コード例 #1
class V2Key(_messages.Message):
    r"""The representation of a key managed by the API Keys API.

    AnnotationsValue: Annotations is an unstructured key-value map stored with
      a policy that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve
      arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when
      modifying objects.

    annotations: Annotations is an unstructured key-value map stored with a
      policy that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary
      metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying
    createTime: Output only. A timestamp identifying the time this key was
      originally created.
    deleteTime: Output only. A timestamp when this key was deleted. If the
      resource is not deleted, this must be empty.
    displayName: Human-readable display name of this key that you can modify.
      The maximum length is 63 characters.
    etag: Output only. A checksum computed by the server based on the current
      value of the Key resource. This may be sent on update and delete
      requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.
      See https://google.aip.dev/154.
    keyString: Output only. An encrypted and signed value held by this key.
      This field can be accessed only through the `GetKeyString` method.
    name: Output only. The resource name of the key. The `name` has the form:
      `projects//locations/global/keys/`. For example: `projects/123456867718/
      locations/global/keys/b7ff1f9f-8275-410a-94dd-3855ee9b5dd2` NOTE: Key is
      a global resource; hence the only supported value for location is
    restrictions: Key restrictions.
    uid: Output only. Unique id in UUID4 format.
    updateTime: Output only. A timestamp identifying the time this key was
      last updated.
    class AnnotationsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Annotations is an unstructured key-value map stored with a policy that
    may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata.
    They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a AnnotationsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type AnnotationsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a AnnotationsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    annotations = _messages.MessageField('AnnotationsValue', 1)
    createTime = _messages.StringField(2)
    deleteTime = _messages.StringField(3)
    displayName = _messages.StringField(4)
    etag = _messages.StringField(5)
    keyString = _messages.StringField(6)
    name = _messages.StringField(7)
    restrictions = _messages.MessageField('V2Restrictions', 8)
    uid = _messages.StringField(9)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(10)
コード例 #2
class Location(_messages.Message):
    r"""A resource that represents Google Cloud Platform location.

    LabelsValue: Cross-service attributes for the location. For example
      {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"}
    MetadataValue: Service-specific metadata. For example the available
      capacity at the given location.

    displayName: The friendly name for this location, typically a nearby city
      name. For example, "Tokyo".
    labels: Cross-service attributes for the location. For example
      {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"}
    locationId: The canonical id for this location. For example: `"us-east1"`.
    metadata: Service-specific metadata. For example the available capacity at
      the given location.
    name: Resource name for the location, which may vary between
      implementations. For example: `"projects/example-project/locations/us-
    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Cross-service attributes for the location. For example
    {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"}

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class MetadataValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Service-specific metadata. For example the available capacity at the
    given location.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    displayName = _messages.StringField(1)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 2)
    locationId = _messages.StringField(3)
    metadata = _messages.MessageField('MetadataValue', 4)
    name = _messages.StringField(5)
コード例 #3
class Operation(_messages.Message):
    r"""This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of
  a network API call.

    MetadataValue: Service-specific metadata associated with the operation.
      It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as
      create time. Some services might not provide such metadata.  Any method
      that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type,
      if any.
    ResponseValue: The normal response of the operation in case of success.
      If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the
      response is `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
      `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
      methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
      the original method name.  For example, if the original method name is
      `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.

    done: If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in
      progress. If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or
      `response` is available.
    error: The error result of the operation in case of failure or
    metadata: Service-specific metadata associated with the operation.  It
      typically contains progress information and common metadata such as
      create time. Some services might not provide such metadata.  Any method
      that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type,
      if any.
    name: The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same
      service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping,
      the `name` should be a resource name ending with
    response: The normal response of the operation in case of success.  If the
      original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the
      response is `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
      `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
      methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
      the original method name.  For example, if the original method name is
      `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.
    class MetadataValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Service-specific metadata associated with the operation.  It typically
    contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
    Some services might not provide such metadata.  Any method that returns a
    long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class ResponseValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""The normal response of the operation in case of success.  If the
    original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response
    is `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
    `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
    methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
    the original method name.  For example, if the original method name is
    `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a ResponseValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a ResponseValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    done = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    error = _messages.MessageField('GoogleRpcStatus', 2)
    metadata = _messages.MessageField('MetadataValue', 3)
    name = _messages.StringField(4)
    response = _messages.MessageField('ResponseValue', 5)
コード例 #4
class GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1Pipeline(_messages.Message):
    r"""The main pipeline entity and all the necessary metadata for launching
  and managing linked jobs.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Required. The state of the pipeline. When the
      pipeline is created, the state is set to 'PIPELINE_STATE_ACTIVE' by
      default. State changes can be requested by setting the state to
      stopping, paused, or resuming. State cannot be changed through
      UpdatePipeline requests.
    TypeValueValuesEnum: Required. The type of the pipeline. This field
      affects the scheduling of the pipeline and the type of metrics to show
      for the pipeline.

    PipelineSourcesValue: Immutable. The sources of the pipeline (for example,
      Dataplex). The keys and values are set by the corresponding sources
      during pipeline creation.

    createTime: Output only. Immutable. The timestamp when the pipeline was
      initially created. Set by the Data Pipelines service.
    displayName: Required. The display name of the pipeline. It can contain
      only letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), hyphens (-), and underscores
    jobCount: Output only. Number of jobs.
    lastUpdateTime: Output only. Immutable. The timestamp when the pipeline
      was last modified. Set by the Data Pipelines service.
    name: The pipeline name. For example:
      `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/pipelines/PIPELINE_ID`. *
      `PROJECT_ID` can contain letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), hyphens
      (-), colons (:), and periods (.). For more information, see [Identifying
      managing-projects#identifying_projects). * `LOCATION_ID` is the
      canonical ID for the pipeline's location. The list of available
      locations can be obtained by calling
      `google.cloud.location.Locations.ListLocations`. Note that the Data
      Pipelines service is not available in all regions. It depends on Cloud
      Scheduler, an App Engine application, so it's only available in [App
      Engine regions](https://cloud.google.com/about/locations#region). *
      `PIPELINE_ID` is the ID of the pipeline. Must be unique for the selected
      project and location.
    pipelineSources: Immutable. The sources of the pipeline (for example,
      Dataplex). The keys and values are set by the corresponding sources
      during pipeline creation.
    scheduleInfo: Internal scheduling information for a pipeline. If this
      information is provided, periodic jobs will be created per the schedule.
      If not, users are responsible for creating jobs externally.
    schedulerServiceAccountEmail: Optional. A service account email to be used
      with the Cloud Scheduler job. If not specified, the default compute
      engine service account will be used.
    state: Required. The state of the pipeline. When the pipeline is created,
      the state is set to 'PIPELINE_STATE_ACTIVE' by default. State changes
      can be requested by setting the state to stopping, paused, or resuming.
      State cannot be changed through UpdatePipeline requests.
    type: Required. The type of the pipeline. This field affects the
      scheduling of the pipeline and the type of metrics to show for the
    workload: Workload information for creating new jobs.
    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Required. The state of the pipeline. When the pipeline is created, the
    state is set to 'PIPELINE_STATE_ACTIVE' by default. State changes can be
    requested by setting the state to stopping, paused, or resuming. State
    cannot be changed through UpdatePipeline requests.

      STATE_UNSPECIFIED: The pipeline state isn't specified.
      STATE_RESUMING: The pipeline is getting started or resumed. When
        finished, the pipeline state will be 'PIPELINE_STATE_ACTIVE'.
      STATE_ACTIVE: The pipeline is actively running.
      STATE_STOPPING: The pipeline is in the process of stopping. When
        finished, the pipeline state will be 'PIPELINE_STATE_ARCHIVED'.
      STATE_ARCHIVED: The pipeline has been stopped. This is a terminal state
        and cannot be undone.
      STATE_PAUSED: The pipeline is paused. This is a non-terminal state. When
        the pipeline is paused, it will hold processing jobs, but can be
        resumed later. For a batch pipeline, this means pausing the scheduler
        job. For a streaming pipeline, creating a job snapshot to resume from
        will give the same effect.
        STATE_RESUMING = 1
        STATE_ACTIVE = 2
        STATE_STOPPING = 3
        STATE_ARCHIVED = 4
        STATE_PAUSED = 5

    class TypeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Required. The type of the pipeline. This field affects the scheduling
    of the pipeline and the type of metrics to show for the pipeline.

      PIPELINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: The pipeline type isn't specified.
      PIPELINE_TYPE_BATCH: A batch pipeline. It runs jobs on a specific
        schedule, and each job will automatically terminate once execution is
      PIPELINE_TYPE_STREAMING: A streaming pipeline. The underlying job is
        continuously running until it is manually terminated by the user. This
        type of pipeline doesn't have a schedule to run on, and the linked job
        gets created when the pipeline is created.

    class PipelineSourcesValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Immutable. The sources of the pipeline (for example, Dataplex). The
    keys and values are set by the corresponding sources during pipeline

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a PipelineSourcesValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type PipelineSourcesValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a PipelineSourcesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    displayName = _messages.StringField(2)
    jobCount = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    lastUpdateTime = _messages.StringField(4)
    name = _messages.StringField(5)
    pipelineSources = _messages.MessageField('PipelineSourcesValue', 6)
    scheduleInfo = _messages.MessageField(
        'GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1ScheduleSpec', 7)
    schedulerServiceAccountEmail = _messages.StringField(8)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 9)
    type = _messages.EnumField('TypeValueValuesEnum', 10)
    workload = _messages.MessageField('GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1Workload', 11)
コード例 #5
class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1Instance(_messages.Message):
  r"""A GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1Instance object.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. Current lifecycle state of the resource
      (e.g. if it's being created or ready to use).

    LabelsValue: Optional. Resource labels to represent user provided
      metadata. Each label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the
      value are arbitrary strings provided by the user.
    MaintenancePolicyNamesValue: The MaintenancePolicies that have been
      attached to the instance. The key must be of the type name of the oneof
      policy name defined in MaintenancePolicy, and the referenced policy must
      define the same policy type. For complete details of MaintenancePolicy,
      please refer to go/cloud-saas-mw-ug.
    MaintenanceSchedulesValue: The MaintenanceSchedule contains the scheduling
      information of published maintenance schedule.
    ProducerMetadataValue: Output only. Custom string attributes used
      primarily to expose producer-specific information in monitoring
      dashboards. See go/get-instance-metadata.
    SoftwareVersionsValue: Software versions that are used to deploy this
      instance. This can be mutated by rollout services.

    consumerDefinedName: consumer_defined_name is the name that is set by the
      consumer. On the other hand Name field represents system-assigned id of
      an instance so consumers are not necessarily aware of it.
      consumer_defined_name is used for notification/UI purposes for consumer
      to recognize their instances.
    createTime: Output only. Timestamp when the resource was created.
    labels: Optional. Resource labels to represent user provided metadata.
      Each label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the value are
      arbitrary strings provided by the user.
    maintenancePolicyNames: The MaintenancePolicies that have been attached to
      the instance. The key must be of the type name of the oneof policy name
      defined in MaintenancePolicy, and the referenced policy must define the
      same policy type. For complete details of MaintenancePolicy, please
      refer to go/cloud-saas-mw-ug.
    maintenanceSchedules: The MaintenanceSchedule contains the scheduling
      information of published maintenance schedule.
    name: Unique name of the resource. It uses the form:
    producerMetadata: Output only. Custom string attributes used primarily to
      expose producer-specific information in monitoring dashboards. See
    provisionedResources: Output only. The list of data plane resources
      provisioned for this instance, e.g. compute VMs. See go/get-instance-
    slmInstanceTemplate: Link to the SLM instance template. Only populated
      when updating SLM instances via SSA's Actuation service adaptor. Service
      producers with custom control plane (e.g. Cloud SQL) doesn't need to
      populate this field. Instead they should use software_versions.
    sloMetadata: Output only. SLO metadata for instance classification in the
      Standardized dataplane SLO platform. See go/cloud-ssa-standard-slo for
      feature description.
    softwareVersions: Software versions that are used to deploy this instance.
      This can be mutated by rollout services.
    state: Output only. Current lifecycle state of the resource (e.g. if it's
      being created or ready to use).
    tenantProjectId: Output only. ID of the associated GCP tenant project. See
    updateTime: Output only. Timestamp when the resource was last modified.

  class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Output only. Current lifecycle state of the resource (e.g. if it's
    being created or ready to use).

      STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified state.
      CREATING: Instance is being created.
      READY: Instance has been created and is ready to use.
      UPDATING: Instance is being updated.
      REPAIRING: Instance is unheathy and under repair.
      DELETING: Instance is being deleted.
      ERROR: Instance encountered an error and is in indeterministic state.
    CREATING = 1
    READY = 2
    UPDATING = 3
    DELETING = 5
    ERROR = 6

  class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Optional. Resource labels to represent user provided metadata. Each
    label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the value are arbitrary
    strings provided by the user.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class MaintenancePolicyNamesValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""The MaintenancePolicies that have been attached to the instance. The
    key must be of the type name of the oneof policy name defined in
    MaintenancePolicy, and the referenced policy must define the same policy
    type. For complete details of MaintenancePolicy, please refer to go/cloud-

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a
        MaintenancePolicyNamesValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a MaintenancePolicyNamesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class MaintenanceSchedulesValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""The MaintenanceSchedule contains the scheduling information of
    published maintenance schedule.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a
        MaintenanceSchedulesValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a MaintenanceSchedulesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.MessageField('GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1MaintenanceSchedule', 2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class ProducerMetadataValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Output only. Custom string attributes used primarily to expose
    producer-specific information in monitoring dashboards. See go/get-

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a ProducerMetadataValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a ProducerMetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class SoftwareVersionsValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Software versions that are used to deploy this instance. This can be
    mutated by rollout services.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a SoftwareVersionsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a SoftwareVersionsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  consumerDefinedName = _messages.StringField(1)
  createTime = _messages.StringField(2)
  labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 3)
  maintenancePolicyNames = _messages.MessageField('MaintenancePolicyNamesValue', 4)
  maintenanceSchedules = _messages.MessageField('MaintenanceSchedulesValue', 5)
  name = _messages.StringField(6)
  producerMetadata = _messages.MessageField('ProducerMetadataValue', 7)
  provisionedResources = _messages.MessageField('GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1ProvisionedResource', 8, repeated=True)
  slmInstanceTemplate = _messages.StringField(9)
  sloMetadata = _messages.MessageField('GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloMetadata', 10)
  softwareVersions = _messages.MessageField('SoftwareVersionsValue', 11)
  state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 12)
  tenantProjectId = _messages.StringField(13)
  updateTime = _messages.StringField(14)
コード例 #6
class Policy(_messages.Message):
  r"""Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. It is used to
  specify access control policies for Cloud Platform resources.   A `Policy`
  is a collection of `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more `members` to a
  single `role`. Members can be user accounts, service accounts, Google
  groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named list of
  permissions (defined by IAM or configured by users). A `binding` can
  optionally specify a `condition`, which is a logic expression that further
  constrains the role binding based on attributes about the request and/or
  target resource.  **JSON Example**      {       "bindings": [         {
  "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin",           "members": [
  "user:[email protected]",             "group:[email protected]",
  "domain:google.com",             "serviceAccount:my-project-
  [email protected]"           ]         },         {
  "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer",           "members":
  ["user:[email protected]"],           "condition": {             "title":
  "expirable access",             "description": "Does not grant access after
  Sep 2020",             "expression": "request.time <
  timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')",           }         }       ]     }
  **YAML Example**      bindings:     - members:       - user:[email protected]
  - group:[email protected]       - domain:google.com       - serviceAccount
  :[email protected]       role:
  roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin     - members:       -
  user:[email protected]       role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer
  condition:         title: expirable access         description: Does not
  grant access after Sep 2020         expression: request.time <
  timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')  For a description of IAM and its
  features, see the [IAM developer's

    auditConfigs: Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy.
    bindings: Associates a list of `members` to a `role`. Optionally may
      specify a `condition` that determines when binding is in effect.
      `bindings` with no members will result in an error.
    etag: `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help
      prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It
      is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-
      modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race
      conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and
      systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy`
      to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the
      policy.  If no `etag` is provided in the call to `setIamPolicy`, then
      the existing policy is overwritten. Due to blind-set semantics of an
      etag-less policy, 'setIamPolicy' will not fail even if either of
      incoming or stored policy does not meet the version requirements.
    version: Specifies the format of the policy.  Valid values are 0, 1, and
      3. Requests specifying an invalid value will be rejected.  Operations
      affecting conditional bindings must specify version 3. This can be
      either setting a conditional policy, modifying a conditional binding, or
      removing a conditional binding from the stored conditional policy.
      Operations on non-conditional policies may specify any valid value or
      leave the field unset.  If no etag is provided in the call to
      `setIamPolicy`, any version compliance checks on the incoming and/or
      stored policy is skipped.

  auditConfigs = _messages.MessageField('AuditConfig', 1, repeated=True)
  bindings = _messages.MessageField('Binding', 2, repeated=True)
  etag = _messages.BytesField(3)
  version = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
コード例 #7
class GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1LaunchFlexTemplateParameter(_messages.Message):
    r"""Launch Flex Template parameter.

    LaunchOptionsValue: Launch options for this Flex Template job. This is a
      common set of options across languages and templates. This should not be
      used to pass job parameters.
    ParametersValue: The parameters for the Flex Template. Example:
    TransformNameMappingsValue: Use this to pass transform name mappings for
      streaming update jobs. Example:

    containerSpecGcsPath: Cloud Storage path to a file with a JSON-serialized
      ContainerSpec as content.
    environment: The runtime environment for the Flex Template job.
    jobName: Required. The job name to use for the created job. For an update
      job request, the job name should be the same as the existing running
    launchOptions: Launch options for this Flex Template job. This is a common
      set of options across languages and templates. This should not be used
      to pass job parameters.
    parameters: The parameters for the Flex Template. Example:
    transformNameMappings: Use this to pass transform name mappings for
      streaming update jobs. Example:
    update: Set this to true if you are sending a request to update a running
      streaming job. When set, the job name should be the same as the running
    class LaunchOptionsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Launch options for this Flex Template job. This is a common set of
    options across languages and templates. This should not be used to pass
    job parameters.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LaunchOptionsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LaunchOptionsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LaunchOptionsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class ParametersValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""The parameters for the Flex Template. Example: `{"num_workers":"5"}`

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a ParametersValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type ParametersValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a ParametersValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class TransformNameMappingsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Use this to pass transform name mappings for streaming update jobs.
    Example: `{"oldTransformName":"newTransformName",...}`

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a
        TransformNameMappingsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a TransformNameMappingsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    containerSpecGcsPath = _messages.StringField(1)
    environment = _messages.MessageField(
        'GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1FlexTemplateRuntimeEnvironment', 2)
    jobName = _messages.StringField(3)
    launchOptions = _messages.MessageField('LaunchOptionsValue', 4)
    parameters = _messages.MessageField('ParametersValue', 5)
    transformNameMappings = _messages.MessageField(
        'TransformNameMappingsValue', 6)
    update = _messages.BooleanField(7)
コード例 #8
class Variable(_messages.Message):
    """Represents a variable or an argument possibly of a compound object type.
  Note how the following variables are represented:  1) A simple variable:
  int x = 5      { name: "x", value: "5", type: "int" }  // Captured variable
  2) A compound object:      struct T {         int m1;         int m2;     };
  T x = { 3, 7 };      {  // Captured variable         name: "x",
  type: "T",         members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
  members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }     }  3) A pointer where
  the pointee was captured:      T x = { 3, 7 };     T* p = &x;      {   //
  Captured variable         name: "p",         type: "T*",         value:
  "0x00500500",         members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
  members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }     }  4) A pointer where
  the pointee was not captured:      T* p = new T;      {   // Captured
  variable         name: "p",         type: "T*",         value: "0x00400400"
  status { is_error: true, description { format: "unavailable" } }     }  The
  status should describe the reason for the missing value, such as `<optimized
  out>`, `<inaccessible>`, `<pointers limit reached>`.  Note that a null
  pointer should not have members.  5) An unnamed value:      int* p = new
  int(7);      {   // Captured variable         name: "p",         value:
  "0x00500500",         type: "int*",         members { value: "7", type:
  "int" } }  6) An unnamed pointer where the pointee was not captured:
  int* p = new int(7);     int** pp = &p;      {  // Captured variable
  name: "pp",         value: "0x00500500",         type: "int**",
  members {             value: "0x00400400",             type: "int*"
  status {                 is_error: true,                 description: {
  format: "unavailable" } }             }         }     }  To optimize
  computation, memory and network traffic, variables that repeat in the output
  multiple times can be stored once in a shared variable table and be
  referenced using the `var_table_index` field.  The variables stored in the
  shared table are nameless and are essentially a partition of the complete
  variable. To reconstruct the complete variable, merge the referencing
  variable with the referenced variable.  When using the shared variable
  table, the following variables:      T x = { 3, 7 };     T* p = &x;     T& r
  = x;      { name: "x", var_table_index: 3, type: "T" }  // Captured
  variables     { name: "p", value "0x00500500", type="T*", var_table_index: 3
  }     { name: "r", type="T&", var_table_index: 3 }      {  // Shared
  variable table entry #3:         members { name: "m1", value: "3", type:
  "int" },         members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }     }  Note
  that the pointer address is stored with the referencing variable and not
  with the referenced variable. This allows the referenced variable to be
  shared between pointers and references.  The type field is optional. The
  debugger agent may or may not support it.

    members: Members contained or pointed to by the variable.
    name: Name of the variable, if any.
    status: Status associated with the variable. This field will usually stay
      unset. A status of a single variable only applies to that variable or
      expression. The rest of breakpoint data still remains valid. Variables
      might be reported in error state even when breakpoint is not in final
      state.  The message may refer to variable name with `refers_to` set to
      `VARIABLE_NAME`. Alternatively `refers_to` will be set to
      `VARIABLE_VALUE`. In either case variable value and members will be
      unset.  Example of error message applied to name: `Invalid expression
      syntax`.  Example of information message applied to value: `Not
      captured`.  Examples of error message applied to value:  *   `Malformed
      string`, *   `Field f not found in class C` *   `Null pointer
    type: Variable type (e.g. `MyClass`). If the variable is split with
      `var_table_index`, `type` goes next to `value`. The interpretation of a
      type is agent specific. It is recommended to include the dynamic type
      rather than a static type of an object.
    value: Simple value of the variable.
    varTableIndex: Reference to a variable in the shared variable table. More
      than one variable can reference the same variable in the table. The
      `var_table_index` field is an index into `variable_table` in Breakpoint.

    members = _messages.MessageField('Variable', 1, repeated=True)
    name = _messages.StringField(2)
    status = _messages.MessageField('StatusMessage', 3)
    type = _messages.StringField(4)
    value = _messages.StringField(5)
    varTableIndex = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
コード例 #9
class Membership(_messages.Message):
    r"""Membership contains information about a member cluster.

