def main(): conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('player', False) query = "SELECT distinct id from player" playerRankings = [] db.execute(query) result = db.fetchall() for playerTuple in result: playerId = playerTuple[0] query = "SELECT (pts+0.5*fg3PtMade+offReb*1.25-0.5*tov) as offScore, (defReb*1.25+stl*2+blk*2) as defScore from daily_player_box_stats d inner join game g on = d.gameId where d.playerId=" + str( playerId ) + " and playedStatus='COMPLETED' order by g.startTime desc limit 25" db.execute(query) bs = db.fetchall() offTotal = 0 defTotal = 0 count = 0 for row in bs: # pts+ast*0.5+(offReb+defReb)*1.25+ast*1.5+stl*2+blk*2+to*-0.5 count += 1 offTotal += row[0] defTotal += row[1] if count > 0: playerRankings.append({ 'id': playerId, 'offScore': round(offTotal / count), 'defScore': round(defTotal / count) }) playerRankings.sort(key=lambda x: x['offScore'], reverse=True) maxOff = playerRankings[0]['offScore'] for obj in playerRankings: obj['offRating'] = round((obj['offScore'] * 50) / maxOff) + 49 playerRankings.sort(key=lambda x: x['defScore'], reverse=True) maxDef = playerRankings[0]['defScore'] for obj in playerRankings: obj['defRating'] = round(obj['defScore'] * 50 / maxDef) + 49 playerRankings.sort(key=lambda x: x['offScore'] + x['defScore'], reverse=True) maxOverall = playerRankings[0]['offScore'] + playerRankings[0]['defScore'] for obj in playerRankings: obj['overallRating'] = round( (obj['offScore'] + obj['defScore']) * 50 / maxOverall) + 49 for obj in playerRankings: query = "INSERT INTO player_ranking (rankingDate, playerId, overallRating, offRating, defRating) VALUES (DATE(DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR)), " + str( obj['id']) + ", " + str(obj['overallRating']) + ", " + str( obj['offRating']) + ", " + str(obj['defRating']) + ")" db.execute(query) conn.commit()
#!/usr/bin/python3 import requests import json # This is because MySQLdb only works for python2 import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() import MySQLdb import api_utils as apiUtils from datetime import date conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('injuries') response = apiUtils.getSportsFeed('injury') injuriesArr = json.loads(response.text)['players'] statusDate = str( print(len(injuriesArr)) for p in injuriesArr: playerId = p["id"] injuryDescription = p["currentInjury"]["description"] playingProbability = p["currentInjury"]["playingProbability"] insertStatement = """INSERT INTO injuries (playerId, statusDate, injuryDescription, playingProbability) VALUES ({playerId}, '{statusDate}', '{injuryDescription}', '{playingProbability}');""".format( playerId=playerId, statusDate=statusDate, injuryDescription=injuryDescription, playingProbability=playingProbability) try: db.execute(insertStatement) conn.commit()
def download(season, gameDate): conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('daily_player_box_stats', False) response = apiUtils.getDailyBoxScore(season, gameDate) if response.status_code != 200: print('request status code ' + str(response.status_code)) return resp = json.loads(response.text) if "gamelogs" not in resp: return playerArr = resp['gamelogs'] print(season, gameDate, len(playerArr)) deleteStatement = "DELETE FROM daily_player_box_stats WHERE DATE(DATE_SUB(startTime, INTERVAL 6 HOUR)) = '" + gameDate + "'" try: db.execute(deleteStatement) conn.commit() except: print(deleteStatement) conn.rollback() for pData in playerArr: playerId = pData["player"]["id"] g = pData["game"] gameId = g["id"] startTimeUnformatted = g["startTime"] startTime = startTimeUnformatted[:-5].replace('T', ' ') # "2018-05-16T00:30:00.000Z"" to 2018-05-16 00:30:00 awayTeamAbbreviation = g["awayTeamAbbreviation"] homeTeamAbbreviation = g["homeTeamAbbreviation"] playerTeamId = pData["team"]["id"] position = pData["player"]["position"] s = pData["stats"] fg = s["fieldGoals"] fg2PtAtt = fg["fg2PtAtt"] fg2PtMade = fg["fg2PtMade"] fg3PtAtt = fg["fg3PtAtt"] fg3PtMade = fg["fg3PtMade"] ft = s["freeThrows"] ftAtt = ft["ftAtt"] ftMade = ft["ftMade"] reb = s["rebounds"] offReb = reb["offReb"] defReb = reb["defReb"] ast = s["offense"]["ast"] pts = s["offense"]["pts"] de = s["defense"] tov = de["tov"] stl = de["stl"] blk = de["blk"] blkAgainst = de["blkAgainst"] msc = s["miscellaneous"] fouls = msc["fouls"] if "fouls" in msc else 0 foulsDrawn = msc["foulsDrawn"] if "foulsDrawn" in msc else 0 foulPers = msc["foulPers"] if "foulPers" in msc else 0 foulPersDrawn = msc["foulPersDrawn"] if "foulPersDrawn" in msc else 0 foulTech = msc["foulTech"] if "foulTech" in msc else 0 foulTechDrawn = msc["foulTechDrawn"] if "foulTechDrawn" in msc else 0 foulFlag1 = msc["foulFlag1"] if "foulFlag1" in msc else 0 foulFlag1Drawn = msc["foulFlag1Drawn"] if "foulFlag1Drawn" in msc else 0 foulFlag2 = msc["foulFlag2"] if "foulFlag2" in msc else 0 foulFlag2Drawn = msc["foulFlag2Drawn"] if "foulFlag2Drawn" in msc else 0 ejections = msc["ejections"] if "ejections" in msc else 0 plusMinus = msc["plusMinus"] minSeconds = msc["minSeconds"] startedGame = "true" if "startedGame" in msc and msc[ "startedGame"] != 0 else "false" insertStatement = """INSERT INTO daily_player_box_stats (playerId, gameId, startTime, awayTeamAbbreviation, homeTeamAbbreviation, playerTeamId, position, fg2PtAtt, fg2PtMade, fg3PtAtt, fg3PtMade, ftAtt, ftMade, offReb, defReb, ast, pts, tov, stl, blk, blkAgainst, fouls, foulsDrawn, foulPers, foulPersDrawn, foulTech, foulTechDrawn, foulFlag1, foulFlag1Drawn, foulFlag2, foulFlag2Drawn, ejections, plusMinus, minSeconds, startedGame) VALUES ({playerId}, {gameId}, '{startTime}', '{awayTeamAbbreviation}', '{homeTeamAbbreviation}', {playerTeamId}, '{position}', {fg2PtAtt}, {fg2PtMade}, {fg3PtAtt}, {fg3PtMade}, {ftAtt}, {ftMade}, {offReb}, {defReb}, {ast}, {pts}, {tov}, {stl}, {blk}, {blkAgainst}, {fouls}, {foulsDrawn}, {foulPers}, {foulPersDrawn}, {foulTech}, {foulTechDrawn}, {foulFlag1}, {foulFlag1Drawn}, {foulFlag2}, {foulFlag2Drawn}, {ejections}, {plusMinus}, {minSeconds}, {startedGame});""".format( playerId=playerId, gameId=gameId, startTime=startTime, awayTeamAbbreviation=awayTeamAbbreviation, homeTeamAbbreviation=homeTeamAbbreviation, playerTeamId=playerTeamId, position=position, fg2PtAtt=fg2PtAtt, fg2PtMade=fg2PtMade, fg3PtAtt=fg3PtAtt, fg3PtMade=fg3PtMade, ftAtt=ftAtt, ftMade=ftMade, offReb=offReb, defReb=defReb, ast=ast, pts=pts, tov=tov, stl=stl, blk=blk, blkAgainst=blkAgainst, fouls=fouls, foulsDrawn=foulsDrawn, foulPers=foulPers, foulPersDrawn=foulPersDrawn, foulTech=foulTech, foulTechDrawn=foulTechDrawn, foulFlag1=foulFlag1, foulFlag1Drawn=foulFlag1Drawn, foulFlag2=foulFlag2, foulFlag2Drawn=foulFlag2Drawn, ejections=ejections, plusMinus=plusMinus, minSeconds=minSeconds, startedGame=startedGame) try: db.execute(insertStatement) conn.commit() # print('inserted '+firstName+' '+lastName) except: print('failed inserting ' + playerId + ' for date ' + gameDate) print(insertStatement) conn.rollback() conn.close() #if len(playerArr) > 0: time.sleep(10)
def main(): # connect to the db conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('player_season_totals', False) # columns for all the rankable stats columns = [ 'gameCount', 'fg2PtAtt', 'fg2PtMade', 'fg3PtAtt', 'fg3PtMade', 'ftAtt', 'ftMade', 'offReb', 'defReb', 'ast', 'pts', 'tov', 'stl', 'blk', 'blkAgainst', 'fouls', 'foulsDrawn', 'foulPers', 'foulPersDrawn', 'foulTech', 'foulTechDrawn', 'foulFlag1', 'foulFlag1Drawn', 'foulFlag2', 'foulFlag2Drawn', 'ejections', 'plusMinus', 'minSeconds', 'fpts' ] # build query using columns query = """select p.firstName, p.lastName, pst.playerId, pst.uploadDate, """ for i in range(len(columns)): query += "pst." + columns[i] + ", " query += "(offReb+defReb) as reb " query += """ from player_season_totals pst inner join player p on = pst.playerId;""" # store the query result in a 2d list db.execute(query) result = list(db) # rankings is a dictionary # {playerId: {stat1: rank, stat2: rank ... }} rankings = {} # rankable columns indexed starting at 4 for colIndex in range(4, len(result[0])): columnName = 'reb' if colIndex == len( result[0]) - 1 else columns[colIndex - 4] # all columns are per game except for gameCount if colIndex == 4: result.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[colIndex]), reverse=True) else: result.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[colIndex]) / float(x[4]), reverse=True) rankIndex = 1 # i.e. rankIndex of 4 means player was the 4th highest # set the rankings in the rankings dictionary for playerRow in result: playerId = playerRow[2] if playerId not in rankings: rankings[playerId] = {} rankings[playerId][columnName] = rankIndex rankIndex += 1 # the first part of the insert insert = "INSERT INTO player_ranking (playerId, uploadDate, " for i in range(len(columns)): insert += "rank_" + columns[i] + ", " insert += "rank_reb) VALUES " # add insert values for each player count = 0 for playerId in rankings: insert += "(" + str(playerId) + ", DATE(NOW()), " for i in range(len(columns)): insert += str(rankings[playerId][columns[i]]) + ", " insert += str(rankings[playerId]['reb']) + ")" # all except last should have a following comma if count < len(rankings) - 1: insert += ", " count += 1 db.execute(insert) deleteQuery = "delete from player_ranking where uploadDate < date_sub(now(), interval 24 HOUR)" db.execute(deleteQuery) conn.commit()
import requests import json # This is because MySQLdb only works for python2 import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() import MySQLdb import api_utils as apiUtils conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('player') response = apiUtils.getSportsFeed('player') playerArr = json.loads(response.text)['players'] print(len(playerArr)) for pData in playerArr: p = pData["player"] playerId = p["id"] firstName = p["firstName"].replace("'", "''") lastName = p["lastName"].replace("'", "''") primaryPosition = p["primaryPosition"] jerseyNumber = p["jerseyNumber"] currentTeamId = p["currentTeam"]["id"] if p["currentTeam"] is not None and p["currentTeam"]["id"] is not None else "NULL" isOnRoster = p["currentRosterStatus"] == "ROSTER" heightInches = apiUtils.stringHeightToInches(p["height"]) if p["height"] is not None else "NULL" weightPounds = p["weight"] if p["weight"] is not None else "NULL" birthDate = "'"+p["birthDate"]+"'" if p["birthDate"] is not None else "NULL" birthCity = p["birthCity"].replace("'", "''") if p["birthCity"] is not None else "NULL" birthCountry = p["birthCountry"].replace("'", "''") if p["birthCountry"] is not None else "NULL" isRookie = p["rookie"] == True highSchool = p["highSchool"].replace("'","''") if p["highSchool"] is not None else "NULL"
#!/usr/bin/python3 import requests import json # This is because MySQLdb only works for python2 import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() import MySQLdb import api_utils as apiUtils from datetime import date conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('team_standings') response = apiUtils.getDailyStandings('2018-2019-regular') standingsArr = json.loads(response.text)['teams'] statusDate = str( print(len(standingsArr)) for s in standingsArr: teamId = s["team"]["id"] overallRank = s["overallRank"]["rank"] overallGamesBack = s["overallRank"]["gamesBack"] conferenceRank = s["conferenceRank"]["rank"] conferenceGamesBack = s["conferenceRank"]["gamesBack"] conferenceName = s["conferenceRank"]["conferenceName"] divisionRank = s["divisionRank"]["rank"] divisionGamesBack = s["divisionRank"]["gamesBack"] divisionName = s["divisionRank"]["divisionName"] wins = s["stats"]["standings"]["wins"] losses = s["stats"]["standings"]["losses"] winPct = s["stats"]["standings"]["winPct"] gamesBack = s["stats"]["standings"]["gamesBack"]
