def test_patch_cleanup_on_error(): clusters = Clusters([Cluster(name='original')]) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): with clusters.patch([Cluster(name='replacement')]): assert list(clusters) == ['replacement'] raise RuntimeError("exit contextmanager scope") assert list(clusters) == ['original']
def test_patch_cleanup_on_error(): clusters = Clusters([Cluster(name="original")]) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): with clusters.patch([Cluster(name="replacement")]): assert list(clusters) == ["replacement"] raise RuntimeError("exit contextmanager scope") assert list(clusters) == ["original"]
def test_load_json(): with temporary_dir() as td: clusters_json = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.json') # as dict with open(clusters_json, 'w') as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(CLUSTERS)) validate_loaded_clusters(Clusters.from_file(clusters_json)) # as list with open(clusters_json, 'w') as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(CLUSTERS.values())) validate_loaded_clusters(Clusters.from_file(clusters_json))
def test_load_invalid_syntax(): with temporary_dir() as td: # bad json clusters_json = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.json') with open(clusters_json, 'w') as fp: fp.write('This is not json') with pytest.raises(Clusters.ParseError): Clusters.from_file(clusters_json) # bad yaml clusters_yml = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.yml') with open(clusters_yml, 'w') as fp: fp.write('L{}L') with pytest.raises(Clusters.ParseError): Clusters.from_file(clusters_yml) # bad layout clusters_yml = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.yml') with open(clusters_yml, 'w') as fp: fp.write('just a string') with pytest.raises(Clusters.ParseError): Clusters.from_file(clusters_yml) # not a dict clusters_json = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.json') with open(clusters_json, 'w') as fp: fp.write(json.dumps({'cluster1': ['not', 'cluster', 'values']})) with pytest.raises(Clusters.ParseError): Clusters.from_file(clusters_json)
def test_load_invalid_syntax(): with temporary_dir() as td: # bad json clusters_json = os.path.join(td, "clusters.json") with open(clusters_json, "w") as fp: fp.write("This is not json") with pytest.raises(Clusters.ParseError): Clusters.from_file(clusters_json) # not a dict clusters_json = os.path.join(td, "clusters.json") with open(clusters_json, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps({"cluster1": ["not", "cluster", "values"]})) with pytest.raises(Clusters.ParseError): Clusters.from_file(clusters_json)
class TestAdminUtil(unittest.TestCase): TEST_CLUSTER_NAME = 'west' TEST_CLUSTER = Cluster(name=TEST_CLUSTER_NAME, zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([TEST_CLUSTER]) @mock.patch("apache.aurora.admin.admin_util.subprocess", spec=subprocess) def test_parse_script(self, mock_subprocess): with temporary_file() as fp: mock_popen = mock.Mock() mock_popen.wait.return_value = 0 mock_subprocess.Popen.return_value = mock_popen parse_script('h1') assert mock_popen.wait.call_count == 1 def test_parse_script_invalid_filename(self): self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse_script, "invalid filename") def test_make_admin_client_cluster_string(self): with mock.patch('apache.aurora.admin.admin_util.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS): self.assertIsNotNone(make_admin_client(self.TEST_CLUSTER_NAME)) def test_make_admin_client_cluster_object(self): with mock.patch('apache.aurora.admin.admin_util.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS): self.assertIsNotNone(make_admin_client(self.TEST_CLUSTER)) def test_make_admin_client_cluster_unknown(self): with mock.patch('apache.aurora.admin.admin_util.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS): self.assertRaises(SystemExit, make_admin_client, 'east')
class AuroraClientCommandTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def create_blank_response(cls, code, msg): # TODO(wfarner): Don't use a mock here. response = create_autospec(spec=Response, instance=True) response.responseCode = code response.result = create_autospec(spec=Result, instance=True) response.details = [ResponseDetail(message=msg)] return response @classmethod def create_simple_success_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.OK, 'OK') @classmethod def create_mock_api(cls): """Builds up a mock API object, with a mock SchedulerProxy""" mock_scheduler_proxy = create_autospec(spec=SchedulerProxyApiSpec, spec_set=False, instance=True) mock_scheduler_proxy.