コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Construct GPT object and show some examples
        self.gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.4, max_tokens=60)

                'Thank John for the book.',
                'Dear John, Thank you so much for the book. I really appreciate it. I hope to hang out soon. Your friend, Sarah.'

                'Tell TechCorp I appreciate the great service.',
                'To Whom it May Concern, I want you to know that I appreciate the great service at TechCorp. The staff is outstanding and I enjoy every visit. Sincerely, Bill Johnson'

                'Invoice Kelly Watkins $500 for design consultation.',
                'Dear Ms. Watkins, This is my invoice for $500 for design consultation. It was a pleasure to work with you. Sincerely, Emily Fields'

                'Invite Amanda and Paul to the company event Friday night.',
                'Dear Amanda and Paul, I hope this finds you doing well. I want to invite you to our company event on Friday night. It will be a great opportunity for networking and there will be food and drinks. Should be fun. Best, Ryan'
コード例 #2
def prime_model():
    # Construct GPT object and show some examples
    gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.9, max_tokens=600)

    walmart_prompt1 = "Agent: Hi, thank you for calling the Walmart Help Center, my name is Jane. " \
                      "How may I help you today?\nCaller: Hi, yeah. I didn't get any emails for pick up?\n"
    walmart_example1 = "\nAgent: Okay, I can help you with that. First, can I please get your name?" \
                       "\nCaller: It's John. Do you want my email or anything?" \
                       "\nAgent: Thanks John. If you have the order number handy, then I can check on it right " \
                       "now for you. An email address would also be helpful." \
                       "\nCaller: Okay sure, it's order number 12345678 and my email is [email protected]" \
                       "\nAgent: Okay, one moment while I look that up for you." \
                       "\nCaller: Sure. Yeah I just want to see if it's ready to be picked up, " \
                       "but also it's kinda weird that I didn't get any emails about it." \
                       "\nAgent: Hi John, thanks for your patience. I can see here that your order isn't ready for " \
                       "pickup yet, but it should be in the next couple of hours. It's possible that the emails " \
                       "got sent to your email spam folder, so that could be worth checking. I'm sorry for " \
                       "the inconvenience. If you'd like, I can have the store give you a call when the order " \
                       "is ready instead." \
                       "\nCaller: Oh, that would be great." \
                       "\nAgent: Of course. What phone number would you like us to use?" \
                       "\nCaller: Sure it's uh 123-456-7890" \
                       "\nAgent: Thank you, you should be receiving a call sometime in the next few hours when your " \
                       "order is ready for pickup. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" \
                       "\nCaller: No, that's it. Thanks." \
                       "\nAgent: My pleasure. Thank you for calling Walmart, you have a great day."

    ciscoit_prompt1 = "Agent: Sorry, you're speaking with Jane how may I assist you?" \
                      "\nCaller: Hi, I'm gonna set up my email. I'm on mobile. I got a new phone and, uh, " \
                      "I'm following the stuff, but the. Um, I got to the E store part downloaded E store. " \
                      "I'm trying to log in and it's been authenticating for the past, like, 20 minutes.\n"
    ciscoit_example1 = "\nAgent: ID please." \
                       "\nCaller: Sure, 234521." \
                       "\nAgent: Thanks." \
                       "\nAgent: Using an Android device?" \
                       "\nCaller: Apple." \
                       "\nAgent: I see. And is it a private WiFi network or home network?" \
                       "\nCaller: It's my home Wifi." \
                       "\nAgent: Okay could you please close all the applications and try with mobile data?" \
                       "\nCaller: Okay, okay. So get off my WiFi." \
                       "\nAgent: Absolutely correct." \
                       "\nCaller: Okay." \
                       "\nAgent: Yes, please close every application on the mobile phone and make sure you " \
                       "restart the app store." \
                       "\nCaller: Okay, got it." \
                       "\nAgent: Okay, once you've done that, could you please try installing and setting up the " \
                       "email again?" \
                       "\nCaller: Okay, just a minute." \
                       "\nAgent: No problem." \
                       "\nCaller: It's authenticating." \
                       "\nCaller: Oh hey, it worked! Thank you so much." \
                       "\nAgent: Good, I'm glad. Is there anything else you need?" \
                       "\nCaller: No, not right now. Thanks."

