コード例 #1
def notification_forever_stored(qty_stored=32,
    """Connects, registers, disconnects and then repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notifications x qty_stored (# of notifications to store)
    2. connects
    3. receive notifications x qty_stored

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    response = yield hello(None)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
    uaid = response["uaid"]
    yield disconnect()

    while True:
        message_ids = []
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)

        for i in range(qty_stored):
            response, content = yield send_notification(
                endpoint, data, headers={"TTL": str(ttl)})
            yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
            yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

        yield wait(5)

        yield connect()
        response = yield hello(uaid)
        assert response["uaid"] == uaid

        while True:
            # Pull as many notifications as we can get
            notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 2)
            if notif:
                yield counter("notification.received", 1)

            if message_ids:
                while message_ids:
                    message_id = message_ids.pop()
                    yield ack(channel_id=reg["channelID"], version=message_id)
                    yield counter("notification.ack", 1)

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
            yield disconnect()
            yield wait(notif_delay)
コード例 #2
def connect_and_idle_forever():
    """Connects without ever disconnecting"""
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    while True:
        yield wait(100)
コード例 #3
def notification_forever_unsubscribed(notif_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, registers, unregisters, then repeat following steps
    every delay interval (ignoring 4XXs):
    1. send notification
    2. receive notification

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())

    while True:
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        yield timer_start("update.latency")
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint,
                                                    headers={"TTL": "60"})
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
        notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 5)
        yield counter("notification.received", 1)
        yield timer_end("update.latency")
        yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
        yield counter("notification.ack", 1)
        yield wait(notif_delay)

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #4
def notification_forever_bad_tokens(notif_delay=30,
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notification with invalid token

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    # register only to retrieve valid endpoint path
    # (we'll replace valid token with invalid one)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())

    while True:
        endpoint = bad_push_endpoint(endpoint, token_length)
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint,
                                                    headers={"TTL": "60"})
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

        yield wait(notif_delay)
        if run_once:
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #5
def notification_forever_bad_tokens(notif_delay=30, run_once=0,
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notification with invalid token

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    # register only to retrieve valid endpoint path
    # (we'll replace valid token with invalid one)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())

    while True:
        endpoint = bad_push_endpoint(endpoint, token_length)
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint, data, 60)
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

        yield wait(notif_delay)
        if run_once:
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #6
def notification_forever_unsubscribed(notif_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, registers, unregisters, then repeat following steps
    every delay interval (ignoring 4XXs):
    1. send notification
    2. receive notification

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())

    while True:
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        yield timer_start("update.latency")
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint, data, 60)
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
        notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 5)
        yield counter("notification.received", 1)
        yield timer_end("update.latency")
        yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
        yield counter("notification.ack", 1)
        yield wait(notif_delay)

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #7
def connect_and_idle_forever():
    """Connects without ever disconnecting"""
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    while True:
        yield wait(100)
コード例 #8
def reconnect_forever(reconnect_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notification
    2. receive notification
    3. disconnect
    4. reconnect

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    response = yield hello(None)

    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
    assert "uaid" in response
    uaid = response["uaid"]

    while True:
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        yield timer_start("update.latency")
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint,
                                                    headers={"TTL": "60"})
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
        notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 5)
        yield counter("notification.received", 1)
        yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
        yield counter("notification.ack", 1)
        yield timer_end("update.latency")
        yield wait(reconnect_delay)
        yield disconnect()
            yield connect()
            response = yield hello(uaid)
            assert response["uaid"] == uaid
        except Exception as ex:
            # Connect may not properly reconnect during some testing, the
            # following work-around ensures that tests pass for now until
            # the race condition can be identified.