def download(season, gameDate='', clearTable=False): conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('game', clearTable) if gameDate == '': response = apiUtils.getGames(season) else: response = apiUtils.getDailyGames(season, gameDate) if response.status_code != 200: print('request status code ' + str(response.status_code)) exit(1) resp = json.loads(response.text) if "games" not in resp: return gameArr = resp['games'] deleteStatement = "DELETE FROM game WHERE DATE(DATE_SUB(startTime, INTERVAL 6 HOUR)) = '" + gameDate + "'" try: db.execute(deleteStatement) conn.commit() except: print(deleteStatement) conn.rollback() print(season, gameDate, len(gameArr)) for gData in gameArr: s = gData["schedule"] gameId = s["id"] startTimeUnformatted = s["startTime"] startTime = startTimeUnformatted[:-5].replace('T', ' ') # "2018-05-16T00:30:00.000Z"" to 2018-05-16 00:30:00 awayTeamId = s["awayTeam"]["id"] awayTeamAbbreviation = s["awayTeam"]["abbreviation"] homeTeamId = s["homeTeam"]["id"] homeTeamAbbreviation = s["homeTeam"]["abbreviation"] venueId = s["venue"]["id"] venueName = s["venue"]["name"] scheduleStatus = s["scheduleStatus"] delayedOrPostponedReason = s["delayedOrPostponedReason"] playedStatus = s["playedStatus"] sc = gData["score"] currentQuarter = sc["currentQuarter"] if isinstance( sc["currentQuarter"], (int)) else "NULL" currentQuarterSecondsRemaining = sc[ "currentQuarterSecondsRemaining"] if isinstance( sc["currentQuarterSecondsRemaining"], (int)) else "NULL" currentIntermission = sc["currentIntermission"] if isinstance( sc["currentIntermission"], (int)) else "NULL" awayScoreTotal = sc["awayScoreTotal"] if isinstance( sc["awayScoreTotal"], (int)) else "NULL" homeScoreTotal = sc["homeScoreTotal"] if isinstance( sc["homeScoreTotal"], (int)) else "NULL" q = sc["quarters"] if "quarters" in sc else "" quarter1awayScore = q[0]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 0 else 0 quarter1homeScore = q[0]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 0 else 0 quarter2awayScore = q[1]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 1 else 0 quarter2homeScore = q[1]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 1 else 0 quarter3awayScore = q[2]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 2 else 0 quarter3homeScore = q[2]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 2 else 0 quarter4awayScore = q[3]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 3 else 0 quarter4homeScore = q[3]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 3 else 0 overtime1homeScore = q[4]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 4 else 0 overtime1awayScore = q[4]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 4 else 0 overtime2homeScore = q[5]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 5 else 0 overtime2awayScore = q[5]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 5 else 0 overtime3homeScore = q[6]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 6 else 0 overtime3awayScore = q[6]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 6 else 0 overtime4homeScore = q[7]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 7 else 0 overtime4awayScore = q[7]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 7 else 0 overtime5homeScore = q[8]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 8 else 0 overtime5awayScore = q[8]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 8 else 0 overtime6homeScore = q[9]["awayScore"] if len(q) > 