    LabelsValue: Optional. GCP labels for this membership.

    createTime: Output only. Timestamp for when the Membership was created.
    deleteTime: Output only. Timestamp for when the Membership was deleted.
    description: Output only. Description of this membership, limited to 63
      characters. It will match the regex: `a-zA-Z0-9*` This field is present
      for legacy purposes.
    endpoint: Optional. Endpoint information to reach this member.
    externalId: Optional. An externally-generated and managed ID for this
      Membership. This ID may still be modified after creation but it is not
      recommended to do so. The ID must match the regex: `a-zA-Z0-9*` If this
      Membership represents a Kubernetes cluster, this value should be set to
      the UUID of the kube-system namespace object.
    labels: Optional. GCP labels for this membership.
    lastConnectionTime: Output only. For clusters using Connect, the timestamp
      of the most recent connection established with Google Cloud. This time
      is updated every several minutes, not continuously. For clusters that do
      not use GKE Connect, or that have never connected successfully, this
      field will be unset.
    name: Output only. The unique name of this domain resource in the format:
      `membership_id` can only be set at creation time using the
      `membership_id` field in the creation request. `membership_id` must be a
      valid RFC 1123 compliant DNS label. In particular, it must be: 1. At
      most 63 characters in length 2. It must consist of lower case
      alphanumeric characters or `-` 3. It must start and end with an
      alphanumeric character I.e. `membership_id` must match the regex:
      `[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` with at most 63 characters.
    state: Output only. State of the Membership resource.
    uniqueId: Output only. Google-generated UUID for this resource. This is
      unique across all Membership resources. If a Membership resource is
      deleted and another resource with the same name is created, it gets a
      different unique_id.
    updateTime: Output only. Timestamp for when the Membership was last
    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Optional. GCP labels for this membership.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    deleteTime = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    endpoint = _messages.MessageField('MembershipEndpoint', 4)
    externalId = _messages.StringField(5)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 6)
    lastConnectionTime = _messages.StringField(7)
    name = _messages.StringField(8)
    state = _messages.MessageField('MembershipState', 9)
    uniqueId = _messages.StringField(10)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(11)
コード例 #10
class Debuggee(_messages.Message):
    """Represents the debugged application. The application may include one or
  more replicated processes executing the same code. Each of these processes
  is attached with a debugger agent, carrying out the debugging commands.
  Agents attached to the same debuggee identify themselves as such by using
  exactly the same Debuggee message value when registering.

    LabelsValue: A set of custom debuggee properties, populated by the agent,
      to be displayed to the user.

    agentVersion: Version ID of the agent. Schema: `domain/language-
      platform/vmajor.minor` (for example `google.com/java-gcp/v1.1`).
    description: Human readable description of the debuggee. Including a
      human-readable project name, environment name and version information is
    extSourceContexts: References to the locations and revisions of the source
      code used in the deployed application.
    id: Unique identifier for the debuggee generated by the controller
    isDisabled: If set to `true`, indicates that the agent should disable
      itself and detach from the debuggee.
    isInactive: If set to `true`, indicates that Controller service does not
      detect any activity from the debuggee agents and the application is
      possibly stopped.
    labels: A set of custom debuggee properties, populated by the agent, to be
      displayed to the user.
    project: Project the debuggee is associated with. Use project number or id
      when registering a Google Cloud Platform project.
    sourceContexts: References to the locations and revisions of the source
      code used in the deployed application.
    status: Human readable message to be displayed to the user about this
      debuggee. Absence of this field indicates no status. The message can be
      either informational or an error status.
    uniquifier: Uniquifier to further distiguish the application. It is
      possible that different applications might have identical values in the
      debuggee message, thus, incorrectly identified as a single application
      by the Controller service. This field adds salt to further distiguish
      the application. Agents should consider seeding this field with value
      that identifies the code, binary, configuration and environment.
    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        """A set of custom debuggee properties, populated by the agent, to be
    displayed to the user.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    agentVersion = _messages.StringField(1)
    description = _messages.StringField(2)
    extSourceContexts = _messages.MessageField('ExtendedSourceContext',
    id = _messages.StringField(4)
    isDisabled = _messages.BooleanField(5)
    isInactive = _messages.BooleanField(6)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 7)
    project = _messages.StringField(8)
    sourceContexts = _messages.MessageField('SourceContext', 9, repeated=True)
    status = _messages.MessageField('StatusMessage', 10)
    uniquifier = _messages.StringField(11)
コード例 #11
class Breakpoint(_messages.Message):
    """Represents the breakpoint specification, status and results.

    ActionValueValuesEnum: Action that the agent should perform when the code
      at the breakpoint location is hit.
    LogLevelValueValuesEnum: Indicates the severity of the log. Only relevant
      when action is `LOG`.

    LabelsValue: A set of custom breakpoint properties, populated by the
      agent, to be displayed to the user.

    action: Action that the agent should perform when the code at the
      breakpoint location is hit.
    condition: Condition that triggers the breakpoint. The condition is a
      compound boolean expression composed using expressions in a programming
      language at the source location.
    createTime: Time this breakpoint was created by the server in seconds
    evaluatedExpressions: Values of evaluated expressions at breakpoint time.
      The evaluated expressions appear in exactly the same order they are
      listed in the `expressions` field. The `name` field holds the original
      expression text, the `value` or `members` field holds the result of the
      evaluated expression. If the expression cannot be evaluated, the
      `status` inside the `Variable` will indicate an error and contain the
      error text.
    expressions: List of read-only expressions to evaluate at the breakpoint
      location. The expressions are composed using expressions in the
      programming language at the source location. If the breakpoint action is
      `LOG`, the evaluated expressions are included in log statements.
    finalTime: Time this breakpoint was finalized as seen by the server in
      seconds resolution.
    id: Breakpoint identifier, unique in the scope of the debuggee.
    isFinalState: When true, indicates that this is a final result and the
      breakpoint state will not change from here on.
    labels: A set of custom breakpoint properties, populated by the agent, to
      be displayed to the user.
    location: Breakpoint source location.
    logLevel: Indicates the severity of the log. Only relevant when action is
    logMessageFormat: Only relevant when action is `LOG`. Defines the message
      to log when the breakpoint hits. The message may include parameter
      placeholders `$0`, `$1`, etc. These placeholders are replaced with the
      evaluated value of the appropriate expression. Expressions not
      referenced in `log_message_format` are not logged.  Example: `Message
      received, id = $0, count = $1` with `expressions` = `[ message.id,
      message.count ]`.
    stackFrames: The stack at breakpoint time.
    status: Breakpoint status.  The status includes an error flag and a human
      readable message. This field is usually unset. The message can be either
      informational or an error message. Regardless, clients should always
      display the text message back to the user.  Error status indicates
      complete failure of the breakpoint.  Example (non-final state): `Still
      loading symbols...`  Examples (final state):  *   `Invalid line number`
      referring to location *   `Field f not found in class C` referring to
    userEmail: E-mail address of the user that created this breakpoint
    variableTable: The `variable_table` exists to aid with computation, memory
      and network traffic optimization.  It enables storing a variable once
      and reference it from multiple variables, including variables stored in
      the `variable_table` itself. For example, the same `this` object, which
      may appear at many levels of the stack, can have all of its data stored
      once in this table.  The stack frame variables then would hold only a
      reference to it.  The variable `var_table_index` field is an index into
      this repeated field. The stored objects are nameless and get their name
      from the referencing variable. The effective variable is a merge of the
      referencing variable and the referenced variable.
    class ActionValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Action that the agent should perform when the code at the breakpoint
    location is hit.

      CAPTURE: Capture stack frame and variables and update the breakpoint.
        The data is only captured once. After that the breakpoint is set in a
        final state.
      LOG: Log each breakpoint hit. The breakpoint remains active until
        deleted or expired.
        CAPTURE = 0
        LOG = 1

    class LogLevelValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Indicates the severity of the log. Only relevant when action is `LOG`.

      INFO: Information log message.
      WARNING: Warning log message.
      ERROR: Error log message.
        INFO = 0
        WARNING = 1
        ERROR = 2

    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        """A set of custom breakpoint properties, populated by the agent, to be
    displayed to the user.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    action = _messages.EnumField('ActionValueValuesEnum', 1)
    condition = _messages.StringField(2)
    createTime = _messages.StringField(3)
    evaluatedExpressions = _messages.MessageField('Variable', 4, repeated=True)
    expressions = _messages.StringField(5, repeated=True)
    finalTime = _messages.StringField(6)
    id = _messages.StringField(7)
    isFinalState = _messages.BooleanField(8)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 9)
    location = _messages.MessageField('SourceLocation', 10)
    logLevel = _messages.EnumField('LogLevelValueValuesEnum', 11)
    logMessageFormat = _messages.StringField(12)
    stackFrames = _messages.MessageField('StackFrame', 13, repeated=True)
    status = _messages.MessageField('StatusMessage', 14)
    userEmail = _messages.StringField(15)
    variableTable = _messages.MessageField('Variable', 16, repeated=True)
コード例 #12
class Instance(_messages.Message):
    r"""A Google Cloud Redis instance.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. The current state of this instance.
    TierValueValuesEnum: Required. The service tier of the instance.

    LabelsValue: Resource labels to represent user provided metadata
    RedisConfigsValue: Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to
      http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters
      are:   *   maxmemory-policy  *   notify-keyspace-events

    alternativeLocationId: Optional. Only applicable to STANDARD_HA tier which
      protects the instance against zonal failures by provisioning it across
      two zones. If provided, it must be a different zone from the one
      provided in [location_id].
    authorizedNetwork: Optional. The full name of the Google Compute Engine
      [network](/compute/docs/networks-and-firewalls#networks) to which the
      instance is connected. If left unspecified, the `default` network will
      be used.
    createTime: Output only. The time the instance was created.
    currentLocationId: Output only. The current zone where the Redis endpoint
      is placed. For Basic Tier instances, this will always be the same as the
      [location_id] provided by the user at creation time. For Standard Tier
      instances, this can be either [location_id] or [alternative_location_id]
      and can change after a failover event.
    displayName: An arbitrary and optional user-provided name for the
    host: Output only. Hostname or IP address of the exposed Redis endpoint
      used by clients to connect to the service.
    labels: Resource labels to represent user provided metadata
    locationId: Optional. The zone where the instance will be provisioned. If
      not provided, the service will choose a zone for the instance. For
      STANDARD_HA tier, instances will be created across two zones for
      protection against zonal failures. If [alternative_location_id] is also
      provided, it must be different from [location_id].
    memorySizeGb: Required. Redis memory size in GiB.
    name: Required. Unique name of the resource in this scope including
      project and location using the form:
      Note: Redis instances are managed and addressed at regional level so
      location_id here refers to a GCP region; however, users may choose which
      specific zone (or collection of zones for cross-zone instances) an
      instance should be provisioned in. Refer to [location_id] and
      [alternative_location_id] fields for more details.
    port: Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    redisConfigs: Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to
      http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters
      are:   *   maxmemory-policy  *   notify-keyspace-events
    redisVersion: Optional. The version of Redis software. If not provided,
      latest supported version will be used. Updating the version will perform
      an upgrade/downgrade to the new version. Currently, the supported values
      are `REDIS_3_2` for Redis 3.2.
    reservedIpRange: Optional. The CIDR range of internal addresses that are
      reserved for this instance. If not provided, the service will choose an
      unused /29 block, for example, or Ranges
      must be unique and non-overlapping with existing subnets in an
      authorized network.
    state: Output only. The current state of this instance.
    statusMessage: Output only. Additional information about the current
      status of this instance, if available.
    tier: Required. The service tier of the instance.
    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Output only. The current state of this instance.