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #9
def basic(*args, **kwargs):
    """Connects, sends a notification, than disconnects"""

    sc_args, sc_kw = group_kw_args(*args)

    # open up the connection
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    # for a restricted channel, you would need to send the public key
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id(), sc_kw.get("vapid_key"))
    yield timer_start("update.latency")

    # data is padded out to a length that is a multiple of 4
    data = "aLongStringOfEncryptedThings"
    # Send a request using minimal VAPID information as the `claims` arg.
    # This will automatically set the VAPID `aud` element from the endpoint.
    response, content = yield send_notification(
        headers={"TTL": "60"})
    # response is a standard Requests response object containing
    #   code    HTTP response code
    #   headers dictionary of returned header keys and values
    #   length  length of the response body
    #   json()  response body (returned as JSON)
    #   text()  response body (returned as text)
    #   request Requesting object
    # content is the response body as text.
    assert response.code == 201, ("Did not get a proper response code. "
                                  "Expected 201; Got {}".format(response.code))
    assert content == '', "Response content wasn't empty"
    yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

    # expect a registration message for the `channelID` in `time` seconds
    notif = yield expect_notification(channel_id=reg["channelID"], time=5)

    # check that the data matches what we wanted.
    # NOTE: since encryption is more a client/application server thing,
    # we can't actually test if it worked. What the system does, however, is
    # send the data untouched.
    assert notif['data'].encode() == data, "Did not get back expected data"

    yield counter("notification.received", 1)
    yield timer_end("update.latency")
    log.msg("Got notif: ", notif)

    # tell the server we got the message.
    yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
    yield counter("notification.ack", 1)

    # drop the channelID
    yield unregister(reg["channelID"])

    # drop the connection
    yield disconnect()
コード例 #10
def notification_forever_direct_store(cycle_delay=10, run_once=0):
    """Connects, registers, then repeats the following steps even cycle
    1. send notification
    2. receive notification
    3. disconnect
    4. wait cycle_delay
    5. connect
    6. receive notification
    7. ack notification

    yield connect()
    response = yield hello(None)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
    uaid = response["uaid"]
    ttl = 600

    while True:
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint,
                                                    headers={"TTL": str(ttl)})
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
        notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 2)
        if not notif:
            raise Exception("Needed notification")

        yield disconnect()
        yield wait(cycle_delay)
        yield connect()
        resp = yield hello(uaid)
        assert resp["uaid"] == uaid
        notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 10)
        if not notif:
            raise Exception("Needed notification")
        yield ack(channel_id=reg["channelID"], version=notif["version"])

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #11
def reconnect_forever(reconnect_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notification
    2. receive notification
    3. disconnect
    4. reconnect

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    response = yield hello(None)

    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
    assert "uaid" in response
    uaid = response["uaid"]

    while True:
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        yield timer_start("update.latency")
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint, data, 60)
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
        notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 5)
        yield counter("notification.received", 1)
        yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
        yield counter("notification.ack", 1)
        yield timer_end("update.latency")
        yield wait(reconnect_delay)
        yield disconnect()
        yield connect()
        response = yield hello(uaid)
        assert response["uaid"] == uaid

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #12
def basic():
    """Connects, sends a notification, than disconnects"""
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
    yield timer_start("update.latency")
    response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint, None, 60)
    yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
    notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], 5)
    yield counter("notification.received", 1)
    yield timer_end("update.latency")
    log.msg("Got notif: ", notif)
    yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
    yield counter("notification.ack", 1)
    yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
    yield disconnect()
コード例 #13
def register_forever(reg_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. register

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    while True:
        reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
        yield wait(reg_delay)

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #14
def register_forever(reg_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. register

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    while True:
        reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())
        yield wait(reg_delay)

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #15
def _expect_notifications():
    from random import shuffle
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    chan_regs = []
    for chan in [random_channel_id() for _ in range(10)]:
        reg, endpoint = yield register(chan)
        yield send_notification(endpoint, None, 60)
        # Server may reformat the channel id, use that one
    for _ in range(10):
        notif = yield expect_notifications(chan_regs, 5)
        log.msg("Got notif: ", notif)
        yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
    for chid in chan_regs:
        yield unregister(chid)
    yield disconnect()
コード例 #16
def _expect_notifications():
    from random import shuffle
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    chan_regs = []
    for chan in [random_channel_id() for _ in range(10)]:
        reg, endpoint = yield register(chan)
        yield send_notification(endpoint, None, headers={"TTL": "60"})
        # Server may reformat the channel id, use that one
    for _ in range(10):
        notif = yield expect_notifications(chan_regs, 5)
        log.msg("Got notif: {!r}".format(notif))
        if notif:
            yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
    for chid in chan_regs:
        yield unregister(chid)
    yield disconnect()
コード例 #17
def notification_forever_bad_endpoints(notif_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notification with invalid endpoint.

