def nearby_bus_stop(bot, update): """message send for Command: nearby""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/nearby') location_keyboard = KeyboardButton(text="send_location", request_location=True) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[location_keyboard]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) bot.send_message(, text="Please tell me where you are.", reply_markup=reply_markup)
def emoji_meaning(bot, update): """message send for Command: emoji""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/emoji') msg = 'Let me tell you what each emoji means ah. \n\n' msg += + ' - This one means got seats in bus ah. \n' msg += EMOJICODE.sweating() + ' - This one means no seats liao. So need to stand ah. \n' msg += EMOJICODE.angry() + ' - This one is the worst ah. No seats and no place to stand. ' msg += 'Wait for next bus ba. \n' msg += EMOJICODE.wheelchair() + ' - This one means the bus is wheelchair accessible one.' bot.send_message(, text=msg)
def inline_button(bot, update): """Inline button message handling""" callback = update.callback_query data_arr = bus = Bus() if data_arr[0] == 'refresh': if len(data_arr) == 2: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, callback, 'inline-btn-refresh-all') msg = bus.get_bus_arrival_msg(data_arr[1]) reply_markup = bus_arrival_markup(data_arr[1]) else: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, callback, 'inline-btn-refresh-single') msg = bus.get_bus_arrival_msg(data_arr[1], data_arr[2]) reply_markup = bus_arrival_markup(data_arr[1] + ' ' + data_arr[2]) bot.editMessageText(, message_id=callback.message.message_id, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup) bot.answerCallbackQuery(, text='Bus timing updated') elif data_arr[0] == 'inline-mode-refresh': msg = bus.get_bus_arrival_msg(data_arr[1]) reply_markup = bus_arrival_inline_markup(data_arr[1]) bot.editMessageText(inline_message_id =callback.inline_message_id, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup) bot.answerCallbackQuery(, text='Bus timing updated') elif data_arr[0] == 'streetview': streetview = StreetView() bus_stop_detail = bus.get_bus_stop_detail(data_arr[1]) if bus_stop_detail is not None: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, callback, 'inline-btn-streetview') latlng = streetview.get_lat_lng_str(bus_stop_detail) streetview_img_url = streetview.form_street_view_img_url(latlng) bot.send_photo(, photo=streetview_img_url, caption=bus_stop_detail['name']) bot.answerCallbackQuery(, text='Bus stop photo shown') else: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, callback, 'inline-btn-streetview-not-found') bot.send_message(, message_id=callback.message.message_id, text='Bus stop not found leh.') bot.answerCallbackQuery(, text='No bus stop photo found') elif data_arr[0] == 'nearby': botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, callback, 'inline-btn-nearby') msg = bus.get_bus_arrival_msg(data_arr[1]) reply_markup = bus_arrival_markup(data_arr[1]) bot.send_message(, message_id=callback.message.message_id, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup) bot.answerCallbackQuery(, text='Bus timing shown')
def bus_info(bot, update): """message send for Command: businfo""" split_arr = update.message.text.split() bus_info = BusInfo() if len(split_arr) == 2: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/businfo bus') msg = bus_info.get_bus_info_msg(split_arr[1]) bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown') else: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/businfo') msg = 'Tell me the bus no in this format ah. \n\n' msg += '*Format* : \n- /businfo <bus no>\n\n' msg += '*Example* : \n- /businfo 50 \n- /businfo 163' bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
def get_help(bot, update): """message send for Command: help""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/help') msg = 'Let me show you the *command list* ah \n\n' msg += '/busstop - Show bus arrival info' + EMOJICODE.busstop() + + '\n' msg += '/nearby - Show nearby bus stops '+ EMOJICODE.busstop() + '\n' msg += '/businfo - Show bus info' + EMOJICODE.bus() + + '\n' msg += '/emoji - Show emoji meaning ' + +'\n' msg += '/mrtmap - Show MRT map ' + EMOJICODE.station() +'\n' msg += '/grabpromo - Show grab promotions \n' msg += '/uberpromo - Show uber promotions \n' msg += '/close - Close reply keyboard' + EMOJICODE.keyboard() +'\n' msg += '/help - Show help list' + EMOJICODE.sos() +'\n' msg += '/start - To start from beginning\n' bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
def location(bot, update): """message send for location callback""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, 'location-callback') lat = update.message.location.latitude lng = update.message.location.longitude nearby = Nearby() nearest_3_list = nearby.get_nearest_three_bus_stops(lat,lng) msg = nearby.get_nearby_cmd_msg(nearest_3_list) button_list = [ [InlineKeyboardButton(EMOJICODE.busstop() + ' ' + nearest_3_list[0]['no'], callback_data='nearby ' + nearest_3_list[0]['no'])], [InlineKeyboardButton(EMOJICODE.busstop() + ' ' + nearest_3_list[1]['no'], callback_data='nearby ' + nearest_3_list[1]['no'])], [InlineKeyboardButton(EMOJICODE.busstop() + ' ' + nearest_3_list[2]['no'], callback_data='nearby ' + nearest_3_list[2]['no'])] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(button_list) bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
