コード例 #1
 def tifInfo(filePath):
     Given the path to a tif file recorded returns the number of image
     frames within as well as number of image channels
     import numpy as np
     with tff.TiffFile(filePath) as tf:
         nChannels = np.size(
         nImgs = int(np.size(tf.pages) / nChannels)
         nImgs = np.size(tf.pages)
         keys = list(tf.scanimage_metadata['FrameData'].keys())
         idx = util.findStrInList('numFramesPerVolume', keys)
         if len(idx) > 0:
             idx = idx[0]
             numFramesPerVol = tf.scanimage_metadata['FrameData'][keys[idx]]
             if np.size(numFramesPerVol) == 0:
                 numFramesPerVol = 1
             numFramesPerVol = 1
         idx = util.findStrInList('numVolumes', keys)
         if len(idx) > 0:
             idx = idx[0]
             numVols = tf.scanimage_metadata['FrameData'][keys[idx]]
             numVols = 1
     return (nChannels, nImgs, numFramesPerVol, numVols)
コード例 #2
def mergeRois(roiNames, roiNames_old, roiName_new, roiMat, axis=0):
    Consolidates a list of provided roi names into a single roi name
    sums their timeries and returns new roi matrix
    roiNames: list/array of strings
        All the roi names
    roiNames_old: list/array of strings
        Roi names to consolidate
    roiName_new : string
        New roi name after consolidation
    roiMat: array
        Array where one axis corresponds to rois
    axis: int
        Axis corresponding to the Rois

    d: dictionary
        Dictionary with new roi names and relevant array
    from apCode import util
    import numpy as np
    inds = []
    for rn in roiNames_old:
        inds.extend(util.findStrInList(rn, roiNames))
    inds = np.unique(np.array(inds))
    roiMat_keep = np.delete(roiMat, inds, axis=0)
    roiNames_keep = np.delete(roiNames, inds)
    inds_diff = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(roiNames)), inds)
    roiMat_diff = np.delete(roiMat, inds_diff, axis=axis)
    roiNames_diff = np.delete(roiNames, inds_diff)

    preDotStrings = []
    for rn in roiNames_diff:
    preDotStrings = np.unique(preDotStrings)

    d = {}
    sigs, names = [], []
    for ps in preDotStrings:
        inds = util.findStrInList(ps, roiNames_diff)
        sig = np.take(roiMat_diff, inds, axis=axis)
        sig = sig.mean(axis=axis) * np.sqrt(sig.shape[axis])
        name = f'{ps}.{roiName_new}'

    if not isinstance(roiNames_keep, list):
        roiNames_keep = np.array(roiNames_keep).tolist()

    d['roiNames'] = np.array(roiNames_keep)
    d['roiMat'] = np.concatenate((roiMat_keep, np.array(sigs)), axis=axis)
    d['rois_consolidated'] = roiNames_diff
    return d
コード例 #3
def mNormDffAndConsolidateRois(df_fish, n_preStim = 30, perc = 20,
                                 roiNames_core = ['Mauthner', 'MiD2c','MiD2i','MiD3c', 'MiD3i',\
                                   'CaD', 'RoL1', 'RoL2', 'RoM1', 'RoM2M','RoM2L','RoM3',\
                                   'nMLF','ves', 'MiR1', 'MiR2']):
    import apCode.util as util
    import numpy as np
    ca_trl = np.array([np.array(ca_) for ca_ in df_fish.ca_trl])
    roiNames = df_fish.iloc[0].roiName
    ind_back = util.findStrInList('background', roiNames)[0]
    back = np.expand_dims(ca_trl[:, ind_back, :], axis=1)
    ca_trl = ca_trl - back
    F = np.expand_dims(np.percentile(ca_trl[..., :n_preStim], perc, axis=2),
    ind_m = util.findStrInList('R.Mauthner', roiNames)[0]
    m_norm = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(ca_trl[:, ind_m, :],
                            axis=2).mean(axis=0)[np.newaxis, ...]
    df_trl = (ca_trl - F)
    ca_trl_mNorm = df_trl / m_norm
    roiNames_strip = stripRoiNames(roiNames)
    lRois = np.array([len(_) for _ in roiNames_strip])
    inds_del = np.where(lRois == 0)
    if len(inds_del) > 0:
        inds_del = inds_del[0]
    ind_unknown = util.findStrInList('unknown', roiNames)
    if len(ind_unknown) > 0:
        ind_unknown = ind_unknown[0]
    inds_del = np.union1d(inds_del, ind_unknown)
    roiNames_new = np.delete(roiNames_strip, inds_del, axis=0)
    ca_trl_new = list(np.delete(ca_trl, inds_del, axis=1))
    ca_trl_mNorm = np.delete(ca_trl_mNorm, inds_del, axis=1)

