コード例 #1
    def valueIterationSmall(self, state, reward, gamma, V1):
        # Similar to valueIteration function
        # does not calculate buffers around ghosts (cause it would be too small)
        # meant for maps smaller than 10 x 10

        corners = api.corners(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)

        maxWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners) - 1
        maxHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners) - 1

        if not (0 < gamma <= 1):
            raise ValueError("MDP must have a gamma between 0 and 1.")

        # Implement Bellman equation with 10-loop iteration
        # Since smaller maps do not require as big of a value iteration loop
        loops = 100
        while loops > 0:
            V = V1.copy()  # This will store the old values
            for i in range(maxWidth):
                for j in range(maxHeight):
                    # Exclude any food because in this case it is the terminal state
                    if (i, j) not in walls and (i, j) not in food and (
                            i, j) not in ghosts and (i, j) not in capsules:
                            j)] = reward + gamma * self.getTransition(i, j, V)
            loops -= 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: mdpAgents.py プロジェクト: lordChipotle/PacmanAI
    def getAction(self, state):
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)
        layoutHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners)
        layoutWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners)
        if (layoutHeight-1)<8 and (layoutWidth-1)<8:
            for i in range (100):
            for i in range (50):
        plannedMove = self.plannedMove(pacman[0],pacman[1])
        #Feel free to uncomment this if you like to see the values generated

        if Directions.STOP in legal:
        #Input the calculated move for our next move
        return api.makeMove(plannedMove, legal)
コード例 #3
ファイル: sampleAgents.py プロジェクト: ko-ala/pacman
    def initialize(self, state):

        # get location of all visible food
        foods = api.food(state)
        #get location of all corners
        corners = api.corners(state)
        #get location of all visible capsules
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        #get location of all visible walls
        walls = api.walls(state)
        #get pacmans position
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        x = pacman[0]
        y = pacman[1]

        if self.map == None:
            width = 0
            height = 0
            for corner in corners:
                if corner[0] > width:
                    width = corner[0]
                if corner[1] > height:
                    height = corner[1]
            self.map = [["?" for y in range(height)] for x in range(width)]
            for wall in walls:
                self.map[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"
            for food in foods:
                self.map[food[0]][food[1]] = "F"
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.map[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = "F"
            self.map[x][y] = "0"

        self.init = True
コード例 #4
	def valueIteration(self, state, reward, gamma, valueMap):
		self.reward = reward
		self.gamma = gamma
		self.V1 = valueMap

		corners = api.corners(state)
		walls = api.walls(state)
		maxWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners) - 1
		maxHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners) - 1

		if not (0 < self.gamma <= 1):
			raise ValueError("MDP must have a gamma between 0 and 1.")

		# Implement Bellman equation with 15-loop iteration
		loops = 50
		while loops > 0:
			V = self.V1.copy() # This will store the old values
			for i in range(maxWidth):
				for j in range(maxHeight):
					# Exclude any food because in this case it is the terminal state
					if (i, j) not in walls and self.V1[(i, j)] != 5:
						self.V1[(i, j)] = self.reward + self.gamma * self.getTransition(i, j, V)
			loops -= 1

		return self.V1
コード例 #5
ファイル: partialAgents.py プロジェクト: sebaraba/pacmanAi
    def getAction(self,state):
        walls = api.walls(state)
        width,height = api.corners(state)[-1]
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        me = api.whereAmI(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        direction = Directions.STOP
        x, y = me

        if not hasattr(self, 'map'):
            self.createMap(walls, width + 1, height + 1)

        self.checkForCapsules(capsules, legal, ghosts)
        legal = self.solveLoop(ghosts, legal)

        if len(ghosts):
            if self.counter < 0:
                for ghost in ghosts:
                    legal = self.checkForGhosts(ghost, me, legal)

        direction = self.pickMove(me, legal, width  + 1, height + 1, food)
        self.updatePosition(me, 1, self.map)