    gpt.add_example(Example(walmart_prompt1, walmart_example1))
    gpt.add_example(Example(ciscoit_prompt1, ciscoit_example1))
    return gpt
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):
        # Construct GPT object and show some examples
        self.gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.5, max_tokens=100)

        self.gpt.add_example(Example('Two plus two equals four', '2 + 2 = 4'))
            Example('The integral from zero to infinity', '\\int_0^{\\infty}'))
                'The gradient of x squared plus two times x with respect to x',
                '\\nabla_x x^2 + 2x'))
        self.gpt.add_example(Example('The log of two times x', '\\log{2x}'))
            Example('x squared plus y squared plus equals z squared',
                    'x^2 + y^2 = z^2'))
            Example('The sum from zero to twelve of i squared',
                    '\\sum_{i=0}^{12} i^2'))
        self.gpt.add_example(Example('E equals m times c squared', 'E = mc^2'))
        self.gpt.add_example(Example('H naught of t', 'H_0(t)'))
                'f of n equals 1 over (b-a) if n is 0 otherwise 5',
                'f(n) = \\begin{cases} 1/(b-a) &\\mbox{if } n \\equiv 0 \\\ # 5 \\end{cases}'
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):
        # Construct GPT object and show some examples
        self.gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.5, max_tokens=100)

                'Neural networks are like',
                'genetic algorithms in that both are systems that learn from experience.'
                'Social media is like',
                'a market in that both are systems that coordinate the actions of many individuals.'
                'A2E is like',
                'lipofuscin in that both are byproducts of the normal operation of a system.'
            Example('Haskell is like',
                    'LISP in that both are functional languages.'))
                'Quaternions are like',
                'matrices in that both are used to represent rotations in three dimensions.'
                'Quaternions are like',
                'octonions in that both are examples of non-commutative algebra.'
コード例 #5
def prime_model(examples,
    # Construct GPT object and show some examples
    gpt = GPT(
    for p, e in examples:
        gpt.add_example(Example(p, e))
    return gpt
コード例 #6
ファイル: run_sales_copy.py プロジェクト: Halldon/Halldon_Tye

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a high converting sales copy for websites

        """Buffer, Social Media management platform""",
        """“Tell your brand’s story and grow your audience with a publishing, analytics, and engagement platform you can trust."""

        """WK Leads, Lead generation software to find qualified leads in your market.""",
        """“Get direct access to decision makers from 30M+ companies in less than 5 minutes with WK Leads."""

        """Tye, An AI helping users make more creative sales copy""",
        """“A chatbot that helps you create better, more engaging sales pages and email campaigns in minutes."""

# Define UI configuration
コード例 #7
import os
import sys

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig
from api import demo_web_app

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.5, max_tokens=100)

        'Augmented reality app that helps you design your room',
        'One of the concerns while buying furniture or any interior decoration item is whether the product will suit your room and where would it look the best. An AR app helps you style your room by permitting you to use your camera and place 3D models of various items and furniture in the virtual space on your phone and see how it would look. The app can even partner with various shopping sites and facilitate user to order it directly from the app.'

        'Scan and convert to pdf app',
        'Rather than going to a shop to get your documents to scan and then converting them into pdf. A scan and save it to pdf app can help you keep important records such as receipts, documents, report cards, notes, whiteboards etc., on your mobile securely. This app permits you to quickly scan your documents in high quality and store or send them as multipage PDF or JPEG files.'

        'Health check-up and food planner app',
        'This app checks your health day by day and suggests you proper meals that you should consume in order to remain healthy. It connects you to the numerous healthy-recipes that are provided by professional chef-bloggers. You can set your content to be provided as per your health situation, for e.g. if you are heart patient, you’ll be recommended recipes made of ingredients that are heart-healthy. The app can partner with groceries to deliver healthy items online directly from the app.'

