コード例 #1
def adding_account():
	if request.method == 'POST':
		ssn = request.form['patient_ssn']
		first_name = request.form['patient_first_name']
		last_name = request.form['patient_last_name']
		age = request.form['patient_age']
		email = request.form['patient_email']
		address = request.form['patient_address']
		city = request.form['patient_city']
		state = request.form['patient_state']
		zipcode = request.form['patient_zipcode']
		phone = request.form['patient_phone_number']
		date_of_birth = request.form['patient_date_of_birth']

		cursor = db.cursor()
		cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO User VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, null)""", (str(ssn)
			, str(first_name), str(last_name), str(age), str(email), str(address)
			, str(city), str(state), str(zipcode), str(phone), str(date_of_birth)))

		cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO Patient VALUES (%s)""", (str(ssn), ))

		return render_template('new_account.html', data_return=[ssn
			, first_name, last_name, age, email, address, city, state, zipcode, phone, date_of_birth])
		return render_template('adding_new_patient.html')
コード例 #2
def update_appointment(appointment):
	if request.method == "POST":
		cursor = db.cursor()

		symptoms = request.form['symptoms']
		notes = request.form['notes']

		if len(request.form) <= 3:
			# update appointment info
			cursor.execute("UPDATE Appointment set symptoms=%s, notes=%s where appointment_sn=%s", (symptoms, notes, appointment))
			cursor.execute("UPDATE Appointment set symptoms=%s, notes=%s where appointment_sn=%s", (symptoms, notes, appointment))
			medicine_name = request.form['medicine_name']
			medicine_shape = request.form['medicine_shape']
			medicine_producer = request.form['medicine_producer']
			medicine_unit_per_time = request.form['medicine_unit_per_time']
			medicine_total = request.form['medicine_total']

			# checking existing medicine
			cursor.execute("SELECT * from Medicine where medicine_name=%s and shape=%s and producer=%s"
				, (medicine_name, medicine_shape, medicine_producer))
			medicine_info = cursor.fetchone()
			if medicine_info == None:
				return redirect(url_for('showing_appointment_update_info', appointment=appointment, set_value=1))
				cursor.execute("UPDATE Appointment_medicine set medicine_name=%s, shape=%s, producer=%s where appointment_sn=%s"
					, (medicine_name, medicine_shape, medicine_producer, appointment))
		checking, return_data = getting_all_appointment_info(appointment)
		return render_template('showing_appointment.html', data=return_data)
コード例 #3
def checking_patient_account(patient_ssn):
	cursor = db.cursor()
	cursor.execute("SELECT * from User where ssn=" + "'" + patient_ssn + "'")
	data = cursor.fetchone()
	if data == None:
		return True
		return False
コード例 #4
def delete_appointment():
	if request.method == 'GET':
		return render_template('delete_appointment.html')
	elif request.method == 'POST':
		cursor = db.cursor()
		appointment_number = request.form['appointment_number']
		cursor.execute("SELECT * from Appointment where appointment_sn=(%s)", (appointment_number, ))
		data = cursor.fetchone()
		if data == None:
			return render_template('delete_appointment.html', data='Appointment did not exist')
		elif data[1] != None:
			return render_template('delete_appointment.html', data='You can not delete this appointment')
			cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Appointment Where appointment_sn=(%s)" , (appointment_number, ))
			return render_template('delete_appointment.html', data="We apologizes when we could not help you. Hope you will get well sone!!!")
コード例 #5
def finding_patient():
	if request.method == "POST":
		if request.form['search_string'] == '':
			return render_template('patient.html', not_found="Please input user's email to search")
		cursor = db.cursor()
		cursor.execute("SELECT * from User where email=" + "'" + request.form['search_string'] + "'")
		data = cursor.fetchone()
		if data == None:
			return render_template('patient.html', not_found="The result not found")
			cursor.execute("SELECT * from Patient where patient_ssn=" + "'" + str(data[0]) + "'")
			data1 = cursor.fetchone()
			if data1 == None:
				return render_template('patient.html', not_found="The result not found")
		return render_template('patient.html', data=data)
	if request.method == 'GET':
		return render_template('patient.html')
コード例 #6
def create_appointment():
	if request.method == 'GET':
		return render_template('making_new_appointment.html')
	elif request.method == 'POST':
		patient_ssn = request.form['patient_ssn']
		symptoms = request.form['symptoms']

		if patient_ssn == '' or symptoms == '':
			return render_template('making_new_appointment.html')

		elif checking_patient_account(patient_ssn):
			messages = json.dumps({'patient_ssn':patient_ssn})
			return redirect(url_for(".creating_new_account", messages=messages))

			appointment_number = add_appointment_to_database(db.cursor(), patient_ssn, symptoms)
			return render_template('making_new_appointment.html', data=appointment_number)
コード例 #7
def getting_all_appointment_info(appointment):
	cursor = db.cursor()
	# appointment information
	cursor.execute("SELECT * from Appointment where appointment_sn=(%s)", (appointment, ))
	appointment_info = cursor.fetchone()
	if appointment_info == None:
		return False, "This appointment does not exist"
		return_data = [str(x) for x in appointment_info]

	# medicine of appointment information
	cursor.execute("SELECT * from Appointment_medicine where appointment_sn=(%s)", (appointment, ))
	appointment_medicine_info = cursor.fetchone()
	if appointment_medicine_info == None:
		return True, return_data
		return_data.extend([str(x) for x in appointment_medicine_info[1:]])
	return True, return_data
コード例 #8
def finding_medicine():
	if request.method == 'GET':
		return render_template('medicine.html')
	elif request.method == 'POST':
		medicine_name = request.form['medicine_name']
		type_of_medicine_shape = request.form['type_of_medicine_shape']
		producer = request.form['medicine_company']

		# db cursor
		cursor = db.cursor()

		if producer == '' or type_of_medicine_shape == '' or medicine_name == '':
			return render_template('medicine.html', not_found='Please input enough information that helps us find the result')
		cursor.execute("SELECT * from Medicine where medicine_name='" + medicine_name + "' and producer='" + producer + "' and shape='" + type_of_medicine_shape + "' ")
		medicine = cursor.fetchone()
		if medicine == None:
			return render_template('medicine.html', not_found='The result is not found')
			return render_template('medicine.html', data=medicine)
コード例 #9
def finding_doctor():
	if request.method == "POST":
		if request.form['search_string'] == '':
			return render_template('doctor.html', not_found="Please input email or doctor's license number to search")
		cursor = db.cursor()
		if request.form['type_of_search'] == 'email':
			cursor.execute("SELECT * from User where email=" + "'" + request.form['search_string'] + "'")
			current_data = cursor.fetchone()
			if current_data is None:
				return render_template('doctor.html', not_found='The result is not found')
				checking, final_data = finding_missing_data(cursor, current_data, 1)
			cursor.execute("SELECT * from Doctor where doctor_licensing_number=" + "'" + request.form['search_string'] + "'")
			current_data = cursor.fetchone()
			if current_data is None:
				return render_template('doctor.html', not_found='The result is not found')
				checking, final_data = finding_missing_data(cursor,current_data , 2)
		if checking == False:
			return render_template('doctor.html', not_found='The result is not found')
		return render_template('doctor.html', data=final_data)
	if request.method == 'GET':
		return render_template('doctor.html')