      CREATING: Redis instance is being created.
      READY: Redis instance has been created and is fully usable.
      UPDATING: Redis instance configuration is being updated. Certain kinds
        of updates may cause the instance to become unusable while the update
        is in progress.
      DELETING: Redis instance is being deleted.
      REPAIRING: Redis instance is being repaired and may be unusable. Details
        can be found in the `status_message` field.
      MAINTENANCE: Maintenance is being performed on this Redis instance.
        CREATING = 1
        READY = 2
        UPDATING = 3
        DELETING = 4
        REPAIRING = 5
        MAINTENANCE = 6

    class TierValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Required. The service tier of the instance.

      TIER_UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
      BASIC: BASIC tier: standalone instance
      STANDARD_HA: STANDARD_HA tier: highly available primary/replica
        BASIC = 1
        STANDARD_HA = 2

    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Resource labels to represent user provided metadata

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class RedisConfigsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to
    http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters
    are:   *   maxmemory-policy  *   notify-keyspace-events

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a RedisConfigsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type RedisConfigsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a RedisConfigsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    alternativeLocationId = _messages.StringField(1)
    authorizedNetwork = _messages.StringField(2)
    createTime = _messages.StringField(3)
    currentLocationId = _messages.StringField(4)
    displayName = _messages.StringField(5)
    host = _messages.StringField(6)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 7)
    locationId = _messages.StringField(8)
    memorySizeGb = _messages.IntegerField(9, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    name = _messages.StringField(10)
    port = _messages.IntegerField(11, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    redisConfigs = _messages.MessageField('RedisConfigsValue', 12)
    redisVersion = _messages.StringField(13)
    reservedIpRange = _messages.StringField(14)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 15)
    statusMessage = _messages.StringField(16)
    tier = _messages.EnumField('TierValueValuesEnum', 17)
コード例 #13
class TestMatrix(_messages.Message):
    """A group of one or more TestExecutions, built by taking a product of
  values over a pre-defined set of axes.

    InvalidMatrixDetailsValueValuesEnum: Describes why the matrix is
      considered invalid. Only useful for matrices in the INVALID state.
    StateValueValuesEnum: Indicates the current progress of the test matrix
      (e.g., FINISHED) @OutputOnly

    clientInfo: Information about the client which invoked the test. Optional
    environmentMatrix: How the host machine(s) are configured. Required
    invalidMatrixDetails: Describes why the matrix is considered invalid. Only
      useful for matrices in the INVALID state. @OutputOnly
    projectId: The cloud project that owns the test matrix. @OutputOnly
    resultStorage: Where the results for the matrix are written. Required
    state: Indicates the current progress of the test matrix (e.g., FINISHED)
    testExecutions: The list of test executions that the service creates for
      this matrix. @OutputOnly
    testMatrixId: Unique id set by the service. @OutputOnly
    testSpecification: How to run the test. Required
    timestamp: The time this test matrix was initially created. @OutputOnly
    class InvalidMatrixDetailsValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Describes why the matrix is considered invalid. Only useful for
    matrices in the INVALID state. @OutputOnly

      INVALID_MATRIX_DETAILS_UNSPECIFIED: Do not use. For proto versioning
      DETAILS_UNAVAILABLE: The matrix is INVALID, but there are no further
        details available.
      MALFORMED_APK: The input app APK could not be parsed.
      MALFORMED_TEST_APK: The input test APK could not be parsed.
      NO_MANIFEST: The AndroidManifest.xml could not be found.
      NO_PACKAGE_NAME: The APK manifest does not declare a package name.
      TEST_SAME_AS_APP: The test package and app package are the same.
      NO_INSTRUMENTATION: The test apk does not declare an instrumentation.
      NO_LAUNCHER_ACTIVITY: A main launcher activity could not be found.
      FORBIDDEN_PERMISSIONS: The app declares one or more permissions that are
        not allowed.
      INVALID_ROBO_DIRECTIVES: There is a conflict in the provided
      TEST_LOOP_INTENT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND: There there is no test loop intent
        filter, or the one that is given is not formatted correctly.
      SCENARIO_LABEL_NOT_DECLARED: The request contains a scenario label that
        was not declared in the manifest.
      SCENARIO_LABEL_MALFORMED: There was an error when parsing a label's
      SCENARIO_NOT_DECLARED: The request contains a scenario number that was
        not declared in the manifest.
      DEVICE_ADMIN_RECEIVER: Device administrator applications are not
        MALFORMED_APK = 2
        NO_MANIFEST = 4
        NO_PACKAGE_NAME = 5
        TEST_SAME_AS_APP = 6

    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Indicates the current progress of the test matrix (e.g., FINISHED)

      TEST_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Do not use.  For proto versioning only.
      VALIDATING: The execution or matrix is being validated.
      PENDING: The execution or matrix is waiting for resources to become
      RUNNING: The execution is currently being processed.  Can only be set on
        an execution.
      FINISHED: The execution or matrix has terminated normally.  On a matrix
        this means that the matrix level processing completed normally, but
        individual executions may be in an ERROR state.
      ERROR: The execution or matrix has stopped because it encountered an
        infrastructure failure.
      UNSUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENT: The execution was not run because it
        corresponds to a unsupported environment.  Can only be set on an
      INCOMPATIBLE_ENVIRONMENT: The execution was not run because the provided
        inputs are incompatible with the requested environment.  Example:
        requested AndroidVersion is lower than APK's minSdkVersion  Can only
        be set on an execution.
      INCOMPATIBLE_ARCHITECTURE: The execution was not run because the
        provided inputs are incompatible with the requested architecture.
        Example: requested device does not support running the native code in
        the supplied APK  Can only be set on an execution.
      CANCELLED: The user cancelled the execution.  Can only be set on an
      INVALID: The execution or matrix was not run because the provided inputs
        are not valid.  Examples: input file is not of the expected type, is
        malformed/corrupt, or was flagged as malware
        VALIDATING = 1
        PENDING = 2
        RUNNING = 3
        FINISHED = 4
        ERROR = 5
        CANCELLED = 9
        INVALID = 10

    clientInfo = _messages.MessageField('ClientInfo', 1)
    environmentMatrix = _messages.MessageField('EnvironmentMatrix', 2)
    invalidMatrixDetails = _messages.EnumField(
        'InvalidMatrixDetailsValueValuesEnum', 3)
    projectId = _messages.StringField(4)
    resultStorage = _messages.MessageField('ResultStorage', 5)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 6)
    testExecutions = _messages.MessageField('TestExecution', 7, repeated=True)
    testMatrixId = _messages.StringField(8)
    testSpecification = _messages.MessageField('TestSpecification', 9)
    timestamp = _messages.StringField(10)
コード例 #14
class TestExecution(_messages.Message):
    """Specifies a single test to be executed in a single environment.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Indicates the current progress of the test execution
      (e.g., FINISHED). @OutputOnly

    environment: How the host machine(s) are configured. @OutputOnly
    id: Unique id set by the backend. @OutputOnly
    matrixId: Id of the containing TestMatrix. @OutputOnly
    projectId: The cloud project that owns the test execution. @OutputOnly
    state: Indicates the current progress of the test execution (e.g.,
      FINISHED). @OutputOnly
    testDetails: Additional details about the running test. @OutputOnly
    testSpecification: How to run the test. @OutputOnly
    timestamp: The time this test execution was initially created. @OutputOnly
    toolResultsStep: Where the results for this execution are written.
    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Indicates the current progress of the test execution (e.g., FINISHED).

      TEST_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Do not use.  For proto versioning only.
      VALIDATING: The execution or matrix is being validated.
      PENDING: The execution or matrix is waiting for resources to become
      RUNNING: The execution is currently being processed.  Can only be set on
        an execution.
      FINISHED: The execution or matrix has terminated normally.  On a matrix
        this means that the matrix level processing completed normally, but
        individual executions may be in an ERROR state.
      ERROR: The execution or matrix has stopped because it encountered an
        infrastructure failure.
      UNSUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENT: The execution was not run because it
        corresponds to a unsupported environment.  Can only be set on an
      INCOMPATIBLE_ENVIRONMENT: The execution was not run because the provided
        inputs are incompatible with the requested environment.  Example:
        requested AndroidVersion is lower than APK's minSdkVersion  Can only
        be set on an execution.
      INCOMPATIBLE_ARCHITECTURE: The execution was not run because the
        provided inputs are incompatible with the requested architecture.
        Example: requested device does not support running the native code in
        the supplied APK  Can only be set on an execution.
      CANCELLED: The user cancelled the execution.  Can only be set on an
      INVALID: The execution or matrix was not run because the provided inputs
        are not valid.  Examples: input file is not of the expected type, is
        malformed/corrupt, or was flagged as malware
        VALIDATING = 1
        PENDING = 2
        RUNNING = 3
        FINISHED = 4
        ERROR = 5
        CANCELLED = 9
        INVALID = 10

    environment = _messages.MessageField('Environment', 1)
    id = _messages.StringField(2)
    matrixId = _messages.StringField(3)
    projectId = _messages.StringField(4)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 5)
    testDetails = _messages.MessageField('TestDetails', 6)
    testSpecification = _messages.MessageField('TestSpecification', 7)
    timestamp = _messages.StringField(8)
    toolResultsStep = _messages.MessageField('ToolResultsStep', 9)
コード例 #15
class PubsubMessage(_messages.Message):
    r"""A message that is published by publishers and consumed by subscribers.
  The message must contain either a non-empty data field or at least one
  attribute. Note that client libraries represent this object differently
  depending on the language. See the corresponding [client library
  documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/libraries) for
  more information. See [quotas and limits]
  (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/quotas) for more information about message

    AttributesValue: Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the
      message must contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages
      on the subscription.

    attributes: Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the
      message must contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages
      on the subscription.
    data: The message data field. If this field is empty, the message must
      contain at least one attribute.
    messageId: ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is
      published. Guaranteed to be unique within the topic. This value may be
      read by a subscriber that receives a `PubsubMessage` via a `Pull` call
      or a push delivery. It must not be populated by the publisher in a
      `Publish` call.
    orderingKey: If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish
      order should be respected. If a `Subscription` has
      `enable_message_ordering` set to `true`, messages published with the
      same non-empty `ordering_key` value will be delivered to subscribers in
      the order in which they are received by the Pub/Sub system. All
      `PubsubMessage`s published in a given `PublishRequest` must specify the
      same `ordering_key` value. For more information, see [ordering
    publishTime: The time at which the message was published, populated by the
      server when it receives the `Publish` call. It must not be populated by
      the publisher in a `Publish` call.
    class AttributesValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the message must
    contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a AttributesValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type AttributesValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a AttributesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    attributes = _messages.MessageField('AttributesValue', 1)
    data = _messages.BytesField(2)
    messageId = _messages.StringField(3)
    orderingKey = _messages.StringField(4)
    publishTime = _messages.StringField(5)
コード例 #16
class RecognitionConfig(_messages.Message):
    r"""Provides information to the recognizer that specifies how to process the

