def create_config(uname, preferred_pass): mysalt = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(16)) hashed_pass = sha512_crypt.encrypt(preferred_pass, salt=mysalt, rounds=5000, implicit_rounds=True) # code to create password for jupyter notebook salt_len = 12 algorithm = 'sha1' h = salt = ('%0' + str(salt_len) + 'x') % random.getrandbits(4 * salt_len) h.update(preferred_pass + salt) jupyter_pass = '******'.join((algorithm, salt, h.hexdigest())) print hashed_pass globalVars.init() fp = open('', 'w') fp.truncate() fp.write('#cloud-config\n') fp.write('users:\n') fp.write(' - name: ' + uname + '\n') fp.write(' ssh-authorized-keys:\n') fp.write(' - ' + globalVars.masterKey + '\n') fp.write(' groups: sudo\n') fp.write(' shell: /bin/bash\n') fp.write(' sudo: [\'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\']\n') fp.write(' lock-passwd: False\n') fp.write(' passwd: ' + hashed_pass + '\n') fp.write('runcmd:\n') fp.write(' - touch /home/ryan/testfile.txt\n') fp.write(' - [ sudo, sed, -i, \'s/[#]*PasswordAuthentication no/' 'PasswordAuthentication yes/g\', /etc/ssh/sshd_config ]\n') fp.write(' - sudo mv /home/' + uname + '/.ssh /home/' + uname + '/.ssh_temp\n') fp.write(' - sudo cp -r /home/cc/. /home/' + uname + '\n') fp.write(' - sudo rm -r /home/' + uname + '/.ssh\n') fp.write(' - sudo mv /home/' + uname + '/.ssh_temp /home/' + uname + '/.ssh\n') fp.write(' - sudo service ssh restart\n') fp.write( ' - sudo sed -i "s/c\.NotebookApp\.password.*/c\.NotebookApp\.password = u\\\'' + jupyter_pass + '\\\'/g" /home/' + uname + '/.jupyter/\n') fp.write(' - sudo su - ' + uname + ' -c "sudo jupyter notebook &"\n') fp.close
def query_vm(computeId, cloud): # Chameleon Cloud instance querying if (cloud == "chameleon"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() response = cloudCompute.query_vm(my_token_id, computeId) return response # Jetstream instance querying if (cloud == "jetstream"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() response = jetCompute.query_vm(my_token_id, computeId) return response
def emailRegistration(email): globalVars.init() msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = globalVars.emailUser msg['To'] = email msg['Subject'] = "eLab Registration Successful" body = "Your registration to eLab is now complete. You are now eligible to be enrolled into the available courses." msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain')) server = smtplib.SMTP(globalVars.emailServer, globalVars.emailPort) server.starttls() server.login(globalVars.emailUser, globalVars.emailPass) text = msg.as_string() try: server.sendmail(globalVars.emailUser, email, text) server.quit() except: pass
def emailUnenroll(email, courseName): globalVars.init() msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = globalVars.emailUser msg['To'] = email msg['Subject'] = "eLab Unenrollment Notification" body = "You have been unenrolled from \"" + courseName + "\". You no longer have access to the associated content." msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain')) server = smtplib.SMTP(globalVars.emailServer, globalVars.emailPort) server.starttls() server.login(globalVars.emailUser, globalVars.emailPass) text = msg.as_string() try: server.sendmail(globalVars.emailUser, email, text) server.quit() except: pass
def associate_floating_ip(computeId, floating_ip, cloud): # Chameleon Cloud floating ip association if (cloud == "chameleon"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() cloudCompute.associate_floating_ip(my_token_id, computeId, floating_ip) return # Jetstream floating ip association if (cloud == "jetstream"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() jetCompute.associate_floating_ip(my_token_id, computeId, floating_ip) return # AWS Cloud floating ip association if (cloud == "aws"): # Using a dummy function as AWS associates floating IPs automatically return
def updateCatalog(): globalVars.init() #Update the catalog from Chameleon my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() r = cloudImages.getImageList(my_token_id) print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4) cloud = Cloud.objects.get(name='chameleon') for image in r.json()['images']: if image['owner'] == globalVars.tenantName: this_description = "" if 'description' in image: this_description = image['description'] modelFunctions.get_or_create_image(cloud, image['id'], image['name'], this_description) #Update the catalog from AWS client = awsAuth.authClient(globalVars.awsAccess, globalVars.awsSecret, globalVars.awsRegion) images = awsImages.getImageList(client) cloud = Cloud.objects.get(name='aws') for image in images: print image modelFunctions.get_or_create_image(cloud, image['ImageId'], image['Name'], image['Description']) #Update the catalog from JetStream my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() r = jetImages.getImageList(my_token_id) print r print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4) cloud = Cloud.objects.get(name='jetstream') for image in r.json()['images']: if image['owner'] == globalVars.jetstreamTenantID: this_description = "" if 'description' in image: this_description = image['description'] modelFunctions.get_or_create_image(cloud, image['id'], image['name'], this_description)
def boot_vm(instance_name, cloudId, cloud): globalVars.init() # Chameleon Cloud instance booting if (cloud == "chameleon"): my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() instanceId = cloudCompute.boot_vm(my_token_id, instance_name, cloudId) return instanceId # Jetstream instance booting if (cloud == "jetstream"): my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() instanceId = jetCompute.boot_vm(my_token_id, instance_name, cloudId) return instanceId # AWS instance booting if (cloud == "aws"): resource = awsAuth.authResource(globalVars.awsAccess, globalVars.awsSecret, globalVars.awsRegion) instanceId = awsCompute.boot_vm(resource, instance_name, cloudId) return instanceId
def rebuild_vm(computeId, imageId, instanceName, cloud): # Chameleon Cloud rebuild VM if (cloud == "chameleon"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() response = cloudCompute.rebuild_vm(my_token_id, computeId, imageId, instanceName) return response # Jetstream rebuild VM if (cloud == "jetstream"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() response = jetCompute.rebuild_vm(my_token_id, computeId, imageId, instanceName) return response # AWS Cloud rebuild VM # AWS Does not support direct rebuilding, using a dummy function if (cloud == "aws"): return status.HTTP_200_OK
def get_unused_floating_ip(cloud, computeId): globalVars.init() # Chameleon Cloud floating ip retrieval if (cloud == "chameleon"): my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() floatingIp = cloudCompute.get_unused_floating_ip(my_token_id) return floatingIp # Jetstream floating ip retrieval if (cloud == "jetstream"): my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() floatingIp = jetCompute.get_unused_floating_ip(my_token_id) return floatingIp # AWS Cloud floating ip retrieval if (cloud == "aws"): # AWS can assign floating IPs automatically, we simply return it resource = awsAuth.authResource(globalVars.awsAccess, globalVars.awsSecret, globalVars.awsRegion) floatIp = awsCompute.get_IP(resource, computeId) return floatIp
def delete_vm(computeId, cloud): # Chameleon Cloud Termination if (cloud == "chameleon"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = cloudAuth.auth() cloudCompute.delete_vm(my_token_id, computeId) return status.HTTP_200_OK # Jetstream Termination if (cloud == "jetstream"): globalVars.init() my_token_id = jetAuth.auth() jetCompute.delete_vm(my_token_id, computeId) return status.HTTP_200_OK # AWS Cloud Termination if (cloud == "aws"): globalVars.init() resource = awsAuth.authResource(globalVars.awsAccess, globalVars.awsSecret, globalVars.awsRegion) awsCompute.delete_vm(resource, computeId) return
def auth(uname, passwd): globalVars.init() if uname == globalVars.apiUserName: if passwd == globalVars.apiPassword: return True return False