        'Railway tracking app',
コード例 #8
app = Flask(__name__)

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

set_openai_key("sk-somerandomcharacters (This is where your openai key goes)")

candidate_sentences = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="davinci",

gpt.add_example(Example('Harmonization/domain-invariance schemes results are undesirable. The accuracy of the output predictions cannot be accurately predicted.',
                            'We show that for a wide class of harmonization/domain-invariance schemes several undesirable properties are unavoidable. If a predictive machine is made invariant to a set of domains, the accuracy of the output predictions (as measured by mutual information) is limited by the domain with the least amount of information to begin with. If a real label value is highly informative about the source domain, it cannot be accurately predicted by an invariant predictor. These results are simple and intuitive, but we believe that it is beneficial to state them for medical imaging harmonization.'))
gpt.add_example(Example('Prediction in a new domain without any training sample called zero-shot domain adaptation (ZSDA), is an important task in domain adaptation.',
                            'Prediction in a new domain without any training sample, called zero-shot domain adaptation (ZSDA), is an important task in domain adaptation. While prediction in a new domain has gained much attention in recent years, in this paper, we investigate another potential of ZSDA. Specifically, instead of predicting responses in a new domain, we find a description of a new domain given a prediction. The task is regarded as predictive optimization, but existing predictive optimization methods have not been extended to handling multiple domains. We propose a simple framework for predictive optimization with ZSDA and analyze the condition in which the optimization problem becomes convex optimization. We also discuss how to handle the interaction of characteristics of a domain in predictive optimization. Through numerical experiments, we demonstrate the potential usefulness of our proposed framework.'))
gpt.add_example(Example('Agents that learn to select optimal actions represent an important focus of the sequential decision making literature.',
                            'Agents that learn to select optimal actions represent a prominent focus of the sequential decisionmaking literature. In the face of a complex environment or constraints on time and resources, however, aiming to synthesize such an optimal policy can become infeasible. These scenarios give rise to an important trade-off between the information an agent must acquire to learn and the sub-optimality of the resulting policy. While an agent designer has a preference for how this trade-off is resolved, existing approaches further require that the designer translate these preferences into a fixed learning target for the agent. In this work, leveraging rate-distortion theory, we automate this process such that the designer need only express their preferences via a single hyperparameter and the agent is endowed with the ability to compute its own learning targets that best achieve the desired trade-off. We establish a general bound on expected discounted regret for an agent that decides what to learn in this manner along with computational experiments that illustrate the expressiveness of designer preferences and even show improvements over Thompson sampling in identifying an optimal policy.'))
gpt.add_example(Example('We study learning Censor Markov Random Fields CMRF in short. These are Markov Random Fields where some of the nodes are censored.',
                            'We study learning Censor Markov Random Fields (abbreviated CMRFs). These are Markov Random Fields where some of the nodes are censored (not observed). We present an algorithm for learning high temperature CMRFs within o(n) transportation distance. Crucially our algorithm makes no assumption about the structure of the graph or the number or location of the observed nodes. We obtain stronger results for high girth high temperature CMRFs as well as computational lower bounds indicating that our results can not be qualitatively improved.'))
gpt.add_example(Example('Federated learning brings potential benefits of faster learning, better solutions, and a greater propensity to transfer when heterogeneous data from different parties increases diversity.',
                            'Federated learning brings potential benefits of faster learning, better solutions, and a greater propensity to transfer when heterogeneous data from different parties increases diversity. However, because federated learning tasks tend to be large and complex, and training times non-negligible, it is important for the aggregation algorithm to be robust to non-IID data and corrupted parties. This robustness relies on the ability to identify, and appropriately weight, incompatible parties. Recent work assumes that a reference dataset is available through which to perform the identification. We consider settings where no such reference dataset is available; rather, the quality and suitability of the parties needs to be inferred. We do so by bringing ideas from crowdsourced predictions and collaborative filtering, where one must infer an unknown ground truth given proposals from participants with unknown quality. We propose novel federated learning aggregation algorithms based on Bayesian inference that adapt to the quality of the parties. Empirically, we show that the algorithms outperform standard and robust aggregation in federated learning on both synthetic and real data.'))

def get_relation(sent):
    doc = nlp(sent)

    matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
コード例 #9
API_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..')

