コード例 #1
ファイル: browser_gui.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
 def build_hist_string(self, mod_name, oid, cutoff=200):
     str_list = []
     args = (mod_name, oid)
     if api.exists(mod_name=mod_name, oid=oid):
         hist = api.retrieve(mod_name=mod_name,oid_list=[oid,])
         hist_items = hist.items()
         hist_items.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
         hist_items = hist_items[:cutoff]
         if len(hist) == 0:
             str_list.append("No keys were found.")
         for key, value in hist_items:
             if mod_name == "byte_histogram":
                 formatted_pair = '%s\t%8d' % (hexlify(key),value)
                 formatted_pair = '%s\t%8d' % (key,value)
         if self.threads.has_key(args) and not self.threads[args].is_alive(): # Requested and returned NULL.
             str_list.append("%s file does not exist for:" % mod_name)
             str_list.append("\t%s" % oid)
             if self.threads.has_key(args) and self.threads[args].is_alive(): # Requested and still waiting.
                 str_list.append("It is still being created.")
             else:    # First time this has been requested.
                 str_list.append("It is being created.")
                 creation_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.process, args=args)
                 self.threads[args] = creation_thread
     return str_list
コード例 #2
ファイル: default.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
def membership(args, opts):
        Prints the set of collections to which a file belongs. 
                If a collection is passed its membership will not be printed
        Syntax: membership %<oid> ...
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    if not valid:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("No valid oids found")
    exclude_cids = [oid for oid in valid if api.exists("collections", oid)]
    main_oids = set(api.expand_oids(valid))
    membership_cids = {}
    cids = [cid for cid in api.collection_cids() if cid not in exclude_cids]
    for cid in cids:
        this_oids = set(api.expand_oids(cid))
        this_intersection = list(main_oids.intersection(this_oids))
        if this_intersection:
            membership_cids[cid] = this_intersection
    if "noprint" not in opts:
    return membership_cids
コード例 #3
def process(oid, opts):
    logger.debug("Processing file %s", oid)
    import_time = int(time.time())
    import_name = os.path.basename(opts["file_location"]) # strip dir from name
    file_stat   = opts["stat"]
    size        = file_stat["size"]
    data = None
    # Get the existing file info - if any
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        data = api.retrieve(name, oid, opts, True)
    # If file info doesn't exist create new
    if not data:  
        metadata = {import_time:{import_name:file_stat}}
        data = {"metadata":metadata, "names":set([import_name]), "size":size}
    # If data already exists append
        if "size" not in data: data["size"] = size
        data["metadata"][import_time] = {import_name:file_stat}
    api.store(name, oid, data, opts)
    # Add import time tag
    tags = {"import_time":import_time}
    api.apply_tags(oid, tags)

    return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: tags.py プロジェクト: killbug2004/oxide
def get_tags(oid):
    if not isinstance(oid, str):
        logger.error("get_tags must be called with a single OID")
        return None
    elif not api.exists("tags", oid):
        return None
        return api.retrieve("tags", oid)
コード例 #5
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):
    src = api.source(oid)
    if api.documentation(src)["set"]:
        return None
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    out_histo = build_ngrams(api.retrieve(src, oid, opts)["data"], opts["n"])
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #6
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):
    src = api.source(oid)
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    data = api.get_field(src, oid, "data")
    if not data:
        return None
    out_histo = build_histo(data)
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #7
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):
    src = api.source(oid)
    if api.documentation(src)["set"]:
        return None
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    opcodes = api.get_field("opcodes", oid, "opcodes")
    if not opcodes: return None
    out_histo = build_histo(opcodes)
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #8
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):
    src = api.source(oid)
    if api.documentation(src)["set"]:
        return None
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    nops = api.retrieve("nops", oid, opts)
    if not nops:
        return None
    out_histo = nop_histo(nops)
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #9
ファイル: tags.py プロジェクト: killbug2004/oxide
def apply_tags(oid_list, new_tags):
    if isinstance(oid_list, list):
        for oid in oid_list:
            apply_tags(oid, new_tags)
        oid = oid_list
        if not api.exists("tags", oid):
            tags = {}
            tags = api.retrieve("tags", oid, {}, True)
        for tag in new_tags:
            tags[tag] = new_tags[tag]
        api.store("tags", oid, tags)
コード例 #10
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):

    src = api.source(oid)
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    map_imports = api.get_field("map_calls", oid, "system_calls")
    if not map_imports:
        return None
    out_histo = defaultdict(int)
    for addr in map_imports:
        out_histo[map_imports[addr]] = out_histo[map_imports[addr]] + 1
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #11
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):

    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)
    if not functions:
        return None
    out_histo = defaultdict(int)
    for f in functions:
        l = calls(functions[f])
        out_histo = merge_histo(out_histo, l)
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #12
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):

