def test_next_migrate_script(self): "Get next migrate script to run" with with cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) cur.execute( read_query_file("upsert_puzzle_massive.sql"), { "key": "database_version", "label": "Database Version", "description": "something", "intvalue": 1, "textvalue": None, "blobvalue": None }) db.commit() script_files = [ "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", ] migrate_script = get_next_migrate_script(script_files) # The initial one should be assert migrate_script == "some/path/to/"
def test_next_migrate_script_when_a_gap_exists(self): "Get next migrate script to run when a gap in version numbers exist" with with cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) cur.execute( read_query_file("upsert_puzzle_massive.sql"), { "key": "database_version", "label": "Database Version", "description": "something", "intvalue": 21, "textvalue": None, "blobvalue": None }) db.commit() script_files = [ "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", ] self.assertRaises(MigrateGapError, get_next_migrate_script, script_files)
def update_bit_icon_expiration(db, bit_icon_expiration): if not isinstance(bit_icon_expiration, dict): raise Exception("BIT_ICON_EXPIRATION is not dict object: {}".format( bit_icon_expiration)) delete_query = read_query_file("delete_all_from_bit_expiration_table.sql") insert_query = read_query_file("insert_bit_expiration.sql") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(delete_query) db.commit() for score, extend in bit_icon_expiration.items(): cur.execute(insert_query, {"score": score, "extend": f"+{extend}"}) cur.close() db.commit()
def __init__(self, ip): self.ip = ip self.headers = {"X-Real-IP": ip} self.api_host = "http://localhost:{PORTAPI}".format( PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"]) self.publish_host = "http://localhost:{PORTPUBLISH}".format( PORTPUBLISH=current_app.config["PORTPUBLISH"]) cur = db.cursor() result = cur.execute( read_query_file("select-user-id-by-ip-and-no-password.sql"), { "ip": ip }).fetchall() if result: (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) shareduser = result[0]["id"] redis_connection.zrem("bannedusers", shareduser) cur.close() # get test user current_user_id = requests.get("{0}/current-user-id/".format( self.api_host), headers=self.headers) # print('ip {} and {}'.format(ip, current_user_id.cookies)) self.shareduser_cookie = current_user_id.cookies["shareduser"] self.shareduser = int(current_user_id.content)
def do_task(self): super().do_task() cur = db.cursor() result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "select-user-name-waiting-to-be-approved.sql")).fetchall() if result: self.log_task() names = [] (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) for item in result: names.append("{approved_date} - {display_name}".format(**item)) message = "\n".join(names) # Send a notification email (silent fail if not configured) current_app.logger.debug(message) if not current_app.config.get("DEBUG", True): try: send_message( current_app.config.get("EMAIL_MODERATOR"), "Puzzle Massive - new names", message, current_app.config, ) except Exception as err: current_app.logger.warning( "Failed to send notification message. {}".format(err)) pass cur.close()
def add_bit_icons_in_file_system(db): "Add each bit icon that is in the filesystem" bits = [] cur = db.cursor() select_author_id_query = read_query_file( "_select-author_id-for-slug-name.sql") upsert_author_query = read_query_file("_insert_or_update_bit_author.sql") insert_or_replace_bit_icon_query = read_query_file( "_insert_or_replace_bit_icon.sql") for source_file in glob.glob( os.path.join("source-media", "bit-icons", "source-*.yaml")): root = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file))[0] group_name = root[root.index("-") + 1:] with open(source_file, "r") as f: source = yaml.safe_load(f) cur.execute( upsert_author_query, { "name": source["name"], "slug_name": source["slug_name"], "artist_document": source["artist_document"], }, ) db.commit() author_id = cur.execute(select_author_id_query, { "slug_name": source["slug_name"] }).fetchone()[0] for bit_icon_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_file), f"{group_name}-*")): bit_icon_name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(bit_icon_file))[0] bits.append({"name": bit_icon_name, "author": author_id}) def each(bit): for b in bit: yield b cur.executemany(insert_or_replace_bit_icon_query, each(bits)) db.commit()
def test_next_migrate_script_when_none_are_found(self): "Get next migrate script when none are found" with with cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) db.commit() script_files = [] self.assertRaises(MigrateError, get_next_migrate_script, script_files)
def migrate(config): "Migrate the sqlite3 database from the current database_version." cur = db.cursor() for filename in [ "create_user_puzzle_index.sql", ]: cur.execute(read_query_file(filename)) db.commit() cur.close()
def test_get_latest_version_when_no_migrate_scripts(self): "Get latest version when no migrate scripts" with with cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) db.commit() script_files = [] self.assertRaises(Exception, get_latest_version_based_on_migrate_scripts, script_files)
def migrate(config): "Migrate the sqlite3 database from the current database_version." cur = db.cursor() # Example script! # Copy it and rename it based on the database_version it will migrate from. # Modify as needed. logger.debug("Example debug message.") f"Hello, this is an example log message for the {sys.argv[0]} script.") logger.warning("Uhh... warning message.") logger.error( "Oh no! Something didn't work! The script should run sys.exit('Abandon ship!') or something." ) sys.exit( "\nERROR: Example script should be copied and modified to correctly run.\n" ) # Remove this # Execute the sql found in these files in the queries directory. for filename in [ "example_that_modifies_the_database.sql", "another_example.sql", ]: if True: cur.execute(read_query_file(filename)) db.commit() # Or split up each one as separate statements if False: for statement in read_query_file(filename).split(";"): # Optionally ignore errors if that is needed. try: cur.execute(statement) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: logger.warning(f"Ignoring sqlite error: {err}") db.commit() # Or run other commands on the database to modify things as needed. cur.close()
def get_next_migrate_script(migrate_scripts): "Returns the next migrate script that should execute." if len(migrate_scripts) == 0: raise MigrateError("migrate_scripts list is empty.") migrate_script = None sorted_migrate_scripts = migrate_scripts.copy() sorted_migrate_scripts.sort(key=version_number) cur = db.cursor() result = cur.execute(read_query_file("select_puzzle_massive_key.sql"), { "key": "database_version" }).fetchall() if result: (result, _) = rowify(result, cur.description) database_version = result[0]["intvalue"] else: database_version = 0 cur.close() # First time check if database_version == 0: if os.path.basename( sorted_migrate_scripts[0] ) == f"migrate_puzzle_massive_database_version_{database_version:03}.py": return sorted_migrate_scripts[0] else: raise MigrateError( f"The database version was missing or set to 0, but the migrate_puzzle_massive_database_version_{database_version:03}.py was not included in the migrate scripts to run." ) next_database_version = database_version + 1 for item in sorted_migrate_scripts: if os.path.basename( item ) == f"migrate_puzzle_massive_database_version_{next_database_version:03}.py": migrate_script = item break if version_number(item) > next_database_version: raise MigrateGapError( f"Missing migrate_puzzle_massive_database_version_{next_database_version:03}.py" ) return migrate_script