    x = np.swapaxes(ca_trl_mNorm, 0, 1)
    roiNames_con, x = consolidateNMlfRois(roiNames_new, x)
    roiNames_match, x = matchRoiNamesAndSignalsToCore(roiNames_con, x,\
                                                    roiNames_core = roiNames_core)
    roiNames_split, x = splitRoisToLR(roiNames_match, x)
    ca_trl_mNorm = list(np.transpose(x, (2, 0, 1, 3)))

    x = np.swapaxes(ca_trl_new, 0, 1)
    _, x = consolidateNMlfRois(roiNames_new, x)
    _, x = matchRoiNamesAndSignalsToCore(_, x,\
                                         roiNames_core = roiNames_core)
    _, x = splitRoisToLR(_, x)
    ca_trl_short = list(np.transpose(x, (2, 0, 1, 3)))

    df_fish_new = df_fish.copy()
    nRows = len(df_fish_new)
    df_fish_new = df_fish_new.assign(ca_trl=ca_trl_new)
    df_fish_new = df_fish_new.assign(ca_trl_mNorm=ca_trl_mNorm)
    df_fish_new = df_fish_new.assign(ca_trl_short=ca_trl_short)
    df_fish_new = df_fish_new.assign(roiName_new=[roiNames_split] * nRows)
    return df_fish_new
コード例 #4
def basToDf(bas, n_pre_bas=200e-3, n_post_bas=1.5):
    import apCode.SignalProcessingTools as spt
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import apCode.util as util
    df = {}
    dt = bas['t'][1] - bas['t'][0]
    Fs = int(1 / dt)
    inds_stim, amps_stim, ch_stim = getStimInfo(bas)
    keys = list(bas.keys())
    ind_mtr = util.findStrInList('den', keys)[-1]
    x = np.squeeze(np.array(bas[keys[ind_mtr]]))
    if x.shape[0] == 2:
        x = x.T
    motor_trl = spt.segmentByEvents(spt.zscore(x, axis=0), inds_stim,
                                    int(n_pre_bas * Fs), int(n_post_bas * Fs))
    motorTime_trl = spt.segmentByEvents(bas['t'], inds_stim,
                                        int(n_pre_bas * Fs),
                                        int(n_post_bas * Fs))
    trlNum = np.arange(len(inds_stim)) + 1
    df['trlNum'] = trlNum
    df['stimInd'] = inds_stim
    df['stimAmp'] = amps_stim
    df['stimHT'] = ch_stim
    df['motorActivity'] = motor_trl
    df['motorTime'] = motorTime_trl
    return pd.DataFrame(df)
コード例 #5
 def getRootsAndFiles(rootDir, ext):
     r, f = [], []
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootDir):
         inds = util.findStrInList('.' + ext, files)
         if (len(inds) == len(files)) & (len(inds) > 0):
     return r, f
コード例 #6
def omitRois(roiNames, omitList):
    import apCode.util as util
    import numpy as np
    inds_del = []
    for o in omitList:
        inds = util.findStrInList(o, roiNames)
        if len(inds) > 0:
    inds_del = np.array(inds_del)
    inds_all = np.arange(len(roiNames))
    inds_keep = np.setdiff1d(inds_all, inds_del)
    return np.unique(inds_keep)
コード例 #7
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: avinashpujala/jrc-projects
def apply_to_imgs_and_save(imgDir, func='fliplr', splitStr='Fish'):
    Apply some function to images in specified directory and save.
    After function is applied the output must still be 2D/3D.
    imgDir: str
        Image directory
    func: str or function
        Function to apply to images. If str, then must be a function in
    splitStr: str
        Substring where to split path. The images will be saved at the level
        above where the path is split.
    saveDir: str
        Directory where images were saved
    from apCode import util
    import apCode.FileTools as ft
    import apCode.volTools as volt