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a product showcase for social media platforms

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“Hello I’m CopyAi, an automated copywriting service for small businesses and entrepreneurs. 
With our AI technology, you can easily generate high-quality unique content for a fraction of the cost."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“Green Ivy Creative is an independent marketing agency that has launched the world's first AI powered copywriter. 
CopyAi, creates original content from scratch in seconds. With world-class writers on our team, we can create SEO 
friendly content for any business with over 1 million writing samples, including business documents and blog posts. 
We are currently offering a free trial, message us for more info!"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“Need to write content for your website or blog? The team over at CopyAi has developed an AI powered 
copywriter to provide you with professional courses that you can publish on your site."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“What if you could outsource business copy to a human-like, AI assistant? That’s what I did 
when I decided to create CopyAi. The AI formulates winning copy and headlines for my clients 
コード例 #10
"""Idea taken from https://www.notion.so/Analogies-Generator-9b046963f52f446b9bef84aa4e416a4c"""

import os
import sys

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig
from api import demo_web_app

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.5, max_tokens=100)

        'Neural networks are like',
        'genetic algorithms in that both are systems that learn from experience.'
        'Social media is like',
        'a market in that both are systems that coordinate the actions of many individuals.'
        'A2E is like',
        'lipofuscin in that both are byproducts of the normal operation of a system.'
    Example('Haskell is like', 'LISP in that both are functional languages.'))
コード例 #11
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

##Generate problem-promise-proof-proposal

        """laptop case, protext laptop from scratches with high quality leather case.""",
        """Problem: Since the introduction of laptops, there has been a huge trend of owning a new laptop but leaving it unprotected.
Promise: Quality protection for your laptop with leather case
Proof: [Customer Proof 'with this high-quality leather case, you can have peace of mind that you are not going to damage your device'].
Proposal: Buy Laptop Cover Now! | High quality leather case covering your entire device or order protection only for screen."""

        """heated blanket, soft, warm, electric, heated blanket""",
        """Problem: You can’t wait to get into bed, but once under the covers you’re still cold.
Promise: With our heated blanket you’ll be toasty warm all-night long.
Proof: [Customer Proof - "It conserves my heating oil, and has given me a more comfortable winter."]
Proposal: Order your electric heated blanket today!"""))

        """AirPods, AirPods deliver an unparalleled listening experience with all your devices. 
コード例 #12
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a blog outline

        """The best plants for north facing windows, A list of plants that can survive in rooms with north facing windows""",
        """Section: 6 house plants that do well in north facing windows
Section: How to keep them alive (8 tips)
Section: Common sense tips and advice for north-facing window dwellers
Takeaway: This will help you pare down the list of plants you can't live without"""

        """The best plants for north facing windows, A list of plants that can survive in rooms with north facing windows""",
        """Section: Cool-light loving plants (aka the plants that do well in north facing windows)
Section: What you can grow in the winter - great for apartments!
Section: Plants that should not go in the window sill - aka which plants will not survive the sunny windows
Takeaway: A great guide that tells you what to grow and what to avoid. It has over 2,000 words, 300px image 
and custom graphics about each plant on a north facing windowsill."""))

コード例 #13
import os
import sys


from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig
from api import demo_web_app

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.2, max_tokens=1000)

        "There are several hyerechoic calcific foci within the gallbladder with significant posterior acoustic shadowing in keeping with cholecystolithiasis",
        "There are several dense objects typical of gallstones within the gallbladder"
        "The lungs and pleura are clear and the cardiomedistinal silhouette is unremarkable. No rib lesions.",
        "Normal chest X-ray."))
        "No mass, haemorrhage or hydrocephalus. Basal ganglia and posterior fossa structures are normal. No established major vessel vascular territory infarct. No intra or extra axial collection. The basal cisterns and foramen magnum are patent. The air cells of the petrous temporal bone are non-opacified. No fracture demonstrated.",
        "Normal CT head"))
        "Low signal intensity foci seen in the posterior aspect of the peripheral zone at the level of the mid gland toward the apex measuring 0.9 cm on the left and 0.9 cm on the right with associated early enhancement and possible restricted diffusion. Findings are concerning for neoplastic foci.",
        "There are a couple of areas which could be cancerous in the outer part of the prostate."
コード例 #14
#Model works, after insprecting output in dev tools, the formatting issue is a UI issue, not a backend issue.
import os
import sys
API_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..',

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta", temperature=0.85, max_tokens=800)