def test_next_migrate_script_for_initial_migration(self): "Get next migrate script to run for the initial migration" with with cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) db.commit() script_files = [ "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", ] migrate_script = get_next_migrate_script(script_files) # The initial one should be assert migrate_script == "some/path/to/"
def test_get_latest_version_based_on_migrate_scripts(self): "Get latest version based on migrate scripts" with with cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) db.commit() script_files = [ "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", "some/path/to/", ] latest_version = get_latest_version_based_on_migrate_scripts( script_files) assert latest_version == 902
def fix_redis_piece_groups(puzzles, results={}): "" _results = results.copy() # TODO: implement a fix for when there are multiple immovable piece groups # that have a different piece group then the top left piece. # Find each group that is not the same as the top left piece and remove # those pieces from the pcfixed redis smembers cur = db.cursor() print(f"failed redis puzzles: {puzzles}") for puzzle in puzzles: (result, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select_puzzle_top_left_piece_for_puzzle.sql"), { "id": puzzle }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, ) if not result or not result[0]: continue top_left_piece = result[0] pcg_for_top_left = redis_connection.hget( "pc:{puzzle}:{id}".format(puzzle=puzzle, id=top_left_piece["id"]), "g") # Fix by resetting the pcfixed members back to only those for the top # left piece group. redis_connection.sinterstore( f"pcfixed:{puzzle}", f"pcfixed:{puzzle}", "pcg:{puzzle}:{group}".format(puzzle=puzzle, group=pcg_for_top_left)) _results[puzzle]["fixed"] = True cur.close() return _results
def find_puzzles_in_redis(results={}): """ For each puzzle that is active in redis (is in pcupdates); check the immovable piece group counts. Fail any that do not equal the count for the top left piece group. """ _results = results.copy() cur = db.cursor() puzzles_in_redis = redis_connection.zrange("pcupdates", 0, -1) for puzzle in puzzles_in_redis: test_result = _results.get(puzzle, { "puzzle": puzzle, "msg": "", "test": [] }) test_result["test"].append("redis") _results.update({puzzle: test_result}) (result, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select_puzzle_top_left_piece_for_puzzle.sql"), { "id": puzzle }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, ) if not result or not result[0]: # Test failed. test_result[ "msg"] = "{msg} Failed to find top left piece for puzzle {puzzle}".format( msg=test_result.get("msg", ""), puzzle=puzzle) test_result["status"] = "fail" test_result["reason"] = "fail_no_top_left_piece" continue top_left_piece = result[0] test_result["puzzle_id"] = top_left_piece["puzzle_id"] # Compare the counts for the pcfixed and the top left piece group. They # should be the same. pcfixed_count = redis_connection.scard( "pcfixed:{puzzle}".format(puzzle=puzzle)) pcg_for_top_left = redis_connection.hget( "pc:{puzzle}:{id}".format(puzzle=puzzle, id=top_left_piece["id"]), "g") immovable_top_left_group_count = redis_connection.scard( "pcg:{puzzle}:{group}".format(puzzle=puzzle, group=pcg_for_top_left)) if pcfixed_count == immovable_top_left_group_count: # Test passed. test_result[ "msg"] = "{msg} {puzzle_id} {puzzle} all immovable pieces are in the same group as top left".format( msg=test_result.get("msg", ""), puzzle_id=top_left_piece["puzzle_id"], puzzle=puzzle, ) test_result["status"] = "pass" test_result["reason"] = "pass" continue else: # Test failed. test_result[ "msg"] = "{msg} {puzzle_id} {puzzle} not all immovable pieces are in the same group as top left".format( msg=test_result.get("msg", ""), puzzle_id=top_left_piece["puzzle_id"], puzzle=puzzle, ) test_result["status"] = "fail" test_result["reason"] = "fail_pcfixed_outside_of_top_left" cur.close() return _results
def do_task(self): super().do_task() made_change = False cur = db.cursor() user = redis_connection.spop("batchuser") while user: user = int(user) score = redis_connection.getset( "batchscore:{user}".format(user=user), value=0) redis_connection.expire("batchscore:{user}".format(user=user), DAY) points = redis_connection.getset( "batchpoints:{user}".format(user=user), value=0) redis_connection.expire("batchpoints:{user}".format(user=user), DAY) current_app.logger.debug( "update user {id} with {points} points and score of {score}". format(**{ "id": user, "points": points, "score": score })) r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/tasks/{task_name}/start/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], task_name="update_user_points_and_m_date", ), json={ "player": user, "points": points, "score": score, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: current_app.logger.warning( "Internal tasks api error. Could not run task update_user_points_and_m_date for player {}" .format(user)) r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/tasks/{task_name}/start/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], task_name="update_bit_icon_expiration", ), json={ "player": user, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: current_app.logger.warning( "Internal tasks api error. Could not run task update_bit_icon_expiration for player {}" .format(user)) user = redis_connection.spop("batchuser") made_change = True if self.first_run: result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "select_user_score_and_timestamp.sql")).fetchall() if result and len(result): "Set rank and timeline on {0} players".format(len(result))) user_scores = dict(map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], result)) user_timestamps = dict(map(lambda x: [x[0], int(x[2])], result)) redis_connection.zadd("rank", user_scores) redis_connection.zadd("timeline", user_timestamps) made_change = True self.first_run = False if made_change: self.log_task() cur.close()