9 else 0 overtime6awayScore = q[9]["homeScore"] if len(q) > 9 else 0 insertStatement = """INSERT INTO game (id, startTime, awayTeamId, awayTeamAbbreviation, homeTeamId, homeTeamAbbreviation, venueId, venueName, scheduleStatus, delayedOrPostponedReason, playedStatus, currentQuarter, currentQuarterSecondsRemaining, currentIntermission, awayScoreTotal, homeScoreTotal, quarter1awayScore, quarter1homeScore, quarter2awayScore, quarter2homeScore, quarter3awayScore, quarter3homeScore, quarter4awayScore, quarter4homeScore, overtime1awayScore, overtime1homeScore, overtime2awayScore, overtime2homeScore, overtime3awayScore, overtime3homeScore, overtime4awayScore, overtime4homeScore, overtime5awayScore, overtime5homeScore, overtime6awayScore, overtime6homeScore) VALUES ({gameId}, '{startTime}', {awayTeamId}, '{awayTeamAbbreviation}', {homeTeamId}, '{homeTeamAbbreviation}', {venueId}, '{venueName}', '{scheduleStatus}', '{delayedOrPostponedReason}', '{playedStatus}', {currentQuarter}, {currentQuarterSecondsRemaining}, '{currentIntermission}', {awayScoreTotal}, {homeScoreTotal}, {quarter1awayScore}, {quarter1homeScore}, {quarter2awayScore}, {quarter2homeScore}, {quarter3awayScore}, {quarter3homeScore}, {quarter4awayScore}, {quarter4homeScore}, {overtime1awayScore}, {overtime1homeScore}, {overtime2awayScore}, {overtime2homeScore},{overtime3awayScore}, {overtime3homeScore},{overtime4awayScore}, {overtime4homeScore},{overtime5awayScore}, {overtime5homeScore},{overtime6awayScore}, {overtime6homeScore});""".format( gameId=gameId, startTime=startTime, awayTeamId=awayTeamId, awayTeamAbbreviation=awayTeamAbbreviation, homeTeamId=homeTeamId, homeTeamAbbreviation=homeTeamAbbreviation, venueId=venueId, venueName=venueName, scheduleStatus=scheduleStatus, delayedOrPostponedReason=delayedOrPostponedReason, playedStatus=playedStatus, currentQuarter=currentQuarter, currentQuarterSecondsRemaining=currentQuarterSecondsRemaining, currentIntermission=currentIntermission, awayScoreTotal=awayScoreTotal, homeScoreTotal=homeScoreTotal, quarter1awayScore=quarter1awayScore, quarter1homeScore=quarter1homeScore, quarter2awayScore=quarter2awayScore, quarter2homeScore=quarter2homeScore, quarter3awayScore=quarter3awayScore, quarter3homeScore=quarter3homeScore, quarter4awayScore=quarter4awayScore, quarter4homeScore=quarter4homeScore, overtime1awayScore=overtime1awayScore, overtime1homeScore=overtime1homeScore, overtime2awayScore=overtime2awayScore, overtime2homeScore=overtime2homeScore, overtime3awayScore=overtime3awayScore, overtime3homeScore=overtime3homeScore, overtime4awayScore=overtime4awayScore, overtime4homeScore=overtime4homeScore, overtime5awayScore=overtime5awayScore, overtime5homeScore=overtime5homeScore, overtime6awayScore=overtime6awayScore, overtime6homeScore=overtime6homeScore) try: db.execute(insertStatement) conn.commit() except: print('failed inserting ' + str(gameId) + ' for date ' + gameDate) print(insertStatement) conn.rollback() conn.close() time.sleep(10)
import requests import json # This is because MySQLdb only works for python2 import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() import MySQLdb import api_utils as apiUtils conn, db = apiUtils.getDbConnection('team') response = apiUtils.getSportsFeed('team') teamArr = json.loads(response.text)['teams'] print(len(teamArr)) for tData in teamArr: t = tData["team"] teamId = t["id"] city = t["city"] name = t["name"] abbreviation = t["abbreviation"] homeVenueId = t["homeVenue"]["id"] homeVenueName = t["homeVenue"]["name"] insertStatement = """INSERT INTO team (id, city, teamName, abbreviation, venueId, venueName) VALUES ({teamId}, '{city}', '{name}', '{abbreviation}', {homeVenueId}, '{homeVenueName}');""".format( teamId=teamId, city=city, name=name, abbreviation=abbreviation, homeVenueId=homeVenueId,