def __init__(self, parent, model): QWidget.__init__(self) Ui_NodeFBox.__init__(parent) EventHandler.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) self.model = model self.translation() if IndexerFound: self.opt = ModifIndex(self, model) self.vfs = vfs() if QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR >= "4.5.0": if IndexerFound: self.notIndexed.linkActivated.connect(self.index_opt2) self.indexOpt.clicked.connect(self.explain_this_odd_behavior) self.advancedSearch.clicked.connect(self.adv_search) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("add_node"), self.parent.model.fillingList) else: QtCore.QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked(bool)"), self.searching) if IndexerFound: QtCore.QObject.connect(self.index_opt, SIGNAL("clicked(bool)"), self.explain_this_odd_behavior) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.notIndexed, SIGNAL("linkActivated()"), self.index_opt2) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.advancedSearch, SIGNAL("clicked(bool)"), self.adv_search) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("add_node"), self.parent.model.fillingList) self.filterThread = FilterThread() # Future feature self.indexOpt.hide()
class NodeFilterBox(QWidget, Ui_NodeFBox, EventHandler): """ This class is designed to perform searches on nodes in the VFS or a part of the VFS. """ def __init__(self, parent, model): QWidget.__init__(self) Ui_NodeFBox.__init__(parent) EventHandler.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) self.model = model self.translation() if IndexerFound: self.opt = ModifIndex(self, model) self.vfs = vfs() if QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR >= "4.5.0": if IndexerFound: self.notIndexed.linkActivated.connect(self.index_opt2) self.indexOpt.clicked.connect(self.explain_this_odd_behavior) self.advancedSearch.clicked.connect(self.adv_search) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("add_node"), self.parent.model.fillingList) else: QtCore.QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked(bool)"), self.searching) if IndexerFound: QtCore.QObject.connect(self.index_opt, SIGNAL("clicked(bool)"), self.explain_this_odd_behavior) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.notIndexed, SIGNAL("linkActivated()"), self.index_opt2) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.advancedSearch, SIGNAL("clicked(bool)"), self.adv_search) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("add_node"), self.parent.model.fillingList) self.filterThread = FilterThread() # Future feature self.indexOpt.hide() # def Event(self, e): # node = e.value.value() # if e.type == 514: # self.emit(SIGNAL("add_node"), long(node.this)) def index_opt2(self, url): self.explain_this_odd_behavior() def explain_this_odd_behavior(self): ret = self.opt.exec_() thread.start_new_thread(self.index_opt, (True, ret)) def index_opt(self, changed, ret): # set labal to indicate that a dir is not indexed to empty self.notIndexed.setText("") conf = Conf() index_path = conf.index_path if ret == QDialog.Accepted: index = Index(index_path) index.createIndex() # config index index_c = self.opt.indexFileContent.checkState() index_a = self.opt.indexFileAttr.checkState() if index_c == Qt.Checked: index.setIndexContent(True) else: index.setIndexContent(False) if index_a == Qt.Checked: index.setIndexAttr(True) else: index.setIndexAttr(False) value = 0 for i in self.opt.un_index: recurse = self.opt.indexed_items[long(i)] node = VFS.Get().getNodeFromPointer(i) for (root_dir, files, dirs) in self.vfs.walk(node, True, 1): value += len(files) for i in self.opt.tmp_indexed_items: recurse = self.opt.tmp_indexed_items[long(i)] node = VFS.Get().getNodeFromPointer(i) for (root_dir, files, dirs) in self.vfs.walk(node, True, 1): value += len(files) self.emit(SIGNAL("number_max"), value) # delete doc from index (if any stuff are to be deleted) value = 0 for i in self.opt.un_index: recurse = self.opt.indexed_items[long(i)] node = VFS.Get().getNodeFromPointer(i) if recurse == True: tmp = node.children() for j in tmp: value += 1 IndexSearch.deleteDoc(str(j.absolute()).lower(), str(index_path).lower()) else: value += 1 self.deleteRecurse(node, index, index_path) self.emit(SIGNAL("number_indexed"), value) self.opt.indexed_items.pop(i) # adding new selected nodes in index for i in self.opt.tmp_indexed_items: node = VFS.Get().getNodeFromPointer(i) self.opt.indexed_items[i] = self.opt.tmp_indexed_items[i] # only index current node content if self.opt.indexed_items[i] == True: tmp = node.children() for ii in tmp: value += 1 index.indexData(ii) else: # index recursively value += 1 self.recurseNode(node, index) self.emit(SIGNAL("number_indexed"), value) self.opt.tmp_indexed_items.clear() index.closeIndex() # un-activated the check box for nodes which have been recursivly indexed. self.hide_recurse() # clear the un index dict self.opt.un_index.clear() def hide_recurse(self): for i in range(0, self.opt.indexedItems.rowCount()): item = self.opt.indexedItems.item(i, 1) if == Qt.Checked: item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) def deleteRecurse(self, node, index, index_path): if not node: return if node.size() and node.isFile(): IndexSearch.deleteDoc(str(node.absolute()), index_path) if node.hasChildren(): # if the node has children, get all of them tmp = node.children() for i in tmp: self.deleteRecurse(i, index, index_path) def recurseNode(self, node, index): if not node: return if node.size() and node.isFile(): index.indexData(node) if node.hasChildren(): # if the node has children, get all of them tmp = node.children() for i in tmp: self.recurseNode(i, index) def adv_search(self, changed): # parent is an instance of NodeBrowser adv = AdvSearch(self) self.parent.parent.addSearchTab(adv) adv.setCurrentNode(self.parent.model.rootItem) adv.path.setText(adv.search_in_node.absolute()) return ret = return ret = self.adv.exec_() if ret == QDialog.Accepted: all_word = str(self.adv.allWords.text()) none_word = str(self.adv.noneWord.text()) one_word = str(self.adv.oneWord.text()) if all_word == "t": all_word = "" if none_word == "t": none_word = "" if one_word == "t": one_word = "" if all_word == "" and none_word == "" and one_word == "": return query = "" query += one_word none_word = none_word.lstrip() l = none_word.split() if len(l): for i in l: query += " -" + i elif none_word != "": query += " -" + none_word all_word = all_word.lstrip() l = all_word.split() if len(l): for i in l: query += " AND " + i elif all_word != "": if self.adv.allWordTitle.isChecked(): query += all_word if self.adv.allWordContent.isChecked(): query += all_word # prepare stuff to fo the query conf = Conf() index_path = conf.index_path # get path to the index search_engine = IndexSearch(index_path) search_engine.exec_query(query, "") def filterRegExpChanged(self): if self.quickSearch.isChecked(): if self.caseSensitivity.isChecked(): caseSensitivity = Qt.CaseSensitive else: caseSensitivity = Qt.CaseInsensitive regExp = QRegExp(self.filterPatternLineEdit.text(), caseSensitivity) regExp.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp.RegExp) if self.parent.currentProxyModel(): self.parent.currentProxyModel().setFilterRegExp(regExp) def searching(self, changed): if not self.searchClause.text().isEmpty(): if self.recurse.checkState() != Qt.Checked: self.filterThread.setOneFolder(True) else: self.filterThread.setOneFolder(False) self.filterThread.setRecursive(True) clause = 'name == w("*' + str(self.searchClause.text()) + '*",i)' self.filterThread.setContext(clause, self.parent.model.rootItem, self.parent.model) self.filterThread.start() def translation(self): self.msg_not_indexed ="This location is not indexed.") self.msg_not_indexed2 ="Index it ?") def vfs_item_model(self, model): """ Method used to access to the vfsitemmodel. It is used to know the current directory in which we currently are. """ self.vfs_model = model self.connect(self.vfs_model, SIGNAL("rootPathChanged"), self.hideIndexBar) def hideIndexBar(self, node): self.notIndexed.setText("")