コード例 #1
    def test_creation(self):
        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title)

        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        eq_("9780698185395", edition.primary_identifier.identifier)

        # The alternate ISBN is marked as equivalent to the primary identifier,
        # but at a greatly reduced strength.
        [equivalency] = [x for x in edition.primary_identifier.equivalencies]
        eq_("9781594633669", equivalency.output.identifier)
        eq_(0.5, equivalency.strength)
        # That strength is not enough to make the alternate ISBN an equivalent
        # identifier for the edition.
        equivalent_identifiers = [(x.type, x.identifier)
                                  for x in edition.equivalent_identifiers()]
        eq_([("ISBN", "9780698185395")], sorted(equivalent_identifiers))

        eq_(datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 1, 0, 0), edition.published)
        # The list said the author was 'Paula Hawkins', but we couldn't
        # find a sort name based on that, so no Contributor was created,
        # so the book has no known author.
        # See below for cases where we are able to find a sort name.
        eq_("[Unknown]", edition.author)
        eq_("[Unknown]", edition.sort_author)
        eq_("Riverhead", edition.publisher)
コード例 #2
    def test_to_edition_sets_sort_author_name_if_obvious(self):
        [contributor], ignore = Contributor.lookup(self._db, u"Hawkins, Paula")
        contributor.display_name = u"Paula Hawkins"

        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title)
        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        eq_(contributor.sort_name, edition.sort_author)
        eq_(contributor.display_name, edition.author)
        assert edition.permanent_work_id is not None
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_nyt.py プロジェクト: pic-ed/LibrarySimplifies
    def test_to_edition_sets_sort_author_name_if_metadata_client_provides_it(self):

        # Set the metadata client up for success.
        self.metadata_client.lookups["Paula Hawkins"] = "Hawkins, Paula Z."

        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title, Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM)
        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        eq_("Hawkins, Paula Z.", edition.sort_author)
        assert edition.permanent_work_id is not None
コード例 #4
    def test_to_edition_sets_sort_author_name_if_obvious(self):
        [contributor], ignore = Contributor.lookup(
            self._db, u"Hawkins, Paula")
        contributor.display_name = u"Paula Hawkins"

        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title, Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM)
        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        eq_(contributor.sort_name, edition.sort_author)
        eq_(contributor.display_name, edition.author)
        assert edition.permanent_work_id is not None
コード例 #5
    def test_creation(self):
        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title)

        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        eq_("9780698185395", edition.primary_identifier.identifier)

        # The alternate ISBN is marked as equivalent to the primary identifier,
        # but at a greatly reduced strength.
        [equivalency] = [x for x in edition.primary_identifier.equivalencies]
        eq_("9781594633669", equivalency.output.identifier)
        eq_(0.5, equivalency.strength)
        # That strength is not enough to make the alternate ISBN an equivalent
        # identifier for the edition.
        equivalent_identifiers = [(x.type, x.identifier)
                                  for x in edition.equivalent_identifiers()]
        eq_([("ISBN", "9780698185395")], sorted(equivalent_identifiers))

        eq_(datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 1, 0, 0), edition.published)
        eq_("Paula Hawkins", edition.author)
        eq_("Hawkins, Paula", edition.sort_author)
        eq_("Riverhead", edition.publisher)
コード例 #6
    def test_creation(self):
        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title, Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM)

        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        eq_("9780698185395", edition.primary_identifier.identifier)

        # The alternate ISBN is marked as equivalent to the primary identifier,
        # but at a greatly reduced strength.
        [equivalency] = [x for x in edition.primary_identifier.equivalencies]
        eq_("9781594633669", equivalency.output.identifier)
        eq_(0.5, equivalency.strength)
        # That strength is not enough to make the alternate ISBN an equivalent
        # identifier for the edition.
        equivalent_identifiers = [
            (x.type, x.identifier) for x in edition.equivalent_identifiers()
        eq_([("ISBN", "9780698185395")], sorted(equivalent_identifiers))

        eq_(datetime.datetime(2015, 2, 1, 0, 0), edition.published)
        eq_("Paula Hawkins", edition.author)
        eq_("Hawkins, Paula", edition.sort_author)
        eq_("Riverhead", edition.publisher)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_nyt.py プロジェクト: jonathangreen/circulation
    def test_creation(self):
        title = NYTBestSellerListTitle(self.one_list_title,

        edition = title.to_edition(self._db, self.metadata_client)
        assert "9780698185395" == edition.primary_identifier.identifier

        # The alternate ISBN is marked as equivalent to the primary identifier,
        # but at a greatly reduced strength.
        [equivalency] = [x for x in edition.primary_identifier.equivalencies]
        assert "9781594633669" == equivalency.output.identifier
        assert 0.5 == equivalency.strength
        # That strength is not enough to make the alternate ISBN an equivalent
        # identifier for the edition.
        equivalent_identifiers = [(x.type, x.identifier)
                                  for x in edition.equivalent_identifiers()]
        assert [("ISBN", "9780698185395")] == sorted(equivalent_identifiers)

        assert datetime.date(2015, 2, 1) == edition.published
        assert "Paula Hawkins" == edition.author
        assert "Hawkins, Paula" == edition.sort_author
        assert "Riverhead" == edition.publisher