def res_role(request): if request.method == "PUT": try: token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) if 'resId' in info: res_id = info['resId'] else: res_id = RestaurantInfo.objects.first().res_info_id RestaurantInfo.objects.filter(res_info_id=res_id).update( role=info['role']) return my_response(True, 'success', {'role': info['role']}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {}) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in res role code, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {})
def filter_order(request): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'GET': try: orders = Order.objects.all().order_by('-datetime') tr_id = request.GET.get('trackId') if tr_id is not None: orders = orders.filter(track_id__contains=tr_id) date = request.GET.get('date') if date is not None: orders = orders.filter(datetime__date=date) delivery = request.GET.get('delivery') if delivery is not None: if delivery == '0': delivery = False else: delivery = True orders = orders.filter(order_type=delivery) st = request.GET.get('status') if st is not None: if st == '0': st = False else: st = True orders = orders.filter(completed=st) p_type = request.GET.get('paymentType') if p_type is not None: if p_type == '0': p_type = False else: p_type = True orders = orders.filter(payment_type=p_type) paginator = Paginator(orders, 25) try: page = int(request.GET.get('page')) except Exception as e: page = 1 try: orders = except Exception as e: orders = _list = [] if page <= paginator.num_pages: for o in orders.object_list: _list.append(o.to_json(with_customer=True)) return my_response(True, 'success', _list) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in filter order, check send query params, ' + str(e), {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def order_with_detail(request): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'GET': o = Order.objects.get(order_id=request.GET.get('orderId')) return my_response(True, 'success', o.to_json(with_detail=True, with_customer=True)) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def orders_today(request): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'GET': orders = Order.objects.filter( _list = [] for o in orders: _list.append(o.to_json(with_customer=True)) return my_response(True, 'success', _list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def invoice(request): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'GET': orders = Order.objects.extra(select={ 'day': 'date(datetime)' }).values('day').distinct() _list = [] for o in orders: _list.append(o['day']) _list.reverse() return my_response(True, 'success', _list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def post_code(request): if request.method == 'GET': _list = [] posts = PostCode.objects.all() for p in posts: _list.append(p.to_json()) return my_response(True, 'success', _list) token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == "POST": try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) PostCode.objects.all().delete() res = RestaurantInfo.objects.first() delivery_cost = res.cost free_del = res.free_delivery datas = info['data'] for pc in datas: if pc['isOverriding']: d = pc['deliveryCost'] else: d = delivery_cost if pc['isOverriding']: f = pc['freeDelivery'] else: f = free_del pc = PostCode(post_code=pc['postCode'], delivery_cost=d, free_delivery=f, is_over_ride=pc['isOverriding']) return my_response(True, 'success', {}) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in post code, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def offer(request): if request.method == "POST": try: token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) o = Offer(percent=info['percent'], amount=info['amount'], type=info['type']) return my_response(True, 'success', o.to_json()) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {}) except Exception as e: return my_response(False, 'error in offer, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {})
def res_location(request, address_id=None): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == "POST" or request.method == 'PUT': try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) res = RestaurantInfo.objects.first().res_info_id if request.method == 'POST': a = RestaurantAddress( restaurant_id=res, address=info['address'], telephone=info['telephone'], order_alert=info['orderAlert'], email=info['email'], ) else: a = RestaurantAddress.objects.filter( res_address_id=address_id) a.update( address=info['address'], telephone=info['telephone'], order_alert=info['orderAlert'], email=info['email'], ) a = a.first() return my_response(True, 'success', a.to_json()) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in post res location, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) elif request.method == 'DELETE': var = RestaurantAddress.objects.filter( res_address_id=address_id).delete() if var[0] != 0: return my_response(True, 'success', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'location id not exist', {}) elif request.method == 'GET': _list = [] los = RestaurantAddress.objects.all() for l in los: _list.append(l.to_json()) return my_response(True, 'success', _list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def admin_login(request): if request.method == "POST": info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) try: phone = info['phone'] user = User.objects.filter(phone=phone) if user.exists(): password = info['password'] if user.first().password == password: user.update(status=True) tok = get_random_string(length=32) Token(user=user[0], token=tok, is_admin=True, Device(reg_id=info['deviceToken'], dev_id=info['deviceId'], name='appAdmin', is_active=True).save() return my_response(True, 'success', {'token': tok}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid information', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'user not found', {}) except Exception as e: e = str(e) if e.