    EncodingValueValuesEnum: Encoding of audio data sent in all
      `RecognitionAudio` messages. This field is optional for `FLAC` and `WAV`
      audio files and required for all other audio formats. For details, see

    audioChannelCount: *Optional* The number of channels in the input audio
      data. ONLY set this for MULTI-CHANNEL recognition. Valid values for
      LINEAR16 and FLAC are `1`-`8`. Valid values for OGG_OPUS are '1'-'254'.
      Valid value for MULAW, AMR, AMR_WB and SPEEX_WITH_HEADER_BYTE is only
      `1`. If `0` or omitted, defaults to one channel (mono). Note: We only
      recognize the first channel by default. To perform independent
      recognition on each channel set
      `enable_separate_recognition_per_channel` to 'true'.
    diarizationConfig: *Optional* Config to enable speaker diarization and set
      additional parameters to make diarization better suited for your
      application. Note: When this is enabled, we send all the words from the
      beginning of the audio for the top alternative in every consecutive
      STREAMING responses. This is done in order to improve our speaker tags
      as our models learn to identify the speakers in the conversation over
      time. For non-streaming requests, the diarization results will be
      provided only in the top alternative of the FINAL
    enableAutomaticPunctuation: *Optional* If 'true', adds punctuation to
      recognition result hypotheses. This feature is only available in select
      languages. Setting this for requests in other languages has no effect at
      all. The default 'false' value does not add punctuation to result
      hypotheses. Note: This is currently offered as an experimental service,
      complimentary to all users. In the future this may be exclusively
      available as a premium feature.
    enableSeparateRecognitionPerChannel: This needs to be set to `true`
      explicitly and `audio_channel_count` > 1 to get each channel recognized
      separately. The recognition result will contain a `channel_tag` field to
      state which channel that result belongs to. If this is not true, we will
      only recognize the first channel. The request is billed cumulatively for
      all channels recognized: `audio_channel_count` multiplied by the length
      of the audio.
    enableWordTimeOffsets: *Optional* If `true`, the top result includes a
      list of words and the start and end time offsets (timestamps) for those
      words. If `false`, no word-level time offset information is returned.
      The default is `false`.
    encoding: Encoding of audio data sent in all `RecognitionAudio` messages.
      This field is optional for `FLAC` and `WAV` audio files and required for
      all other audio formats. For details, see AudioEncoding.
    languageCode: *Required* The language of the supplied audio as a
      [BCP-47](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt) language tag.
      Example: "en-US". See [Language Support](https://cloud.google.com
      /speech-to-text/docs/languages) for a list of the currently supported
      language codes.
    maxAlternatives: *Optional* Maximum number of recognition hypotheses to be
      returned. Specifically, the maximum number of
      `SpeechRecognitionAlternative` messages within each
      `SpeechRecognitionResult`. The server may return fewer than
      `max_alternatives`. Valid values are `0`-`30`. A value of `0` or `1`
      will return a maximum of one. If omitted, will return a maximum of one.
    metadata: *Optional* Metadata regarding this request.
    model: *Optional* Which model to select for the given request. Select the
      model best suited to your domain to get best results. If a model is not
      explicitly specified, then we auto-select a model based on the
      parameters in the RecognitionConfig. <table>   <tr>
      <td><b>Model</b></td>     <td><b>Description</b></td>   </tr>   <tr>
      <td><code>command_and_search</code></td>     <td>Best for short queries
      such as voice commands or voice search.</td>   </tr>   <tr>
      <td><code>phone_call</code></td>     <td>Best for audio that originated
      from a phone call (typically     recorded at an 8khz sampling
      rate).</td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><code>video</code></td>     <td>Best
      for audio that originated from from video or includes multiple
      speakers. Ideally the audio is recorded at a 16khz or greater
      sampling rate. This is a premium model that costs more than the
      standard rate.</td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><code>default</code></td>
      <td>Best for audio that is not one of the specific audio models.
      For example, long-form audio. Ideally the audio is high-fidelity,
      recorded at a 16khz or greater sampling rate.</td>   </tr> </table>
    profanityFilter: *Optional* If set to `true`, the server will attempt to
      filter out profanities, replacing all but the initial character in each
      filtered word with asterisks, e.g. "f***". If set to `false` or omitted,
      profanities won't be filtered out.
    sampleRateHertz: Sample rate in Hertz of the audio data sent in all
      `RecognitionAudio` messages. Valid values are: 8000-48000. 16000 is
      optimal. For best results, set the sampling rate of the audio source to
      16000 Hz. If that's not possible, use the native sample rate of the
      audio source (instead of re-sampling). This field is optional for FLAC
      and WAV audio files, but is required for all other audio formats. For
      details, see AudioEncoding.
    speechContexts: *Optional* array of SpeechContext. A means to provide
      context to assist the speech recognition. For more information, see
      [speech adaptation](https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs
    useEnhanced: *Optional* Set to true to use an enhanced model for speech
      recognition. If `use_enhanced` is set to true and the `model` field is
      not set, then an appropriate enhanced model is chosen if an enhanced
      model exists for the audio.  If `use_enhanced` is true and an enhanced
      version of the specified model does not exist, then the speech is
      recognized using the standard version of the specified model.
    class EncodingValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Encoding of audio data sent in all `RecognitionAudio` messages. This
    field is optional for `FLAC` and `WAV` audio files and required for all
    other audio formats. For details, see AudioEncoding.

      ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED: Not specified.
      LINEAR16: Uncompressed 16-bit signed little-endian samples (Linear PCM).
      FLAC: `FLAC` (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is the recommended encoding
        because it is lossless--therefore recognition is not compromised--and
        requires only about half the bandwidth of `LINEAR16`. `FLAC` stream
        encoding supports 16-bit and 24-bit samples, however, not all fields
        in `STREAMINFO` are supported.
      MULAW: 8-bit samples that compand 14-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU
      AMR: Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrowband codec. `sample_rate_hertz` must be
      AMR_WB: Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband codec. `sample_rate_hertz` must be
      OGG_OPUS: Opus encoded audio frames in Ogg container
        ([OggOpus](https://wiki.xiph.org/OggOpus)). `sample_rate_hertz` must
        be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
      SPEEX_WITH_HEADER_BYTE: Although the use of lossy encodings is not
        recommended, if a very low bitrate encoding is required, `OGG_OPUS` is
        highly preferred over Speex encoding. The [Speex](https://speex.org/)
        encoding supported by Cloud Speech API has a header byte in each
        block, as in MIME type `audio/x-speex-with-header-byte`. It is a
        variant of the RTP Speex encoding defined in [RFC
        5574](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5574). The stream is a sequence
        of blocks, one block per RTP packet. Each block starts with a byte
        containing the length of the block, in bytes, followed by one or more
        frames of Speex data, padded to an integral number of bytes (octets)
        as specified in RFC 5574. In other words, each RTP header is replaced
        with a single byte containing the block length. Only Speex wideband is
        supported. `sample_rate_hertz` must be 16000.
        LINEAR16 = 1
        FLAC = 2
        MULAW = 3
        AMR = 4
        AMR_WB = 5
        OGG_OPUS = 6

    audioChannelCount = _messages.IntegerField(1,
    diarizationConfig = _messages.MessageField('SpeakerDiarizationConfig', 2)
    enableAutomaticPunctuation = _messages.BooleanField(3)
    enableSeparateRecognitionPerChannel = _messages.BooleanField(4)
    enableWordTimeOffsets = _messages.BooleanField(5)
    encoding = _messages.EnumField('EncodingValueValuesEnum', 6)
    languageCode = _messages.StringField(7)
    maxAlternatives = _messages.IntegerField(8,
    metadata = _messages.MessageField('RecognitionMetadata', 9)
    model = _messages.StringField(10)
    profanityFilter = _messages.BooleanField(11)
    sampleRateHertz = _messages.IntegerField(12,
    speechContexts = _messages.MessageField('SpeechContext', 13, repeated=True)
    useEnhanced = _messages.BooleanField(14)
コード例 #17
class Execution(_messages.Message):
    r"""A running instance of a

    CallLogLevelValueValuesEnum: The call logging level associated to this
    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. Current state of the execution.

    argument: Input parameters of the execution represented as a JSON string.
      The size limit is 32KB. *Note*: If you are using the REST API directly
      to run your workflow, you must escape any JSON string value of
      `argument`. Example:
    callLogLevel: The call logging level associated to this execution.
    endTime: Output only. Marks the end of execution, successful or not.
    error: Output only. The error which caused the execution to finish
      prematurely. The value is only present if the execution's state is
      `FAILED` or `CANCELLED`.
    name: Output only. The resource name of the execution. Format: projects/{p
    result: Output only. Output of the execution represented as a JSON string.
      The value can only be present if the execution's state is `SUCCEEDED`.
    startTime: Output only. Marks the beginning of execution.
    state: Output only. Current state of the execution.
    workflowRevisionId: Output only. Revision of the workflow this execution
      is using.
    class CallLogLevelValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""The call logging level associated to this execution.

      CALL_LOG_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED: No call logging specified.
      LOG_ALL_CALLS: Log all call steps within workflows, all call returns,
        and all exceptions raised.
      LOG_ERRORS_ONLY: Log only exceptions that are raised from call steps
        within workflows.
        LOG_ALL_CALLS = 1
        LOG_ERRORS_ONLY = 2

    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Output only. Current state of the execution.

      STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Invalid state.
      ACTIVE: The execution is in progress.
      SUCCEEDED: The execution finished successfully.
      FAILED: The execution failed with an error.
      CANCELLED: The execution was stopped intentionally.
        ACTIVE = 1
        SUCCEEDED = 2
        FAILED = 3
        CANCELLED = 4

    argument = _messages.StringField(1)
    callLogLevel = _messages.EnumField('CallLogLevelValueValuesEnum', 2)
    endTime = _messages.StringField(3)
    error = _messages.MessageField('Error', 4)
    name = _messages.StringField(5)
    result = _messages.StringField(6)
    startTime = _messages.StringField(7)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 8)
    workflowRevisionId = _messages.StringField(9)
コード例 #18
class ManagedZone(_messages.Message):
    r"""A ManagedZone object.