        self.last = direction
        return direction
コード例 #6
 def makeMap(self,state):
     corners = api.corners(state)
     #print corners
     height = self.getLayoutHeight(corners)
     width  = self.getLayoutWidth(corners)
     self.map1 = Grid(width, height)
     self.map2 = Grid(width, height)
コード例 #7
ファイル: MDPAgents.py プロジェクト: BINGZHEZHOU/MDP_Agent
 def getAction(self, state):
     value_list = []
     legal = api.legalActions(state)	
     corner = api.corners(state)
     pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
     pacman_x = pacman[0]
     pacman_y = pacman[1]
     legal_width = corner[3][0]
     legal_height = corner[3][1]
     # policy iteration and evaluation
     # get the value of four directions and select the direction corresponding to
     # the maximum value as Pacman's decision.
     map_effect = gridworld().map_valuegeneration(state, (legal_width, legal_height))
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x-1, pacman_y)])
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x+1, pacman_y)])
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x, pacman_y + 1)])
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x, pacman_y - 1)])
     max_value = value_list.index(max(value_list))
     # print 'map_effect'
     # print map_effect
     # print 'value_list'
     # print value_list
     # print 'max_value'
     # print max_value
     if max_value == 0:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
     if max_value == 1:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.EAST, legal)
     if max_value == 2:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.NORTH, legal)
     if max_value == 3:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.SOUTH, legal)
コード例 #8
    def getAction(self, state):
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        corners = api.corners(state)

        return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal)
コード例 #9
    def generateRewardGrid(self, state):
        # a negative incentive for non-terminal states
        # this is an incentive for taking the shortest route
        initialValue = -5
        # initialize 2d array with correct dimensions
        (w, h) = api.corners(state)[3]
        rewardGrid = [[initialValue for x in range(w + 1)]
                      for y in range(h + 1)]

        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        foods = api.food(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)

        for (x, y) in foods:
            rewardGrid[y][x] = 100

        # fill a radius around each ghost with negative reward
        # size of radius dependent on number of foods remaining
        # pacman feels no fear when almost winning
        radius = 5 if len(foods) > 3 else 2
        for (x, y) in ghosts:
            self.floodFill(rewardGrid, int(x), int(y), radius)

        for (x, y) in walls:
            rewardGrid[y][x] = 0

        return rewardGrid
コード例 #10
 def registerInitialState(self, state):
     self.initial_num_food = len(api.food(state))
     self.corners = api.corners(state)
     self.width = max(self.corners)[0] + 1  # max x coordinate + 1
     self.height = max(self.corners,
                       key=itemgetter(1))[1] + 1  # max y coordinate + 1
     self.walls = api.walls(state)
コード例 #11
    def getAction(self, state):
            The function to work out next intended action carried out.


                Directions: Intended action that Pacman will carry out.
        current_pos = api.whereAmI(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)
        food = api.food(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        ghost_scared_time = api.ghostStatesWithTimes(state)[0][1]
        walls = api.walls(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        protected_coords = walls + ghosts + [current_pos]

        width = max(corners)[0] + 1
        height = max(corners, key=itemgetter(1))[1] + 1

        board = self.create_board(width, height, -0.04)
        board.set_position_values(food, 1)
        board.set_position_values(walls, 'x')
        board.set_position_values(capsules, 2)

        if ghost_scared_time < 5:
            board.set_position_values(ghosts, -3)

            # for i in range(height):
            #     for j in range(width):
            #         print board[i, j],
            #     print
            # print
            print "GHOST LIST: ", ghosts
            for x, y in ghosts:
                # set the surrounding area around the ghost to half the reward of the ghost
                # avoids changing the reward of the ghost itself, the pacman and the walls
                # print "GHOST Coordinates: " + str(x) + " " + str(y)
                x_coordinates = [x - 1, x, x + 1]
                y_coordinates = [y - 1, y, y + 1]
                # print "X/Y Coordinates: " + str(x_coordinates) + " " + str(y_coordinates)
                for x_coord in x_coordinates:
                    for y_coord in y_coordinates:
                        if (x_coord, y_coord) not in protected_coords:
                            # print("index: " + str((board.convert_y(y_coord), x_coord)))
                            converted_y = board.convert_y(y_coord)
                            # print "VALUE: " + str(board[board.convert_y(y), x])
                                  x_coord] = board[board.convert_y(y), x] / 2
                            # print "VALUE PART 2: " + str(board[converted_y, x_coord])

