def __init__(self, api_url=None, host=None, port=None, context_root=None, server=None, db=None, user=None, password=None, client_type="db"): """ Initializes the api client. :param api_url: :param host: :param port: :param context_root: """ # Since we are using the db client for temporary purpose, we are not parameterising the arguments for the db # client but only parameterising the variables for api client. # We will instruct the function to read the parameters directly from the configuration file for db client. # We will use a hardcoded if condition variable and will switch back once the apis are ready if client_type == "db": self.client = DBClient(server=server, db=db, user=user, password=password) else: self.client = APIClient()
def __init__(self, seller_uuid, retry=False): """Init API client.""" self.__seller_uuid = seller_uuid seller_auth = SellerAuth.objects.get(seller=seller_uuid) profile_id_dict = dict( seller_auth.seller.sellerprofile_set.values_list( 'profile_id', 'country_code', )) self.__client = APIClient(seller_auth.access_token, seller_auth.refresh_token, profile_id_dict) self.__retry_count = self._RETRY_COUNT if retry else 0 self.__retry_seconds = self._RETRY_SECONDS if retry else 0
def auth(cls, email, code, client_id): seller_uuid = uuid.uuid4() access_token, refresh_token = APIClient.grant_auth(authcode=code) if not access_token: raise APIException('grant_auth failed')'%s start to retrieve_profile_dict' % client_id) profile_dict = APIClient(access_token, refresh_token).retrieve_profile_dict()'%s retrieve_profile_dict success' % client_id) sellers = CustomerSeller.objects.filter(customer_id=client_id).all() # 遍历查到的profiles 去验证用户是否授权过了 for country, profile in profile_dict.items(): if SellerProfile.objects.filter( profile_id=profile['profile_id']) \ .filter(seller__in=sellers): # 如果profileId已经存在,表示已经授权过,返回false return False CustomerSeller.objects.create(customer_id=client_id, seller_uuid=seller_uuid, seller_email=email) seller = CustomerSeller.objects.filter(seller_uuid=seller_uuid).first() SellerAuth.objects.create(seller=seller, access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token, + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) for seller in sellers: for country, profile in profile_dict.items(): model, created = SellerProfile.objects.update_or_create( profile_id=profile['profile_id'], seller=seller, defaults={ "country_code": profile['country'], "currency_code": profile['currency'], "daily_budget": profile['daily_budget'], "timezone": profile['timezone'], "marketplace_string_id": profile['marketplace_str_id'], "amazon_account_id": profile['seller_str_id'], "amazon_account_type": profile['account_type'], }) if created: model.status = 'new' # 没有授权过,返回true return True
class MLFlowAPIClient: """ ML Flow API Client wraps the calls to ML FLow API with easy to use functions. Note: For the time being, since the APIs are not ready the api client will call a direct db client instead of calling actual api end points. For this purpose, we designed two separate classes api_client and db_client. """ def __init__(self, api_url=None, host=None, port=None, context_root=None, server=None, db=None, user=None, password=None, client_type="db"): """ Initializes the api client. :param api_url: :param host: :param port: :param context_root: """ # Since we are using the db client for temporary purpose, we are not parameterising the arguments for the db # client but only parameterising the variables for api client. # We will instruct the function to read the parameters directly from the configuration file for db client. # We will use a hardcoded if condition variable and will switch back once the apis are ready if client_type == "db": self.client = DBClient(server=server, db=db, user=user, password=password) else: self.client = APIClient() def list_models(self, text=None, uuid=None, tag=None): """ Lists all the models from the db. If text is given, then runs a full-text search on uuid and tag :param text: :param uuid: :param tag: :return: """ return self.client.list_models(text, uuid, tag)
def api_client(): client = APIClient() client.login(ADMIN_USERNAME, ADMIN_PASSWORD) return client
def assemble_authcode_url(state): return APIClient.assemble_authcode_url(state=state)
