def __init__(self, qtn_id, user_id, title, subject, qtn_desc): DatabaseConnection.__init__(self) self.user_id = user_id self.qtn_id = qtn_id self.title = title self.subject = subject self.qtn_desc = qtn_desc
def create_questions_table(self): try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTs questions(qtn_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, subject VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, qtn_desc VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL)" cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: return e
def login_user(): """ Allows users to log into their accounts""" try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: if not request.get_json(): return make_response( jsonify({"message": "Request should be json"}), 400) email = request.get_json()['email'] password = request.get_json()['password'] sql = "select user_id, email, password from users where email = %s and password = %s" cursor.execute(sql, (email, password)) user_id = cursor.fetchone() if user_id: token = User.encode_auth_token(user_id) if token: response = { 'user_id': user_id[0], 'message': 'You logged in successfully', 'token': token, 'email': email } return make_response(jsonify(response)) return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Please log in"})) else: return make_response( jsonify({"message": "wrong password or email credentials"})) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return make_response(jsonify({'message': str(e)}), 401)
def tearDown(self): """ Method to drop tables after the test is run """ with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users CASCADE") cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS questions CASCADE") cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS answers CASCADE")
def check_approve_status(answer_id): """check the status of the answer whether approved or not""" with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT approve FROM answers WHERE answer_id = '%s'", [answer_id]) approve = cursor.fetchone() if approve == "Yeah": return "Best answer"
def post_answer(self): sql = "INSERT INTO answers(qtn_id, user_id, answer_desc, approve) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING qtn_id" try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, (self.qtn_id, self.user_id, self.answer_desc, self.approve)) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM answers WHERE qtn_id = '%s'" % self.qtn_id) result = cursor.fetchone() return jsonify(self.answer_dict(result)) except Exception as e: raise e
def fetch_by_id(user_id, qtn_id): try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: sql = "SELECT * from questions WHERE qtn_id = %s" cursor.execute(sql, [qtn_id]) result = cursor.fetchone() print(result) if result: return result return {"message": "question not found"} except Exception as e: return e
def delete_answer(answer_id, qtn_id): with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM answers WHERE answer_id = '%s'" % answer_id) if not cursor.fetchone(): return { "message": "The answer you are trying to delete doesn't exist" } cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM answers where answer_id = %s AND user_id = %s", [answer_id, qtn_id]) return {"message": "DELETE"}
def update_qtn(qtn_id, title, subject, qtn_desc): """This method enables a user to update question by id""" try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: sql = "UPDATE questions SET title = %s, subject = %s, qtn_desc = %s WHERE qtn_id = %s RETURNING *" question = cursor.execute(sql, (title, subject, qtn_desc, qtn_id)) if question: return {"update": Question.qtn_dict(question)} except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return make_response(jsonify({'message': str(e)}), 500)
def retrieve_all_questions(user_id): results = [] try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM questions") questions = cursor.fetchall() if questions: for question in questions: results.append(Question.qtn_dict(question)) return results return {'message': 'No questions found'} except Exception as e: return e
def delete_question(qtn_id, user_id): with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: try: query = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE qtn_id = '%s'" % qtn_id cursor.execute(query) question = cursor.fetchone() print(question) if not question: return {"message": "Question doesn't exist"} sql = "DELETE FROM questions WHERE qtn_id = %s AND user_id = %s" cursor.execute(sql, [qtn_id, user_id]) return {"message": "Question deleted"} except Exception as e: return e
def insert_user_data(self): sql = "INSERT INTO users(username, email, password) VALUES(%s, %s, %s) " try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '%s'" % if cursor.fetchone(): return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Email already in use"}), 409) else: cursor.execute(sql, (self.username,, self.password)) cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '%s'" % return make_response(jsonify({"message": "You have successfully registered"}), 201) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return make_response(jsonify({'message': str(e)}), 500)
def create_question(self): sql = "INSERT INTO questions(user_id, title, subject, qtn_desc) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING title" try: with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE title = '%s'" % self.title) if cursor.fetchone(): return make_response( jsonify({"message": "Question already exists"})) else: cursor.execute(sql, (self.user_id, self.title, self.subject, self.qtn_desc)) cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE title = '%s'" % self.title) return make_response( jsonify({"message": "Question created successfully"}), 201) except Exception as e: return e
def __init__(self, user_id, qtn_id, answer_desc, approve): DatabaseConnection.__init__(self) self.answer_desc = answer_desc self.qtn_id = qtn_id self.user_id = user_id self.approve = approve
def __init__(self, user_id, username, email, password): DatabaseConnection.__init__(self) self.user_id = user_id self.username = username = email self.password = password
def setUp(self): self.client = app.test_client(self) with DatabaseConnection() as cursor: cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTs users( user_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTs answers(answer_id_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, qtn_id INT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, answer_desc VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, approve VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTs questions(qtn_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, subject VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, qtn_desc VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL)")