async def giftSniper(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Nitro Snipping') notify.prepair() cfg['sniperToken']['enabled'] = not cfg['sniperToken']['enabled'] save(cfg) if not token(cfg['sniperToken']['token']) and cfg['sniperToken']['enabled']: notify.alert(content=f'No valid token has been provided for claim, codes will be claimed in current account and codes stored on file') notify.success(content=f"Snipping has been set to { cfg['sniperToken']['enabled'] }")
async def setPresenceURL(ctx, *, url): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Presence URL') notify.prepair() cfg['activity']['url'] = url if (cfg['activity']['type']) != 1: notify.alert( content= 'Streaming will only be displayed if presence is set to "Streaming"' ) await updatePresence(notify)
async def raid(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Confirm Raid') if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error(content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return try: notify.alert(content=f'Confirm the command by typing *{}*') check = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda m: m.content ==, timeout=60) await check.delete() notify.success(title='Raiding Server',content='Starting Raid...') await banAll(ctx) await deleteAllChannels(ctx) await deleteAllRoles(ctx) notify.success(content='Raid Complete') except Exception as e: print(e) notify.error(content='Something goes wrong, verify the console logs!')
async def muteAllServers(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Muting All Servers...') notify.prepair() muted_servers = 0 Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Servers mutated until now: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **Starting...**", Message = await sendEmbed(ctx, Embed) for guild in client.guilds: if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.alert( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return try: await guild.mute() muted_servers = muted_servers + 1 if (Message.embeds): Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Servers mutated until now: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **In progress...**", await Message.edit(embed=Embed) else: await Message.edit( f"> Servers mutated until now: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **Starting...**" ) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) except Exception as e: error(e) pass notify.success( content= f"> Total number of mutated servers: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **All Done!**" )
async def leaveServers(ctx): Total = 0 notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Leaving All Servers') notify.prepair() for server in client.guilds: if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.alert( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return try: await server.leave() Total = Total + 1 except Exception as e: if (e.text == 'Invalid Guild'): notify.exception( content= 'You probably own this server, or this server is invalid or blocked.' ) error(e) pass notify.success( content=f'You are out of a total of {Total} servers.' ) #How the f**k will this be sent if it leaves all servers???