class APIManager: """ Managing full Amazon ads API functions with cached seller UUID. All methods are driven by databse items and output into databse. Some functions of APIClient are ignored as follows: retrieve_single_profile -- Less efficient than retrieve_profile. update_profile -- Not expected by seller. create_profile -- Only for sandbox. retrieve_single_entity -- Less efficient than retrieve_entity. archive_single_entity -- Dangerous and less efficient than update_entity. retrieve_keyword_bidrec -- Less efficient than retrieve_raw_keyword_bidrec. retrieve_single_asin_sugkey, retrieve_asin_sugkey -- Less efficient than retrieve_adgroup_sugkey in initialization. """ _RETRY_COUNT = 3 _RETRY_SECONDS = 20 _auth_expiration_seconds = 3600 _entity_retrieval_count = 5000 def __init__(self, seller_uuid, retry=False): """Init API client.""" self.__seller_uuid = seller_uuid seller_auth = SellerAuth.objects.get(seller=seller_uuid) profile_id_dict = dict( seller_auth.seller.sellerprofile_set.values_list( 'profile_id', 'country_code', )) self.__client = APIClient(seller_auth.access_token, seller_auth.refresh_token, profile_id_dict) self.__retry_count = self._RETRY_COUNT if retry else 0 self.__retry_seconds = self._RETRY_SECONDS if retry else 0 def refresh_auth(self): """ Force refresh auth tokens. Race Condition -- Single atomic call thus atomic. """ access_token, refresh_token = self.__client.refresh_auth() defaults_dict = { 'access_token': access_token or '', 'refresh_token': refresh_token or '' } seconds = self._auth_expiration_seconds if access_token: defaults_dict['expire_after'] = \ + timedelta(seconds=seconds) SellerAuth.objects.update_or_create( seller=self.__seller_uuid, defaults=defaults_dict, ) return access_token, refresh_token def retrieve_profile_dict(self): """Retrieve profiles, update cached profile dict.""" profile_dict = self.__call(self.__client.retrieve_profile_dict) for country, profile in profile_dict.items(): model, created = SellerProfile.objects.update_or_create( profile_id=profile['profile_id'], seller=self.__seller_uuid, defaults={ "country_code": profile['country'], "currency_code": profile['currency'], "daily_budget": profile['daily_budget'], "timezone": profile['timezone'], "marketplace_string_id": profile['marketplace_str_id'], "amazon_account_id": profile['seller_str_id'], "amazon_account_type": profile['account_type'], }) if created: model.status = 'new' return True def operate_entity(self, profile_id, record_type, is_update, entity_col=None): """ Create entities on Amazon, return dict of executed entity fields. Record operation historys. More about arguments: profile_id -- seller profile id. record_type -- One of 'campaigns'/'adGroups'/'productAds'/'keywords'/ 'negativeKeywords'/'campaignNegativeKeywords'. is_update -- Otherwise creation. """ # step 1 call api to create/update entity # create entitys results = self.__call( self.__client.update_entity if is_update else self.__client.create_entity, profile_id, record_type, entity_col) return results # TODO: step 2 record operations to entity_operations_history. def retrieve_entity(self, profile_id, record_type, campaign_id_filter=None, adgroup_id_filter=None, keyword_id_filter=None, only_existing=False): """Retrieve entities filtered by campaign ID. Race Condition -- Multiple atomic entity info updates/creations. Also record serving status history for campaigns, adgroups, productads. More about arguments: country -- In 2-char ISO-3166-1 code. record_type -- One of 'campaigns'/'adGroups'/'productAds'/'keywords'/ 'negativeKeywords'/'campaignNegativeKeywords'. campaign_id_filter -- Filter by corresponding campaign ID, None for no filtering. only_existing -- Ignore archived entities if set true. Note that campaigns/adGroups/productAds are retrieved with extended fields, and keywords/negativeKeywords/campaignNegativeKeywords not. """ extended = record_type in ('campaigns', 'adGroups', 'productAds') accumulated_count = 0 retrieved_count = 0 count = self._entity_retrieval_count first_run = True while first_run or retrieved_count == count: entity_list = self.__call( self.__client.retrieve_entity, profile_id, record_type, extended=extended, start_index=accumulated_count, count=count, campaign_id_filter=campaign_id_filter, adgroup_id_filter=adgroup_id_filter, keyword_id_filter=keyword_id_filter, state_filter=('enabled', 'paused') if only_existing else None, \ ) or [] self.__save_retrieved_entity(profile_id, record_type, entity_list) retrieved_count = len(entity_list) accumulated_count += retrieved_count first_run = False @classmethod def __save_retrieved_entity(cls, profile_id, record_type, entity_list): model, key_field = cls.