        board = self.value_iteration(state, board)
        expected_utility = self.calculate_expected_utility(
            state, board, abs(current_pos[1] - (height - 1)), current_pos[0])
        return max([(utility, action) for utility, action in expected_utility
                    if action in legal])[1]
コード例 #12
    def register_initial_state(state):
        Sets Grid and Point classes' static constants dependant on state, and

            state: Current game state.
        Grid.HEIGHT = max([h for _, h in api.corners(state)]) + 1
        Grid.WIDTH = max([w for w, _ in api.corners(state)]) + 1
        if Grid.WIDTH > 7 and Grid.HEIGHT > 7:  # mediumClassic or bigger
            Grid.GHOST_RADIUS = 3
        Grid.MAX_DISTANCE = Grid.HEIGHT + Grid.WIDTH - 4
        Grid.WALLS = set(api.walls(state))
        MDPAgent.ITERATION_LIMIT = int(
            ceil(sqrt(Grid.HEIGHT * Grid.WIDTH)) * 2
コード例 #13
ファイル: partialAgents.py プロジェクト: sebaraba/pacmanAi
 def final(self, state):
     walls = api.walls(state)
     width, height = api.corners(state)[-1]
     self.last = None
     self.createMap(walls, width + 1, height + 1)
     self.pos = (0,0)
     self.capsule = (0,0)
     self.ghosts = [(0,0)]
     food = api.food(state)
コード例 #14
	def getAction(self, state):

		# Demonstrates the information that Pacman can access about the state
		# of the game.
		print "-" * 30 #divider
		# What are the current moves available

		legal = api.legalActions(state)

		print "Legal moves: ", legal

		# Where is Pacman?
		pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
		print "Pacman position: ", pacman

		# Where are the ghosts?
		print "Ghost positions:"
		theGhosts = api.ghosts(state)
		for i in range(len(theGhosts)):
			print theGhosts[i]

		# How far away are the ghosts?
		print "Distance to ghosts:"
		for i in range(len(theGhosts)):
			print util.manhattanDistance(pacman,theGhosts[i])

		# Where are the capsules?
		print "Capsule locations:"
		print api.capsules(state)

		# Where is the food?
		print "Food locations: "
		print api.food(state)
		print len(api.food(state))

		# Where are the walls?
		print "Wall locations: "
		print api.walls(state)

		print "Corners: "
		print api.corners(state)
		# getAction has to return a move. Here we pass "STOP" to the
		# API to ask Pacman to stay where they are.
		return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
コード例 #15
ファイル: mdpAgents.py プロジェクト: wgu1116/Pacman-MDP
    def map_size(self,state):
        """Get the maximum of row and column of layout by api.

        state: the state of pacman.

        Returns a tuple of row and column.
        corners = zip(*(api.corners(state)))
        return max(corners[0]), max(corners[1])
コード例 #16
    def getGridSize(self, state):
        ## Assign initial grid size at start of game
        # Grid size used later on to iterate through self.utilMap

        corners = api.corners(state)
        width = corners[1][0] - corners[0][0] + 1
        height = corners[2][1] - corners[0][1] + 1
        self.gridWidth = width
        self.gridHeight = height
コード例 #17
    def initialize(self, state):
        #sets the reward of each grid
        self.reward = None
        #set the utility of each grid
        self.utility = None
        # get location of all visible food
        foods = api.food(state)
        #get location of all corners
        corners = api.corners(state)
        #get location of all visible capsules
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        #get location of all visible walls
        walls = api.walls(state)
        #get pacmans position
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        #pacman's x position
        pacmanX = pacman[0]
        #pacman's y position
        pacmanY = pacman[1]

        #if the internal map has not been initialized
        if self.reward == None and self.utility == None:
            #finds the dimension of the map by location the extremes, in this case the corners
            width = 0
            height = 0
            for corner in corners:
                if corner[0] > width:
                    width = corner[0]
                if corner[1] > height:
                    height = corner[1]