def fork_puzzle_pieces(source_puzzle_data, puzzle_data): """ """ cur = db.cursor() original_puzzle_id = source_puzzle_data["puzzle_id"] source_instance_puzzle_id = source_puzzle_data["instance_puzzle_id"] puzzle_id = puzzle_data["puzzle_id"] "Creating new fork of puzzle {source_instance_puzzle_id} to {puzzle_id}" .format(source_instance_puzzle_id=source_instance_puzzle_id, puzzle_id=puzzle_id)) if source_puzzle_data["status"] not in (ACTIVE, IN_QUEUE, COMPLETED, FROZEN): raise DataError("Source puzzle not in acceptable status") result = cur.execute( "select * from Puzzle where id = :id", { "id": puzzle_data["id"] }, ).fetchall() if not result: raise DataError( "Puzzle {puzzle_id} no longer in maintenance status.".format( puzzle_id=puzzle_id)) (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) puzzle_data = result[0] if puzzle_data["status"] != MAINTENANCE: raise DataError( "Puzzle {puzzle_id} no longer in maintenance status.".format( puzzle_id=puzzle_id)) if puzzle_data["permission"] != PRIVATE: raise DataError( "Puzzle {puzzle_id} needs to have private (unlisted) permission.". format(puzzle_id=puzzle_id)) result = cur.execute( read_query_file("get_original_puzzle_id_from_puzzle_instance.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle_data["id"] }, ).fetchone() if not result: raise DataError("Error with puzzle instance {puzzle_id}.".format( puzzle_id=puzzle_id)) original_puzzle_id = result[0] original_puzzle_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], original_puzzle_id) puzzle_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], puzzle_id) # Copy the puzzle resources to the new puzzle_dir original_puzzle_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], original_puzzle_id) source_instance_puzzle_dir = os.path.join( current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], source_instance_puzzle_id) puzzle_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], puzzle_id) copytree(source_instance_puzzle_dir, puzzle_dir) # Get all piece props of source puzzle transfer(source_puzzle_data["instance_id"]) (piece_properties, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute( """select id, puzzle, adjacent, b, col, h, parent, r, rotate, row, status, w, x, y from Piece where (puzzle = :puzzle)""", { "puzzle": source_puzzle_data["instance_id"] }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, ) source_preview_full_attribution = None result = cur.execute( "select url, attribution from PuzzleFile where puzzle = :source_puzzle and name = :name;", { "name": "preview_full", "source_puzzle": source_puzzle_data["id"] }, ).fetchall() if result: (result, _) = rowify(result, cur.description) source_preview_full_url = result[0]["url"] attribution_id = result[0]["attribution"] if attribution_id: result = cur.execute( fetch_query_string("_select_attribution_for_id.sql"), { "attribution_id": attribution_id }, ).fetchall() if result: (result, _) = rowify(result, cur.description) source_preview_full_attribution = { "title": result[0]["title"], "author_link": result[0]["author_link"], "author_name": result[0]["author_name"], "source": result[0]["source"], "license_name": result[0]["license_name"], } cur.close() # Commit the piece properties and puzzle resources # row and col are really only useful for determining the top left piece when resetting puzzle for pc in piece_properties: pc["puzzle"] = puzzle_data["id"] r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/pieces/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, ), json={"piece_properties": piece_properties}, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error {}".format(r.json())) # Check if there is only one piece parent and mark as complete is_complete = True for index, pc in enumerate(piece_properties): if pc["parent"] != piece_properties[max(0, index - 1)]["parent"]: is_complete = False break # TODO: Copy attribution data on puzzle file if it exists. r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, file_name="original", ), json={ "url": "/resources/{puzzle_id}/original.jpg".format(puzzle_id=puzzle_id), }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error") r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, file_name="preview_full", ), json={ "url": "/resources/{puzzle_id}/preview_full.jpg".format( puzzle_id=puzzle_id) if source_preview_full_url.startswith("/") else source_preview_full_url, "attribution": source_preview_full_attribution, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error {}".format(r.json())) r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, file_name="pieces", ), json={ "url": "/resources/{puzzle_id}/scale-100/raster.png".format( puzzle_id=puzzle_id), }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error") r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, file_name="pzz", ), json={ "url": "/resources/{puzzle_id}/scale-100/raster.css?ts={timestamp}". format(puzzle_id=puzzle_id, timestamp=int(time.time())) }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error") status = ACTIVE if is_complete: status = COMPLETED r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, ), json={"status": status}, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error")
def transfer(puzzle, cleanup=True, skip_status_update=False): """ Transfer the puzzle data from Redis to the database. If the cleanup flag is set the Redis data for the puzzle will be removed afterward. """"transferring puzzle: {0}".format(puzzle)) cur = db.cursor() query = """select * from Puzzle where (id = :puzzle)""" (result, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute(query, { "puzzle": puzzle }).fetchall(), cur.description) if not result: # Most likely because of a database switch and forgot to run this script # between those actions. # TODO: Raise an error here and let the caller decide how to handle it. current_app.logger.warning( "Puzzle {} not in database. Skipping.".format(puzzle)) return puzzle_data = result[0] puzzle_previous_status = puzzle_data["status"] if not skip_status_update: r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], ), json={ "status": MAINTENANCE, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: # TODO: Raise an error here and let the caller decide how to handle it. current_app.logger.warning( "Puzzle details api error when setting status to maintenance {}" .format(puzzle_data["puzzle_id"])) return (all_pieces, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute(read_query_file("select_all_piece_props_for_puzzle.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle }).fetchall(), cur.description, ) # Save the redis data to the db if it has changed changed_pieces = [] pcstacked = set(map(int, redis_connection.smembers(f"pcstacked:{puzzle}"))) pcfixed = set(map(int, redis_connection.smembers(f"pcfixed:{puzzle}"))) for piece in all_pieces: has_changes = False pieceFromRedis = redis_connection.hgetall("pc:{puzzle}:{id}".format( puzzle=puzzle, id=piece["id"])) # The redis data may be empty so skip updating the db if len(pieceFromRedis) == 0: continue # Compare redis data with db for any changes for (prop, colname) in [ ("x", "x"), ("y", "y"), ("r", "r"), ("g", "parent"), ("", "status"), ]: if colname == "status": if piece["id"] in pcstacked: redis_piece_prop = 2 if piece["id"] in pcfixed: redis_piece_prop = 1 else: redis_piece_prop = pieceFromRedis.get(prop) redis_piece_prop = (int(redis_piece_prop) if isinstance( redis_piece_prop, str) else redis_piece_prop) if redis_piece_prop != piece[colname]: current_app.logger.debug("{} has {} changes. {} != {}".format( piece["id"], colname, redis_piece_prop, piece[colname])) piece[colname] = redis_piece_prop has_changes = True if has_changes: changed_pieces.append(piece) if len(changed_pieces) != 0: r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/pieces/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], ), json={"piece_properties": changed_pieces}, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle pieces api error. Failed to patch pieces. {}".format( r)) if cleanup: deletePieceDataFromRedis(redis_connection, puzzle, all_pieces) cur.close() if not skip_status_update: r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], ), json={ "status": puzzle_previous_status, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: # TODO: Raise an error here and let the caller decide how to handle it. current_app.logger.warning("Puzzle details api error") return