__map_entity_retrieval(record_type) for entity in entity_list: row_key = model.generate_rowkey(profile_id, entity[key_field]) now ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') model().put(row_key, { **entity, **{ 'profile': profile_id, 'updatedAt': now } }) @classmethod def __map_entity_retrieval(cls, record_type): return { 'campaigns': (Campaign, 'campaignId'), 'adGroups': (AdGroup, 'adGroupId'), 'productAds': (ProductAds, 'adId'), 'keywords': (KeyWord, 'keywordId'), 'negativeKeywords': (AdgroupNegativeKeyword, 'keywordId'), 'campaignNegativeKeywords': (CampaignNegativeKeyword, 'keywordId'), }[record_type] def archive_single_entity(self, profile_id, record_type, entity_id): result = self.__class__(self.__client.archive_single_entity, profile_id, record_type, entity_id) return result def retrieve_adgroup_bidrec(self, profile_id, adgroup_id): bid_rec_dict = self.__call(self.__client.retrieve_adgroup_bidrec, profile_id, adgroup_id) rowkey = AdGroupBidRec.generate_rowkey(profile_id, adgroup_id) # save bid_rec_dict record into hbase if bid_rec_dict: AdGroupBidRec().put(rowkey, { **bid_rec_dict, **{ 'profile': profile_id, 'adGroupId': adgroup_id } }) def retrieve_keyword_bidrec(self, profile_id, keyword_id): bid_rec_dict = self.__call(self.__client.retrieve_keyword_bidrec, profile_id, keyword_id) rowkey = KeyWordBidRec.generate_rowkey(profile_id, keyword_id) # save bid_rec_dict record into hbase if bid_rec_dict: KeyWordBidRec().put(rowkey, { **bid_rec_dict, **{ 'profile': profile_id, 'keywordId': keyword_id } }) return bid_rec_dict def retrieve_raw_keyword_bidrec(self, profile_id, adgroup_id, raw_keyword_col): bid_rec_dict = self.__call(self.__client.retrieve_raw_keyword_bidrec, profile_id, adgroup_id, raw_keyword_col) # save bid_rec_dict record into hbase if bid_rec_dict: batch_data = KeyWordBidRec().format_kw_bidrec_batch( profile_id, bid_rec_dict) KeyWordBidRec().put_batch(batch_data) return bid_rec_dict # API call routine def __call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Use to call api functions. More about Details: It will refresh the access_token before calling a function, retry after the seconds set by global settings of the class. """ for trial in range(0, 1 + self.__retry_count): try: seller_auth = SellerAuth.objects\ .get(seller=self.__seller_uuid) if seller_auth.deleted_at or not seller_auth.refresh_token: return None self.__client.set_token(seller_auth.access_token, seller_auth.refresh_token) if not seller_auth.access_token or \ >= seller_auth.expire_after: if not self.refresh_auth()[0]: return None return func(*args, **kwargs) except RequestException as e: if isinstance(e, HTTPError) and e.response is not None and \ e.response.status_code == 401: SellerAuth.objects.filter(seller=self.__seller_uuid)\ .update(access_token='', return None elif trial < self.__retry_count: error_name = e.__class__.__name__ source = 'preset' sleeping_seconds = self._retry_seconds if e.response is not None: error_name += '(%s)' % e.response.status_code retry_after_str = e.response.headers.get('Retry-After') if retry_after_str is not None: sleeping_seconds = int(retry_after_str) source = 'header' logger.warning(('%s in trial %s for %s,' ' retry after %s (%s) seconds.'), error_name, trial, func.__name__, sleeping_seconds, source) sleep(sleeping_seconds) continue else: raise @staticmethod def assemble_authcode_url(state): return APIClient.assemble_authcode_url(state=state) @classmethod def auth(cls, email, code, client_id): seller_uuid = uuid.uuid4() access_token, refresh_token = APIClient.grant_auth(authcode=code) if not access_token: raise APIException('grant_auth failed')'%s start to retrieve_profile_dict' % client_id) profile_dict = APIClient(access_token, refresh_token).retrieve_profile_dict()'%s retrieve_profile_dict success' % client_id) sellers = CustomerSeller.objects.filter(customer_id=client_id).all() # 遍历查到的profiles 去验证用户是否授权过了 for country, profile in profile_dict.items(): if SellerProfile.objects.filter( profile_id=profile['profile_id']) \ .filter(seller__in=sellers): # 如果profileId已经存在,表示已经授权过,返回false return False CustomerSeller.objects.create(customer_id=client_id, seller_uuid=seller_uuid, seller_email=email) seller = CustomerSeller.objects.filter(seller_uuid=seller_uuid).first() SellerAuth.objects.create(seller=seller, access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token, + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) for seller in sellers: for country, profile in profile_dict.items(): model, created = SellerProfile.objects.update_or_create( profile_id=profile['profile_id'], seller=seller, defaults={ "country_code": profile['country'], "currency_code": profile['currency'], "daily_budget": profile['daily_budget'], "timezone": profile['timezone'], "marketplace_string_id": profile['marketplace_str_id'], "amazon_account_id": profile['seller_str_id'], "amazon_account_type": profile['account_type'], }) if created: model.status = 'new' # 没有授权过,返回true return True