コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, vertices, undirected=True, W=None, sizeHint=1000):
        Create a PySparseGraph with a given AbstractVertexList or number of 
        vertices, and specify whether it is directed. One can optionally pass 
        in a sparse matrix W which is used as the weight matrix of the 
        graph. Different kinds of sparse matrix can impact the speed of various
        operations. The currently supported sparse matrix types are: ll_mat. 

        :param vertices: the initial set of vertices as a AbstractVertexList object, or an int to specify the number of vertices in which case vertices are stored in a GeneralVertexList.  
        :param undirected: a boolean variable to indicate if the graph is undirected.
        :type undirected: :class:`boolean`

        :param W: a square sparse matrix of the same size as the number of vertices, or None to create the default one.

        :param sizeHint: the expected number of edges in the graph for efficient memory usage.
        :type sizeHint: :class:`int`

        if isinstance(vertices, AbstractVertexList):
            self.vList = vertices
        elif isinstance(vertices, int):
            self.vList = GeneralVertexList(vertices)
            raise ValueError("Invalid vList parameter: " + str(vertices))

        if W != None and not (isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType) and W.shape ==
                              (len(self.vList), len(self.vList))):
            raise ValueError(
                "Input argument W must be None or spmatrix.ll_mat of size " +

        self.undirected = undirected

        if W == None:
            #Should use ll_mat_sym for undirected graphs but it has several unimplemented methods
            self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(len(self.vList), len(self.vList),
            self.W = W
            #The next line is for error checking mainly
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, vertices, undirected=True, W=None, dtype=numpy.float):
        Create a DenseGraph with a given AbstractVertexList or number of 
        vertices, and specify whether it is directed. One can optionally pass 
        in a numpy array W which is used as the weight matrix of the 

        :param vertices: the initial set of vertices as a AbstractVertexList object, or an int to specify the number of vertices in which case vertices are stored in a GeneralVertexList.  
        :param undirected: a boolean variable to indicate if the graph is undirected.
        :type undirected: :class:`boolean`

        :param W: a numpy array of the same size as vertices, or None to create the default one.
        :param dtype: the data type of the weight matrix if W is not specified e.g numpy.int8. 

        if isinstance(vertices, AbstractVertexList):
            self.vList = vertices
        elif isinstance(vertices, int):
            self.vList = GeneralVertexList(vertices)
            raise ValueError("Invalid vList parameter: " + str(vertices))

        if W != None and not (isinstance(W, numpy.ndarray) and W.shape ==
                              (len(self.vList), len(self.vList))):
            raise ValueError(
                "Input argument W must be None or numpy array of size " +

        self.undirected = undirected

        if W == None:
            self.W = numpy.zeros((len(self.vList), len(self.vList)),
            self.W = W
            #The next line is for error checking mainly
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, vertices, undirected=True, dtype=numpy.float):
        Create a sparse graph using sppy csarray with a given AbstractVertexList, and specify whether directed.

        :param vertices: the initial set of vertices as a AbstractVertexList object, or an int to specify the number of vertices in which case vertices are stored in a GeneralVertexList.  
        :param undirected: a boolean variable to indicate if the graph is undirected.
        :type undirected: :class:`boolean`

        :param dtype: the data type for the weight matrix, e.g numpy.int8.

        if isinstance(vertices, AbstractVertexList):
            self.vList = vertices
        elif isinstance(vertices, int):
            self.vList = GeneralVertexList(vertices)
            raise ValueError("Invalid vList parameter: " + str(vertices))

        self.W = sppy.csarray(
            (self.vList.getNumVertices(), self.vList.getNumVertices()), dtype)
        self.undirected = undirected
コード例 #4
    r2 = max((k - r), 0)
    sigmaSqSum = (sigma[0:r2]**2).sum()
    bound = gammaSqSum + lmbdaSqSum - 2 * sigmaSqSum
    print("r=" + str(r))

    print("gammaSqSum=" + str(gammaSqSum))
    print("lmbdaSqSum=" + str(lmbdaSqSum))
    print("sigmaSqSum=" + str(sigmaSqSum))

    return bound

#Change to work with real Laplancian
numRows = 100
graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numRows))

p = 0.1
generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
graph = generator.generate(graph)


AA = graph.normalisedLaplacianSym()

p = 0.001
graph = generator.generate(graph, requireEmpty=False)

AA2 = graph.normalisedLaplacianSym()