def main(): config_file = "site.cfg" config = loadConfig(config_file) cookie_secret = config.get("SECURE_COOKIE_SECRET") app = make_app(config=config_file, cookie_secret=cookie_secret, database_writable=True) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if config["DEBUG"] else logging.INFO) with app.app_context(): cur = db.cursor() # Always create the PuzzleMassive table in case it doesn't exist. cur.execute(read_query_file("create_table_puzzle_massive.sql")) db.commit() script_file = sys.argv[0] migrate_scripts = glob( f"{os.path.dirname(script_file)}/migrate_puzzle_massive_database_version_[0-9][0-9][0-9].py" ) if len(migrate_scripts) == 0: logger.warning( f"No migrate scripts found for glob: '{os.path.dirname(script_file)}/migrate_puzzle_massive_database_version_[0-9][0-9][0-9].py'" ) cur.close() sys.exit(0) next_migrate_script = get_next_migrate_script(migrate_scripts) sanity_count = 0 while next_migrate_script: version = version_number(next_migrate_script) f"Executing {next_migrate_script} to migrate from PuzzleMassive database version {version}." ) logger.debug(f"sanity count {sanity_count}") sanity_count = sanity_count + 1 # Execute the next_migrate_script try: output =[sys.executable, next_migrate_script], check=True, capture_output=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logger.debug(str(err)) logger.error(f"Failed when executing {next_migrate_script}.")"\n{err.stdout.decode()}\n") logger.error(f"\n{err.stderr.decode()}\n") cur.close() sys.exit(1)"\n{output.stdout.decode()}\n")"\n{output.stderr.decode()}\n") # Bump the database_version assuming that the migrate script was # successful. now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() f"Successfully executed {next_migrate_script} and will now update database_version to be {version + 1}." ) cur.execute( read_query_file("upsert_puzzle_massive.sql"), { "key": "database_version", "label": "Database Version", "description": f"Puzzle Massive Database version updated on {now}. Only update this via the {script_file}", "intvalue": version + 1, "textvalue": None, "blobvalue": None }) db.commit() next_migrate_script = get_next_migrate_script(migrate_scripts) if sanity_count > len(migrate_scripts): logger.error( "Exiting out of while loop for checking next migrate scripts." ) break else:"PuzzleMassive database version is up to date.") cur.close()
def do_task(self): super().do_task() made_change = False cur = db.cursor() puzzle = redis_connection.spop("batchpuzzle") while puzzle: last_batch = redis_connection.zrangebyscore( "timeline:{puzzle}".format(puzzle=puzzle), self.last_run, "+inf", withscores=True, ) for (user, update_timestamp) in last_batch: current_app.logger.debug( "user: {user}, {update_timestamp}".format( user=user, update_timestamp=update_timestamp)) user = int(user) points = int( redis_connection.getset( "batchpoints:{puzzle}:{user}".format(puzzle=puzzle, user=user), value=0, ) or "0") redis_connection.expire( "batchpoints:{puzzle}:{user}".format(puzzle=puzzle, user=user), DAY) if points != 0: result = cur.execute( fetch_query_string("select-all-from-puzzle-by-id.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle }, ).fetchall() if not result: current_app.logger.warn( "no puzzle details found for puzzle {}".format( puzzle)) continue (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) puzzle_data = result[0] puzzle_id = puzzle_data["puzzle_id"] timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(update_timestamp)) current_app.logger.debug( "{timestamp} - bumping {points} points on {puzzle} ({puzzle_id}) for player: {player}" .format( puzzle=puzzle, puzzle_id=puzzle_id, player=user, points=points, timestamp=timestamp, )) r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/timeline/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, ), json={ "player": user, "points": points, "timestamp": timestamp }, ) if r.status_code != 200: current_app.logger.warning( "Puzzle timeline api error. Could not add batchpoints. Skipping {puzzle_id}" .format(puzzle_id=puzzle_id, )) continue made_change = True puzzle = redis_connection.spop("batchpuzzle") if self.first_run: result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "get_list_of_puzzles_in_timeline.sql")).fetchall() if result and len(result): puzzle_list = list(map(lambda x: x[0], result)) for puzzle in puzzle_list: result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "select_user_score_and_timestamp_per_puzzle.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle }, ).fetchall() if result and len(result): "Set puzzle ({0}) score and puzzle timeline on {1} players" .format(puzzle, len(result))) user_score = dict(map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], result)) user_timestamps = dict( map(lambda x: [x[0], int(x[2])], result)) redis_connection.zadd( "timeline:{puzzle}".format(puzzle=puzzle), user_timestamps) redis_connection.zadd( "score:{puzzle}".format(puzzle=puzzle), user_score) made_change = True self.first_run = False self.last_run = int(time()) if made_change: self.log_task() cur.close()
def add_puzzle(self, data): cur = db.cursor() # Don't use unsplash description if puzzle already has one description = (self.description if self.description else escape( data.get("description", None))) puzzle_dir = os.path.join(self.puzzle_resources, self.puzzle_id) filename = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "original.jpg") f = open(filename, "w+b") links = data.get("links") if not links: raise Exception("Unsplash returned no links") download = links.get("download") if not download: raise Exception("Unsplash returned no download") r = requests.get(download) f.write(r.content) f.close() r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format(["HOSTAPI"],["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=self.puzzle_id, ), json={ "link": "", "description": description }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle details api error when setting link and description on unsplash photo upload {}" .format(self.puzzle_id)) puzzle = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select_puzzle_id_by_puzzle_id.sql"), { "puzzle_id": self.puzzle_id }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, )[0][0]["puzzle"] # Set preview full url and fallback to small preview_full_url = data.get("urls", {}).get("custom", data.get("urls", {}).get("small")) # Use the max version to keep the image ratio and not crop it. preview_full_url = re.sub("fit=crop", "fit=max", preview_full_url) # Not using url_fix on the user.links.html since it garbles the '@'. r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format(["HOSTAPI"],["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=self.puzzle_id, file_name="preview_full", ), json={ "attribution": { "title": "Photo", "author_link": "{user_link}?utm_source={application_name}&utm_medium=referral" .format( user_link=data.get("user").get("links").get("html"), application_name=self.application_name, ), "author_name": data.get("user").get("name"), "source": "{photo_link}?utm_source={application_name}&utm_medium=referral" .format( photo_link=data.get("links").get("html"), application_name=self.application_name, ), "license_name": "unsplash", }, "url": preview_full_url, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle file api error when setting attribution and url for unsplash preview_full {}" .format(self.puzzle_id)) cur.close()