            #once the size of the map has been identified, initialize the rewards of each position with the approriate value
            self.reward = [[self.baseReward for y in range(height+1)] for x in range(width+1)]
            #do the same with the utility, however with random values between 0 and 1
            self.utility = [[random() for y in range(height+1)] for x in range(width+1)]
            #now add in all the information pacman knows initially. starting with all known locations of food
            for food in foods:
                #set the reward of food to the value defined above
                self.reward[food[0]][food[1]] = self.foodReward
                #self.utility[food[0]][food[1]] = self.foodReward
            #set the reward of capsules with the reward defined above
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.reward[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = self.capsuleReward
                #self.utility[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = self.capsuleReward

            #now mark the location of the walls on the map, using "W"
            for wall in walls:
                self.reward[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"
                self.utility[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"

        #set init to true as the map has been initialized
        self.init = True
コード例 #18
ファイル: mdpAgents.py プロジェクト: nickpezzotti1/PacmanAI
    def _initialize(self, state):
        ''' Generate an empty 2D-matrix representing the array '''

        corners = api.corners(state)

        max_row = 0
        max_col = 0
        for coordinate in corners:
            max_row = max(coordinate[0], max_row)
            max_col = max(coordinate[1], max_col)

        return [[MazeEntity.EMPTY_CELL for col in range(max_row + 1)]
                for col in range(max_col + 1)]
コード例 #19
ファイル: mdpAgents.py プロジェクト: LingfengWang/MDP-Pac-Man
 def registerInitialState(self, state):
     print("Round " + str(self.__round) + " running...")
     corners = api.corners(state)
     # optimal parameter setting for smallGrid
     if self.__TOP_RIGHT_WALL_CORNER_smallGrid in corners:
         self.__SAFETY_DISTANCE = 2
         self.__DISCOUNT_FACTOR = 0.6
     # optimal parameter setting for mediumClassic
     elif self.__TOP_RIGHT_WALL_CORNER_mediumClassic in corners:
         self.__SAFETY_DISTANCE = 4
         self.__DISCOUNT_FACTOR = 0.7
コード例 #20
 def map_size(self, state):
     Calculate the height and width of map
     # use corner function to find the size of the map
     corner_list = api.corners(state)
     corner_x_list = []
     corner_y_list = []
     for corner in corner_list:
     self.grid_width = max(corner_x_list) + 1
     self.grid_height = max(corner_y_list) + 1
コード例 #21
    def updateMap(self, state):

        corners = api.corners(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        me = api.whereAmI(state)
        walls = api.walls(state)
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        foods = api.food(state)

        # Width and Height of Map
        width, height = corners[3][0] + 1, corners[3][1] + 1

        # Generate empty world Map
        if (self.worldMap is None):
            self.worldMap = [[[' ', self.emptyReward, 0, Directions.STOP]
                              for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]

            self.setMap(me[0], me[1], ['M', self.meReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for food in foods:
                self.setMap(food[0], food[1],
                            ['F', self.foodReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.setMap(capsule[0], capsule[1],
                            ['C', self.capsuleReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for wall in walls:
                self.setMap(wall[0], wall[1],
                            ['W', self.wallReward, 0, Directions.STOP])
            for ghost in ghosts:
                self.setMap(ghost[0], ghost[1],
                            ['G', self.ghostReward, 0, Directions.STOP])

            self.setThing(me[1], me[0], 'M')
            for food in foods:
                self.setThing(food[1], food[0], 'F')
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.setThing(capsule[1], capsule[0], 'C')
            for wall in walls:
                self.setThing(wall[1], wall[0], 'W')
            for ghost in ghosts:
                self.setThing(ghost[1], ghost[0], 'G')
            self.setReward(me[0], me[1], self.meReward)
            for food in foods:
                self.setReward(food[0], food[1], self.foodReward)
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.setReward(capsule[0], capsule[1], self.capsuleReward)
            for wall in walls:
                self.setReward(wall[0], wall[1], self.wallReward)
            for ghost in ghosts:
                self.setReward(ghost[0], ghost[1], self.ghostReward)
コード例 #22
ファイル: mdpAgents.py プロジェクト: HJEGeorge/pacman-ai
 def registerInitialState(self, state):
     print "Initialising Map..."
     corners = api.corners(state)
     # The furthest corner from (0, 0) gives the width and height of the map (given it starts at (0, 0))
     (width, height) = sorted(corners,
                              key=lambda x: util.manhattanDistance(
                                  (0, 0), x),
     self.map.initialise(height, width, api.walls(state))
     # Set base values for rewards (set food but not ghosts)
     # Print map when debugging
     if DEBUG:
コード例 #23
    def getAction(self, state):
        corners = api.corners(state)

