def change_local_system_ip(self, username: str, old_local_ip: str, new_local_ip: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return {'success': False, 'error': "You are not logged in to access this resource."} if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', old_local_ip): return {'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid old Local IP Address."} if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', new_local_ip): return {'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid new Local IP Address."} # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user = User.objects(username=username)[0] oldlocalexists = LocalSystem.objects( userId=user, localIP=old_local_ip).count() > 0 newlocalexists = LocalSystem.objects( userId=user, localIP=new_local_ip).count() > 0 if not oldlocalexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP does not exists in your IP Pool." } if newlocalexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP is already exists in your IP Pool." } localsys: LocalSystem = LocalSystem.objects( userId=user, localIP=old_local_ip)[0] localsys.localIP = new_local_ip return {'success': True, 'message': "Local System's IP changed successfully!"}
def remove_local_system(self, username: str, local_ip: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return { 'success': False, 'error': "You are not logged in to access this resource." } if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', local_ip): return { 'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid IP Address." } # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user = User.objects(username=username)[0] localexists = LocalSystem.objects(userId=user, localIP=local_ip).count() > 0 if not localexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP does not exists in your IP Pool." } localsys: LocalSystem = LocalSystem.objects(userId=user, localIP=local_ip) localsys.delete() return { 'success': True, 'message': "Local System deleted successfully!" }
def add_local_system(self, username: str, local_ip: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return { 'success': False, 'error': "You are not logged in to access this resource." } if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', local_ip): return { 'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid IP Address." } # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user = User.objects(username=username)[0] localexists = LocalSystem.objects(userId=user, localIP=local_ip).count() > 0 if localexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP is already added to your IP Pool." } localsys = LocalSystem() localsys.userId = user localsys.localIP = local_ip localsys.os = "Unknown" localsys.openPorts = {} localsys.systemUp = False return {'success': True, 'message': "Local System added successfully!"}
def login(self, username: str, password: str) -> dict: errors = {} if username == "": errors['username'] = "******" if password == "": errors['password'] = "******" if errors != {}: return {'success': False, 'errors': errors} elif not self.username_exists(username): errors['username'] = "******" return {'success': False, 'errors': errors} else: # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: users = User.objects( username=username) if users.count() == 1 and APIUtils.decrypt_password(users[0].password) == password: # Generate JWT Token jwt_iat = int(time.time()) jwt_exp = int(jwt_iat + (60*60*14)) # Expires after 24 hrs decrypted_token = { 'email': users[0].emailAddress, 'username': users[0].username, 'publicip': users[0].publicIP, 'iat': jwt_iat, 'exp': jwt_exp } return {'success': True, 'emailVerified': users[0].emailVerified, 'message': "Login successful!", 'token': APIUtils.encrypt_jwt_token(decrypted_token)} else: return {'success': False, 'message': "Invalid username or password!"}
def register(self, firstname: str, lastname: str, username: str, emailaddress: str, password: str, companyname: str) -> dict: errors = {} # Validate all arguments # First Name if firstname == "": errors['firstname'] = "First name cannot be empty" elif not validate("firstname", firstname): errors['firstname'] = "First name contains invalid characters and/or it should be more than 2 and less then 20 characters long." # Last Name if lastname == "": errors['lastname'] = "Last name cannot be empty" elif not validate("lastname", lastname): errors['lastname'] = "Last name contains invalid characters and/or it should be more than 2 and less then 20 characters long." # password if password == "": errors['password'] = "******" elif not validate("password", password): errors['password'] = "******" # Username if username == "": errors['username'] = "******" elif not validate("username", username): errors[ 'username'] = "******" elif self.username_exists(username): errors['username'] = "******" # Email if emailaddress == "": errors['emailaddress'] = "Email Address cannot be empty." elif not validate("email", emailaddress): errors['emailaddress'] = "Please provide a valid email address." elif self.emailaddress_exists(emailaddress): errors['emailaddress'] = "Email Address already registered." # Comapny Name if companyname == "": errors['companyname'] = "Compnay name cannot be empty." elif not validate("companyname", companyname): errors['companyname'] = "Company name contains invalid characters and/or it should be more than 2 and less then 64 characters long." # if there are errors return if errors != {}: return {'success': False, 'errors': errors} # All validation tests passed now create a user in database user = User(firstName=firstname, lastName=lastname, companyName=companyname, password=APIUtils.encrypt_password(password), username=username, emailAddress=emailaddress, emailVerified=False ) # TODO check for error returned by generateRecoveryCode self.generateRecoveryCode(user, "verifyEmail") # return with successful message return {'success': True, 'message': "Your account has successfully been created"}
def change_password(self, username: str, new_password: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return {'success': False, 'message': 'Invalid Username!'} user: User = User.objects(username=username)[0] if not validate("password", new_password): return {'success': False, 'error': "Password must contain 8 or more character with at least 1 lowercase, uppercase, numeric and special symbol character each."} user.password = APIUtils.encrypt_password(new_password) return {'success': True, 'message': 'Password updated successfully!'}
def recover_account(self, username: str, recovery_code: int, new_password: str): users = User.objects(username=username) if users.count() == 0: return {"success": False, "error": "Username does not exist."} elif validate("password", new_password): return {"success": False, "error": "Password does not meet the given criteria"} else: user: User = users[0] if user.codeFor is not None and user.recoveryCode is not None and user.recoveryCode == recovery_code and user.codeFor == "resetPassword": user.codeFor = None user.recoveryCode = None user.password = APIUtils.encrypt_password(new_password) return {"success": True, "message": "Password changed Successfully!"} return {"success": False, "error": "Invalid Code!"}
def change_agent_ip(self, username: str, ipaddr: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return {"success": False, "error": "Username does not exist!"} if (ipaddr is not None) and not APIUtils.validate("ipaddress", ipaddr): return {"success": False, "error": "IP Address is invalid! Please provide a valid IPv4 Address."} # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user: User = User.objects(username=username)[0] user.publicIP = ipaddr ipverify = str(uuid4()) user.publicIPVerifier = ipverify user.verifiedPublicIP = True return { "success": True, "message": "Please verify IP Ownership by creating a file named the given code in root of web server of that IP Address.", "code": ipverify}
def get_password(self, username: str) -> str: user: User = User.objects(username=username)[0] return APIUtils.decrypt_password(user.password)
from api_utils import APIUtils #Setup Logging logger_name = 'media-server-api' logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M', filename='./{}.log'.format(logger_name), filemode='w') logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) #Initialize objects app = Flask(__name__) utils = APIUtils(logger=logger_name) #Loading config dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config = utils.loadConfig(dir_path + '/cfg/config.yml') system = SystemControls(logger=logger_name, services=config['services']) #Setup auth app.config['BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME'] = config['auth']['user'] app.config['BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD'] = config['auth']['pass'] app.config['BASIC_AUTH_FORCE'] = True #auth = BasicAuth(app) #API routes @app.route('/')