config_file = sys.argv[1] config = loadConfig(config_file) db_file = config["SQLITE_DATABASE_URI"] db = sqlite3.connect(db_file) logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if config["DEBUG"] else logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": cur = db.cursor() ## Update for filename in [ "create_user_ip_index.sql", "create_puzzle_puzzle_id_index.sql", "create_piece_puzzle_index.sql", ]: for statement in read_query_file(filename).split(";"): try: cur.execute(statement) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: # Ignore sqlite error here if the slug_name column on BitAuthor # has already been added. logger.warning(f"Ignoring sqlite error: {err}") db.commit() cur.close()
def fabricate_fake_puzzle(self, **kw): cur = self.db.cursor() classic_variant = cur.execute( read_query_file("select-puzzle-variant-id-for-slug.sql"), { "slug": CLASSIC }).fetchone()[0] puzzle_id = "fabricated-{}".format(str(uuid4())) fake_puzzle = { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id, "pieces": 16, "name": "abc", "rows": 4, "cols": 4, "piece_width": 64.0, "mask_width": 102.0, "table_width": 2000, "table_height": 2000, "name": "abc", "link": "", "description": "example", "bg_color": "gray", "m_date": "2016-06-24 02:59:32", "owner": 0, "queue": 2, "status": ACTIVE, "permission": PUBLIC, } fake_puzzle.update(kw) puzzle_id = fake_puzzle.get("puzzle_id") # Create puzzle dir puzzle_dir = os.path.join("PUZZLE_RESOURCES"), puzzle_id) os.mkdir(puzzle_dir) # Create a blank file for the original and preview_full blank_original_image = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "original.jpg") open(blank_original_image, "a").close() blank_preview_full_image = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "preview_full.jpg") open(blank_preview_full_image, "a").close() # Add puzzle to database cur.execute(read_query_file("insert_puzzle.sql"), fake_puzzle) self.db.commit() # Get the puzzle id result = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select_puzzle_id_by_puzzle_id.sql"), { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, )[0][0] puzzle = result["puzzle"] cur.execute( read_query_file("insert-puzzle-instance.sql"), { "original": puzzle, "instance": puzzle, "variant": classic_variant }, ) fake_puzzle = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file( "select-internal-puzzle-details-for-puzzle_id.sql"), { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, )[0][0] # Add puzzle files to database cur.execute( read_query_file("add-puzzle-file.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle, "name": "original", "url": "/resources/{0}/original.jpg".format( puzzle_id), # Not a public file (only on admin page) }, ) cur.execute( read_query_file("add-puzzle-file.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle, "name": "preview_full", "url": "/resources/{0}/preview_full.jpg".format(puzzle_id), }, ) # Add puzzle instance classic_variant = cur.execute( read_query_file("select-puzzle-variant-id-for-slug.sql"), { "slug": CLASSIC }).fetchone()[0] cur.execute( read_query_file("insert-puzzle-instance.sql"), { "original": puzzle, "instance": puzzle, "variant": classic_variant }, ) # Add fake piece resources scale = 100 scaled_dir = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "scale-%i" % scale) os.mkdir(scaled_dir) open(os.path.join(scaled_dir, "raster.css"), "a").close() open(os.path.join(scaled_dir, "raster.png"), "a").close() self.db.commit() piece_properties = [] for pc in range(0, fake_puzzle["pieces"]): piece_properties.append({ "id": pc, "puzzle": puzzle, "x": randint(0, fake_puzzle["table_width"]), "y": randint(0, fake_puzzle["table_height"]), "w": 40, "h": 40, "r": 0, "adjacent": "", "rotate": 0, "row": -1, "col": -1, "parent": None, "b": 2, "status": None, }) # Fake top left piece piece_properties[0]["status"] = 1 piece_properties[0]["parent"] = 0 piece_properties[0]["row"] = 0 piece_properties[0]["col"] = 0 def each(pieces): for p in pieces: yield p cur.executemany(read_query_file("insert_pieces.sql"), each(piece_properties)) cur.execute( read_query_file("add-puzzle-file.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle, "name": "pieces", "url": "/resources/{puzzle_id}/scale-100/raster.png".format( puzzle_id=puzzle_id), }, ) cur.execute( read_query_file("add-puzzle-file.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle, "name": "pzz", "url": "/resources/{puzzle_id}/scale-100/raster.css?ts={timestamp}". format(puzzle_id=puzzle_id, timestamp=int(time.time())), }, ) self.db.commit() cur.close() return fake_puzzle, piece_properties
def render(*args): """ Render any puzzles that are in the render queue. Each puzzle should exist in the Puzzle db with the IN_RENDER_QUEUE or REBUILD status and have an original.jpg file. """ # Delete old piece properties if existing # Delete old PuzzleFile for name if existing # TODO: update preview image in PuzzleFile? cur = db.cursor() for puzzle in args: "Rendering puzzle: {puzzle_id}".format(**puzzle)) result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "select-internal-puzzle-details-for-puzzle_id.sql"), { "puzzle_id": puzzle["puzzle_id"] }, ).fetchall() if not result: "Puzzle {puzzle_id} not available; skipping.".format(**puzzle)) continue puzzle_data = rowify( result, cur.description, )[0][0] if puzzle_data["status"] not in (IN_RENDER_QUEUE, REBUILD): "Puzzle {puzzle_id} no longer in rendering status; skipping.". format(**puzzle)) continue # Set the status of the puzzle to rendering r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], ), json={"status": RENDERING}, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error") result = cur.execute( read_query_file("get_original_puzzle_id_from_puzzle_instance.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle["id"] }, ).fetchone() if not result: print("Error with puzzle instance {puzzle_id} ; skipping.".format( **puzzle)) continue original_puzzle_id = result[0] puzzle_id = puzzle["puzzle_id"] original_puzzle_dir = os.path.join( current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], original_puzzle_id) puzzle_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config["PUZZLE_RESOURCES"], puzzle_id) # If it is being rebuilt then delete all the other resources. cleanup(puzzle_id, ["original.jpg", "preview_full.jpg"]) scaled_sizes = [ 100, ] # Create the preview full if it is a new original puzzle. A puzzle is # considered to be 'new' if status was IN_RENDER_QUEUE and not REBUILD. # TODO: use requests.get to get original.jpg and run in another thread if original_puzzle_id == puzzle_id and puzzle[ "status"] == IN_RENDER_QUEUE: im =, "original.jpg")).copy() im.thumbnail(size=(384, 384)), "preview_full.jpg")) im.close() # TODO: get path of original.jpg via the PuzzleFile query # TODO: use requests.get to get original.jpg and run in another thread imagefile = os.path.join(original_puzzle_dir, "original.jpg") im = (width, height) = im.size im.close() # Scale down puzzle image to avoid have pieces too big # min_pixels = (MIN_PIECE_SIZE * MIN_PIECE_SIZE) * int(puzzle['pieces']) max_pixels = min(MAX_PIXELS, (MAX_PIECE_SIZE * MAX_PIECE_SIZE) * int(puzzle["pieces"])) im_pixels = width * height if im_pixels > max_pixels: resizedimagefile = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "resized-original.jpg") # The image is too big which would create piece sizes larger then the MAX_PIECE_SIZE # resize the image using image magick @[ "convert", imagefile, "-resize", "{0}@".format(max_pixels), "-strip", "-quality", "85%", resizedimagefile, ]) im = (width, height) = im.size im_pixels = width * height imagefile = resizedimagefile im.close() # Create svg lines jpc = JigsawPieceClipsSVG( width=width, height=height, pieces=int(puzzle["pieces"]), minimum_piece_size=MIN_PIECE_SIZE, ) svgfile = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "lines.svg") f = open(svgfile, "w") f.write(jpc.svg()) f.close() # Create pieces piece_count = 0 dimensions = {} for scale in scaled_sizes: scale = int(scale) scaled_dir = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "scale-%i" % scale) os.mkdir(scaled_dir) # max_pixels is 0 to prevent resizing, since this is handled before creating piece clips svg # Skip creating the svg files for each piece by setting vector to False (too memory intensive) pieces = Pieces(svgfile, imagefile, scaled_dir, scale=scale, max_pixels=0, vector=False) pieces.cut() pieces.generate_resources() piece_count = len(pieces.pieces) piece_bboxes = pieces.pieces dimensions[scale] = { "width": pieces.width, "height": pieces.height, "table_width": int(pieces.width * 2.5), "table_height": int(pieces.height * 2.5), "board_url": "puzzle_board-%s.html" % scale, } tw = dimensions[100]["table_width"] th = dimensions[100]["table_height"] # Update the table width and height, set the new piece count r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], ), json={ "pieces": piece_count, "table_width": tw, "table_height": th, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Puzzle details api error") # Update the css file with dimensions for puzzle outline cssfile = open(os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "scale-100", "raster.css"), "a") cssfile.write( "[id=puzzle-outline]{{width:{width}px;height:{height}px;left:{left}px;top:{top}px;}}" .format( width=pieces.width, height=pieces.height, left=int(round(old_div((tw - pieces.width), 2))), top=int(round(old_div((th - pieces.height), 2))), )) cssfile.close() # Get the top left piece by checking the bounding boxes top_left_piece = "0" minLeft = piece_bboxes[top_left_piece][0] minTop = piece_bboxes[top_left_piece][1] for key in list(piece_bboxes.keys()): if piece_bboxes[key][0] <= minLeft and piece_bboxes[key][ 1] <= minTop: top_left_piece = key minLeft = piece_bboxes[key][0] minTop = piece_bboxes[key][1] top_left_piece = int(top_left_piece) piece_properties = [] for i in range(0, piece_count): piece_properties.append({ "id": i, "puzzle": puzzle["id"], "x": randint(0, tw), "y": randint(0, th), "w": piece_bboxes[str(i)][2] - piece_bboxes[str(i)][0], "h": piece_bboxes[str(i)][3] - piece_bboxes[str(i)][1], "r": 0, # mutable rotation of piece "rotate": 0, # immutable piece orientation "row": -1, # deprecated "col": -1, # deprecated # "s": 0, # side "parent": None, # parent "b": 2, # TODO: will need to be either 0 for dark or 1 for light "status": None, }) # Set the top left piece to the top left corner and make it immovable piece_properties[top_left_piece]["x"] = int( round(old_div((tw - pieces.width), 2))) piece_properties[top_left_piece]["y"] = int( round(old_div((th - pieces.height), 2))) piece_properties[top_left_piece]["status"] = 1 piece_properties[top_left_piece]["parent"] = top_left_piece # set row and col for finding the top left piece again after reset of puzzle piece_properties[top_left_piece]["row"] = 0 piece_properties[top_left_piece]["col"] = 0 # create index.json data = { "version": "alpha", "generator": "piecemaker", "scaled": scaled_sizes, "sides": [0], "piece_count": piece_count, "image_author": "none", "image_link": "none", "image_title": "none", "image_description": "none", "puzzle_author": "yup", "puzzle_link": "yup", "scaled_dimensions": dimensions, "piece_properties": piece_properties, } f = open(os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "index.json"), "w") json.dump(data, f) f.close() # Create adjacent pieces adjacent_pieces = None if ( False ): # TODO: Use the overlapping masks approach when using a custom cut lines first_scaled_dir = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "scale-%i" % scaled_sizes[0]) adjacent = Adjacent(first_scaled_dir, by_overlap=True) adjacent_pieces = adjacent.adjacent_pieces else: # Find adjacent pieces by bounding boxes only and skip corners first_scaled_dir = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "scale-%i" % scaled_sizes[0]) adjacent = Adjacent(first_scaled_dir, by_overlap=False) adjacent_pieces = adjacent.adjacent_pieces filtered_adjacent_pieces = {} # filter out the corner adjacent pieces for target_id, target_adjacent_list in list( adjacent_pieces.items()): target_bbox = piece_bboxes[target_id] # [0, 0, 499, 500] target_center_x = target_bbox[0] + int( round(old_div((target_bbox[2] - target_bbox[0]), 2))) target_center_y = target_bbox[1] + int( round(old_div((target_bbox[3] - target_bbox[1]), 2))) filtered_adjacent_list = [] for adjacent_id in target_adjacent_list: adjacent_bbox = piece_bboxes[ adjacent_id] # [0, 347, 645, 996] left = (adjacent_bbox[0] < target_center_x) and ( adjacent_bbox[2] < target_center_x) top = (adjacent_bbox[1] < target_center_y) and ( adjacent_bbox[3] < target_center_y) right = (adjacent_bbox[0] > target_center_x) and ( adjacent_bbox[2] > target_center_x) bottom = (adjacent_bbox[1] > target_center_y) and ( adjacent_bbox[3] > target_center_y) if ((top and left) or (top and right) or (bottom and left) or (bottom and right)): loc = [] if top and left: loc.append("top left") if top and right: loc.append("top right") if bottom and left: loc.append("bottom left") if bottom and right: loc.append("bottom right") # print("adjacent piece: {0} is {2} corner piece of {1}".format(adjacent_id, target_id, loc)) # print("adjacent bbox: {0}".format(adjacent_bbox)) # print("target bbox: {0}".format(target_bbox)) else: filtered_adjacent_list.append(adjacent_id) filtered_adjacent_pieces[target_id] = filtered_adjacent_list adjacent_pieces = filtered_adjacent_pieces # print(filtered_adjacent_pieces) # for f, g in filtered_adjacent_pieces.items(): # print("{0} with {1} adjacent pieces: {2}".format(f, len(g), g)) f = open(os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "adjacent.json"), "w") json.dump(adjacent_pieces, f) f.close() # Create adjacent offsets for the scale for pc in piece_properties: origin_x = piece_bboxes[str(pc["id"])][0] origin_y = piece_bboxes[str(pc["id"])][1] offsets = {} for adj_pc in adjacent_pieces[str(pc["id"])]: x = piece_bboxes[adj_pc][0] - origin_x y = piece_bboxes[adj_pc][1] - origin_y offsets[adj_pc] = "{x},{y}".format(x=x, y=y) adjacent_str = " ".join( map( lambda k, v: "{0}:{1}".format(k, v), list(offsets.keys()), list(offsets.values()), )) pc["adjacent"] = adjacent_str # The original.jpg is assumed to be available locally because of # Clear out any older pieces and their puzzle files, (raster.png, # raster.css) but keep preview full. r = requests.delete( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/pieces/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], )) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle pieces api error when deleting pieces for puzzle {}". format(puzzle["puzzle_id"])) for name in [ "pieces", "pzz", ]: r = requests.delete( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], file_name=name, ), ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle file api error when deleting file '{}' for puzzle {}" .format(name, puzzle["puzzle_id"])) # Commit the piece properties and puzzle resources # row and col are really only useful for determining the top left piece when resetting puzzle r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/pieces/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], ), json={"piece_properties": piece_properties}, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle pieces api error. Failed to post pieces. {}".format(r)) # Update Puzzle data puzzleStatus = ACTIVE if original_puzzle_id == puzzle_id and puzzle["permission"] == PUBLIC: puzzleStatus = IN_QUEUE # TODO: if puzzle is unsplash photo then check if preview_full is still # reachable. If it isn't; then run the set_lost_unsplash_photo from # migratePuzzleFile. r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/". format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], ), json={ "status": puzzleStatus, "m_date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()), }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle details api error when updating status and m_date on newly rendered puzzle" ) for (name, url) in [ ( "pieces", "/resources/{puzzle_id}/scale-100/raster.png".format( puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"]), ), ( "pzz", "/resources/{puzzle_id}/scale-100/raster.css?ts={timestamp}". format(puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], timestamp=int(time.time())), ), ]: r = "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/files/{file_name}/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle["puzzle_id"], file_name=name, ), json={ "url": url, }, ) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Puzzle file api error when adding file '{}' on newly rendered puzzle" .format(name)) cur.close() keep_list = [ "original.jpg", "preview_full.jpg", "resized-original.jpg", "scale-100", "raster.css", "raster.png", ] cleanup(puzzle["puzzle_id"], keep_list)
def generate_puzzles(count=1, size="180x180!", min_pieces=0, max_pieces=9, user=3): cur = db.cursor() for index in range(count): link = "" description = "" bg_color = "#444444" permission = PUBLIC if min_pieces: pieces = randint(min_pieces, max_pieces) else: pieces = max_pieces filename = "random-{}.png".format(str(uuid4())) d = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d.%H_%M_%S", time.localtime()) puzzle_id = "random-{}".format( hashlib.sha224(bytes("%s%s" % (filename, d), "utf-8")).hexdigest()[0:30]) # Create puzzle dir puzzle_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config.get("PUZZLE_RESOURCES"), puzzle_id) os.mkdir(puzzle_dir) # Create random image file_path = os.path.join(puzzle_dir, filename) subprocess.check_call( ["convert", "-size", "200x150", "plasma:fractal", file_path]) subprocess.check_call([ "convert", file_path, "-paint", "10", "-blur", "0x5", "-paint", "10", "-filter", "box", "-resize", size, "+repage", "-auto-level", "-quality", "85%", "-format", "jpg", os.path.join(puzzle_dir, "original.jpg"), ]) os.unlink(file_path) # Insert puzzle directly to render queue instead of setting status to NEEDS_MODERATION d = { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id, "pieces": pieces, "name": filename, "link": link, "description": description, "bg_color": bg_color, "owner": user, "queue": QUEUE_NEW, "status": IN_RENDER_QUEUE, "permission": permission, } cur.execute(read_query_file("insert_puzzle.sql"), d) db.commit() puzzle = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select_puzzle_id_by_puzzle_id.sql"), { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, )[0][0] puzzle = puzzle["puzzle"] cur.execute( read_query_file("add-puzzle-file.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle, "name": "original", "url": "/resources/{0}/original.jpg".format( puzzle_id), # Not a public file (only on admin page) }, ) cur.execute( read_query_file("add-puzzle-file.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle, "name": "preview_full", "url": "/resources/{0}/preview_full.jpg".format(puzzle_id), }, ) classic_variant = cur.execute( read_query_file("select-puzzle-variant-id-for-slug.sql"), { "slug": CLASSIC }).fetchone()[0] cur.execute( read_query_file("insert-puzzle-instance.sql"), { "original": puzzle, "instance": puzzle, "variant": classic_variant }, ) db.commit() print("pieces: {pieces} {puzzle_id}".format(**locals())) puzzles = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select-puzzles-in-render-queue.sql"), { "IN_RENDER_QUEUE": IN_RENDER_QUEUE, "REBUILD": REBUILD }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, )[0] print("found {0} puzzles to render".format(len(puzzles))) # push each puzzle to artist job queue for puzzle in puzzles: # push puzzle to artist job queue job = current_app.createqueue.enqueue_call( func="", args=([puzzle]), result_ttl=0, timeout="24h", ) cur.close()
def generate_puzzle_instances(count=1, min_pieces=0, max_pieces=9): cur = db.cursor() for index in range(count): bg_color = "#444444" permission = PUBLIC if min_pieces: pieces = randint(min_pieces, max_pieces) else: pieces = max_pieces result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "select-random-player-with-available-user-puzzle-slot.sql") ).fetchone()[0] if result: player = result # select a random original puzzle result = cur.execute( read_query_file( "select-random-puzzle-for-new-puzzle-instance.sql"), { "ACTIVE": ACTIVE, "IN_QUEUE": IN_QUEUE, "COMPLETED": COMPLETED, "FROZEN": FROZEN, "REBUILD": REBUILD, "IN_RENDER_QUEUE": IN_RENDER_QUEUE, "RENDERING": RENDERING, "PUBLIC": PUBLIC, }, ).fetchall() if not result: print("no puzzle found") continue (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) originalPuzzleData = result[0] filename = "random-{}.png".format(str(uuid4())) d = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d.%H_%M_%S", time.localtime()) puzzle_id = "rnd-instance-{}".format( hashlib.sha224(bytes("%s%s" % (filename, d), "utf-8")).hexdigest()[0:30]) # Create puzzle dir puzzle_dir = os.path.join( current_app.config.get("PUZZLE_RESOURCES"), puzzle_id) os.mkdir(puzzle_dir) # Insert puzzle directly to render queue d = { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id, "pieces": pieces, "name": originalPuzzleData["name"], "link": originalPuzzleData["link"], "description": originalPuzzleData["description"], "bg_color": bg_color, "owner": player, "queue": QUEUE_NEW, "status": IN_RENDER_QUEUE, "permission": permission, } cur.execute( """insert into Puzzle ( puzzle_id, pieces, name, link, description, bg_color, owner, queue, status, permission) values (:puzzle_id, :pieces, :name, :link, :description, :bg_color, :owner, :queue, :status, :permission); """, d, ) db.commit() result = cur.execute( "select * from Puzzle where puzzle_id = :puzzle_id;", { "puzzle_id": puzzle_id }, ).fetchall() if not result: raise Exception("no puzzle instance") (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) puzzleData = result[0] puzzle = puzzleData["id"] classic_variant = cur.execute( read_query_file("select-puzzle-variant-id-for-slug.sql"), { "slug": CLASSIC }, ).fetchone()[0] cur.execute( read_query_file("insert-puzzle-instance.sql"), { "original": originalPuzzleData["id"], "instance": puzzle, "variant": classic_variant, }, ) cur.execute( read_query_file("fill-user-puzzle-slot.sql"), { "player": player, "puzzle": puzzle }, ) db.commit() print("pieces: {pieces} {puzzle_id}".format(**locals())) job = current_app.createqueue.enqueue_call( func="", args=([puzzleData]), result_ttl=0, timeout="24h", ) cur.close()