    LabelsValue: A LabelsValue object.

    creationTime: A string attribute.
    description: A string attribute.
    dnsName: A string attribute.
    dnssecConfig: A ManagedZoneDnsSecConfig attribute.
    forwardingConfig: A ManagedZoneForwardingConfig attribute.
    id: A string attribute.
    kind: Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string
    labels: A LabelsValue attribute.
    name: A string attribute.
    nameServerSet: A string attribute.
    nameServers: A string attribute.
    peeringConfig: A ManagedZonePeeringConfig attribute.
    privateVisibilityConfig: A ManagedZonePrivateVisibilityConfig attribute.
    reverseLookupConfig: A ManagedZoneReverseLookupConfig attribute.
    serviceDirectoryConfig: A ManagedZoneServiceDirectoryConfig attribute.
    visibility: A VisibilityValueValuesEnum attribute.
    class VisibilityValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""VisibilityValueValuesEnum enum type.

      private: <no description>
      public: <no description>
        private = 0
        public = 1

    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""A LabelsValue object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    creationTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    description = _messages.StringField(2)
    dnsName = _messages.StringField(3)
    dnssecConfig = _messages.MessageField('ManagedZoneDnsSecConfig', 4)
    forwardingConfig = _messages.MessageField('ManagedZoneForwardingConfig', 5)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    kind = _messages.StringField(7, default='dns#managedZone')
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 8)
    name = _messages.StringField(9)
    nameServerSet = _messages.StringField(10)
    nameServers = _messages.StringField(11, repeated=True)
    peeringConfig = _messages.MessageField('ManagedZonePeeringConfig', 12)
    privateVisibilityConfig = _messages.MessageField(
        'ManagedZonePrivateVisibilityConfig', 13)
    reverseLookupConfig = _messages.MessageField(
        'ManagedZoneReverseLookupConfig', 14)
    serviceDirectoryConfig = _messages.MessageField(
        'ManagedZoneServiceDirectoryConfig', 15)
    visibility = _messages.EnumField('VisibilityValueValuesEnum', 16)
コード例 #19
class Status(_messages.Message):
  """The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for
  different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is
  used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be:
  - Simple to use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet
  unexpected needs  # Overview  The `Status` message contains three pieces of
  data: error code, error message, and error details. The error code should be
  an enum value of google.rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes
  if needed.  The error message should be a developer-facing English message
  that helps developers *understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized
  user-facing error message is needed, put the localized message in the error
  details or localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain
  arbitrary information about the error. There is a predefined set of error
  detail types in the package `google.rpc` which can be used for common error
  conditions.  # Language mapping  The `Status` message is the logical
  representation of the error model, but it is not necessarily the actual wire
  format. When the `Status` message is exposed in different client libraries
  and different wire protocols, it can be mapped differently. For example, it
  will likely be mapped to some exceptions in Java, but more likely mapped to
  some error codes in C.  # Other uses  The error model and the `Status`
  message can be used in a variety of environments, either with or without
  APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience across different
  environments.  Example uses of this error model include:  - Partial errors.
  If a service needs to return partial errors to the client,     it may embed
  the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial     errors.  -
  Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may
  have a `Status` message for error reporting purpose.  - Batch operations. If
  a client uses batch request and batch response, the     `Status` message
  should be used directly inside batch response, one for     each error sub-
  response.  - Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous
  operation     results in its response, the status of those operations should
  be     represented directly using the `Status` message.  - Logging. If some
  API errors are stored in logs, the message `Status` could     be used
  directly after any stripping needed for security/privacy reasons.

    DetailsValueListEntry: A DetailsValueListEntry object.

    code: The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
    details: A list of messages that carry the error details.  There will be a
      common set of message types for APIs to use.
    message: A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
      user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
      google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.

  class DetailsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
    """A DetailsValueListEntry object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a DetailsValueListEntry

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      """An additional property for a DetailsValueListEntry object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  code = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  details = _messages.MessageField('DetailsValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
  message = _messages.StringField(3)
コード例 #20
class Instance(_messages.Message):
  r"""A Google Cloud Redis instance.

    ConnectModeValueValuesEnum: Optional. The connect mode of Redis instance.
      If not provided, default one will be used. Current default:
    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. The current state of this instance.
    TierValueValuesEnum: Required. The service tier of the instance.

    LabelsValue: Resource labels to represent user provided metadata
    RedisConfigsValue: Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to
      http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters
      are:   Redis 3.2 and above:   *   maxmemory-policy  *   notify-keyspace-
      events   Redis 4.0 and above:   *   activedefrag  *   lfu-log-factor  *

    alternativeLocationId: Optional. Only applicable to standard tier which
      protects the instance against zonal failures by provisioning it across
      two zones. If provided, it must be a different zone from the one
      provided in [location_id].
    authorizedNetwork: Optional. The full name of the Google Compute Engine
      [network](/compute/docs/networks-and-firewalls#networks) to which the
      instance is connected. If left unspecified, the `default` network will
      be used.
    connectMode: Optional. The connect mode of Redis instance. If not
      provided, default one will be used. Current default: DIRECT_PEERING.
    createTime: Output only. The time the instance was created.
    currentLocationId: Output only. The current zone where the Redis endpoint
      is placed. In single zone deployments, this will always be the same as
      [location_id] provided by the user at creation time. In cross-zone
      instances (only applicable in standard tier), this can be either
      [location_id] or [alternative_location_id] and can change on a failover
    displayName: An arbitrary and optional user provided name for the
    host: Output only. Hostname or IP address of the exposed redis endpoint
      used by clients to connect to the service.
    labels: Resource labels to represent user provided metadata
    locationId: Optional. The zone where the instance will be provisioned. If
      not provided, the service will choose a zone for the instance. For
      standard tier, instances will be created across two zones for protection
      against zonal failures. If [alternative_location_id] is also provided,
      it must be different from [location_id].
    memorySizeGb: Required. Redis memory size in GB, up to 200GB.
    name: Required. Unique name of the resource in this scope including
      project and location using the form:
      Note: Redis instances are managed and addressed at regional level so
      location_id here refers to a GCP region; however, users get to choose
      which specific zone (or collection of zones for cross zone instances) an
      instance should be provisioned in. Refer to [location_id] and
      [alternative_location_id] fields for more details.
    persistenceIamIdentity: Output only. Cloud IAM identity used by import /
      export operations to transfer data to/from Cloud Storage. Format is
      "serviceAccount:<service_account_email>". The value may change over time
      for a given instance so should be checked before each import/export
    port: Output only. The port number of the exposed redis endpoint.
    redisConfigs: Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to
      http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters
      are:   Redis 3.2 and above:   *   maxmemory-policy  *   notify-keyspace-
      events   Redis 4.0 and above:   *   activedefrag  *   lfu-log-factor  *
    redisVersion: Optional. The version of Redis software. If not provided,
      latest supported version will be used. Updating the version will perform
      an upgrade/downgrade to the new version. Currently, the supported values
      are:   *   `REDIS_4_0` for Redis 4.0 compatibility  *   `REDIS_3_2` for
      Redis 3.2 compatibility (default)
    reservedIpRange: Optional. The CIDR range of internal addresses that are
      reserved for this instance. If not provided, the service will choose an
      unused /29 block, for example, or Ranges
      must be unique and non-overlapping with existing subnets in a network.
    state: Output only. The current state of this instance.
    statusMessage: Output only. Additional information about the current
      status of this instance, if available.
    tier: Required. The service tier of the instance.

  class ConnectModeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Optional. The connect mode of Redis instance. If not provided, default
    one will be used. Current default: DIRECT_PEERING.

      DIRECT_PEERING: Connect via directly peering with memorystore redis
        hosted service.
      PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS: Connect with google via private service access
        and share connection across google managed services.

  class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Output only. The current state of this instance.

      CREATING: Redis instance is being created.
      READY: Redis instance has been created and is fully usable.
      UPDATING: Redis instance configuration is being updated. Certain kinds
        of updates may cause the instance to become unusable while the update
        is in progress.
      DELETING: Redis instance is being deleted.
      REPAIRING: Redis instance is being repaired and may be unusable. Details
        can be found in the `status_message` field.
      PERFORMING_MAINTENANCE: Maintenance is being performed on this Redis
      IMPORTING: Redis instance is importing data (availability may be
      FAILING_OVER: Redis instance is failing over (availability may be
    CREATING = 1
    READY = 2
    UPDATING = 3
    DELETING = 4

  class TierValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Required. The service tier of the instance.

      TIER_UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
      BASIC: BASIC tier: standalone instance
      STANDARD_HA: STANDARD_HA tier: highly available primary/replica
    BASIC = 1

  class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Resource labels to represent user provided metadata

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class RedisConfigsValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to
    http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters
    are:   Redis 3.2 and above:   *   maxmemory-policy  *   notify-keyspace-
    events   Redis 4.0 and above:   *   activedefrag  *   lfu-log-factor  *

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a RedisConfigsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type RedisConfigsValue

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a RedisConfigsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  alternativeLocationId = _messages.StringField(1)
  authorizedNetwork = _messages.StringField(2)
  connectMode = _messages.EnumField('ConnectModeValueValuesEnum', 3)
  createTime = _messages.StringField(4)
  currentLocationId = _messages.StringField(5)
  displayName = _messages.StringField(6)
  host = _messages.StringField(7)
  labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 8)
  locationId = _messages.StringField(9)
  memorySizeGb = _messages.IntegerField(10, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  name = _messages.StringField(11)
  persistenceIamIdentity = _messages.StringField(12)
  port = _messages.IntegerField(13, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  redisConfigs = _messages.MessageField('RedisConfigsValue', 14)
  redisVersion = _messages.StringField(15)
  reservedIpRange = _messages.StringField(16)
  state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 17)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(18)
  tier = _messages.EnumField('TierValueValuesEnum', 19)
コード例 #21
class GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1LaunchTemplateParameters(_messages.Message):
    r"""Parameters to provide to the template being launched.

    ParametersValue: The runtime parameters to pass to the job.
    TransformNameMappingValue: Map of transform name prefixes of the job to be
      replaced to the corresponding name prefixes of the new job. Only
      applicable when updating a pipeline.

    environment: The runtime environment for the job.
    jobName: Required. The job name to use for the created job.
    parameters: The runtime parameters to pass to the job.
    transformNameMapping: Map of transform name prefixes of the job to be
      replaced to the corresponding name prefixes of the new job. Only
      applicable when updating a pipeline.
    update: If set, replace the existing pipeline with the name specified by
      jobName with this pipeline, preserving state.
    class ParametersValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""The runtime parameters to pass to the job.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a ParametersValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type ParametersValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a ParametersValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class TransformNameMappingValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Map of transform name prefixes of the job to be replaced to the
    corresponding name prefixes of the new job. Only applicable when updating
    a pipeline.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a
        TransformNameMappingValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a TransformNameMappingValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    environment = _messages.MessageField(
        'GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1RuntimeEnvironment', 1)
    jobName = _messages.StringField(2)
    parameters = _messages.MessageField('ParametersValue', 3)
    transformNameMapping = _messages.MessageField('TransformNameMappingValue',
    update = _messages.BooleanField(5)
コード例 #22
class Location(_messages.Message):
  r"""A resource that represents Google Cloud Platform location.

    LabelsValue: Cross-service attributes for the location. For example
      {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"}
    MetadataValue: Output only. The set of available zones in the location.
      The map is keyed by the lowercase ID of each zone, as defined by Compute
      Engine. These keys can be specified in `location_id` or
      `alternative_location_id` fields when creating a Redis instance.

    displayName: The friendly name for this location, typically a nearby city
      name. For example, "Tokyo".
    labels: Cross-service attributes for the location. For example
      {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"}
    locationId: Resource ID for the region. For example: "us-east1".
    metadata: Output only. The set of available zones in the location. The map
      is keyed by the lowercase ID of each zone, as defined by Compute Engine.
      These keys can be specified in `location_id` or
      `alternative_location_id` fields when creating a Redis instance.
    name: Full resource name for the region. For example: "projects/example-

  class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Cross-service attributes for the location. For example
    {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"}

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class MetadataValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Output only. The set of available zones in the location. The map is
    keyed by the lowercase ID of each zone, as defined by Compute Engine.
    These keys can be specified in `location_id` or `alternative_location_id`
    fields when creating a Redis instance.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  displayName = _messages.StringField(1)
  labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 2)
  locationId = _messages.StringField(3)
  metadata = _messages.MessageField('MetadataValue', 4)
  name = _messages.StringField(5)
コード例 #23
class GoogleCloudDatapipelinesV1RuntimeEnvironment(_messages.Message):
    r"""The environment values to set at runtime.

    IpConfigurationValueValuesEnum: Configuration for VM IPs.