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_scheduler_proxy.scheduler_client.return_value = mock_scheduler_proxy mock_api = create_autospec(spec=HookedAuroraClientAPI) mock_api.scheduler_proxy = mock_scheduler_proxy return mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy TEST_CLUSTER = 'west' TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([ Cluster(name='west', zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') ]) @classmethod def create_mock_probe_hosts_vector(cls, side_effects): mock_vector = create_autospec(spec=DomainUpTimeSlaVector, instance=True) mock_vector.probe_hosts.side_effect = side_effects return mock_vector @classmethod def create_probe_hosts(cls, hostname, predicted, safe, safe_in): hosts = defaultdict(list) job = AuroraJobKey.from_path('west/role/env/job-%s' % hostname) hosts[hostname].append(JobUpTimeDetails(job, predicted, safe, safe_in)) return [hosts] # TODO(wfarner): Remove this, force tests to call out their flags. @classmethod def setup_mock_options(cls): mock_options = create_autospec(spec=['verbosity'], instance=True) mock_options.verbosity = 'verbose' mock_options.bypass_leader_redirect = False return mock_options
def test_load_yaml(): with temporary_dir() as td: clusters_yml = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.yml') with open(clusters_yml, 'w') as fp: fp.write(TEST_YAML) validate_loaded_clusters(Clusters.from_file(clusters_yml))
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from optparse import OptionParser import pytest from apache.aurora.common.cluster import Cluster from apache.aurora.common.cluster_option import ClusterOption from apache.aurora.common.clusters import Clusters CLUSTER_LIST = Clusters(( Cluster(name='smf1'), Cluster(name='smf1-test'), )) def cluster_provider(name): return CLUSTER_LIST[name] def test_constructors(): ClusterOption('--test', '-t', help="Test cluster.", clusters=CLUSTER_LIST) ClusterOption('--test', '-t', help="Test cluster.", cluster_provider=cluster_provider) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ClusterOption() with pytest.raises(ValueError):
class AuroraClientCommandTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def create_blank_response(cls, code, msg): response = Mock(spec=Response) response.responseCode = code response.messageDEPRECATED = msg response.result = Mock(spec=Result) return response @classmethod def create_simple_success_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.OK, 'OK') @classmethod def create_error_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.ERROR, 'Damn') @classmethod def create_mock_api(cls): """Builds up a mock API object, with a mock SchedulerProxy""" # This looks strange, but we set up the same object to use as both # the SchedulerProxy and the SchedulerClient. These tests want to observe # what API calls get made against the scheduler, and both of these objects # delegate calls to the scheduler. It doesn't matter which one is used: # what we care about is that the right API calls get made. mock_scheduler_proxy = Mock() mock_scheduler_proxy.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_scheduler_proxy.scheduler_client.return_value = mock_scheduler_proxy mock_api = Mock(spec=HookedAuroraClientAPI) mock_api.scheduler_proxy = mock_scheduler_proxy return (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) @classmethod def create_mock_api_factory(cls): """Create a collection of mocks for a test that wants to mock out the client API by patching the api factory.""" mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy = cls.create_mock_api() mock_api_factory = Mock() mock_api_factory.return_value = mock_api return mock_api_factory, mock_scheduler_proxy FAKE_TIME = 42131 @classmethod def fake_time(cls, ignored): """Utility function used for faking time to speed up tests.""" cls.FAKE_TIME += 2 return cls.FAKE_TIME CONFIG_BASE = """ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '%(cluster)s', environment = '%(env)s', instances = 20, %(inner)s update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = 1, restart_threshold = 60, watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process(name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}}')], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """ TEST_ROLE = 'mchucarroll' TEST_ENV = 'test' TEST_JOB = 'hello' TEST_CLUSTER = 'west' TEST_JOBSPEC = 'west/mchucarroll/test/hello' TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([ Cluster(name='west', packer_copy_command='copying {{package}}', zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') ]) @classmethod def get_test_config(cls, cluster, role, env, job, filler=''): """Create a config from the template""" return cls.CONFIG_BASE % { 'job': job, 'role': role, 'env': env, 'cluster': cluster, 'inner': filler } @classmethod def get_valid_config(cls): return cls.get_test_config(cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB) @classmethod def get_invalid_config(cls, bad_clause): return cls.get_test_config(cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB, bad_clause) @classmethod def create_mock_probe_hosts_vector(cls, side_effects): mock_vector = Mock(spec=DomainUpTimeSlaVector) mock_vector.probe_hosts.side_effect = side_effects return mock_vector @classmethod def create_probe_hosts(cls, hostname, predicted, safe, safe_in): hosts = defaultdict(list) job = AuroraJobKey.from_path('west/role/env/job-%s' % hostname) hosts[hostname].append(JobUpTimeDetails(job, predicted, safe, safe_in)) return [hosts] @classmethod def setup_mock_options(cls): mock_options = Mock(spec=['verbosity']) mock_options.verbosity = 'verbose' return mock_options