db = sqlite3.connect(db_file) application_name = config.get("UNSPLASH_APPLICATION_NAME") # TODO: Update to use sqlalchemy # db = create_engine(config['CHILL_DATABASE_URI'], echo=config['DEBUG']) cur = db.cursor() ## Create the new tables and populate with initial data query_files = list(PUZZLE_CREATE_TABLE_LIST) query_files.append("initial_puzzle_variant.sql") query_files.append("insert_initial_admin_user.sql") query_files.append("insert_initial_anon_user.sql") for file_path in query_files: query = read_query_file(file_path) for statement in query.split(";"): cur.execute(statement) db.commit() ## Set initial licenses for statement in read_query_file("initial_licenses.sql").split(";"): cur.execute(statement, {"application_name": application_name}) db.commit() ## Set puzzle features that are enabled puzzle_features = config.get("PUZZLE_FEATURES", set()) print(f"Enabling puzzle features: {puzzle_features}") for query_file in puzzle_features_init_list(puzzle_features): cur.execute(read_query_file(query_file)) db.commit()
def find_puzzles_in_database(results={}): """ """ _results = results.copy() cur = db.cursor() (puzzles_in_database, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file("select_all_puzzles_with_rendered_pieces.sql"), ).fetchall(), cur.description, ) if not puzzles_in_database: # no matching puzzles found return _results for puzzle_data in puzzles_in_database: puzzle = puzzle_data["id"] test_result = _results.get( puzzle, { "puzzle": puzzle, "puzzle_id": puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], "msg": "", "test": [], }, ) test_result["test"].append("database") _results.update({puzzle: test_result}) # TODO: Check piece data for this puzzle to see if pieces that are # immovable have the same parent as top left piece. (immovable_pieces, col_names) = rowify( cur.execute( read_query_file( "select_immovable_piece_groups_for_puzzle.sql"), { "puzzle": puzzle }, ).fetchall(), cur.description, ) # Fail if no immovable piece groups if not immovable_pieces: test_result[ "msg"] = "{msg} {puzzle_id} {puzzle} no immovable piece groups found in database".format( msg=test_result.get("msg", ""), puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], puzzle=puzzle, ) test_result["status"] = "fail" test_result["reason"] = "fail_no_immovable_piece_groups" # Fail if more than one immovable piece group if len(immovable_pieces) > 1: test_result[ "msg"] = "{msg} {puzzle_id} {puzzle} multiple immovable piece groups found in database".format( msg=test_result.get("msg", ""), puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], puzzle=puzzle, ) test_result["status"] = "fail" test_result["reason"] = "fail_multiple_immovable_piece_groups" # Pass if only one immovable piece group found if len(immovable_pieces) == 1: test_result[ "msg"] = "{msg} {puzzle_id} {puzzle} single immovable piece group found in database".format( msg=test_result.get("msg", ""), puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], puzzle=puzzle, ) test_result["status"] = "pass" test_result["reason"] = "pass" return _results
def generate_users(count): def generate_name(user_id): # TODO: Use generated names from return "Random Name for " + str(user_id) cur = db.cursor() for index in range(count): ip = ".".join(map(lambda x: str(randint(0, 255)), range(4))) score = randint(0, 15000) login = generate_user_login() query = """insert into User (points, score, login, m_date, ip) values (:points, :score, :login, datetime('now'), :ip)""" cur.execute( query, { "ip": ip, "login": login, "points": current_app.config["NEW_USER_STARTING_POINTS"], "score": score, }, ) result = cur.execute(QUERY_USER_ID_BY_LOGIN, { "ip": ip, "login": login }).fetchall() (result, col_names) = rowify(result, cur.description) user_id = result[0]["id"] # Claim a random bit icon cur.execute(read_query_file("claim_random_bit_icon.sql"), {"user": user_id}) # Randomly Add slots for chance in range(randint(0, 1)): slotcount = randint(1, 6) if slotcount == 6: slotcount = randint(1, 50) if slotcount == 50: slotcount = randint(50, 250) for slot in range(slotcount): cur.execute(read_query_file("add-new-user-puzzle-slot.sql"), {"player": user_id}) # Randomly assign player names chance_for_name = randint(0, 5) if chance_for_name == 5: display_name = generate_name(user_id) name = display_name.lower() cur.execute( read_query_file( "add-user-name-on-name-register-for-player-to-be-reviewed.sql" ), { "player_id": user_id, "name": name, "display_name": display_name, "time": "+{} minutes".format(randint(1, 60)), }, ) cur.close() db.commit()
def do_task(self): super().do_task() made_change = False cur = db.cursor() result = cur.execute( fetch_query_string( "select-active-public-puzzles-due-for-retirement.sql") ).fetchall() if result: for item in result: puzzle_id = item[0] current_app.logger.debug( "{} has been inactive for more than 7 days".format( puzzle_id)) r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, ), json={ "status": IN_QUEUE, "queue": QUEUE_INACTIVE }, ) if r.status_code != 200: current_app.logger.warning( "Puzzle details api error. Could not update puzzle m_date to {m_date}. Skipping {puzzle_id}" .format( m_date=m_date, puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], )) continue made_change = True # select all ACTIVE puzzles within each skill range skill_range_active_count = 2 for (low, high) in SKILL_LEVEL_RANGES: result = cur.execute( read_query_file("count-active-puzzles-within-skill-range.sql"), { "low": low, "high": high }, ).fetchone() if result == None or result[0] < skill_range_active_count: result = cur.execute( fetch_query_string( "select-puzzle-next-in-queue-to-be-active.sql"), { "low": low, "high": high, "active_count": skill_range_active_count, }, ).fetchall() if result: current_app.logger.debug( "Bump next puzzle in queue to be active for skill level range {low}, {high}" .format(low=low, high=high)) # This use to be 4 days in the past, now uses present time. m_date_now = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(time())) for item in result: puzzle_id = item[0] current_app.logger.debug( "{} is next in queue to be active".format( puzzle_id)) r = requests.patch( "http://{HOSTAPI}:{PORTAPI}/internal/puzzle/{puzzle_id}/details/" .format( HOSTAPI=current_app.config["HOSTAPI"], PORTAPI=current_app.config["PORTAPI"], puzzle_id=puzzle_id, ), json={ "status": ACTIVE, "m_date": m_date_now }, ) if r.status_code != 200: current_app.logger.warning( "Puzzle details api error. Could not update puzzle m_date to {m_date} and status to active. Skipping {puzzle_id}" .format( m_date=m_date_now, puzzle_id=puzzle_data["puzzle_id"], )) continue made_change = True if made_change: self.log_task() cur.close()