__contains__('UNIQUE constraint'): Device.objects.filter(dev_id=info['deviceId']).delete() return admin_login(request) else: return my_response(False, 'error in login, check login body, ' + e, {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {})
def res_times(request, time_id=None): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'PUT': try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) time = RestaurantTime.objects.filter(res_time_id=time_id) time.update( res_time_id=time_id, start=info['start'], end=info['end'], status=info['status'], ) time = time.first() return my_response(True, 'success', time.to_json()) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in times, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) elif request.method == 'DELETE': var = RestaurantTime.objects.filter(time_id=time_id).delete() if var[0] != 0: return my_response(True, 'success', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'time id not exist', {}) elif request.method == 'GET': _list = [] tis = RestaurantTime.objects.all() for t in tis: _list.append(t.to_json()) return my_response(True, 'success', _list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def res_info(request, res_id=None): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == "POST" or request.method == "PUT": try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) if request.method == "POST": ri = RestaurantInfo( open=info['open'], time_slot=info['timeSlot'], max_order_per_time_slot=info['maxOrderPerSlot'], order_fulfilment=info['orderFulfilment'], collection_time=info['collectionTime'], delivery_time=info['deliveryTime'], collection_discount_amount=info[ 'collectionDiscountAmount'], cost=info['cost'], free_delivery=info['freeDelivery'], min_order_val=info['minOrderValue'], sales_tax=info['salesTax'], paypal_payment_fee=info['paypalPaymentFee'], accept_message=info['acceptMessage'], reject_message=info['rejectMessage'], # show_item_category_or_sub=info['showItemCategory'], # enable_accept_reject=info['enableAcceptReject'], # message_show=info['message'], # time_auto_reject=info['timeAutoReject'], ) else: ri = RestaurantInfo.objects.filter(res_info_id=res_id) ri.update( open=info['open'], time_slot=info['timeSlot'], max_order_per_time_slot=info['maxOrderPerSlot'], order_fulfilment=info['orderFulfilment'], collection_time=info['collectionTime'], delivery_time=info['deliveryTime'], collection_discount_amount=info[ 'collectionDiscountAmount'], cost=info['cost'], free_delivery=info['freeDelivery'], min_order_val=info['minOrderValue'], sales_tax=info['salesTax'], paypal_payment_fee=info['paypalPaymentFee'], accept_message=info['acceptMessage'], reject_message=info['rejectMessage'], # show_item_category_or_sub=info['showItemCategory'], # enable_accept_reject=info['enableAcceptReject'], # message_show=info['message'], # time_auto_reject=info['timeAutoReject'], ) ri = ri.first() return my_response(True, 'success', ri.to_json(None, None)) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in res info, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def accept_reject_order(request): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'POST': try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) acc_rej = info['acceptOrReject'] o_id = info['orderId'] extra_time = info['extraTime'] order = Order.objects.filter(order_id=o_id) res = RestaurantInfo.objects.first() if acc_rej: order.update(status=True) mess = res.accept_message else: mess = res.reject_message order = order.first() if order.delivery_cost is not None: de_cost = order.delivery_cost else: de_cost = 0 p = users_notif = Device.objects.filter(name=p) for un in users_notif: un.send_message( { 'orderId': order.order_id, 'state': acc_rej, 'orderType': order.order_type, 'paymentType': order.payment_type, 'totalPrice': order.total_price + order.service_charge + de_cost, 'extraTime': extra_time, 'click_action': 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK', }, notification={ 'title': 'order', 'body': mess, 'click_action': 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK', "sound": "default", }) return my_response(True, 'success', {}) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in acceptRejectOrder, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def option(request, option_id=None): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'PUT': try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) name = info['name'] describe = info['description'] price = info['price'] image = info['image'] st = info['status'] sizes = info['sizes'] try: img_name = image_name() + '.png' path = 'media/Images/' + img_name img_data = base64.b64decode(image) with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(img_data) except: img_name = image if request.method == 'POST': g_id = info['groupId'] o = Option(group_id=g_id, name=name, description=describe, price=price, image=img_name) for s in sizes: FoodSize(option=o, size=s['size'], price=s['price']).save() else: o = Option.objects.filter(option_id=option_id) o.update(name=name, description=describe, price=price, image=img_name, status=st) o = o.first() update_option_size(o, sizes) return my_response(True, 'success', o.to_json()) except Exception as e: return my_response( False, 'error in option, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) elif request.method == 'DELETE': var = Option.objects.filter(option_id=option_id).delete() if var[0] != 0: return my_response(True, 'success', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'optionId not exist!', {}) elif request.method == 'GET': op_list = [] ops = Option.objects.all() for o in ops: op_list.append(o.to_json()) return my_response(True, 'success', op_list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def food(request, food_id=None): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'PUT': try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) name = info['name'] describe = info['description'] price = info['price'] final_price = info['finalPrice'] image = info['image'] status = info['status'] is_double = info['isDouble'] numOfTy = info['numberOfType'] sizes = info['sizes'] types = info['types'] ops = info['options'] o_types = info['optionTypes'] options_e_p = None if 'optionsExtraPrice' in info: options_e_p = info['optionsExtraPrice'] try: img_name = image_name() + '.png' path = 'media/Images/' + img_name img_data = base64.b64decode(image) with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(img_data) except: img_name = image if request.method == 'POST': group_id = info['groupId'] f = Food(group_id=group_id, name=name, description=describe, price=price, final_price=final_price, options_extra_price=options_e_p, image=img_name, status=status, is_double=is_double, number_of_type=numOfTy) for s in sizes: size = s['size'] s_price = s['price'] FoodSize( food=f, size=size, price=s_price, extra_type_price=s['extraTypePrice'], extra_option_price=s['extraOptionPrice'], ).save() for t in types: _type = t['type'] t_price = t['price'] FoodType(food=f, type=_type, price=t_price).save() for ot in o_types: op_t = OptionType(food=f, name=ot['name'], option_type=ot['optionType']) for t in ot['children']: FoodType(food=f, type=t['type'], price=t['price'], option_type=op_t).save() else: f = Food.objects.filter(food_id=food_id) f.update(name=name, description=describe, price=price, final_price=final_price, options_extra_price=options_e_p, image=img_name, status=status, is_double=is_double, number_of_type=numOfTy) f = f.first() update_food(f, info) FoodOption.objects.filter(food=f).delete() for o in ops: op = FoodSize.objects.get(food_size_id=o) FoodOption(food=f, option_size=op).save() return my_response(True, 'success', f.to_json()) except Exception as e: return my_response(False, 'error in food, check send body, ' + str(e), {}) elif request.method == 'DELETE': var = Food.objects.filter(food_id=food_id).delete() if var[0] != 0: return my_response(True, 'success', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'foodId not exist!', {}) elif request.method == 'GET': fo_list = [] fos = Food.objects.all() for f in fos: fo_list.append(f.to_json()) return my_response(True, 'success', fo_list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})
def group(request, group_id=None): token = request.headers.get('token') token = Token.objects.filter(token=token) if token.exists() and token[0].is_admin: if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'PUT': try: info = loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) name = info['name'] image = info['image'] is_food_g = info['isFoodGroup'] try: img_name = image_name() + '.png' path = 'media/Images/' + img_name img_data = base64.b64decode(image) with open(path, 'wb') as g: g.write(img_data) except Exception as e: img_name = image if request.method == 'POST': fg = Group(name=name, image=img_name, is_food_g=is_food_g) else: fg = Group.objects.filter(group_id=group_id) fg.update(name=name, image=img_name, is_food_g=is_food_g, status=info['status']) fg = fg.first() if not info['status']: if fg.is_food_g: Food.objects.filter( group=fg, rank__gt=4).update(status=False) else: Option.objects.filter( group=fg, rank__gt=4).update(status=False) return my_response(True, 'success', fg.to_json(None)) except Exception as e: return my_response(False, 'error in group check body send, ' + str(e), {}) elif request.method == 'DELETE': var = Group.objects.filter(group_id=group_id).delete() if var[0] != 0: return my_response(True, 'success', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'foodGroupId not exist!', {}) elif request.method == 'GET': g_list = [] gs = Group.objects.all() for g in gs: if g.is_food_g: foods = Food.objects.filter(group=g) else: foods = Option.objects.filter(group=g) _list = [] for f in foods: _list.append(f.to_json()) g_list.append(g.to_json(_list)) return my_response(True, 'success', g_list) else: return my_response(False, 'invalid method', {}) else: return my_response(False, 'token invalid', {})