class AuroraClientCommandTest(unittest.TestCase): FAKE_TIME = 42131 @classmethod def create_blank_response(cls, code, msg): response = Mock(spec=Response) response.responseCode = code mock_msg = Mock() mock_msg.message = msg response.details = [mock_msg] response.messageDEPRECATED = msg response.result = Mock(spec=Result) return response @classmethod def create_simple_success_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.OK, 'OK') @classmethod def create_error_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.ERROR, 'Damn') @classmethod def create_mock_api(cls): """Builds up a mock API object, with a mock SchedulerProxy""" mock_api = Mock(spec=HookedAuroraClientAPI) mock_scheduler = Mock() mock_scheduler.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_scheduler_client = Mock() mock_scheduler_client.scheduler.return_value = mock_scheduler mock_scheduler_client.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_api = Mock(spec=HookedAuroraClientAPI) mock_api.scheduler_proxy = mock_scheduler_client return (mock_api, mock_scheduler_client) @classmethod def create_mock_api_factory(cls): """Create a collection of mocks for a test that wants to mock out the client API by patching the api factory.""" mock_api, mock_scheduler_client = cls.create_mock_api() mock_api_factory = Mock() mock_api_factory.return_value = mock_api return mock_api_factory, mock_scheduler_client @classmethod def create_status_call_result(cls, mock_task=None): status_response = cls.create_simple_success_response() schedule_status = Mock(spec=ScheduleStatusResult) status_response.result.scheduleStatusResult = schedule_status # This should be a list of ScheduledTask's. schedule_status.tasks = [] if mock_task is None: for i in range(20): schedule_status.tasks.append(cls.create_mock_task(i)) else: schedule_status.tasks.append(mock_task) return status_response @classmethod def create_mock_task(cls, instance_id, status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING): mock_task = Mock(spec=ScheduledTask) mock_task.assignedTask = Mock(spec=AssignedTask) mock_task.assignedTask.instanceId = instance_id mock_task.assignedTask.taskId = "Task%s" % instance_id mock_task.assignedTask.slaveId = "Slave%s" % instance_id mock_task.assignedTask.task = Mock(spec=TaskConfig) mock_task.slaveHost = "Slave%s" % instance_id mock_task.status = status mock_task_event = Mock(spec=TaskEvent) mock_task_event.timestamp = 1000 mock_task.taskEvents = [mock_task_event] return mock_task @classmethod def setup_get_tasks_status_calls(cls, scheduler): status_response = cls.create_status_call_result() scheduler.getTasksWithoutConfigs.return_value = status_response @classmethod def fake_time(cls, ignored): """Utility function used for faking time to speed up tests.""" cls.FAKE_TIME += 2 return cls.FAKE_TIME CONFIG_BASE = """ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '%(cluster)s', environment = '%(env)s', instances = 20, %(inner)s update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = 1, restart_threshold = 60, watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process(name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}}')], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """ UNBOUND_CONFIG = textwrap.dedent("""\ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '{{cluster_binding}}', environment = '%(env)s', instances = '{{instances_binding}}', update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = 1, restart_threshold = 60, watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process(name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}}')], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """) TEST_ROLE = 'bozo' TEST_ENV = 'test' TEST_JOB = 'hello' TEST_CLUSTER = 'west' TEST_JOBSPEC = 'west/bozo/test/hello' TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([ Cluster(name='west', packer_copy_command='copying {{package}}', zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') ]) @classmethod def get_test_config(cls, cluster, role, env, job, filler=''): """Create a config from the template""" return cls.CONFIG_BASE % { 'job': job, 'role': role, 'env': env, 'cluster': cluster, 'inner': filler } @classmethod def get_unbound_test_config(cls, role=None, env=None, job=None): result = cls.UNBOUND_CONFIG % { 'job': job or cls.TEST_JOB, 'role': role or cls.TEST_ROLE, 'env': env or cls.TEST_ENV } print( "CONFIG:===========================\n%s\n=============================" % result) return result @classmethod def get_valid_config(cls): return cls.get_test_config(cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB) @classmethod def get_invalid_config(cls, bad_clause): return cls.get_test_config(cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB, bad_clause)