        'Data Scientist, Experience mining data, optimizing classifiers.',
        'Ebony Moore\n(123) 456-7891\[email protected]\nMay 1, 2018\nDear  Hiring Manager,\nI would like to introduce myself as an applicant for the Data Scientist position at River Tech, a prestigious and reputable name in innovative technology. I am confident in my ability to perform as a Data Scientist at River Tech due to my extensive education and work experience.\nDuring my work experience at Crane & Jenkins, I had an extensive range of responsibilities including selecting features, optimizing classifiers, mining data, expanding the company\'s data by incorporating third-party sources, improving data collection techniques, processing data, and doing ad-hoc analyses. As a Data Scientist, I was required to have excellent communication skills, understanding of algorithms, excellence in the MatLab tool kit, proficiency in GGplot, knowledge of SQL, and excellence in applied statistics. During my eight-year tenure at Crane & Jenkins, I applied these skills daily and performed exceptionally at the company.\nMy abilities as a Data Scientist are rooted in a sturdy education in mathematics. I began with a bachelor\'s degree in computer science from Longford Tech. I followed this with a master\'s degree in statistics and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics. I attribute my success as a Data Scientist in large part to this extensive and in-depth education. I believe my personality has also played a major role in my ability to succeed in this career. I am an extremely analytical, data-oriented, and calculated. Even in my personal life I like to look at the data before making a decision. I like to analyze outcomes.\nI would like to thank you for taking the time to review my application. I look forward to hearing more about River Tech and the details of the Data Scientist position. I feel that my education and experience will ensure my success in this role.\nSincerely,\nEbony Moore'

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Create a cover letter.",
    "Tell me the role you're applying for and what experience makes you a good candidate."
id = "cover-letter-creator"
コード例 #15

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a YouTube description for the video.

        """Business Growth Hacks for 2021, the best ways to grow your business in 2021""",
        """“If you're wondering what the best, most modern ways are to grow your business in 2021 then this is the 
video for you. I talk about why these growth hacks will work and how to implement them."""

        """Business Growth Hacks for 2021, the best ways to grow your business in 2021""",
        """“Advice on how to grow your business = there's no secret recipe. In this video, I give you my best 
advice on some of the best ways to grow your business in 2021."""))

        """Business Growth Hacks for 2021, the best ways to grow your business in 2021""",
        """“Business Growth Hacks For 2021: In this video, I share my thoughts about what the top growth hacks 
for the next few years will be in business. How do you get more customers? How do you profit from your 
ideas? How do you grow a profitable business? These are some of the answers I give"""
コード例 #16
ファイル: run_listicle.py プロジェクト: Halldon/Halldon_Tye

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a blog outline

        """Pandas for python, 3 reasons to use the Pandas package in python""",
        """1. It makes data analysis and manipulation easy
2. It allows you to quickly create charts
3. Enables data exchange between programs in Python"""))

        """Pandas for python, 3 reasons to use the Pandas package in python""",
        """1. It is faster
2. It is easier to use
3. It makes data manipulation easier and more fun"""))

        """Pandas for python, 3 reasons to use the Pandas package in python""",
        """1. Working with numbers
2. Get data out of the spreadsheet
コード例 #17

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a short text hook for product

        'CopyAi, AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs',
        'If youre any kind of businessperson then youve probably written an ad Theres an alternative to expensive marketing firms.A thread 👇👇'

        'CopyAi, AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs',
        'The founder of CopyAi turned a $6,000 investment into a multi-million dollar business. Lets explore the model in this thread.'

        'CopyAi, AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs',
        'Ill go into what makes this AI copywriter different to many others, explain the market it serves, give my review of its services so far,and show you what you can achieve with it.'

コード例 #18
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

##create an intro for your blog post

        """Backpacking Essentials, backpacking, mountaineering, gear, safety, mountains, camping, ultralight """,
        """If you plan on going backpacking, mountaineering, or traveling in the mountains, it is essential to have backpacking essentials. 
While some people like to carry heavy equipment out in the wilderness, I prefer traveling ultralight with just the essentials. 
All you need are a few backpacking essentials to ensure your safety and comfort so you can spend more time enjoying yourself 
and less time being frustrated by heavy equipment. Also by traveling ultralight, you will have more opportunities to take 
that amazing Instagram photo or reach that summit without having to turn around for lack of strength and energy."""

        """Backpacking Essentials, backpacking, mountaineering, gear, safety, mountains, camping, ultralight """,
        """The most important tips and recommendations on backpacking, mountaineering, and ultralight hiking."""

        """Backpacking Essentials, backpacking, mountaineering, gear, safety, mountains, camping, ultralight """,
        """I’m just going to get right into this post because there is a lot to cover and the clock is ticking on my free time. 
I will be honest, I’m not an expert — but I’ve done enough backcountry camping to know how to be safe, comfortable and smart 
コード例 #19

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a catchy e-mail subject line

        """Detangle Spray, This special milky detangler spray. A few spritzes lubricates hair strands to make styling easier. 
Hair feels soft and lightly nourished. For all hair types.""",
        """SOFT HAIR!"""))