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    while True:
        endpoint = bad_push_endpoint()
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint, data, 60)
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

        yield wait(notif_delay)
        if run_once:
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #18
def notification_forever_bad_endpoints(notif_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, repeats every delay interval:
    1. send notification with invalid endpoint.

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)

    while True:
        endpoint = bad_push_endpoint()
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)
        response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint,
                                                    headers={"TTL": "60"})
        yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
        yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

        yield wait(notif_delay)
        if run_once:
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #19
def notification_forever_stored(qty_stored=1000, ttl=300, flood_delay=30,
                                notif_delay=30, run_once=0):
    """Connects, then repeats every delay interval:
    1. register
    2. send notifications x qty_stored (# of notifications to store)
    3. wait for flood_delay (seconds)
    4. receive notifications x qty_stored

    Repeats forever.
    yield connect()
    yield hello(None)
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id())

    while True:
        message_ids = []
        length, data = random_data(min_length=2048, max_length=4096)

        for i in range(qty_stored):
            response, content = yield send_notification(endpoint, data, ttl)
            yield counter("notification.throughput.bytes", length)
            yield counter("notification.sent", i)
            notif = yield expect_notification(reg["channelID"], ttl)
            yield counter("notification.received", 1)
            yield wait(notif_delay)

        yield wait(flood_delay)

        for i in range(qty_stored):
            yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=message_ids[i])
            yield counter("notification.ack", i)
            yield wait(notif_delay)

        if run_once:
            yield unregister(reg["channelID"])
            yield disconnect()
コード例 #20
def basic_topic(*args, **kwargs):
    """Connects, sends a notification, than disconnects"""

    sc_args, sc_kw = group_kw_args(*args)
    topic_name = "aaaa"

    # open up the connection
    yield connect()
    response = yield hello(None)

    uaid = response['uaid']

    # for a restricted channel, you would need to send the public key
    reg, endpoint = yield register(random_channel_id(), sc_kw.get("vapid_key"))
    yield timer_start("update.latency")

    # Remember to disconnect! Messages are only overwritten if they're not
    # delivered!
    yield disconnect()

    # data is padded out to a length that is a multiple of 4
    data = "aLongStringOfEncryptedThings"
    # Send a request using minimal VAPID information as the `claims` arg.
    # This will automatically set the VAPID `aud` element from the endpoint.
    response, content = yield send_notification(
            "TTL": "60",
            "Topic": topic_name
    # response is a standard Requests response object containing
    #   code    HTTP response code
    #   headers dictionary of returned header keys and values
    #   length  length of the response body
    #   json()  response body (returned as JSON)
    #   text()  response body (returned as text)
    #   request Requesting object
    # content is the response body as text.
    assert response.code == 201, ("Did not get a proper response code. "
                                  "Expected 201; Got {}".format(response.code))
    assert content == '', "Response content wasn't empty"
    yield counter("notification.sent", 1)
    # Send a second request with the same topic. This should overwrite the
    # prior.
    data2 = "aDiffferentStringFullOfStuff"
    response, content = yield send_notification(
            "TTL": "60",
            "Topic": topic_name
    assert response.code == 201, ("Did not get a proper response code. "
                                  "Expected 201; Got {}".format(response.code))
    assert content == '', "Response content wasn't empty"
    yield counter("notification.sent", 1)

    yield connect()
    response = yield hello(uaid)
    assert response["uaid"] == uaid

    # expect a registration message for the `channelID` in `time` seconds
    notif = yield expect_notification(channel_id=reg["channelID"], time=5)

    # Check that the returned notification contains the second data
    # we sent.
    assert notif['data'].encode() == data2, "Did not get back expected data"

    yield counter("notification.received", 1)
    yield timer_end("update.latency")
    log.msg("Got notif: ", notif)

    # tell the server we got the message.
    yield ack(channel_id=notif["channelID"], version=notif["version"])
    yield counter("notification.ack", 1)

    # drop the channelID
    yield unregister(reg["channelID"])

    # drop the connection
    yield disconnect()