コード例 #1
def getBasisVectors( obj ):
	returns 3 world space orthonormal basis vectors that represent the orientation of the given object
	xPrime, yPrime, zPrime = api.getBases( obj )

	return Vector([xPrime.x, xPrime.y, xPrime.z]), Vector([yPrime.x, yPrime.y, yPrime.z]), Vector([zPrime.x, zPrime.y, zPrime.z])
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: creuter23/fs-tech-artist
def getBasisVectors( obj ):
	returns 3 world space orthonormal basis vectors that represent the orientation of the given object
	xPrime, yPrime, zPrime = api.getBases( obj )

	return Vector([xPrime.x, xPrime.y, xPrime.z]), Vector([yPrime.x, yPrime.y, yPrime.z]), Vector([zPrime.x, zPrime.y, zPrime.z])
コード例 #3
def getWristToWorldRotation( wrist, performRotate=False ):
	basis = map(api.MVectorToVector, api.getBases( wrist ))
	rots = [0, 0, 0]
	for n, axis in enumerate( AXES[:3] ):
		axis = Vector.Axis( axis )
		if axis.dot( basis[n] ) < 0:
			rots[n] = 180

	if performRotate:
		rots.append( wrist )
		cmd.rotate(rots[0], rots[1], rots[2], wrist, a=True, ws=True)

	return tuple( rots )
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: creuter23/fs-tech-artist
def getWristToWorldRotation( wrist, performRotate=False ):
	basis = map(api.MVectorToVector, api.getBases( wrist ))
	rots = [0, 0, 0]
	for n, axis in enumerate( AXES[:3] ):
		axis = Vector.Axis( axis )
		if axis.dot( basis[n] ) < 0:
			rots[n] = 180

	if performRotate:
		rots.append( wrist )
		cmd.rotate(rots[0], rots[1], rots[2], wrist, a=True, ws=True)

	return tuple( rots )
コード例 #5
ファイル: meshUtils.py プロジェクト: creuter23/fs-tech-artist
def findVertsInVolume( meshes, volume ):
	returns a dict containing meshes and the list of vert attributes contained
	within the given <volume>
	#define a super simple vector class to additionally record vert id with position...
	class VertPos(vectors.Vector):
		def __init__( self, x, y, z, vertIdx=None ):
			vectors.Vector.__init__(self, [x, y, z])
			self.id = vertIdx

	#this dict provides the functions used to determine whether a point is inside a volume or not
	insideDeterminationMethod = {ExportManager.kVOLUME_SPHERE: isPointInSphere,
								 ExportManager.kVOLUME_CUBE: isPointInCube}

	#if there are any uniform overrides for the contained method (called if the volume's scale is
	#unity) it can be registered here
	insideDeterminationIfUniform = {ExportManager.kVOLUME_SPHERE: isPointInUniformSphere,
									ExportManager.kVOLUME_CUBE: isPointInCube}

	#grab any data we're interested in for the volume
	volumePos = vectors.Vector( cmd.xform(volume, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) )
	volumeScale = map(abs, cmd.getAttr('%s.s' % volume)[0])
	volumeBasis = map(mayaVectors.MayaVector, api.getBases(volume))

	#make sure the basis is normalized
	volumeBasis = [v.normalize() for v in volumeBasis]

	#now lets determine the volume type
	type = ExportManager.kVOLUME_SPHERE
	try: type = int( cmd.getAttr('%s.exportVolume' % volume) )
	except TypeError: pass

	isContainedMethod = insideDeterminationMethod[type]
	print 'method for interior volume determination', isContainedMethod.__name__
	sx = volumeScale[0]
	if vectors.Vector(volumeScale).within((sx, sx, sx)):
		try: isContainedMethod = insideDeterminationIfUniform[type]
		except KeyError: pass