        """Detangle Spray, This special milky detangler spray. A few spritzes lubricates hair strands to make styling easier. 
Hair feels soft and lightly nourished. For all hair types.""",
        """The best hairspray to ever walk the earth!?"""))

        """Detangle Spray, This special milky detangler spray. A few spritzes lubricates hair strands to make styling easier. 
Hair feels soft and lightly nourished. For all hair types.""",
        """Your hair can look this good, too."""))

コード例 #20
ファイル: salsa_demo.py プロジェクト: shahjaidev/Salsa-GPT3

from api import demo_web_app
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

question_prefix = 'Q: '
question_suffix = "\n"
answer_prefix = "A: "
answer_suffix = "\n\n"

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="babbage", temperature=0.06, max_tokens=85)

        'When did merengue become popular in New York City?',
        'Merengue has been heard in New York since the 1930s, when Eduardo Brito became the first to sing the Dominican national music there. In 1967, Joseíto Mateo, Alberto Beltrán, and Primitivo Santos took merengue to Madison Square Garden for the first time. By the 1980s merengue was so big in New York City it was dominating salsa on the radio.  '
        'What role does merengue play in dominican identity?',
        'The merengue is considered part of the national identity of the Dominican community. It plays an active role in various aspects of people’s daily lives – from their education to social gatherings and celebrations, even political campaigning. In 2005, the traditional practice was recognised by presidential decree with November 26 declared National Merengue Day. Merengue festivals are held in cities in the Dominican Republic like Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata every year.'
        'Is there a similarity between the Dominican merengue and the Haitian meringue?',
        'Influenced by Spanish decema and plena, merengue can be considered a close cousin of the Haitian "meringue," a musical genre sung in Creole but with a slower tempo and more sentimental melody. This is likely because both styles emerged because of the slave trade of their respective regions, which integrated large swaths of African prisoners with the culture of their new homes.'

        'Who is Juan Luis Guerra and what characterizes his music?',
コード例 #21

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a call to action for product

        """CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs""",
        """Sign up now and use CopyAi to automate your company blog!"""))

        """CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs""",
        """Try CopyAi risk-free for 10 days"""))

    Example("""rooting hormone that will build stronger roots faster.""",
            """Get 3X faster plant growth today (CLICK HERE)."""))

    Example("""rooting hormone that will build stronger roots faster.""",
            """Go check out the best rooting hormone"""))
コード例 #22

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a growth ideas generator

        'leather camera strap',
        'New idea: promote prints with a group of people you\'re partnered with as a collaborative promotion'

        'plant pot',
        'New idea: offer to include a free cutting of a plant when customers purchases the pot'

        'leather sunglasses case',
        'New idea: offer small container of leather cleaner with purchase.'))

コード例 #23
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a meta description 

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""These natural rooting hormones will promote the development of roots on most popular home, garden and greenhouse plants."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""Rooting hormone aids the development of roots on most popular home, garden and greenhouse plants."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""Root-A-Hormone™ is an all natural plant rooting hormone with bio-stimulants formulated to promote new root growth on most popular home and 
greenhouse plant varieties."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""Rooting hormone helps you start seeds and cuttings easily by helping them develop roots faster. Also helps plant transplants 
become established more quickly, so they can get growing."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""Our quality, trusted rooting products provide home gardeners with new ways to create more green."""))
コード例 #24
ファイル: run_social_bio.py プロジェクト: Halldon/Halldon_Tye

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a social bio

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am the founder and CEO of a tech start up.""",
"""“I'm the Founder and CEO of a fast growing tech start up in Austin. Previous experience 
includes over 10 years in aerospace engineering, 3 years as a startup co-founder 
and 2 years of angel investing."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am the founder and CEO of a tech start up.""",
"""“💻Founder & CEO of a Tech Start Up aiming to help FinTechs & many more. We're looking into many areas, 
including Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Augmented Reality. We are well 
connected in the digital industry & ready to solve any problems you have. Don't hesitate to contact us!
💰 🛠️ www.dominicmclaughlin.com
📲 [email protected] (215) 559"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am a UX designer at Apple""",
"""“I am a UX designer at Apple. Obsessed with technology, design, and identity. I've led product 
design efforts for YouTube Music since the beginning of 2018 and was previously a designer at 
Airbnb and Facebook."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am a UX designer at Apple""",
コード例 #25