def test_load(): with temporary_dir() as td: clusters_json = os.path.join(td, 'clusters.json') with open(clusters_json, 'w') as fp: fp.write(CLUSTERS) validate_loaded_clusters(Clusters.from_file(clusters_json))
class AuroraClientCommandTest(unittest.TestCase): FAKE_TIME = 42131 @classmethod def create_blank_response(cls, code, msg): return Response(responseCode=code, details=[ResponseDetail(message=msg)]) @classmethod def create_simple_success_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.OK, 'OK') @classmethod def create_error_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.ERROR, 'Damn') @classmethod def create_mock_api(cls): """Builds up a mock API object, with a mock SchedulerProxy""" mock_scheduler = create_autospec(spec=SchedulerThriftApiSpec, instance=True) mock_scheduler.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_scheduler_client = create_autospec(spec=SchedulerProxyApiSpec, instance=True) mock_scheduler_client.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_api = create_autospec(spec=HookedAuroraClientAPI, instance=True) mock_api.scheduler_proxy = mock_scheduler_client return mock_api, mock_scheduler_client @classmethod def create_mock_api_factory(cls): """Create a collection of mocks for a test that wants to mock out the client API by patching the api factory.""" mock_api, mock_scheduler_client = cls.create_mock_api() mock_api_factory = lambda: mock_api return mock_api_factory, mock_scheduler_client @classmethod def create_query_call_result(cls, task=None): status_response = cls.create_empty_task_result() if task is None: for i in range(20): status_response.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks.append( cls.create_scheduled_task(i)) else: status_response.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks.append(task) return status_response @classmethod def create_empty_task_result(cls): status_response = cls.create_simple_success_response() status_response.result = Result( scheduleStatusResult=ScheduleStatusResult(tasks=[])) return status_response @classmethod def create_scheduled_task(cls, instance_id, status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING, task_id=None, initial_time=None): task = ScheduledTask( status=status, assignedTask=AssignedTask(instanceId=instance_id, taskId=task_id or "Task%s" % instance_id, slaveId="Slave%s" % instance_id, slaveHost="Slave%s" % instance_id, task=TaskConfig()), taskEvents=[TaskEvent(timestamp=initial_time or 1000)]) return task @classmethod def create_scheduled_tasks(cls): tasks = [] for name in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']: task = ScheduledTask( failureCount=0, assignedTask=AssignedTask( taskId=1287391823, slaveHost='slavehost', task=TaskConfig( maxTaskFailures=1, executorConfig=ExecutorConfig(data='fake data'), metadata=[], job=JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE, environment=cls.TEST_ENV, name=name), owner=Identity(role=cls.TEST_ROLE), environment=cls.TEST_ENV, jobName=name, numCpus=2, ramMb=2, diskMb=2), instanceId=4237894, assignedPorts={}), status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING, taskEvents=[ TaskEvent(timestamp=28234726395, status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING, message="Hi there") ]) tasks.append(task) return tasks @classmethod def setup_get_tasks_status_calls(cls, scheduler): status_response = cls.create_query_call_result() scheduler.getTasksWithoutConfigs.return_value = status_response @classmethod def fake_time(cls, ignored): """Utility function used for faking time to speed up tests.""" cls.FAKE_TIME += 2 return cls.FAKE_TIME CONFIG_BASE = """ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '%(cluster)s', environment = '%(env)s', instances = 20, %(inner)s update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = 1, restart_threshold = 60, watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process(name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}}')], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """ CRON_CONFIG_BASE = """ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '%(cluster)s', environment = '%(env)s', cron_schedule = '*/5 * * * *', %(inner)s task = SimpleTask('test', 'echo test') ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """ UNBOUND_CONFIG = textwrap.dedent("""\ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '{{cluster_binding}}', environment = '%(env)s', instances = '{{instances_binding}}', update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = "{{TEST_BATCH}}", restart_threshold = 60, watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process(name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}}')], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """) TEST_ROLE = 'bozo' TEST_ENV = 'test' TEST_JOB = 'hello' TEST_CLUSTER = 'west' TEST_JOBSPEC = 'west/bozo/test/hello' TEST_JOBKEY = AuroraJobKey('west', 'bozo', 'test', 'hello') TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([ Cluster(name='west', zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') ]) @classmethod def get_instance_spec(cls, instances_spec): """Create a job instance spec string""" return '%s/%s' % (cls.TEST_JOBSPEC, instances_spec) @classmethod def get_test_config(cls, base, cluster, role, env, job, inner=''): """Create a config from the template""" return base % { 'job': job, 'role': role, 'env': env, 'cluster': cluster, 'inner': inner } @classmethod def get_unbound_test_config(cls, role=None, env=None, job=None): result = cls.UNBOUND_CONFIG % { 'job': job or cls.TEST_JOB, 'role': role or cls.TEST_ROLE, 'env': env or cls.TEST_ENV } return result @classmethod def get_valid_config(cls): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB) @classmethod def get_valid_cron_config(cls): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CRON_CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB) @classmethod def get_invalid_config(cls, bad_clause): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB, bad_clause) @classmethod def get_invalid_cron_config(cls, bad_clause): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CRON_CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB, bad_clause) @classmethod def assert_lock_message(cls, context): assert context.get_err()[2] == "\t%s" % context.LOCK_ERROR_MSG
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from apache.aurora.common.cluster import Cluster from apache.aurora.common.clusters import Clusters TEST_CLUSTER = 'west' TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([ Cluster(name=TEST_CLUSTER, zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') ])
class AuroraClientCommandTest(unittest.TestCase): FAKE_TIME = 42131 def setUp(self): patcher = patch('webbrowser.open_new_tab') self.mock_webbrowser = patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) def run(self, result=None): # Since CLUSTERS is a global value that evaluates code on import this is the best way to # ensure it does not pollute any tests. with CLUSTERS.patch(self.TEST_CLUSTERS._clusters.values()): super(AuroraClientCommandTest, self).run(result) @classmethod def create_blank_response(cls, code, msg): return Response(responseCode=code, details=[ResponseDetail(message=msg)]) @classmethod def create_simple_success_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.OK, 'OK') @classmethod def create_error_response(cls): return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.ERROR, 'Whoops') @classmethod def create_mock_api(cls): """Builds up a mock API object, with a mock SchedulerProxy""" mock_scheduler = create_autospec(spec=SchedulerThriftApiSpec, instance=True) mock_scheduler.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_scheduler_client = create_autospec(spec=SchedulerProxyApiSpec, instance=True) mock_scheduler_client.url = "http://something_or_other" mock_api = create_autospec(spec=HookedAuroraClientAPI, instance=True) mock_api.scheduler_proxy = mock_scheduler_client return mock_api, mock_scheduler_client @classmethod def create_mock_api_factory(cls): """Create a collection of mocks for a test that wants to mock out the client API by patching the api factory.""" mock_api, mock_scheduler_client = cls.create_mock_api() mock_api_factory = lambda: mock_api return mock_api_factory, mock_scheduler_client @classmethod def create_query_call_result(cls, task=None): status_response = cls.create_empty_task_result() if task is None: for i in range(20): status_response.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks.append( cls.create_scheduled_task(i)) else: status_response.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks.append(task) return status_response @classmethod def create_start_job_update_result(cls, code, msg, key, metadata): resp = cls.create_blank_response(code, msg) resp.result = Result(startJobUpdateResult=StartJobUpdateResult( key=key, updateSummary=JobUpdateSummary(metadata=metadata))) return resp @classmethod def create_empty_task_result(cls): status_response = cls.create_simple_success_response() status_response.result = Result( scheduleStatusResult=ScheduleStatusResult(tasks=[])) return status_response @classmethod def create_scheduled_task(cls, instance_id, status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING, task_id=None, initial_time=None): task = ScheduledTask( status=status, assignedTask=AssignedTask(instanceId=instance_id, taskId=task_id