    AdditionalUserLabelsValue: Additional user labels to be specified for the
      job. Keys and values should follow the restrictions specified in the
      [labeling restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-
      resources#restrictions) page. An object containing a list of key/value
      pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1kg", "count": "3" }.

    additionalExperiments: Additional experiment flags for the job.
    additionalUserLabels: Additional user labels to be specified for the job.
      Keys and values should follow the restrictions specified in the
      [labeling restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/labeling-
      resources#restrictions) page. An object containing a list of key/value
      pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1kg", "count": "3" }.
    bypassTempDirValidation: Whether to bypass the safety checks for the job's
      temporary directory. Use with caution.
    enableStreamingEngine: Whether to enable Streaming Engine for the job.
    ipConfiguration: Configuration for VM IPs.
    kmsKeyName: Name for the Cloud KMS key for the job. The key format is:
    machineType: The machine type to use for the job. Defaults to the value
      from the template if not specified.
    maxWorkers: The maximum number of Compute Engine instances to be made
      available to your pipeline during execution, from 1 to 1000.
    network: Network to which VMs will be assigned. If empty or unspecified,
      the service will use the network "default".
    numWorkers: The initial number of Compute Engine instances for the job.
    serviceAccountEmail: The email address of the service account to run the
      job as.
    subnetwork: Subnetwork to which VMs will be assigned, if desired. You can
      specify a subnetwork using either a complete URL or an abbreviated path.
      Expected to be of the form "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projec
      ts/HOST_PROJECT_ID/regions/REGION/subnetworks/SUBNETWORK" or
      "regions/REGION/subnetworks/SUBNETWORK". If the subnetwork is located in
      a Shared VPC network, you must use the complete URL.
    tempLocation: The Cloud Storage path to use for temporary files. Must be a
      valid Cloud Storage URL, beginning with `gs://`.
    workerRegion: The Compute Engine region
      (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/regions-zones) in
      which worker processing should occur, e.g. "us-west1". Mutually
      exclusive with worker_zone. If neither worker_region nor worker_zone is
      specified, default to the control plane's region.
    workerZone: The Compute Engine zone
      (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/regions-zones) in
      which worker processing should occur, e.g. "us-west1-a". Mutually
      exclusive with worker_region. If neither worker_region nor worker_zone
      is specified, a zone in the control plane's region is chosen based on
      available capacity. If both `worker_zone` and `zone` are set,
      `worker_zone` takes precedence.
    zone: The Compute Engine [availability
      for launching worker instances to run your pipeline. In the future,
      worker_zone will take precedence.
    class IpConfigurationValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Configuration for VM IPs.

      WORKER_IP_UNSPECIFIED: The configuration is unknown, or unspecified.
      WORKER_IP_PUBLIC: Workers should have public IP addresses.
      WORKER_IP_PRIVATE: Workers should have private IP addresses.
        WORKER_IP_PUBLIC = 1

    class AdditionalUserLabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Additional user labels to be specified for the job. Keys and values
    should follow the restrictions specified in the [labeling
    resources#restrictions) page. An object containing a list of key/value
    pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1kg", "count": "3" }.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a
        AdditionalUserLabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a AdditionalUserLabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    additionalExperiments = _messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
    additionalUserLabels = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalUserLabelsValue',
    bypassTempDirValidation = _messages.BooleanField(3)
    enableStreamingEngine = _messages.BooleanField(4)
    ipConfiguration = _messages.EnumField('IpConfigurationValueValuesEnum', 5)
    kmsKeyName = _messages.StringField(6)
    machineType = _messages.StringField(7)
    maxWorkers = _messages.IntegerField(8, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    network = _messages.StringField(9)
    numWorkers = _messages.IntegerField(10, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    serviceAccountEmail = _messages.StringField(11)
    subnetwork = _messages.StringField(12)
    tempLocation = _messages.StringField(13)
    workerRegion = _messages.StringField(14)
    workerZone = _messages.StringField(15)
    zone = _messages.StringField(16)
コード例 #24
class Operation(_messages.Message):
  r"""This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of
  a network API call.

    MetadataValue: {  `createTime`: The time the operation was created.
      `endTime`: The time the operation finished running.  `target`: Server-
      defined resource path for the target of the operation.  `verb`: Name of
      the verb executed by the operation.  `statusDetail`: Human-readable
      status of the operation, if any.  `cancelRequested`: Identifies whether
      the user has requested cancellation of the operation. Operations that
      have successfully been cancelled have Operation.error value with a
      google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
      `apiVersion`: API version used to start the operation.  }
    ResponseValue: The normal response of the operation in case of success.
      If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the
      response is `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
      `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
      methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
      the original method name.  For example, if the original method name is
      `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.

    done: If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in
      progress. If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or
      `response` is available.
    error: The error result of the operation in case of failure or
    metadata: {  `createTime`: The time the operation was created.  `endTime`:
      The time the operation finished running.  `target`: Server-defined
      resource path for the target of the operation.  `verb`: Name of the verb
      executed by the operation.  `statusDetail`: Human-readable status of the
      operation, if any.  `cancelRequested`: Identifies whether the user has
      requested cancellation of the operation. Operations that have
      successfully been cancelled have Operation.error value with a
      google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
      `apiVersion`: API version used to start the operation.  }
    name: The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same
      service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping,
      the `name` should be a resource name ending with
    response: The normal response of the operation in case of success.  If the
      original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the
      response is `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
      `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
      methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
      the original method name.  For example, if the original method name is
      `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.

  class MetadataValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""{  `createTime`: The time the operation was created.  `endTime`: The
    time the operation finished running.  `target`: Server-defined resource
    path for the target of the operation.  `verb`: Name of the verb executed
    by the operation.  `statusDetail`: Human-readable status of the operation,
    if any.  `cancelRequested`: Identifies whether the user has requested
    cancellation of the operation. Operations that have successfully been
    cancelled have Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1,
    corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.  `apiVersion`: API version used to
    start the operation.  }

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  class ResponseValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""The normal response of the operation in case of success.  If the
    original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response
    is `google.protobuf.Empty`.  If the original method is standard
    `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource.  For other
    methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
    the original method name.  For example, if the original method name is
    `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a ResponseValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a ResponseValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  done = _messages.BooleanField(1)
  error = _messages.MessageField('Status', 2)
  metadata = _messages.MessageField('MetadataValue', 3)
  name = _messages.StringField(4)
  response = _messages.MessageField('ResponseValue', 5)
コード例 #25
class Instance(_messages.Message):
  r"""A Cloud Filestore instance.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. The instance state.
    TierValueValuesEnum: The service tier of the instance.

    LabelsValue: Resource labels to represent user provided metadata.

    createTime: Output only. The time when the instance was created.
    description: The description of the instance (2048 characters or less).
    etag: Server-specified ETag for the instance resource to prevent
      simultaneous updates from overwriting each other.
    fileShares: File system shares on the instance. For this version, only a
      single file share is supported.
    labels: Resource labels to represent user provided metadata.
    name: Output only. The resource name of the instance, in the format
    networks: VPC networks to which the instance is connected. For this
      version, only a single network is supported.
    state: Output only. The instance state.
    statusMessage: Output only. Additional information about the instance
      state, if available.
    tier: The service tier of the instance.

  class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Output only. The instance state.

      STATE_UNSPECIFIED: State not set.
      CREATING: The instance is being created.
      READY: The instance is available for use.
      REPAIRING: Work is being done on the instance. You can get further
        details from the `statusMessage` field of the `Instance` resource.
      DELETING: The instance is shutting down.
      ERROR: The instance is experiencing an issue and might be unusable. You
        can get further details from the `statusMessage` field of the
        `Instance` resource.
      RESTORING: The instance is restoring a snapshot or backup to an existing
        file share and may be unusable during this time.
    CREATING = 1
    READY = 2
    DELETING = 4
    ERROR = 5

  class TierValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""The service tier of the instance.

      TIER_UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
      STANDARD: STANDARD tier. BASIC_HDD is the preferred term for this tier.
      PREMIUM: PREMIUM tier. BASIC_SSD is the preferred term for this tier.
      BASIC_HDD: BASIC instances offer a maximum capacity of 63.9 TB.
        BASIC_HDD is an alias for STANDARD Tier, offering economical
        performance backed by HDD.
      BASIC_SSD: BASIC instances offer a maximum capacity of 63.9 TB.
        BASIC_SSD is an alias for PREMIUM Tier, and offers improved
        performance backed by SSD.
      HIGH_SCALE_SSD: HIGH_SCALE instances offer expanded capacity and
        performance scaling capabilities.
    STANDARD = 1
    PREMIUM = 2
    BASIC_HDD = 3
    BASIC_SSD = 4

  class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""Resource labels to represent user provided metadata.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue

    class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
      r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty', 1, repeated=True)

  createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
  description = _messages.StringField(2)
  etag = _messages.StringField(3)
  fileShares = _messages.MessageField('FileShareConfig', 4, repeated=True)
  labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 5)
  name = _messages.StringField(6)
  networks = _messages.MessageField('NetworkConfig', 7, repeated=True)
  state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 8)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(9)
  tier = _messages.EnumField('TierValueValuesEnum', 10)
コード例 #26
class CloudFunction(_messages.Message):
    """Describes a Cloud Function that contains user computation executed in
  response to an event. It encapsulate function and triggers configurations.

    StatusValueValuesEnum: Output only. Status of the function deployment.

    availableMemoryMb: The amount of memory in MB available for a function.
      Defaults to 256MB.
    entryPoint: The name of the function (as defined in source code) that will
      be executed. Defaults to the resource name suffix, if not specified. For
      backward compatibility, if function with given name is not found, then
      the system will try to use function named "function". For Node.js this
      is name of a function exported by the module specified in
    eventTrigger: A source that fires events in response to a condition in
      another service.
    httpsTrigger: An HTTPS endpoint type of source that can be triggered via
    latestOperation: Output only. Name of the most recent operation modifying
      the function. If the function status is `DEPLOYING` or `DELETING`, then
      it points to the active operation.
    name: A user-defined name of the function. Function names must be unique
      globally and match pattern `projects/*/locations/*/functions/*`
    serviceAccount: Output only. The service account of the function.
    sourceArchiveUrl: The URL, starting with gs://, pointing to the zip
      archive which contains the function.
    sourceRepository: The hosted repository where the function is defined.
    status: Output only. Status of the function deployment.
    timeout: The function execution timeout. Execution is considered failed
      and can be terminated if the function is not completed at the end of the
      timeout period. Defaults to 60 seconds.
    updateTime: Output only. The last update timestamp of a Cloud Function.
    class StatusValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Output only. Status of the function deployment.

      STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: Status not specified.
      READY: Successfully deployed.
      FAILED: Not deployed correctly - behavior is undefined. The item should
        be updated or deleted to move it out of this state.
      DEPLOYING: Creation or update in progress.
      DELETING: Deletion in progress.
        READY = 1
        FAILED = 2
        DEPLOYING = 3
        DELETING = 4

    availableMemoryMb = _messages.IntegerField(1,
    entryPoint = _messages.StringField(2)
    eventTrigger = _messages.MessageField('EventTrigger', 3)
    httpsTrigger = _messages.MessageField('HTTPSTrigger', 4)
    latestOperation = _messages.StringField(5)
    name = _messages.StringField(6)
    serviceAccount = _messages.StringField(7)
    sourceArchiveUrl = _messages.StringField(8)
    sourceRepository = _messages.MessageField('SourceRepository', 9)
    status = _messages.EnumField('StatusValueValuesEnum', 10)
    timeout = _messages.StringField(11)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(12)
コード例 #27
class Membership(_messages.Message):
    r"""Membership contains information about a member cluster. Next tag: 11

    LabelsValue: GCP labels for this membership.

    createTime: Output only. Timestamp for when the Membership was created.
    deleteTime: Output only. Timestamp for when the Membership was deleted.
    description: Required. Description of this membership, limited to 63
      characters. It must match the regex: `a-zA-Z0-9*`
    endpoint: A MembershipEndpoint attribute.
    externalId: An externally-generated and managed ID for this Membership.
      This ID may still be modified after creation but it is not recommended
      to do so. The ID must match the regex: `a-zA-Z0-9*`
    labels: GCP labels for this membership.
    name: Output only. The unique name of this domain resource in the format:
      `membership_id` can only be set at creation time using the
      `membership_id` field in the creation request. `membership_id` must be a
      valid RFC 1123 compliant DNS label. In particular, it must be:   1. At
      most 63 characters in length   2. It must consist of lower case
      alphanumeric characters or `-`   3. It must start and end with an
      alphanumeric character I.e. `membership_id` must match the regex:
      `[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` with at most 63 characters.
    state: Output only. State of the Membership resource.
    updateTime: Output only. Timestamp for when the Membership was last
    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""GCP labels for this membership.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    deleteTime = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    endpoint = _messages.MessageField('MembershipEndpoint', 4)
    externalId = _messages.StringField(5)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 6)
    name = _messages.StringField(7)
    state = _messages.MessageField('MembershipState', 8)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(9)
コード例 #28
class Resource(_messages.Message):
    r"""Representation of a cloud resource.