def bus_stop(bot, update): """message send for Command: busstop""" split_arr = update.message.text.split() bus = Bus() if len(split_arr) == 2: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/busstop all') msg = bus.get_bus_arrival_msg(split_arr[1]) reply_markup = bus_arrival_markup(split_arr[1]) bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup) elif len(split_arr) == 3: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/busstop single') msg = bus.get_bus_arrival_msg(split_arr[1], split_arr[2]) reply_markup = bus_arrival_markup(split_arr[1] + ' ' + split_arr[2]) bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup) else: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/busstop') msg = 'Tell me the bus stop no in this format ah. \n\n' msg += '*Format* : \n- /busstop <bus stop no> <bus no> (optional) \n\n' msg += '*Example* : \n- /busstop 67329 \n- /busstop 67329 163 \n\n' msg += 'You can also send me a inline query by typing @sgtravelkakibot followed ' msg += 'by the bus stop name or code.' reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [InlineKeyboardButton("Try inline query", switch_inline_query_current_chat='67321')] ]) bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=reply_markup)
def getlocation(bot, update): usr = update.message.from_user location = update.message.location if in CMD: geolocator = Nominatim() latiLong = str(location.latitude) + "," + str(location.longitude) try: loc = geolocator.reverse(latiLong).address except Exception: loc = "" reply_msg = "The {} location set to:\n" uber_msg = 'All set! Just click <a href="{}">HERE</a> to open the Uber app.' if CMD[] == CMDS[0]: # /setpickup link = UBER_URL + "p={}".format( str(location.latitude) + "," + str(location.longitude)) update.message.reply_text(uber_msg.format(link), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardHide()) if loc: update.message.reply_text(reply_msg.format('pickup') + loc) try: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, {0: 'set pickup'}, 'set pickup') except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) elif CMD[] == CMDS[1]: # /setdropoff link = UBER_URL + "d={}".format( str(location.latitude) + "," + str(location.longitude)) update.message.reply_text(uber_msg.format(link), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardHide()) if loc: update.message.reply_text(reply_msg.format('dropoff') + loc) try: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, {0: 'set dropoff'}, 'set dropoff') except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) elif CMD[] == CMDS[2]: # /setpickanddrop if in PICK: try: loc2 = geolocator.reverse(PICK[]).address except Exception: loc2 = "" link = UBER_URL + "p={}&d={}".format( PICK[], str(location.latitude) + "," + str(location.longitude)) del PICK[] update.message.reply_text(uber_msg.format(link), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardHide()) if loc and loc2: update.message.reply_text( reply_msg.format('pickup') + loc2 + "\n\nAnd dropoff location set to:\n" + loc) try: botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, {0: 'set pickup and dropoff'}, 'set pickup and dropoff') except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) else: PICK[] = latiLong if loc: update.message.reply_text(reply_msg.format('pickup') + loc) update.message.reply_text( "Now send me the dropoff location or simply select 'Current Location' from the menu. Or /cancel to cancel." ) return LOCATION else: update.message.reply_text( "Something went wrong, please try again.") else: update.message.reply_text("Something went wrong, please try again.") return MAIN
def start(bot, update): """message send for Command: start""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/start') msg = 'Whats up'+ EMOJICODE.sunglasses() +', what do you want me to do for you ah?' bot.send_message(, text=msg)
def handle_error(bot, update, error): """message send for when error occurs""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, 'error') LOGGER.warn('Update "%s" caused error "%s"' % (update, error))
def echo(bot, update): """message send for user input""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, 'echo') bot.send_message(, text="I'm still not smart enough to understand what you are saying ah.")
def close_command(bot, update): """message send for Command: close""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/close') bot.send_message(, text="Okay close liao.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
def mrt_map(bot, update): """message send for Command: mrtmap""" botan.track(BOTAN_TOKEN,, update.message, '/mrtmap') msg = '*MRT map*\n\n' msg += 'Click [here](' bot.send_message(, text=msg, parse_mode='Markdown')