    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    bbs = api.retrieve("basic_blocks", oid)
    if not bbs:
        return None
    out_histo = defaultdict(int)
    for f in bbs:
        for bb in bbs[f]:
            out_histo[bb["num_insns"]] += 1
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
コード例 #13
ファイル: default.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
def intersection(args, opts):
        Returns the intersection of the collections passed in, non-collection IDs will be ignored
        Syntax: intersection &col1 &col2 ...
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    if not valid:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("No valid oids found")
    cids = [oid for oid in valid if api.exists("collections", oid)]
    if not cids:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("No valid collections found")
    oids = set(api.expand_oids(cids[0]))
    for c in cids[1:]:
        oids = oids.intersection(api.expand_oids(c))
    return oids
コード例 #14
ファイル: hist_gui.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
 def get_opcode_hist(self, oid, cutoff=20):
     if api.exists('opcode_histogram', oid):
         hist = api.retrieve('opcode_histogram',oid_list=[oid,])
         hist_items = hist.items()
         hist_items.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
         hist_items = hist_items[:cutoff]
         hist = dict(hist_items)
         print "opcode_histogram file does not exist for:",
         print "%s" % oid
         args = ('opcode_histogram', oid)
         if self.threads.has_key(args):
             print "It is still being created."
             print "It is being created."
             creation_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.process, args=args)
         hist = {}
     return hist
コード例 #15
ファイル: hist_gui.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
 def get_byte_hist(self,oid):
     if api.exists('byte_histogram', oid):
         byte_hist = api.retrieve('byte_histogram',oid_list=[oid,])
         # convert all of the keys into printable form
         hexlified_hist = {}
         for key, value in byte_hist.items():
             hexlified_hist[hexlify(key)] = value
         # add in 0s for the values that are not currently in the hist
         for i in range(0xff):
             if hex(i)[2:] not in hexlified_hist:
                 hexlified_hist[hex(i)[2:]] = 0
         hist = hexlified_hist
         print "byte_histogram file does not exist for:",
         print "%s" % oid
         args = ('byte_histogram', oid)
         if self.threads.has_key(args):
             print "It is still being created."
             print "It is being created."
             creation_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.process, args=args)
         hist = {}
     return hist
コード例 #16
ファイル: re_tools.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
def name(oid):
    if api.exists("file_meta", oid):
        return api.get_field("file_meta", oid, "names").pop()
    elif api.exists("collections_meta", oid):
        return api.get_colname_from_oid(oid)
    return None
コード例 #17
ファイル: re_tools.py プロジェクト: SamuelMulder/oxide
def hex_view(args, opts):
        Print the hex values of a file and the disassebmly 
        Syntax: hex_print %<oid> --slice=<start>:<stop> --width=<int> --height=<int> --less
    args, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    args = api.expand_oids(args)
    if not args:
        if current_file:
            args = [current_file]
            raise ShellSyntaxError("Must provide an oid or use re_init to set file.")
    oid = args[0]
    labels = []
    new_args = []
    mod_opts = {}
    if "module" in opts:
        mod_opts["module"] = opts["module"]
    if "interactive" in opts:
        mod_opts["interactive"] = opts["interactive"]

    disassm = api.get_field("disassembly", [oid], "insns", mod_opts)
    comments = api.get_field("disassembly", [oid], "comments", mod_opts)
    if comments:
    start = stop = 0
    width = default_width
    height = default_height
    if "slice" in opts:
        start, stop = get_slice(opts)
    if "width" in opts:
            width = int(opts["width"])
        except ValueError:
            raise ShellSyntaxError("Invalid width")

    if "height" in opts:
            height = int(opts["height"])
        except ValueError:
            raise ShellSyntaxError("Invalid height")
    less = False
    if "less" in opts:
        less = True
    heatoid = None
    if "heatmap" in opts:
        heatoid, invalid = api.valid_oids([opts["heatmap"]])
    for arg in args: # First separate lables from other items
        if isinstance(arg, dict) and "data" not in arg:
    for arg in new_args:
        src = api.source(arg)
        if isinstance(arg, dict) and "data" in arg: # arg is the output of 'run files <oid>'
            print_hex_string(arg["data"], labels, disassm, heatoid, start, stop, width, height, less)
        elif isinstance(arg, str) and src and api.exists(src, arg): # oid was passed
            data = api.get_field(src, arg, "data")
            print_hex_string(data, labels, disassm, heatoid, start, stop, width, height, less)
        elif isinstance(arg, str):
            print_hex_string(arg, labels, disassm, heatoid, start, stop, width, height, less)
            print "  - Can't print arg %s" % arg