    DataValue: The content of the resource, in which some sensitive fields are
      scrubbed away and may not be present.

    data: The content of the resource, in which some sensitive fields are
      scrubbed away and may not be present.
    discoveryDocumentUri: The URL of the discovery document containing the
      resource's JSON schema. For example:
      `"https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/compute/v1/rest"`. It
      will be left unspecified for resources without a discovery-based API,
      such as Cloud Bigtable.
    discoveryName: The JSON schema name listed in the discovery document.
      Example: "Project". It will be left unspecified for resources (such as
      Cloud Bigtable) without a discovery-based API.
    parent: The full name of the immediate parent of this resource. See
      [Resource Names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names#ful
      l_resource_name) for more information.  For GCP assets, it is the parent
      resource defined in the [Cloud IAM policy
      For example:
      `"//cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/projects/my_project_123"`.  For
      third-party assets, it is up to the users to define.
    resourceUrl: The REST URL for accessing the resource. An HTTP GET
      operation using this URL returns the resource itself. Example:
      project-123`. It will be left unspecified for resources without a REST
    version: The API version. Example: "v1".
    class DataValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""The content of the resource, in which some sensitive fields are
    scrubbed away and may not be present.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a DataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object.
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a DataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    data = _messages.MessageField('DataValue', 1)
    discoveryDocumentUri = _messages.StringField(2)
    discoveryName = _messages.StringField(3)
    parent = _messages.StringField(4)
    resourceUrl = _messages.StringField(5)
    version = _messages.StringField(6)
コード例 #29
class Policy(_messages.Message):
    r"""An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access
  controls for Google Cloud resources.   A `Policy` is a collection of
  `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more `members` to a single `role`.
  Members can be user accounts, service accounts, Google groups, and domains
  (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named list of permissions; each `role` can
  be an IAM predefined role or a user-created custom role.  Optionally, a
  `binding` can specify a `condition`, which is a logical expression that
  allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to `true`. A
  condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the
  resource, or both.  **JSON example:**      {       "bindings": [         {
  "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin",           "members": [
  "user:[email protected]",             "group:[email protected]",
  "domain:google.com",             "serviceAccount:my-project-
  [email protected]"           ]         },         {
  "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer",           "members":
  ["user:[email protected]"],           "condition": {             "title":
  "expirable access",             "description": "Does not grant access after
  Sep 2020",             "expression": "request.time <
  timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')",           }         }       ],
  "etag": "BwWWja0YfJA=",       "version": 3     }  **YAML example:**
  bindings:     - members:       - user:[email protected]       -
  group:[email protected]       - domain:google.com       - serviceAccount
  :[email protected]       role:
  roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin     - members:       -
  user:[email protected]       role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer
  condition:         title: expirable access         description: Does not
  grant access after Sep 2020         expression: request.time <
  timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')     - etag: BwWWja0YfJA=     -
  version: 3  For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM

    auditConfigs: Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy.
    bindings: Associates a list of `members` to a `role`. Optionally, may
      specify a `condition` that determines how and when the `bindings` are
      applied. Each of the `bindings` must contain at least one member.
    etag: `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help
      prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It
      is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-
      modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race
      conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and
      systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy`
      to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the
      policy.  **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the
      `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field,
      then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1`
      policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost.
    version: Specifies the format of the policy.  Valid values are `0`, `1`,
      and `3`. Requests that specify an invalid value are rejected.  Any
      operation that affects conditional role bindings must specify version
      `3`. This requirement applies to the following operations:  * Getting a
      policy that includes a conditional role binding * Adding a conditional
      role binding to a policy * Changing a conditional role binding in a
      policy * Removing any role binding, with or without a condition, from a
      policy   that includes conditions  **Important:** If you use IAM
      Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call
      `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite
      a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the
      conditions in the version `3` policy are lost.  If a policy does not
      include any conditions, operations on that policy may specify any valid
      version or leave the field unset.

    auditConfigs = _messages.MessageField('AuditConfig', 1, repeated=True)
    bindings = _messages.MessageField('Binding', 2, repeated=True)
    etag = _messages.BytesField(3)
    version = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
コード例 #30
class GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1Instance(
    r"""Instance represents the interface for SLM services to actuate the state
  of control plane resources.  Example Instance in JSON, where   consumer-
  project=snapchat,   producer-project=cloud-sql:  ```json Instance: {
  "name":   "projects/snapchat/locations/us-east1/instances/prod-instance",
  "create_time": {     "seconds": 1526406431,   },   "labels": {     "env":
  "prod",     "foo": "bar"   },   "state": READY,   "software_versions": {
  "software_update": "cloud-sql-09-28-2018",   },
  "maintenance_policy_names": {     "UpdatePolicy":
  policy",   }   "rollout_metadata": {     "projects/cloud-
  sql/locations/global/rolloutTypes/software_update": {       "release":
  "rollout":       "projects/cloud-sql/locations/us-east1/rollouts/cloud-
  sql-09-28-2018-canary",     },     "projects/cloud-
  sql/locations/global/rolloutTypes/instance_restart": {       "release":
  "rollout":       "projects/cloud-sql/locations/us-east1/rollouts/cloud-
  sql-09-20-repair-100-percent",     }   }   "tenant_project_id": "cloud-sql-
  test-tenant",   "producer_metadata": {     "cloud-sql-tier": "basic",
  "cloud-sql-instance-size": "1G",   },   "provisioned_resources": [     {
  "resource-type": "compute-instance",       "resource-url":
  east1-b/instances/vm-1",     }   ], } ```

    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. Current lifecycle state of the resource
      (e.g. if it's being created or ready to use).

    LabelsValue: Optional. Resource labels to represent user provided
      metadata. Each label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the
      value are arbitrary strings provided by the user.
    MaintenancePolicyNamesValue: The MaintenancePolicies that have been
      attached to the instance. The key must be of the type name of the oneof
      policy name defined in MaintenancePolicy, and the referenced policy must
      define the same policy type. For complete details of MaintenancePolicy,
      please refer to go/cloud-saas-mw-ug.
    ProducerMetadataValue: Output only. Custom string attributes used
      primarily to expose producer-specific information in monitoring
      dashboards. See go/get-instance-metadata.
    RolloutMetadataValue: The map between RolloutType and the corresponding
      RolloutMetadata. This is only mutated by rollout service. For actuation
      implementation, this information is pass-through for Rollout management.
      Producer shall not modify by itself. For update of a single entry in
      this map, the update field mask shall follow this sementics: go
    SoftwareVersionsValue: Software versions that are used to deploy this
      instance. This can be mutated by rollout services.

    createTime: Output only. Timestamp when the resource was created.
    labels: Optional. Resource labels to represent user provided metadata.
      Each label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the value are
      arbitrary strings provided by the user.
    maintenancePolicyNames: The MaintenancePolicies that have been attached to
      the instance. The key must be of the type name of the oneof policy name
      defined in MaintenancePolicy, and the referenced policy must define the
      same policy type. For complete details of MaintenancePolicy, please
      refer to go/cloud-saas-mw-ug.
    name: Unique name of the resource. It uses the form:
    producerMetadata: Output only. Custom string attributes used primarily to
      expose producer-specific information in monitoring dashboards. See go
    provisionedResources: Output only. The list of data plane resources
      provisioned for this instance, e.g. compute VMs. See go/get-instance-
    rolloutMetadata: The map between RolloutType and the corresponding
      RolloutMetadata. This is only mutated by rollout service. For actuation
      implementation, this information is pass-through for Rollout management.
      Producer shall not modify by itself. For update of a single entry in
      this map, the update field mask shall follow this sementics: go
    sloMetadata: Output only. SLO metadata for instance classification in the
      Standardized dataplane SLO platform. See go/cloud-ssa-standard-slo for
      feature description.
    softwareVersions: Software versions that are used to deploy this instance.
      This can be mutated by rollout services.
    state: Output only. Current lifecycle state of the resource (e.g. if it's
      being created or ready to use).
    tenantProjectId: Output only. ID of the associated GCP tenant project. See
    updateTime: Output only. Timestamp when the resource was last modified.
    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Output only. Current lifecycle state of the resource (e.g. if it's
    being created or ready to use).

      STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified state.
      CREATING: Instance is being created.
      READY: Instance has been created and is ready to use.
      UPDATING: Instance is being updated.
      REPAIRING: Instance is unheathy and under repair.
      DELETING: Instance is being deleted.
        CREATING = 1
        READY = 2
        UPDATING = 3
        REPAIRING = 4
        DELETING = 5

    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Optional. Resource labels to represent user provided metadata. Each
    label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the value are arbitrary
    strings provided by the user.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class MaintenancePolicyNamesValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""The MaintenancePolicies that have been attached to the instance. The
    key must be of the type name of the oneof policy name defined in
    MaintenancePolicy, and the referenced policy must define the same policy
    type. For complete details of MaintenancePolicy, please refer to go/cloud-

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a
        MaintenancePolicyNamesValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a MaintenancePolicyNamesValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class ProducerMetadataValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Output only. Custom string attributes used primarily to expose
    producer-specific information in monitoring dashboards. See go/get-

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a ProducerMetadataValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a ProducerMetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class RolloutMetadataValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""The map between RolloutType and the corresponding RolloutMetadata.
    This is only mutated by rollout service. For actuation implementation,
    this information is pass-through for Rollout management. Producer shall
    not modify by itself. For update of a single entry in this map, the update
    field mask shall follow this sementics: go/advanced-field-masks

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a RolloutMetadataValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type RolloutMetadataValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a RolloutMetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField(

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class SoftwareVersionsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""Software versions that are used to deploy this instance. This can be
    mutated by rollout services.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a SoftwareVersionsValue

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a SoftwareVersionsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 2)
    maintenancePolicyNames = _messages.MessageField(
        'MaintenancePolicyNamesValue', 3)
    name = _messages.StringField(4)
    producerMetadata = _messages.MessageField('ProducerMetadataValue', 5)
    provisionedResources = _messages.MessageField(
    rolloutMetadata = _messages.MessageField('RolloutMetadataValue', 7)
    sloMetadata = _messages.MessageField(
        'GoogleCloudSaasacceleratorManagementProvidersV1SloMetadata', 8)
    softwareVersions = _messages.MessageField('SoftwareVersionsValue', 9)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 10)
    tenantProjectId = _messages.StringField(11)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(12)