コード例 #1
def pickupSchedule():
    current_ts = Utils.getCurrentTimestamp()
    date = current_ts.split(' ')[0]

    # Order Pickup
    order_list = []
    cursor = mysql.connect().cursor()
    user_id_format_char = ",".join(["%s"] * len(Utils.getAdmins()))

        """SELECT COUNT(*) 
        FROM orders
        WHERE DATE(order_return) = %s AND order_id NOT IN
        (SELECT DISTINCT parent_id FROM orders) AND user_id NOT IN (""" +
        user_id_format_char + """)
        AND order_status >= 4""",
        tuple([date]) + tuple(Utils.getAdmins()))
    order_ids = cursor.fetchone()
    if order_ids[0] > 0:
        Utils.notifyAdmin(-1, "PICKUPS DUE TODAY!!")

        """SELECT COUNT(*)
        FROM b2b_users WHERE DATE(timestamp) = %s""",
        (Utils.getDefaultReturnTimestamp(current_ts, -21).split(' ')[0], ))
    order_ids = cursor.fetchone()
    if order_ids[0] > 0:
        Utils.notifyAdmin(-1, "B2B PICKUPS DUE!!")

    return None
コード例 #2
def returnDateExtensionReminder(): 
    current_timestamp = Utils.getCurrentTimestamp()
    return_date = Utils.getDefaultReturnTimestamp(current_timestamp, 3)

    cursor = mysql.connect().cursor()
    cursor.execute("""SELECT order_id, user_id
        FROM orders 
        WHERE DATE(order_return) = DATE('%s') AND order_status >=4 AND
        order_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT parent_id FROM orders) AND bought = 0
        """ % (return_date))
    num_items = cursor.rowcount

    for num in range(num_items):
        query_data = Utils.fetchOneAssoc(cursor)
        user = User(query_data['user_id'])
        print 'order_id:', query_data['order_id']
        notification_data = {
                "notification_id": 3,
                "entity_id": query_data['order_id'],
                "order_type": "borrow",
                "title": "3 Days Left to Return the Book",
                "message": "Not finised yet? Extend the reading period.",
                "expanded_text": "You can extend the reading period by going to the order's page in \"My Orders\".",
                "order_type": "borrow"
        #if int(query_data['user_id']) in Utils.getAdmins():
コード例 #3
def pickupTimeslot():
    current_timestamp = Utils.getCurrentTimestamp()
    return_date = Utils.getDefaultReturnTimestamp(current_timestamp, 1)

    cursor = mysql.connect().cursor()
    cursor.execute("""SELECT order_id, user_id, pickup_slot
            FROM orders
            WHERE DATE(order_return) = DATE('%s') AND order_status >=4 AND 
            order_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT parent_id FROM orders)
            """ % (return_date))
    num_items = cursor.rowcount

    for num in range(num_items):
        query_data = Utils.fetchOneAssoc(cursor)
        user = User(query_data['user_id'])

        ts = Order.getTimeSlot(query_data['pickup_slot'])
        ts = Utils.cleanTimeSlot(ts)

        notification_data = {
            "Return Date Tomorrow",
            "Would you like to extend your reading period?",
            "You can extend the reading period by going to the order's page in \"My Orders\". We'd contact you shortly to confirm your current pickup time: %s"
            % ts,