or "Task%s" % instance_id, slaveId="Slave%s" % instance_id, slaveHost="Slave%s" % instance_id, task=TaskConfig()), taskEvents=[TaskEvent(timestamp=initial_time or 1000)]) return task @classmethod def create_task_config(cls, name): return TaskConfig( maxTaskFailures=1, executorConfig=ExecutorConfig(data='{"fake": "data"}'), metadata=[], job=JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE, environment=cls.TEST_ENV, name=name), numCpus=2, ramMb=2, diskMb=2) @classmethod def create_scheduled_tasks(cls): tasks = [] for name in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']: task = ScheduledTask(failureCount=0, assignedTask=AssignedTask( taskId=1287391823, slaveHost='slavehost', task=cls.create_task_config(name), instanceId=4237894, assignedPorts={}), status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING, taskEvents=[ TaskEvent(timestamp=28234726395, status=ScheduleStatus.RUNNING, message="Hi there") ]) tasks.append(task) return tasks @classmethod def setup_get_tasks_status_calls(cls, scheduler): status_response = cls.create_query_call_result() scheduler.getTasksWithoutConfigs.return_value = status_response @classmethod def fake_time(cls, ignored): """Utility function used for faking time to speed up tests.""" cls.FAKE_TIME += 2 return cls.FAKE_TIME CONFIG_BASE = """ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '%(cluster)s', environment = '%(env)s', instances = 20, %(inner)s update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = 1, watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process(name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}}')], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """ CRON_CONFIG_BASE = """ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '%(cluster)s', environment = '%(env)s', cron_schedule = '*/5 * * * *', %(inner)s task = SimpleTask('test', 'echo test') ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """ UNBOUND_CONFIG = textwrap.dedent("""\ HELLO_WORLD = Job( name = '%(job)s', role = '%(role)s', cluster = '{{cluster_binding}}', environment = '%(env)s', instances = '{{instances_binding}}', update_config = UpdateConfig( batch_size = "{{TEST_BATCH}}", watch_secs = 45, max_per_shard_failures = 2, ), task = Task( name = 'test', processes = [Process( name = 'hello_world', cmdline = 'echo {{thermos.ports[http]}} {{flags_binding}}' )], resources = Resources(cpu = 0.1, ram = 64 * MB, disk = 64 * MB), ) ) jobs = [HELLO_WORLD] """) TEST_ROLE = 'bozo' TEST_ENV = 'test' TEST_JOB = 'hello' TEST_CLUSTER = 'west' TEST_JOBSPEC = 'west/bozo/test/hello' TEST_JOBKEY = AuroraJobKey('west', 'bozo', 'test', 'hello') TEST_CLUSTERS = Clusters([ Cluster(name=TEST_CLUSTER, zk='', scheduler_zk_path='/foo/bar', auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED') ]) @classmethod def get_instance_spec(cls, instances_spec): """Create a job instance spec string""" return '%s/%s' % (cls.TEST_JOBSPEC, instances_spec) @classmethod def get_test_config(cls, base, cluster, role, env, job, inner=''): """Create a config from the template""" return base % { 'job': job, 'role': role, 'env': env, 'cluster': cluster, 'inner': inner } @classmethod def get_unbound_test_config(cls, role=None, env=None, job=None): result = cls.UNBOUND_CONFIG % { 'job': job or cls.TEST_JOB, 'role': role or cls.TEST_ROLE, 'env': env or cls.TEST_ENV } return result @classmethod def get_valid_config(cls): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB) @classmethod def get_valid_cron_config(cls): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CRON_CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB) @classmethod def get_invalid_config(cls, bad_clause): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB, bad_clause) @classmethod def get_invalid_cron_config(cls, bad_clause): return cls.get_test_config(cls.CRON_CONFIG_BASE, cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB, bad_clause) @classmethod def assert_lock_message(cls, context): assert [ line for line in context.get_err() if line == "\t%s" % context.LOCK_ERROR_MSG ] PREFERRED_TIER = TierConfig(name='preferred', settings={ 'preemptible': 'false', 'revocable': 'false' }) PREEMPTIBLE_TIER = TierConfig(name='preemptible', settings={ 'preemptible': 'true', 'revocable': 'false' }) REVOCABLE_TIER = TierConfig(name='revocable', settings={ 'preemptible': 'true', 'revocable': 'true' }) @classmethod def get_mock_tier_configurations(cls): response = cls.create_simple_success_response() response.result = Result(getTierConfigResult=GetTierConfigResult(, tiers=frozenset([ cls.PREFERRED_TIER, cls.PREEMPTIBLE_TIER, cls.REVOCABLE_TIER ]))) return response
def test_load(): with temporary_dir() as td: clusters_json = os.path.join(td, "clusters.json") with open(clusters_json, "w") as fp: fp.write(CLUSTERS) validate_loaded_clusters(Clusters.from_file(clusters_json))