    if isinstance(func, str):
        func = eval(f'np.{func}')
    strList = os.path.abspath(imgDir).split("\\")
    ind = util.findStrInList(splitStr, strList, case_sensitive=False)[0]
    strRep = strList[ind]
    rootDir = os.path.join(*np.array(strList)[:ind])
    fn = ft.subDirsInDir(rootDir)
    nDir = len(fn)
    sfx = strRep.replace(splitStr, f'{splitStr}{nDir+1}')
    saveDir = os.path.join(rootDir, sfx)
    os.makedirs(saveDir, exist_ok=True)
    print('Reading images into dask array...')
    imgs = volt.dask_array_from_image_sequence(imgDir)
    print(f'{imgs.shape[0]} images!')
    blockSize = np.minimum(750, (imgs.shape[0] // 10) + 1)
    print(f'Block size = {blockSize}')
    print(f'Transforming and saving images to\n{saveDir}')
    inds = np.arange(len(imgs))
    inds_list = ft.sublistsFromList(inds, blockSize)
    nBlocks = len(inds_list)
    for iBlock, inds_ in enumerate(inds_list):
        print(f'Block # {iBlock+1}/{nBlocks}')
        inds_now = np.array(inds_)
        imgs_ = imgs[inds_now].compute()
        imgs_ = np.array([func(img) for img in imgs_])
        imgNames = [
            r'f{}_{:06d}.bmp'.format(nDir + 1, ind) for ind in inds_now
        volt.img.saveImages(imgs_, imgDir=saveDir, imgNames=imgNames)
    return saveDir
コード例 #8
def consolidateNMlfRois(roiNames, roi_ts):
    Assumes all nMLF neurons have names starting with 'Me'. Then, inds
    roi indices for consolidation of both sides. Only consolidates along the first
    axis, so make sure roi_ts has ROIs as first axis
    roi_ts: array, (nRois, ...)
    import numpy as np
    from apCode import util
    sideInds = [[], []]
    roiNames_unique = np.unique(roiNames)
    inds_mlf_left = util.findStrInList('L.Me', roiNames_unique)
    inds_mlf_right = util.findStrInList('R.Me', roiNames_unique)
    inds_mlf_both = [inds_mlf_left, inds_mlf_right]
    for iSide in range(2):
        inds_side = inds_mlf_both[iSide]
        for iRoi in inds_side:
            roi = roiNames_unique[iRoi]
            ind = util.findStrInList(roi, roiNames)
    si = []
    roiNames_new = np.array(roiNames.copy())
    for iSide, side in enumerate(sideInds):
        if side == 0:
            prefix = 'L'
            prefix = 'R'
        roiNames_new[side] = f'{prefix}.nMLF'

    roi_ts_new = []
    roiNames_new_unique = np.unique(roiNames_new)
    for rn in roiNames_new_unique:
        inds = util.findStrInList(rn, roiNames_new)
    roi_ts_new = np.array(roi_ts_new)
    #    dic = dict(roiNames = roiNames_new_unique, roi_ts = roi_ts_new)
    return roiNames_new_unique, roi_ts_new
コード例 #9
 def motorFromBas(bas):
     keys = list(bas.keys())
     ind_mtr = util.findStrInList('den', keys)
     if len(ind_mtr) > 0:
         ind_mtr = ind_mtr[-1]
         x = np.squeeze(np.array(bas[keys[ind_mtr]]))
         if 'ch3' in bas:
             x = np.array([bas['ch3'], bas['ch4']])
             x = np.array([bas['ch1'], bas['ch2']])
     if x.shape[0] < x.shape[1]:
         x = x.T
     return x
コード例 #10
def readProcTableInPath(path):
    from apCode import util
    from apCode.FileTools import findAndSortFilesInDir
    import pandas as pd
    import os
    fn = findAndSortFilesInDir(path)
    ind = util.findStrInList('procTable', fn)
    procTable = None
    if len(ind) > 0:
        ind = ind[-1]
            procTable = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(path, fn[ind]))
            print('Could not read procTable. Make sure it is not open')
        print(f'No procTable in {path}')
    return procTable
コード例 #11
def recursively_find_paths_with_searchStr(searchDir, searchStr):
    """ Walks down the directory tree for a specified
    search directory and returns the paths to all files or folders
    with specified search string.
    searchDir: str
        Path to search directory
    searchStr: str
        Search string to use in looking for files/folders
    paths: list or str
        List of paths returned by the search
    roots, dirs, files = zip(*[out for out in os.walk(searchDir)])
    inds = util.findStrInList(searchStr, roots)
    return np.array(roots)[inds]