        print self.map.getValue(1, 1)

        #print api.corners(state)
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        if Directions.STOP in legal:
        # Random choice between the legal options.
        return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
コード例 #24
ファイル: sampleAgents.py プロジェクト: wpddmcmc/pacman_dfs
    def getAction(self, state):
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        coners = api.corners(state)

        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)

        food = api.food(state)

        Capsules = api.capsules(state)

        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)

        if len(self.detected) == 0:
            self.states.push((pacman, Directions.STOP))

        if not self.states.isEmpty():
            success_node = []
            for directs in legal:
                if directs == Directions.WEST:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0] - 1, pacman[1]))
                if directs == Directions.EAST:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0] + 1, pacman[1]))
                if directs == Directions.NORTH:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0], pacman[1] + 1))
                if directs == Directions.SOUTH:
                    success_node.append((pacman[0], pacman[1] - 1))
            for index in range(len(success_node)):
                if not success_node[index] in self.detected and (
                        success_node[index] in food
                        or success_node[index] in Capsules):
                    self.states.push((success_node[index], legal[index]))
                    return (api.makeMove(legal[index], legal))

            last, acted = self.states.pop()
            if acted == Directions.NORTH:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.SOUTH, legal))
            if acted == Directions.SOUTH:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.NORTH, legal))
            if acted == Directions.WEST:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.EAST, legal))
            if acted == Directions.EAST:
                return (api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal))

        return (api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal))
コード例 #25
    def buildMap(self, state, directions):
        gameMap = {}
        corners = api.corners(state)
        for x in range(corners[0][0], corners[1][0] + 1):
            for y in range(corners[2][0], corners[3][1] + 1):
                coord = (x, y)
                gameMap[coord] = (-0.04, 0)
        walls = api.walls(state)

        for wall in walls:
            gameMap[wall] = (-1000, 0)
        largeOrSmall = True
        if corners[1][0] < 10 and corners[3][1] < 10:
            largeOrSmall = False
        return self.updateMap(state, gameMap, directions, largeOrSmall)
コード例 #26
 def getNextDirection(pacman, corner, walls, legal, theFood,
     #global variables
     distance = util.manhattanDistance(pacman, corner)
     corners = api.corners(state)
     #check if there are any ghosts
     if len(ghostArray) > 0:
         return runFromGhosts()
         #check if any food can be eaten
         if (len(theFood) == 0):
             return getToCornersOrFood()
             #found food, hence eat it
             return eatFood()
コード例 #27
    def initialize(self, state):
        #print "initializing map"
        #sets the path of pacman to be empty
        self.path = []
        #sets the internal map of pacman to be empty
        self.map = None
        # get location of all visible food
        foods = api.food(state)
        #get location of all corners
        corners = api.corners(state)
        #get location of all visible capsules
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        #get location of all visible walls
        walls = api.walls(state)
        #get pacmans position
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        pacmanX = pacman[0]
        pacmanY = pacman[1]

        #if the internal map has not been initialized
        if self.map == None:
            #finds the dimension of the map by location the extremes, in this case the corners
            width = 0
            height = 0
            for corner in corners:
                if corner[0] > width:
                    width = corner[0]
                if corner[1] > height:
                    height = corner[1]