	#now lets iterate over the geometry
	meshVertsWithin = {}
	for mesh in meshes:
		#its possible to pass not a mesh but a component in - this is totally valid, as the polyListComponentConversion
		#should make sure we're always dealing with verts no matter what, but we still need to make sure the dict key is
		#the actual name of the mesh - hence this bit of jiggery pokery
		dotIdx = mesh.rfind('.')
		meshName = mesh if dotIdx == -1 else mesh[:dotIdx]

		meshPositions = []
		meshVertsWithin[meshName] = meshPositions

		#this gives us a huge list of floats - each sequential triple is the position of a vert
			#if this complains its most likely coz the geo is bad - so skip it...
			vertPosList = cmd.xform(cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(mesh, toVertex=True), fl=True), q=True, t=True, ws=True)
		except TypeError: continue
		count = len(vertPosList)/3

		for idx in xrange(count):
			pos = VertPos(vertPosList.pop(0), vertPosList.pop(0), vertPosList.pop(0), idx)
			contained = isContainedMethod(pos, volumePos, volumeScale, volumeBasis)
			if contained:
				pos.weight = contained[1]
				meshPositions.append( pos )

	return meshVertsWithin
コード例 #6
def findVertsInVolume( meshes, volume ):
	returns a dict containing meshes and the list of vert attributes contained
	within the given <volume>
	#define a super simple vector class to additionally record vert id with position...
	class VertPos(vectors.Vector):
		def __init__( self, x, y, z, vertIdx=None ):
			vectors.Vector.__init__(self, [x, y, z])
			self.id = vertIdx

	#this dict provides the functions used to determine whether a point is inside a volume or not
	insideDeterminationMethod = {ExportManager.kVOLUME_SPHERE: isPointInSphere,
								 ExportManager.kVOLUME_CUBE: isPointInCube}

	#if there are any uniform overrides for the contained method (called if the volume's scale is
	#unity) it can be registered here
	insideDeterminationIfUniform = {ExportManager.kVOLUME_SPHERE: isPointInUniformSphere,
									ExportManager.kVOLUME_CUBE: isPointInCube}

	#grab any data we're interested in for the volume
	volumePos = vectors.Vector( cmd.xform(volume, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) )
	volumeScale = map(abs, cmd.getAttr('%s.s' % volume)[0])
	volumeBasis = map(mayaVectors.MayaVector, api.getBases(volume))

	#make sure the basis is normalized
	volumeBasis = [v.normalize() for v in volumeBasis]

	#now lets determine the volume type
	type = ExportManager.kVOLUME_SPHERE
	try: type = int( cmd.getAttr('%s.exportVolume' % volume) )
	except TypeError: pass

	isContainedMethod = insideDeterminationMethod[type]
	print 'method for interior volume determination', isContainedMethod.__name__
	sx = volumeScale[0]
	if vectors.Vector(volumeScale).within((sx, sx, sx)):
		try: isContainedMethod = insideDeterminationIfUniform[type]
		except KeyError: pass

	#now lets iterate over the geometry
	meshVertsWithin = {}
	for mesh in meshes:
		#its possible to pass not a mesh but a component in - this is totally valid, as the polyListComponentConversion
		#should make sure we're always dealing with verts no matter what, but we still need to make sure the dict key is
		#the actual name of the mesh - hence this bit of jiggery pokery
		dotIdx = mesh.rfind('.')
		meshName = mesh if dotIdx == -1 else mesh[:dotIdx]

		meshPositions = []
		meshVertsWithin[meshName] = meshPositions

		#this gives us a huge list of floats - each sequential triple is the position of a vert
			#if this complains its most likely coz the geo is bad - so skip it...
			vertPosList = cmd.xform(cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(mesh, toVertex=True), fl=True), q=True, t=True, ws=True)
		except TypeError: continue
		count = len(vertPosList)/3

		for idx in xrange(count):
			pos = VertPos(vertPosList.pop(0), vertPosList.pop(0), vertPosList.pop(0), idx)
			contained = isContainedMethod(pos, volumePos, volumeScale, volumeBasis)
			if contained:
				pos.weight = contained[1]
				meshPositions.append( pos )

	return meshVertsWithin