat_name'})
    assert LAT_STR in ds
    assert 'custom_lat_name' not in ds
コード例 #12
def test_rename_grid_attrs_copy_attrs(ds_with_time_bounds, alt_lat_str):
    orig_attrs = {'dummy_key': 'dummy_val'}
    ds_orig = ds_with_time_bounds.copy()
    ds_orig[alt_lat_str].attrs = orig_attrs
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_orig)
    assert ds[LAT_STR].attrs == orig_attrs
コード例 #13
def test_rename_grid_attrs_copy_attrs(ds, alt_lat_str):
    orig_attrs = {'dummy_key': 'dummy_val'}
    ds_orig = ds.copy()
    ds_orig[alt_lat_str].attrs = orig_attrs
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_orig)
    assert ds[LAT_STR].attrs == orig_attrs
コード例 #14
def test_rename_grid_attrs_ds(ds_with_time_bounds, alt_lat_str):
    assert LAT_STR not in ds_with_time_bounds
    assert alt_lat_str in ds_with_time_bounds
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_with_time_bounds)
    assert LAT_STR in ds
コード例 #15
 def test_rename_grid_attrs_copy_attrs(self):
     orig_attrs = {'dummy_key': 'dummy_val'}
     ds_orig = self.ds.copy()
     ds_orig[self.ALT_LAT_STR].attrs = orig_attrs
     ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds_orig)
     self.assertEqual(ds[LAT_STR].attrs, orig_attrs)
コード例 #16
 def test_rename_grid_attrs_ds(self):
     assert LAT_STR not in self.ds
     assert self.ALT_LAT_STR in self.ds
     ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(self.ds)
     assert LAT_STR in ds
コード例 #17
def test_rename_grid_attrs_custom_error(ds, alt_lat_str):
    assert LAT_STR not in ds
    ds = ds.rename({alt_lat_str: 'custom_lat_name'})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds, {alt_lat_str: 'custom_lat_name'})
コード例 #18
def test_rename_grid_attrs_custom(ds, alt_lat_str):
    assert LAT_STR not in ds
    ds = ds.rename({alt_lat_str: 'custom_lat_name'})
    ds = grid_attrs_to_aospy_names(ds, {LAT_STR: 'custom_lat_name'})
    assert LAT_STR in ds
    assert 'custom_lat_name' not in ds