            #once the size of the map has been identified, fill it up with "?", as pacman does not know what is in there
            self.map = [["?" for y in range(height+1)] for x in range(width+1)]
            #now add in all the information pacman knows initially. starting with all known locations of food
            for food in foods:
                #use "F" to mark food on the map
                self.map[food[0]][food[1]] = "F"
            #now mark the location of capsules on the map, this time using "C"
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.map[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = "C"
            #now mark the location of the walls on the map, using "W"
            for wall in walls:
                self.map[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"
            #last pacman knows where it is, so mark that as "P"
            self.map[pacmanX][pacmanY] = "P"

        #set init to true as the map has been initialized
        self.init = True
コード例 #28
ファイル: partialAgents.py プロジェクト: ko-ala/pacman
    def initialize(self, state):
        #sets the reward of each grid
        self.reward = None
        #set the utility of each grid
        self.utility = None
        # get location of all visible food
        foods = api.food(state)
        #get location of all corners
        corners = api.corners(state)
        #get location of all visible capsules
        capsules = api.capsules(state)
        #get location of all visible walls
        walls = api.walls(state)
        #get pacmans position
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        pacmanX = pacman[0]
        pacmanY = pacman[1]

        #if the internal map has not been initialized
        if self.reward == None and self.utility == None:
            #finds the dimension of the map by location the extremes, in this case the corners
            width = 0
            height = 0
            for corner in corners:
                if corner[0] > width:
                    width = corner[0]
                if corner[1] > height:
                    height = corner[1]

            #once the size of the map has been identified, fill it up with "?", as pacman does not know what is in there
            self.reward = [[-1 for y in range(height + 1)]
                           for x in range(width + 1)]
            self.utility = [[random() for y in range(height + 1)]
                            for x in range(width + 1)]
            #now add in all the information pacman knows initially. starting with all known locations of food
            for food in foods:
                #use "F" to mark food on the map
                self.reward[food[0]][food[1]] = 10
            #now mark the location of capsules on the map, this time using "C"
            for capsule in capsules:
                self.reward[capsule[0]][capsule[1]] = 5
            #now mark the location of the walls on the map, using "W"
            for wall in walls:
                self.reward[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"
                self.utility[wall[0]][wall[1]] = "W"

        #set init to true as the map has been initialized
        self.init = True
コード例 #29
ファイル: mdpAgents.py プロジェクト: wpddmcmc/Pacman_MDP
    def mapSize(self, state):
        """Get the size of layout.

        Calculate the maximum of row and col of the map by using the corners' coordinates

            state: The state of an agent (configuration, speed, scared, etc).

            The maximum index of row and maximum index of col
        # unzip corners tuple to two list [col indexs] [row indexs]
        # and then zip two list to tuple [(col indexs)(row indexs)]
        corners = zip(*(api.corners(state)))   
        # return the maximum col index and row index
        return max(corners[0]), max(corners[1])
コード例 #30
	def getAction(self, state):

		print "-" * 30
		legal = api.legalActions(state)
		corners = api.corners(state)

		maxWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners) - 1
		maxHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners) - 1

		# This function updates all locations at every state
		# for every action retrieved by getAction, thi3s map is recalibrated
		valueMap = self.makeValueMap(state)

		# If the map is large enough, calculate buffers around ghosts
		# also use higher number of iteration loops to get a more reasonable policy

		if maxWidth >= 10 and maxHeight >= 10:
			self.valueIteration(state, -0.5, 0.7, valueMap)
			self.valueIterationSmall(state, 0.2, 0.7, valueMap)

		print "best move: "
		print self.getPolicy(state, valueMap)

		# Update values in map with iterations
		for i in range(self.map.getWidth()):
			for j in range(self.map.getHeight()):
				if self.map.getValue(i, j) != "#":
					self.map.setValue(i, j, valueMap[(i, j)])


		# If the key of the move with MEU = n_util, return North as the best decision
		# And so on...

		if self.getPolicy(state, valueMap) == "n_util":
			return api.makeMove('North', legal)

		if self.getPolicy(state, valueMap) == "s_util":
			return api.makeMove('South', legal)

		if self.getPolicy(state, valueMap) == "e_util":
			return api.makeMove('East', legal)

		if self.getPolicy(state, valueMap) == "w_util":
			return api.makeMove('West', legal)