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

##Generate Landing Page Hero Text

        """CopyAi, An AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs.""",
        """Your AI-Powered Copywriter"""))

        """CopyAi, An AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs.""",
        """AI-powered copywriter for business"""))

        """CopyAi, An AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs.""",
        """Get professional copy for your website, sales page and social media messages in less"""

コード例 #26
"""Idea taken from https://www.notion.so/Analogies-Generator-9b046963f52f446b9bef84aa4e416a4c"""

import os
import sys


from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig
from api import demo_web_app

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie", temperature=0.5, max_tokens=40)

        "Source Code, The Prestige, Cooper, Minority Report, The Matrix, Memento, The Thirteen Floor, In Time, Transcendence, Interstellar, Lucy, Coherence, Limitless, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Oblivion, Trance"

        "Maus, The Silence, Freaks, Lost Girls, White Bear, One of Us, The Ritual, The Open House, Extinction, Lights Out"

        "The Great Gatsby, The Day After Tomorrow, The Perfect Storm, Romeo and Juliet, Twister, Pride & Prejudice, A Walk to Remember, Me Before You, Forrest Gump, The Longest Ride"

コード例 #27

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create bullet points for product description 

gpt.add_example(Example("""an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""-Small businesses and startups find it hard to create content for their unique voice
-An AI powered copywriter solves this issue
-Create engaging written content in minutes, instead of hours or days"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""-AI powered copywriter
-Write better ads, social media posts, and website content that converts
-Use it to improve all aspects of your ecosystem--ads, social and website content"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""-AI powered copywriter
-Work faster and smarter not harder
-Save time and money with a copywriter who can write better than you ever could."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""-Check out how AI is used in Copywriter.io
-Read about why you should use an AI copywriter
コード例 #28
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create an intro to an essay

        """Why America should move to socialized medicine""",
        """“There's no shortage of people in America who lack access to medicine. 
That fact is a direct result of the way we pay for it. Since I've lived and worked in both 
systems, I can vouch for the benefits of socialized medine. If you get care under a socialized 
system you rarely worry about its cost and availability. It's always there for you when you need 
it, and it doesn't leave you is crippling debt - and it is not primarily paid by third parties like"""

        """Why America should move to socialized medicine""",
        """“Healthcare is more than a public good. It is also an economic imperative for a nation such as America, 
whose businesses compete in the global marketplace. Health care costs are rising beyond anyone's ability 
to pay nearly every year. The US as a whole spends about twice as much per person on health care as any other 
industrialized country, but our life expectancy is shorter and our infant mortality rates are higher."""

コード例 #29
API_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..')

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

##Create subheader

gpt.add_example(Example("""Halldon, We create websites that make you money.""",
"""Get a website that brings you clients. Halldon enables businesses to build and grow their online presence 
by providing smart and affordable websites with nationwide support."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Halldon, We create websites that make you money.""",
"""Our web design specialists can craft a stunning looking website for your business that will grow your revenue and boost your profits."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""root your plants faster with this rooting hormone""",
"""Root enhancer for cuttings and strong growth when rooting plants"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""root your plants faster with this rooting hormone""",
"""Get more root depth and diameter with easy to use liquid hormones."""))

# Define UI configuration
コード例 #30
from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Generate new ideas for a start up based off of pasions.

        """ai powered plant care""",
        """An ai powered plant care concierge service that helps manage your indoor garden. 
The service would: + Collect data on every aspect of every plant and use it to continually
 personalize each plant's environment + Generate products for wholesale (domes/lights/etc), 
 including an online web store + Make recommendations for certain plants (succulents, 
 plants that clean the air, etc), and offer a subscription service to provide each of 
 them with the perfect environment in exchange for a cut of"""))

        """ai powered plant care""",
        """Bot powered plant care. AI can do a pretty good job at automated gardening. Whether one 
is tracking growth rate/light, or anticipating number of waterings needed, etc. Tesla has 
already released a couple of their nature-inspired patents in this area (one for hydroponics 
and one for aeroponics).
iota will be the backbone of the new data economy"""))
